[refactor] Parsoid: Rename and reorder some code for readability

Just some random variables I renamed. Mostly writing out what's
shortened. In some minor cases moving declarations a bit so they
are closer to the usage.

More stuff to follow.

Bug: T382232
Change-Id: I2b372f65e548074366652caf477b897fea2eeb0a
This commit is contained in:
WMDE-Fisch 2024-12-04 14:43:55 +01:00
parent c2dc9ca49d
commit b43b3546e8

View file

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
private function extractRefFromNode(
ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi, Element $node, ReferencesData $refsData
ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi, Element $node, ReferencesData $referencesData
): void {
$doc = $node->ownerDocument;
$errs = [];
@ -128,35 +128,35 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// This is data-parsoid from the dom fragment node that's gone through
// dsr computation and template wrapping.
$nodeDp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $node );
$isTplWrapper = DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $node, 'mw:Transclusion' );
$isTemplateWrapper = DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $node, 'mw:Transclusion' );
$contentId = $nodeDp->html;
$tplDmw = $isTplWrapper ? DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $node ) : null;
$templateDataMw = $isTemplateWrapper ? DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $node ) : null;
// This is the <sup> that's the meat of the sealed fragment
$c = $extApi->getContentDOM( $contentId )->firstChild;
DOMUtils::assertElt( $c );
$cDp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $c );
$refDmw = DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $c );
$refFragment = $extApi->getContentDOM( $contentId )->firstChild;
DOMUtils::assertElt( $refFragment );
$refFragmentDp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $refFragment );
$refDataMw = DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $refFragment );
// Use the about attribute on the wrapper with priority, since it's
// only added when the wrapper is a template sibling.
$about = DOMCompat::getAttribute( $node, 'about' ) ??
DOMCompat::getAttribute( $c, 'about' );
DOMCompat::getAttribute( $refFragment, 'about' );
'@phan-var string $about'; // assert that $about is non-null
// FIXME(SSS): Need to clarify semantics here.
// If both the containing <references> elt as well as the nested <ref>
// elt has a group attribute, what takes precedence?
$groupName = $refDmw->attrs->group ?? $refsData->referencesGroup;
$group = $refsData->getRefGroup( $groupName );
$groupName = $refDataMw->attrs->group ?? $referencesData->referencesGroup;
$refGroup = $referencesData->getRefGroup( $groupName );
if (
$refsData->inReferencesContent() &&
$groupName !== $refsData->referencesGroup
$referencesData->inReferencesContent() &&
$groupName !== $referencesData->referencesGroup
) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $refDmw->attrs->group ]
[ $refDataMw->attrs->group ]
@ -168,50 +168,45 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
'dir' => true
if ( array_diff_key( (array)$refDmw->attrs, $validAttributes ) !== [] ) {
if ( array_diff_key( (array)$refDataMw->attrs, $validAttributes ) !== [] ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys' );
// NOTE: This will have been trimmed in Utils::getExtArgInfo()'s call
// to TokenUtils::kvToHash() and ExtensionHandler::normalizeExtOptions()
$refName = $refDmw->attrs->name ?? '';
$followName = $refDmw->attrs->follow ?? '';
$refDir = strtolower( $refDmw->attrs->dir ?? '' );
$extendsRef = $refDmw->attrs->extends ?? null;
$refName = $refDataMw->attrs->name ?? '';
$followName = $refDataMw->attrs->follow ?? '';
$refDir = strtolower( $refDataMw->attrs->dir ?? '' );
$extendsRef = $refDataMw->attrs->extends ?? null;
// Add ref-index linkback
$linkBack = $doc->createElement( 'sup' );
$ref = null;
$hasRefName = strlen( $refName ) > 0;
$hasName = strlen( $refName ) > 0;
$hasFollow = strlen( $followName ) > 0;
$validFollow = false;
if ( $hasFollow ) {
// Always wrap follows content so that there's no ambiguity
// where to find it when roundtripping
$span = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $span, 'mw:Cite/Follow' );
$span->setAttribute( 'about', $about );
$followSpan = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $followSpan, 'mw:Cite/Follow' );
$followSpan->setAttribute( 'about', $about );
$doc->createTextNode( ' ' )
DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $c, $span );
$c->appendChild( $span );
DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $refFragment, $followSpan );
$refFragment->appendChild( $followSpan );
$html = '';
$contentDiffers = false;
$ref = null;
$refFragmentHtml = '';
$hasDifferingContent = false;
$hasValidFollow = false;
if ( $hasRefName ) {
if ( $hasName ) {
if ( $hasFollow ) {
// Presumably, "name" has higher precedence
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_ref_follow_conflicts' );
if ( isset( $group->indexByName[$refName] ) ) {
$ref = $group->indexByName[$refName];
if ( isset( $refGroup->indexByName[$refName] ) ) {
$ref = $refGroup->indexByName[$refName];
// If there are multiple <ref>s with the same name, but different content,
// the content of the first <ref> shows up in the <references> section.
// in order to ensure lossless RT-ing for later <refs>, we have to record
@ -222,14 +217,14 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
$refContent = $extApi->getContentDOM( $ref->contentId )->firstChild;
$ref->cachedHtml = $extApi->domToHtml( $refContent, true, false );
$html = $extApi->domToHtml( $c, true, false );
$contentDiffers = ( $html !== $ref->cachedHtml );
$refFragmentHtml = $extApi->domToHtml( $refFragment, true, false );
$hasDifferingContent = ( $refFragmentHtml !== $ref->cachedHtml );
} else {
if ( $refsData->inReferencesContent() ) {
if ( $referencesData->inReferencesContent() ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $refDmw->attrs->name ]
[ $refDataMw->attrs->name ]
@ -237,9 +232,9 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
if ( $hasFollow ) {
// This is a follows ref, so check that a named ref has already
// been defined
if ( isset( $group->indexByName[$followName] ) ) {
$validFollow = true;
$ref = $group->indexByName[$followName];
if ( isset( $refGroup->indexByName[$followName] ) ) {
$hasValidFollow = true;
$ref = $refGroup->indexByName[$followName];
} else {
// FIXME: This key isn't exactly appropriate since this
// is more general than just being in a <references>
@ -248,10 +243,10 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// equivalent key and just outputs something wacky.
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $refDmw->attrs->follow ]
[ $refDataMw->attrs->follow ]
} elseif ( $refsData->inReferencesContent() ) {
} elseif ( $referencesData->inReferencesContent() ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_references_no_key' );
@ -260,13 +255,13 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// Do this before possibly adding the a ref below or
// migrating contents out of $c if we have a valid follow
if ( empty( $cDp->empty ) && self::hasRef( $c ) ) {
if ( $contentDiffers ) {
if ( empty( $refFragmentDp->empty ) && self::hasRef( $refFragment ) ) {
if ( $hasDifferingContent ) {
$this->processRefs( $extApi, $refsData, $c );
if ( $contentDiffers ) {
$this->processRefs( $extApi, $referencesData, $refFragment );
if ( $hasDifferingContent ) {
// If we have refs and the content differs, we need to
// reserialize now that we processed the refs. Unfortunately,
// the cachedHtml we compared against already had its refs
@ -274,16 +269,19 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// always be considered a redefinition. The implementation for
// the legacy parser also considers this a redefinition so
// there is likely little content out there like this :)
$html = $extApi->domToHtml( $c, true, true );
$refFragmentHtml = $extApi->domToHtml( $refFragment, true, true );
if ( $validFollow ) {
// Add ref-index linkback
$linkBackSup = $doc->createElement( 'sup' );
if ( $hasValidFollow ) {
// Migrate content from the follow to the ref
if ( $ref->contentId ) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable False positive
$refContent = $extApi->getContentDOM( $ref->contentId )->firstChild;
DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $c, $refContent );
DOMUtils::migrateChildren( $refFragment, $refContent );
} else {
// Otherwise, we have a follow that comes after a named
// ref without content so use the follow fragment as
@ -297,19 +295,19 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// Even worse would be if it tried to redefine itself!
if ( !$ref ) {
$ref = $refsData->add( $extApi, $groupName, $refName, $extendsRef, $refDir );
$ref = $referencesData->add( $extApi, $groupName, $refName, $extendsRef, $refDir );
// Handle linkbacks
if ( $refsData->inEmbeddedContent() ) {
if ( $referencesData->inEmbeddedContent() ) {
$ref->embeddedNodes[] = $about;
} else {
$ref->nodes[] = $linkBack;
$ref->nodes[] = $linkBackSup;
$ref->linkbacks[] = $ref->key . '-' . count( $ref->linkbacks );
if ( isset( $refDmw->attrs->dir ) ) {
if ( isset( $refDataMw->attrs->dir ) ) {
if ( $refDir !== 'rtl' && $refDir !== 'ltr' ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_ref_invalid_dir', [ $refDir ] );
} elseif ( $ref->dir !== '' && $ref->dir !== $refDir ) {
@ -326,71 +324,71 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// Check for missing content, added ?? '' to fix T259676 crasher
// FIXME: See T260082 for a more complete description of cause and deeper fix
$missingContent = ( !empty( $cDp->empty ) || trim( $refDmw->body->extsrc ?? '' ) === '' );
$hasMissingContent = ( !empty( $refFragmentDp->empty ) || trim( $refDataMw->body->extsrc ?? '' ) === '' );
if ( $missingContent ) {
if ( $hasMissingContent ) {
// Check for missing name and content to generate error code
// In references content, refs should be used for definition so missing content
// is an error. It's possible that no name is present (!hasRefName), which also
// gets the error "cite_error_references_no_key" above, so protect against that.
if ( $refsData->inReferencesContent() ) {
if ( $referencesData->inReferencesContent() ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $refDmw->attrs->name ?? '', $refDmw->attrs->group ?? '' ]
[ $refDataMw->attrs->name ?? '', $refDataMw->attrs->group ?? '' ]
} elseif ( !$hasRefName ) {
if ( !empty( $cDp->selfClose ) ) {
} elseif ( !$hasName ) {
if ( !empty( $refFragmentDp->selfClose ) ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_ref_no_key' );
} else {
$errs[] = new DataMwError( 'cite_error_ref_no_input' );
if ( !empty( $cDp->selfClose ) ) {
unset( $refDmw->body );
if ( !empty( $refFragmentDp->selfClose ) ) {
unset( $refDataMw->body );
} else {
// Empty the <sup> since we've serialized its children and
// removing it below asserts everything has been migrated out
DOMCompat::replaceChildren( $c );
$refDmw->body = (object)[ 'html' => $refDmw->body->extsrc ?? '' ];
DOMCompat::replaceChildren( $refFragment );
$refDataMw->body = (object)[ 'html' => $refDataMw->body->extsrc ?? '' ];
} else {
if ( $ref->contentId && !$validFollow ) {
if ( $ref->contentId && !$hasValidFollow ) {
// Empty the <sup> since we've serialized its children and
// removing it below asserts everything has been migrated out
DOMCompat::replaceChildren( $c );
DOMCompat::replaceChildren( $refFragment );
if ( $contentDiffers ) {
if ( $hasDifferingContent ) {
// TODO: Since this error is being placed on the ref, the
// key should arguably be "cite_error_ref_duplicate_key"
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $refDmw->attrs->name ]
[ $refDataMw->attrs->name ]
$refDmw->body = (object)[ 'html' => $html ];
$refDataMw->body = (object)[ 'html' => $refFragmentHtml ];
} else {
$refDmw->body = (object)[ 'id' => 'mw-reference-text-' . $ref->target ];
$refDataMw->body = (object)[ 'id' => 'mw-reference-text-' . $ref->target ];
$class = 'mw-ref reference';
if ( $validFollow ) {
if ( $hasValidFollow ) {
$class .= ' mw-ref-follow';
$lastLinkback = $ref->linkbacks[count( $ref->linkbacks ) - 1] ?? null;
DOMUtils::addAttributes( $linkBack, [
$lastlinkBack = $ref->linkbacks[count( $ref->linkbacks ) - 1] ?? null;
DOMUtils::addAttributes( $linkBackSup, [
'about' => $about,
'class' => $class,
'id' => ( $refsData->inEmbeddedContent() || $validFollow ) ?
null : ( $ref->name ? $lastLinkback : $ref->id ),
'id' => ( $referencesData->inEmbeddedContent() || $hasValidFollow ) ?
null : ( $ref->name ? $lastlinkBack : $ref->id ),
'rel' => 'dc:references',
'typeof' => DOMCompat::getAttribute( $node, 'typeof' ),
DOMUtils::removeTypeOf( $linkBack, 'mw:DOMFragment/sealed/ref' );
DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $linkBack, 'mw:Extension/ref' );
DOMUtils::removeTypeOf( $linkBackSup, 'mw:DOMFragment/sealed/ref' );
DOMUtils::addTypeOf( $linkBackSup, 'mw:Extension/ref' );
$dataParsoid = new DataParsoid;
if ( isset( $nodeDp->src ) ) {
@ -402,15 +400,17 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
if ( isset( $nodeDp->pi ) ) {
$dataParsoid->pi = $nodeDp->pi;
DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $linkBack, $dataParsoid );
DOMDataUtils::setDataParsoid( $linkBackSup, $dataParsoid );
$dmw = $isTplWrapper ? $tplDmw : $refDmw;
DOMDataUtils::setDataMw( $linkBack, $dmw );
$isTemplateWrapper ? $templateDataMw : $refDataMw
// FIXME(T214241): Should the errors be added to data-mw if
// $isTplWrapper? Here and other calls to addErrorsToNode.
if ( $errs ) {
self::addErrorsToNode( $linkBack, $errs );
self::addErrorsToNode( $linkBackSup, $errs );
// refLink is the link to the citation
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
) );
$refLink->appendChild( $refLinkSpan );
$linkBack->appendChild( $refLink );
$linkBackSup->appendChild( $refLink );
// Checking if the <ref> is nested in a link
$aParent = DOMUtils::findAncestorOfName( $node, 'a' );
@ -447,31 +447,31 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
) {
$insertionPoint = $insertionPoint->nextSibling;
$aParent->parentNode->insertBefore( $linkBack, $insertionPoint );
$aParent->parentNode->insertBefore( $linkBackSup, $insertionPoint );
// set misnested to true and DSR to zero-sized to avoid round-tripping issues
$dsrOffset = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $aParent )->dsr->end ?? null;
// we created that node hierarchy above, so we know that it only contains these nodes,
// hence there's no need for a visitor
self::setMisnested( $linkBack, $dsrOffset );
self::setMisnested( $linkBackSup, $dsrOffset );
self::setMisnested( $refLink, $dsrOffset );
self::setMisnested( $refLinkSpan, $dsrOffset );
$parentAbout = DOMCompat::getAttribute( $aParent, 'about' );
if ( $parentAbout !== null ) {
$linkBack->setAttribute( 'about', $parentAbout );
$linkBackSup->setAttribute( 'about', $parentAbout );
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
} else {
// if not, we insert it where we planned in the first place
$node->parentNode->replaceChild( $linkBack, $node );
$node->parentNode->replaceChild( $linkBackSup, $node );
// Keep the first content to compare multiple <ref>s with the same name.
if ( $ref->contentId === null && !$missingContent ) {
if ( $ref->contentId === null && !$hasMissingContent ) {
$ref->contentId = $contentId;
// Use the dir parameter only from the full definition of a named ref tag
$ref->dir = $refDir;
} else {
DOMCompat::remove( $c );
DOMCompat::remove( $refFragment );
$extApi->clearContentDOM( $contentId );
@ -500,10 +500,10 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi, Element $refsNode,
ReferencesData $refsData, bool $autoGenerated = false
): void {
$isTplWrapper = DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $refsNode, 'mw:Transclusion' );
$dp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $refsNode );
$group = $dp->group ?? '';
$refGroup = $refsData->getRefGroup( $group );
$isTemplateWrapper = DOMUtils::hasTypeOf( $refsNode, 'mw:Transclusion' );
$nodeDp = DOMDataUtils::getDataParsoid( $refsNode );
$groupName = $nodeDp->group ?? '';
$refGroup = $refsData->getRefGroup( $groupName );
// Iterate through the ref list to back-patch typeof and data-mw error
// information into ref for errors only known at time of references
@ -511,14 +511,14 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// whereas embedded refs will be gathered for batch processing, since
// we need to parse embedded content to find them.
if ( $refGroup ) {
$autoGeneratedWithGroup = ( $autoGenerated && $group !== '' );
$autoGeneratedWithGroup = ( $autoGenerated && $groupName !== '' );
foreach ( $refGroup->refs as $ref ) {
$errs = [];
// Mark all refs that are part of a group that is autogenerated
if ( $autoGeneratedWithGroup ) {
$errs[] = new DataMwError(
[ $group ]
[ $groupName ]
// Mark all refs that are named without content
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
) )
if ( !$isTplWrapper ) {
if ( !$isTemplateWrapper ) {
$dataMw = DOMDataUtils::getDataMw( $refsNode );
// Mark this auto-generated so that we can skip this during
// html -> wt and so that clients can strip it if necessary.
@ -562,12 +562,12 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
$dataMw->autoGenerated = true;
} elseif ( $nestedRefsHTML ) {
$dataMw->body = (object)[ 'html' => "\n" . implode( $nestedRefsHTML ) ];
} elseif ( empty( $dp->selfClose ) ) {
} elseif ( empty( $nodeDp->selfClose ) ) {
$dataMw->body = (object)[ 'html' => '' ];
} else {
unset( $dataMw->body );
unset( $dp->selfClose );
unset( $nodeDp->selfClose );
// Deal with responsive wrapper
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// Remove the group from refsData
$refsData->removeRefGroup( $group );
$refsData->removeRefGroup( $groupName );
@ -606,16 +606,16 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
* the end of the DOM.
* @param ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi
* @param ReferencesData $refsData
* @param ReferencesData $referencesData
* @param Node $node
public function insertMissingReferencesIntoDOM(
ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi, ReferencesData $refsData, Node $node
ParsoidExtensionAPI $extApi, ReferencesData $referencesData, Node $node
): void {
$doc = $node->ownerDocument;
foreach ( $refsData->getRefGroups() as $groupName => $refsGroup ) {
foreach ( $referencesData->getRefGroups() as $groupName => $refsGroup ) {
$domFragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
$frag = $this->createReferences(
$refFragment = $this->createReferences(
@ -639,9 +639,9 @@ class References extends ExtensionTagHandler {
// Add a \n before the <ol> so that when serialized to wikitext,
// each <references /> tag appears on its own line.
$node->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( "\n" ) );
$node->appendChild( $frag );
$node->appendChild( $refFragment );
$this->insertReferencesIntoDOM( $extApi, $frag, $refsData, true );
$this->insertReferencesIntoDOM( $extApi, $refFragment, $referencesData, true );