optionManager = new OptionManager( $options, $config ); $this->config = $config; $this->dbProvider = $dbProvider; $this->linkRenderer = $linkRenderer; } /** * Add ResourceLoader modules to the OutputPage object */ public static function setHeaders( OutputPage $outputPage ): void { # Add the modules $outputPage->addModuleStyles( 'ext.categoryTree.styles' ); $outputPage->addModules( 'ext.categoryTree' ); } /** * Custom tag implementation. This is called by Hooks::parserHook, which is used to * load CategoryTree on demand. * @param string $category * @param bool $hideroot * @param array $attr * @param int $depth * @return bool|string */ public function getTag( string $category, bool $hideroot = false, array $attr = [], int $depth = 1 ) { $title = self::makeTitle( $category ); if ( !$title ) { return false; } if ( isset( $attr['class'] ) ) { $attr['class'] .= ' CategoryTreeTag'; } else { $attr['class'] = 'CategoryTreeTag'; } $attr['data-ct-options'] = $this->optionManager->getOptionsAsJsStructure(); if ( !$title->getArticleID() ) { $html = Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeNotice' ], wfMessage( 'categorytree-not-found' ) ->plaintextParams( $category ) ->parse() ); } else { if ( !$hideroot ) { $html = $this->renderNode( $title, $depth ); } else { $html = $this->renderChildren( $title, $depth ); } } return Html::rawElement( 'div', $attr, $html ); } /** * Returns a string with an HTML representation of the children of the given category. * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod,PhanUndeclaredClassInstanceof */ public function renderChildren( Title $title, int $depth = 1 ): string { if ( !$title->inNamespace( NS_CATEGORY ) ) { // Non-categories can't have children. :) return ''; } $dbr = $this->dbProvider->getReplicaDatabase(); $inverse = $this->optionManager->isInverse(); $mode = $this->optionManager->getOption( 'mode' ); $namespaces = $this->optionManager->getOption( 'namespaces' ); $queryBuilder = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder() ->select( [ 'page_id', 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_is_redirect', 'page_len', 'page_latest', 'cl_to', 'cl_from' ] ) ->orderBy( [ 'cl_type', 'cl_sortkey' ] ) ->limit( $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeMaxChildren' ) ) ->caller( __METHOD__ ); if ( $inverse ) { $queryBuilder ->from( 'categorylinks' ) ->leftJoin( 'page', null, [ 'cl_to = page_title', 'page_namespace' => NS_CATEGORY ] ) ->where( [ 'cl_from' => $title->getArticleID() ] ); } else { $queryBuilder ->from( 'page' ) ->join( 'categorylinks', null, 'cl_from = page_id' ) ->where( [ 'cl_to' => $title->getDBkey() ] ) ->useIndex( 'cl_sortkey' ); # namespace filter. if ( $namespaces ) { // NOTE: we assume that the $namespaces array contains only integers! // decodeNamepsaces makes it so. $queryBuilder->where( [ 'page_namespace' => $namespaces ] ); } elseif ( $mode !== CategoryTreeMode::ALL ) { if ( $mode === CategoryTreeMode::PAGES ) { $queryBuilder->where( [ 'cl_type' => [ 'page', 'subcat' ] ] ); } else { $queryBuilder->where( [ 'cl_type' => 'subcat' ] ); } } } # fetch member count if possible $doCount = !$inverse && $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeUseCategoryTable' ); if ( $doCount ) { $queryBuilder ->leftJoin( 'category', null, [ 'cat_title = page_title', 'page_namespace' => NS_CATEGORY ] ) ->fields( [ 'cat_id', 'cat_title', 'cat_subcats', 'cat_pages', 'cat_files' ] ); } $res = $queryBuilder->fetchResultSet(); # collect categories separately from other pages $categories = ''; $other = ''; $suppressTranslations = OptionManager::decodeBoolean( $this->optionManager->getOption( 'notranslations' ) ) && ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Translate' ); if ( $suppressTranslations ) { $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkBatchFactory()->newLinkBatch(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $row->page_title, $row->page_namespace ); // Page name could have slashes, check the subpage for valid language built-in codes if ( $title !== null && $title->getSubpageText() ) { $lb->addObj( $title->getBaseTitle() ); } } $lb->execute(); } foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $suppressTranslations ) { $title = Title::newFromRow( $row ); $baseTitle = $title->getBaseTitle(); $page = TranslatablePage::isTranslationPage( $title ); if ( ( $page instanceof TranslatablePage ) && $baseTitle->exists() ) { // T229265: Render only the default pages created and ignore their // translations. continue; } } # NOTE: in inverse mode, the page record may be null, because we use a right join. # happens for categories with no category page (red cat links) if ( $inverse && $row->page_title === null ) { $t = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $row->cl_to ); } else { # TODO: translation support; ideally added to Title object $t = Title::newFromRow( $row ); } $cat = null; if ( $doCount && (int)$row->page_namespace === NS_CATEGORY ) { $cat = Category::newFromRow( $row, $t ); } $s = $this->renderNodeInfo( $t, $cat, $depth - 1 ); if ( (int)$row->page_namespace === NS_CATEGORY ) { $categories .= $s; } else { $other .= $s; } } return $categories . $other; } /** * Returns a string with an HTML representation of the parents of the given category. */ public function renderParents( Title $title ): string { $dbr = $this->dbProvider->getReplicaDatabase(); $res = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder() ->select( 'cl_to' ) ->from( 'categorylinks' ) ->where( [ 'cl_from' => $title->getArticleID() ] ) ->limit( $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeMaxChildren' ) ) ->orderBy( 'cl_to' ) ->caller( __METHOD__ ) ->fetchResultSet(); $special = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'CategoryTree' ); $s = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $t = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, $row->cl_to ); $s[] = Html::rawElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeItem' ], $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $special, $t->getText(), [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeLabel' ], [ 'target' => $t->getDBkey() ] + $this->optionManager->getOptions() ) ); } return implode( wfMessage( 'pipe-separator' )->escaped(), $s ); } /** * Returns a string with a HTML represenation of the given page. * @param Title $title * @param int $children * @return string */ public function renderNode( Title $title, int $children = 0 ): string { if ( $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeUseCategoryTable' ) && $title->inNamespace( NS_CATEGORY ) && !$this->optionManager->isInverse() ) { $cat = Category::newFromTitle( $title ); } else { $cat = null; } return $this->renderNodeInfo( $title, $cat, $children ); } /** * Returns a string with a HTML represenation of the given page. * $info must be an associative array, containing at least a Title object under the 'title' key. */ public function renderNodeInfo( Title $title, ?Category $cat = null, int $children = 0 ): string { $mode = $this->optionManager->getOption( 'mode' ); $isInCatNS = $title->inNamespace( NS_CATEGORY ); $key = $title->getDBkey(); $hideprefix = $this->optionManager->getOption( 'hideprefix' ); if ( $hideprefix === CategoryTreeHidePrefix::ALWAYS ) { $hideprefix = true; } elseif ( $hideprefix === CategoryTreeHidePrefix::AUTO ) { $hideprefix = ( $mode === CategoryTreeMode::CATEGORIES ); } elseif ( $hideprefix === CategoryTreeHidePrefix::CATEGORIES ) { $hideprefix = $isInCatNS; } else { $hideprefix = true; } // when showing only categories, omit namespace in label unless we explicitely defined the // configuration setting // patch contributed by Manuel Schneider , Bug 8011 if ( $hideprefix ) { $label = $title->getText(); } else { $label = $title->getPrefixedText(); } $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); $link = Html::rawElement( 'bdi', [ 'dir' => $contLang->getDir() ], $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $title, $label ) ); $count = false; $s = ''; # NOTE: things in CategoryTree.js rely on the exact order of tags! # Specifically, the CategoryTreeChildren div must be the first # sibling with nodeName = DIV of the grandparent of the expland link. $s .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeSection' ] ); $s .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeItem' ] ); $attr = [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeBullet' ]; if ( $isInCatNS ) { if ( $cat ) { if ( $mode === CategoryTreeMode::CATEGORIES ) { $count = $cat->getSubcatCount(); } elseif ( $mode === CategoryTreeMode::PAGES ) { $count = $cat->getMemberCount() - $cat->getFileCount(); } else { $count = $cat->getMemberCount(); } } if ( $count === 0 ) { $bullet = ''; $attr['class'] = 'CategoryTreeEmptyBullet'; } else { $linkattr = [ // href and role will be added client-side 'class' => 'CategoryTreeToggle', 'data-ct-title' => $key, 'href' => $title->getLocalURL(), ]; if ( $children === 0 ) { $linkattr['aria-expanded'] = 'false'; } else { $linkattr['data-ct-loaded'] = true; $linkattr['aria-expanded'] = 'true'; } $bullet = Html::element( 'a', $linkattr ) . ' '; } } else { $bullet = ''; $attr['class'] = 'CategoryTreePageBullet'; } $s .= Html::rawElement( 'span', $attr, $bullet ) . ' '; $s .= $link; if ( $count !== false && $this->optionManager->getOption( 'showcount' ) ) { $s .= self::createCountString( RequestContext::getMain(), $cat, $count ); } $s .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ); $s .= Html::openElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeChildren', 'style' => $children === 0 ? 'display:none' : null ] ); if ( $isInCatNS && $children > 0 ) { $children = $this->renderChildren( $title, $children ); if ( $children === '' ) { switch ( $mode ) { case CategoryTreeMode::CATEGORIES: $msg = 'categorytree-no-subcategories'; break; case CategoryTreeMode::PAGES: $msg = 'categorytree-no-pages'; break; case CategoryTreeMode::PARENTS: $msg = 'categorytree-no-parent-categories'; break; default: $msg = 'categorytree-nothing-found'; break; } $children = Html::element( 'i', [ 'class' => 'CategoryTreeNotice' ], wfMessage( $msg )->text() ); } $s .= $children; } $s .= Html::closeElement( 'div' ) . Html::closeElement( 'div' ); return $s; } /** * Create a string which format the page, subcat and file counts of a category */ public static function createCountString( IContextSource $context, ?Category $cat, int $countMode ): string { $allCount = $cat ? $cat->getMemberCount() : 0; $subcatCount = $cat ? $cat->getSubcatCount() : 0; $fileCount = $cat ? $cat->getFileCount() : 0; $pages = $cat ? $cat->getPageCount( Category::COUNT_CONTENT_PAGES ) : 0; $attr = [ 'title' => $context->msg( 'categorytree-member-counts' ) ->numParams( $subcatCount, $pages, $fileCount, $allCount, $countMode )->text(), # numbers and commas get messed up in a mixed dir env 'dir' => $context->getLanguage()->getDir() ]; # Create a list of category members with only non-zero member counts $memberNums = []; if ( $subcatCount ) { $memberNums[] = $context->msg( 'categorytree-num-categories' ) ->numParams( $subcatCount )->text(); } if ( $pages ) { $memberNums[] = $context->msg( 'categorytree-num-pages' )->numParams( $pages )->text(); } if ( $fileCount ) { $memberNums[] = $context->msg( 'categorytree-num-files' ) ->numParams( $fileCount )->text(); } $memberNumsShort = $memberNums ? $context->getLanguage()->commaList( $memberNums ) : $context->msg( 'categorytree-num-empty' )->text(); # Only $5 is actually used in the default message. # Other arguments can be used in a customized message. $s = ' ' . Html::rawElement( 'span', $attr, $context->msg( 'categorytree-member-num' ) // Do not use numParams on params 1-4, as they are only used for customisation. ->params( $subcatCount, $pages, $fileCount, $allCount, $memberNumsShort ) ->escaped() ); return $s; } /** * Creates a Title object from a user provided (and thus unsafe) string */ public static function makeTitle( string $title ): ?Title { $title = trim( $title ); if ( $title === '' ) { return null; } # The title must be in the category namespace # Ignore a leading Category: if there is one $t = Title::newFromText( $title, NS_CATEGORY ); if ( !$t || !$t->inNamespace( NS_CATEGORY ) || $t->isExternal() ) { // If we were given something like "Wikipedia:Foo" or "Template:", // try it again but forced. $title = "Category:$title"; $t = Title::newFromText( $title ); } return $t; } }