config = $config; // ensure default values and order of options. // Order may become important, it may influence the cache key! foreach ( $config->get( 'CategoryTreeDefaultOptions' ) as $option => $default ) { $this->mOptions[$option] = $options[$option] ?? $default; } $this->mOptions['mode'] = $this->decodeMode( $this->mOptions['mode'] ); if ( $this->mOptions['mode'] === CategoryTreeMode::PARENTS ) { // namespace filter makes no sense with CategoryTreeMode::PARENTS $this->mOptions['namespaces'] = false; } $this->mOptions['hideprefix'] = $this->decodeHidePrefix( $this->mOptions['hideprefix'] ); $this->mOptions['showcount'] = self::decodeBoolean( $this->mOptions['showcount'] ); $this->mOptions['namespaces'] = self::decodeNamespaces( $this->mOptions['namespaces'] ); if ( $this->mOptions['namespaces'] ) { # automatically adjust mode to match namespace filter if ( count( $this->mOptions['namespaces'] ) === 1 && $this->mOptions['namespaces'][0] === NS_CATEGORY ) { $this->mOptions['mode'] = CategoryTreeMode::CATEGORIES; } elseif ( !in_array( NS_FILE, $this->mOptions['namespaces'] ) ) { $this->mOptions['mode'] = CategoryTreeMode::PAGES; } else { $this->mOptions['mode'] = CategoryTreeMode::ALL; } } } public function getOptions(): array { return $this->mOptions; } /** * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function getOption( string $name ) { return $this->mOptions[$name]; } public function isInverse(): bool { return $this->getOption( 'mode' ) === CategoryTreeMode::PARENTS; } /** * @param mixed $nn * @return array|bool */ private static function decodeNamespaces( $nn ) { if ( $nn === false || $nn === null ) { return false; } if ( !is_array( $nn ) ) { $nn = preg_split( '![\s#:|]+!', $nn ); } $namespaces = []; $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); foreach ( $nn as $n ) { if ( is_int( $n ) ) { $ns = $n; } else { $n = trim( $n ); if ( $n === '' ) { continue; } $lower = strtolower( $n ); if ( is_numeric( $n ) ) { $ns = (int)$n; } elseif ( $n === '-' || $n === '_' || $n === '*' || $lower === 'main' ) { $ns = NS_MAIN; } else { $ns = $contLang->getNsIndex( $n ); } } if ( is_int( $ns ) ) { $namespaces[] = $ns; } } # get elements into canonical order sort( $namespaces ); return $namespaces; } /** * @param mixed $mode * @return int|string */ private function decodeMode( $mode ) { $defaultOptions = $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeDefaultOptions' ); if ( $mode === null ) { return $defaultOptions['mode']; } if ( is_int( $mode ) ) { return $mode; } $mode = trim( strtolower( $mode ) ); if ( is_numeric( $mode ) ) { return (int)$mode; } if ( $mode === 'all' ) { $mode = CategoryTreeMode::ALL; } elseif ( $mode === 'pages' ) { $mode = CategoryTreeMode::PAGES; } elseif ( $mode === 'categories' || $mode === 'sub' ) { $mode = CategoryTreeMode::CATEGORIES; } elseif ( $mode === 'parents' || $mode === 'super' || $mode === 'inverse' ) { $mode = CategoryTreeMode::PARENTS; } elseif ( $mode === 'default' ) { $mode = $defaultOptions['mode']; } return (int)$mode; } /** * Helper function to convert a string to a boolean value. * Perhaps make this a global function in MediaWiki proper * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ public static function decodeBoolean( $value ): bool { if ( $value === null ) { return false; } if ( is_bool( $value ) ) { return $value; } if ( is_int( $value ) ) { return ( $value > 0 ); } $value = trim( strtolower( $value ) ); if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { return ( (int)$value > 0 ); } if ( $value === 'yes' || $value === 'y' || $value === 'true' || $value === 't' || $value === 'on' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @param mixed $value * @return int|string */ private function decodeHidePrefix( $value ) { $defaultOptions = $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeDefaultOptions' ); if ( $value === null ) { return $defaultOptions['hideprefix']; } if ( is_int( $value ) ) { return $value; } if ( $value === true ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::ALWAYS; } if ( $value === false ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::NEVER; } $value = trim( strtolower( $value ) ); if ( $value === 'yes' || $value === 'y' || $value === 'true' || $value === 't' || $value === 'on' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::ALWAYS; } elseif ( $value === 'no' || $value === 'n' || $value === 'false' || $value === 'f' || $value === 'off' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::NEVER; } elseif ( $value === 'always' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::ALWAYS; } elseif ( $value === 'never' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::NEVER; } elseif ( $value === 'auto' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::AUTO; } elseif ( $value === 'categories' || $value === 'category' || $value === 'smart' ) { return CategoryTreeHidePrefix::CATEGORIES; } else { return $defaultOptions['hideprefix']; } } /** * @param array $options * @param string $enc * @return mixed */ private static function encodeOptions( array $options, string $enc ) { if ( $enc === 'mode' || $enc === '' ) { $opt = $options['mode']; } elseif ( $enc === 'json' ) { $opt = FormatJson::encode( $options ); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Unknown encoding for CategoryTree options: ' . $enc ); } return $opt; } /** * @param int|null $depth * @return string */ public function getOptionsAsCacheKey( ?int $depth = null ): string { $key = ''; foreach ( $this->mOptions as $k => $v ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { $v = implode( '|', $v ); } $key .= $k . ':' . $v . ';'; } if ( $depth !== null ) { $key .= ';depth=' . $depth; } return $key; } /** * @param int|null $depth * @return mixed */ public function getOptionsAsJsStructure( ?int $depth = null ) { $opt = $this->mOptions; if ( $depth !== null ) { $opt['depth'] = $depth; } return self::encodeOptions( $opt, 'json' ); } /** * Internal function to cap depth * @param int $depth * @return int */ public function capDepth( int $depth ): int { $mode = $this->getOption( 'mode' ); $maxDepth = $this->config->get( 'CategoryTreeMaxDepth' ); if ( is_array( $maxDepth ) ) { $max = $maxDepth[$mode] ?? 1; } elseif ( is_numeric( $maxDepth ) ) { $max = $maxDepth; } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': $wgCategoryTreeMaxDepth is invalid.' ); $max = 1; } return min( $depth, $max ); } }