import * as helpers from './../../utils/functions.helper.js';
const title = helpers.getTestString( 'CiteTest-title' );
describe( 'Visual Editor Cite Integration', () => {
before( () => {
cy.visit( '/index.php' );
const wikiText = 'This is reference #1: [This is citation #1 for reference #1 and #2]
' +
'This is reference #2:
' +
helpers.editPage( title, wikiText );
cy.window().then( async ( win ) => {
win.localStorage.setItem( 've-beta-welcome-dialog', 1 );
} );
} );
it( 'should edit and verify reference content in Visual Editor', () => {
helpers.visitTitle( title, { veaction: 'edit' } );
helpers.getVEFootnoteMarker( 'a', 1, 1 ).click();
// Popup appears containing ref content
.should( 'be.visible' )
.should( 'have.text', 'This is citation #1 for reference #1 and #2' );
// Open edit popup
cy.contains( '.oo-ui-buttonElement-button', 'Edit' ).click();
// Dialog appears with ref content
.should( 'be.visible' )
.should( 'have.text', 'This is citation #1 for reference #1 and #2' );
} );
} );