import * as helpers from '../utils/functions.helper.js';
const title = helpers.getTestString( 'CiteTest-title' );
describe( 'Cite backlinks test', () => {
before( () => {
helpers.visitTitle( '' );
const wikiText = 'This is reference #1: [This is citation #1 for reference #1 and #2]
' +
'This is reference #2:
' +
'This is reference #3: [This is citation #2]
' +
helpers.editPage( title, wikiText );
} );
beforeEach( () => {
helpers.visitTitle( title );
cy.window().should( '', 'mw' ).and( '', 'loader' ).and( '', 'using' );
cy.window().then( async ( win ) => {
await 'mediawiki.base' ).then( async function () {
await 'wikipage.content' ).add( function () {} );
} );
} );
} );
it( 'hides clickable up arrow by default when there are multiple backlinks', () => {
helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ).should( 'not.exist' );
} );
it( 'hides clickable up arrow when jumping back from multiple used references', () => {
helpers.getReference( 2 ).click();
helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ).click();
// The up-pointing arrow in the reference line is not linked
helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ).should( '' );
} );
it( 'shows clickable up arrow when jumping to multiple used references', () => {
helpers.getReference( 2 ).click();
helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ).should( 'be.visible' );
helpers.getFragmentFromLink( helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ) ).then( ( linkFragment ) => {
helpers.getReference( 2 ).invoke( 'attr', 'id' ).should( 'eq', linkFragment );
} );
} );
it( 'highlights backlink in the reference list for the clicked reference when there are multiple used references', () => {
cy.get( '.mw-page-title-main' ).should( 'be.visible' );
helpers.getReference( 2 ).click();
helpers.getCiteSubBacklink( 2 ).should( 'have.class', 'mw-cite-targeted-backlink' );
} );
it( 'uses the last clicked target for the clickable up arrow on multiple used references', () => {
helpers.getReference( 2 ).click();
helpers.getReference( 1 ).click();
helpers.getFragmentFromLink( helpers.getCiteMultiBacklink( 1 ) ).then( ( linkFragment ) => {
helpers.getReference( 1 ).invoke( 'attr', 'id' ).then( ( referenceId ) => {
expect( linkFragment ).to.equal( referenceId );
} );
} );
} );
it( 'retains backlink visibility for unnamed references when interacting with other references', () => {
helpers.getReference( 3 ).click();
helpers.getCiteSingleBacklink( 2 ).click();
// Doesn' matter what is focused next, just needs to be something else
helpers.getReference( 1 ).click();
// The backlink of the unnamed reference is still visible
helpers.getCiteSingleBacklink( 2 ).should( 'be.visible' );
} );
} );