message documentation (qqq)

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kinzler 2008-07-19 13:28:13 +00:00
parent 2ed88be6ff
commit 74cae8bf81

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@ -10,6 +10,59 @@
$messages = array();
/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
* @author Александр Сигачёв
* @author Jon Harald Søby
$messages['qqq'] = array(
'categorytree' => 'Title of Special:CategoryTree',
'categorytree-portlet' => 'Title for the CategoryPortlet, when shown in the side bar',
'categorytree-legend' => 'Legend for the fieldset on Special:CategoryTree, especially for use by screen readers',
'categorytree-desc' => 'Short description of the CategoryTree extension, shown on Special:Version',
'categorytree-header' => 'Header-text shown on Special:CategoryTree',
'categorytree-category' => 'Label for the category input field on Special:CategoryTree',
'categorytree-go' => 'Label for the submit button on Special:CategoryTree',
'categorytree-parents' => 'Label for the list of parent categories on Special:CategoryTree',
'categorytree-mode-categories' => 'Item for the mode choice on Special:CategoryTree, indicating that only categories are listed',
'categorytree-mode-pages' => 'Item for the mode choice on Special:CategoryTree, indicating that no images are categories are listed',
'categorytree-mode-all' => 'Item for the mode choice on Special:CategoryTree, indicating that all pages are listed',
'categorytree-collapse' => 'Tooltip for the "collapse" button',
'categorytree-expand' => 'Tooltip for the "expend" button',
'categorytree-collapse-bullet' => 'Visible form of the "collapse" button (symbolic, do not translate)', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages
'categorytree-expand-bullet' => 'Visible form of the "expand" button (symbolic, do not translate)', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages
'categorytree-empty-bullet' => 'Visible form of the "expand" button for empty branches (symbolic, do not translate)', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages
'categorytree-page-bullet' => 'Visible bullet for non-category items in the tree (symbolic, do not translate)', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages
'categorytree-member-counts' => 'Tooltip showing a detailed summary of subcategory member counts. Parameters:
$1 = number of subcategories,
$2 = number of pages (without subcategories and images),
$3 = number of images,
$4 = total number of members,
$5 = members to be shown in the tree, depending on mode.
Use with { {PLURAL} }',
'categorytree-member-num' => 'Short summary of subcategory member counts, to be shown inline.
Usually numeric, translation should not be neccessary. Parameters:
$1 = number of subcategories,
$2 = number of pages (without subcategories and images),
$3 = number of images,
$4 = total number of members,
$5 = members to be shown in the tree, depending on mode.
Use with { {PLURAL} }', # do not translate or duplicate this message to other languages
'categorytree-load' => 'Tooltip for the "expend" button, if the content was not yet loaded',
'categorytree-loading' => 'Status message shown while loading content',
'categorytree-nothing-found' => 'Indicates items with matching criteria have been found',
'categorytree-no-subcategories' => 'Indicates that there are no subcategories to be shown',
'categorytree-no-parent-categories' => 'Indicates that there are no parent categories to be shown',
'categorytree-no-pages' => 'Indicates that there are no pages or subcategories to be shown',
'categorytree-not-found' => 'Indicates that the given category ($1) was not found',
'categorytree-error' => 'Indicates that an error has occurred while loading the node\'s content',
'categorytree-retry' => 'Instruction to try again later',
/** English
* @author Daniel Kinzler,