Daniel Kinzler
introducing onlyroot option (and removing obsolete email address)
2007-03-13 11:39:12 +00:00
Nick Jenkins
Adding some var prefixes to variable declarations, as per http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Statements:var
2006-10-10 06:27:07 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
Use "expand" instead of "load" label, even if the node is not yet loaded. Users don't care about the difference, it just causes confusion.
2006-09-04 11:39:45 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
use separate "nothing found" messages for each mode (categories, pages, all)
2006-09-03 23:20:08 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
Workaround for 7219: Safari doesn't like empty HTTP responses.
2006-09-03 21:44:47 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
updated CategoryTree extension to work with new ajax interface
2006-08-29 15:49:23 +00:00
Tim Starling
* Incorporated tree display into the default category page view
* Implemented memcached caching for ajax requests with invalidation via page_touched
* General refactoring, moved some global functions into a class
* Lazy initialisation of messages, initialise the <head> section in the output only when a categorytree tag is present.
* Eliminated all $wgUser and $wgLang accesses from ajax requests, using message placeholders.
* Added speak:none style in .CategoryTreeBullet in case voice browsers try to read out the punctuation
2006-08-24 17:12:13 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
Fixes for CategoryTreeExtension: Implemented dynamic load with hide-root,
postpone on-demand JS/CSS until ParserOutput supports it. Fixed some glitches.
2006-07-29 09:18:34 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
Made DOM navigation in CategoryTree.js resilient to text nodes injected by tidy et.al.
2006-07-27 07:32:05 +00:00
Daniel Kinzler
Adding Ajax based CategoryTree extension.
Pending: internationalization
(weeee... first commit to the MW repository... thanks Tim!)
2006-07-26 17:12:30 +00:00