cenarium 8bf9c62cbe Don't define tags from deleted filters
Tags from deleted filters are excluded when the list of tags
is fetched. So they aren't defined by the extension and can
be deleted. They are excluded in all cases just to be sure.

Bug: T90349
Change-Id: I41ec5203f689b4eb6ccf1f85ca9560a8c272705c
2015-02-26 03:50:14 +01:00

706 lines
22 KiB

class AbuseFilterHooks {
static $successful_action_vars = false;
/** @var WikiPage|Article|bool */
static $last_edit_page = false; // make sure edit filter & edit save hooks match
// So far, all of the error message out-params for these hooks accept HTML.
// Hooray!
* Entry point for the APIEditBeforeSave hook.
* This is needed to give a useful error for API edits (Bug 32216)
* @see
* @param EditPage $editPage
* @param string $text New text of the article (has yet to be saved)
* @param array &$result Data in this array will be added to the API result
* @return bool
public static function onAPIEditBeforeSave( $editPage, $text, &$result ) {
$context = $editPage->mArticle->getContext();
$status = Status::newGood();
$minoredit = $editPage->minoredit;
$summary = $editPage->summary;
// poor man's PST, see bug 20310
$text = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $text );
self::filterEdit( $context, null, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$msg = $status->getErrorsArray();
$msg = $msg[0];
// Use the error message key name as error code, the first parameter is the filter description.
if ( $msg instanceof Message ) {
// For forward compatibility: In case we switch over towards using Message objects someday.
// (see the todo for AbuseFilter::buildStatus)
$code = $msg->getKey();
$filterDescription = $msg->getParams();
$filterDescription = $filterDescription[0];
$warning = $msg->parse();
} else {
$code = array_shift( $msg );
$filterDescription = $msg[0];
$warning = wfMessage( $code )->params( $msg )->parse();
$result = array(
'code' => $code,
'info' => 'Hit AbuseFilter: ' . $filterDescription,
'warning' => $warning
return $status->isOK();
* Entry points for MediaWiki hook 'EditFilterMerged' (MW 1.20 and earlier)
* @param $editor EditPage instance (object)
* @param $text string Content of the edit box
* @param &$error string Error message to return
* @param $summary string Edit summary for page
* @return bool
public static function onEditFilterMerged( $editor, $text, &$error, $summary ) {
$context = $editor->mArticle->getContext();
$status = Status::newGood();
$minoredit = $editor->minoredit;
// poor man's PST, see bug 20310
$text = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $text );
$continue = self::filterEdit( $context, null, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$error = $status->getWikiText();
return $continue;
* Entry points for MediaWiki hook 'EditFilterMergedContent' (MW 1.21 and later)
* @param IContextSource $context the context of the edit
* @param Content $content the new Content generated by the edit
* @param Status $status Error message to return
* @param string $summary Edit summary for page
* @param User $user the user performing the edit
* @param bool $minoredit whether this is a minor edit according to the user.
* @return bool
public static function onEditFilterMergedContent( IContextSource $context, Content $content,
Status $status, $summary, User $user, $minoredit ) {
$text = AbuseFilter::contentToString( $content, Revision::RAW );
$continue = self::filterEdit( $context, $content, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit );
return $continue;
* Common implementation for the APIEditBeforeSave, EditFilterMerged
* and EditFilterMergedContent hooks.
* @param IContextSource $context the context of the edit
* @param Content|null $content the new Content generated by the edit
* @param string $text new page content (subject of filtering)
* @param Status $status Error message to return
* @param string $summary Edit summary for page
* @param bool $minoredit whether this is a minor edit according to the user.
* @return bool
public static function filterEdit( IContextSource $context, $content, $text,
Status $status, $summary, $minoredit ) {
// Load vars
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder();
$title = $context->getTitle();
// Some edits are running through multiple hooks, but we only want to filter them once
if ( isset( $title->editAlreadyFiltered ) ) {
return true;
} elseif ( $title ) {
$title->editAlreadyFiltered = true;
self::$successful_action_vars = false;
self::$last_edit_page = false;
$user = $context->getUser();
$oldtext = '';
if ( ( $title instanceof Title ) && $title->canExist() && $title->exists() ) {
// Make sure we load the latest text saved in database (bug 31656)
$page = $context->getWikiPage();
$revision = $page->getRevision();
if ( !$revision ) {
return true;
if ( defined( 'MW_SUPPORTS_CONTENTHANDLER' ) ) {
$oldcontent = $revision->getContent( Revision::RAW );
$oldtext = AbuseFilter::contentToString( $oldcontent );
} else {
$oldtext = AbuseFilter::revisionToString( $revision, Revision::RAW );
// Cache article object so we can share a parse operation
$articleCacheKey = $title->getNamespace() . ':' . $title->getText();
AFComputedVariable::$articleCache[$articleCacheKey] = $page;
// Don't trigger for null edits.
if ( $content && isset( $oldcontent ) && $content->equals( $oldcontent ) ) {
// Compare Content objects if available
return true;
} elseif ( strcmp( $oldtext, $text ) == 0 ) {
// Otherwise, compare strings
return true;
} else {
$page = null;
AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $user ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $title , 'ARTICLE' )
$vars->setVar( 'action', 'edit' );
$vars->setVar( 'summary', $summary );
$vars->setVar( 'minor_edit', $minoredit );
$vars->setVar( 'old_wikitext', $oldtext );
$vars->setVar( 'new_wikitext', $text );
// TODO: set old_content and new_content vars, use them
$vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::getEditVars( $title, $page ) );
$filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $title );
if ( !$filter_result->isOK() ) {
$status->merge( $filter_result );
return true; // re-show edit form
self::$successful_action_vars = $vars;
self::$last_edit_page = $page;
return true;
public static function onArticleSaveComplete(
&$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, $watchthis, $sectionanchor,
&$flags, $revision
) {
if ( ! self::$successful_action_vars || ! $revision ) {
self::$successful_action_vars = false;
return true;
$vars = self::$successful_action_vars;
if ( $vars->getVar('article_prefixedtext')->toString() !==
) {
return true;
if ( !self::identicalPageObjects( $article, self::$last_edit_page ) ) {
return true; // this isn't the edit $successful_action_vars was set for
self::$last_edit_page = false;
if ( $vars->getVar('local_log_ids') ) {
// Now actually do our storage
$log_ids = $vars->getVar('local_log_ids')->toNative();
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
if ( count($log_ids) ) {
$dbw->update( 'abuse_filter_log',
array( 'afl_rev_id' => $revision->getId() ),
array( 'afl_id' => $log_ids ),
if ( $vars->getVar('global_log_ids') ) {
$log_ids = $vars->getVar('global_log_ids')->toNative();
if ( count($log_ids) ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB;
$fdb = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER, array(), $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB );
$fdb->update( 'abuse_filter_log',
array( 'afl_rev_id' => $revision->getId() ),
array( 'afl_id' => $log_ids, 'afl_wiki' => wfWikiId() ),
return true;
* Check if two article objects are identical or have an identical WikiPage
* @param $page1 Article|WikiPage
* @param $page2 Article|WikiPage
* @return bool
protected static function identicalPageObjects( $page1, $page2 ) {
if ( method_exists('Article', 'getPage') ) {
$wpage1 = ( $page1 instanceof Article ) ? $page1->getPage() : $page1;
$wpage2 = ( $page2 instanceof Article ) ? $page2->getPage() : $page2;
return ( $wpage1 === $wpage2 );
} else { // b/c for before WikiPage
return ( $page1 === $page2 ); // should be two Article objects
* @param $user
* @param $promote
* @return bool
public static function onGetAutoPromoteGroups( $user, &$promote ) {
global $wgMemc;
$key = AbuseFilter::autoPromoteBlockKey( $user );
if ( $wgMemc->get( $key ) ) {
$promote = array();
return true;
public static function onMovePageCheckPermissions( Title $oldTitle, Title $newTitle, User $user, $reason, Status $status ) {
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder;
AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $user ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $oldTitle, 'MOVED_FROM' ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $newTitle, 'MOVED_TO' )
$vars->setVar( 'SUMMARY', $reason );
$vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'move' );
$result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $oldTitle );
$status->merge( $result );
return $result->isOK();
* @param $oldTitle Title
* @param $newTitle Title
* @param $user User
* @param $error
* @param $reason
* @return bool
public static function onAbortMove( $oldTitle, $newTitle, $user, &$error, $reason ) {
global $wgUser;
// HACK: This is a secret userright so system actions
// can bypass AbuseFilter. Should not be assigned to
// normal users. This should be turned into a proper
// userright in bug 67936.
if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-bypass' ) ) {
return true;
$status = new Status();
self::onMovePageCheckPermissions( $oldTitle, $newTitle, $wgUser, $reason, $status );
if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
$error = $status->getHTML();
return $status->isOK();
* @param $article Article
* @param $user User
* @param $reason string
* @param $error
* @param $status
* @return bool
public static function onArticleDelete( &$article, &$user, &$reason, &$error, &$status ) {
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder;
global $wgUser;
AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $article->getTitle(), 'ARTICLE' )
$vars->setVar( 'SUMMARY', $reason );
$vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'delete' );
$filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $article->getTitle() );
$status->merge( $filter_result );
$error = $filter_result->isOK() ? '' : $filter_result->getHTML();
return $filter_result->isOK();
* @param $user User
* @param $message
* @param $autocreate bool Indicates whether the account is created automatically.
* @return bool
private static function checkNewAccount( $user, &$message, $autocreate ) {
if ( $user->getName() == wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blocker' )->inContentLanguage()->text() ) {
$message = wfMessage( 'abusefilter-accountreserved' )->text();
return false;
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder;
// Add variables only for a registered user, so IP addresses of
// new users won't be exposed
global $wgUser;
if ( $wgUser->getId() ) {
$vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ) );
$vars->setVar( 'ACTION', $autocreate ? 'autocreateaccount' : 'createaccount' );
$vars->setVar( 'ACCOUNTNAME', $user->getName() );
$filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction(
$vars, SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ) );
$message = $filter_result->isOK() ? '' : $filter_result->getWikiText();
return $filter_result->isOK();
* @param $user User
* @param $message
* @return bool
public static function onAbortNewAccount( $user, &$message ) {
return self::checkNewAccount( $user, $message, false );
* @param $user User
* @param $message
* @return bool
public static function onAbortAutoAccount( $user, &$message ) {
return self::checkNewAccount( $user, $message, true );
* @param $recentChange RecentChange
* @return bool
public static function onRecentChangeSave( $recentChange ) {
$title = Title::makeTitle(
$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_namespace' ),
$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_title' )
$action = $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] ?
$recentChange->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] : 'edit';
$actionID = implode( '-', array(
$title->getPrefixedText(), $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_user_text'], $action
) );
if ( !empty( AbuseFilter::$tagsToSet[$actionID] )
&& count( $tags = AbuseFilter::$tagsToSet[$actionID] ) )
return true;
* @param array $tags
* @param bool $enabled
* @return bool
private static function fetchAllTags( array &$tags, $enabled ) {
# This is a pretty awful hack.
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$where = array( 'afa_consequence' => 'tag', 'af_deleted' => false );
if ( $enabled ) {
$where['af_enabled'] = true;
$res = $dbr->select(
array( 'abuse_filter_action', 'abuse_filter' ),
array( 'abuse_filter' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'afa_filter=af_id' ) )
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$tags = array_filter(
array_merge( explode( "\n", $row->afa_parameters ), $tags )
return true;
* @param array $tags
* @return bool
public static function onListDefinedTags( array &$tags ) {
return self::fetchAllTags( $tags, false );
* @param array $tags
* @return bool
public static function onChangeTagsListActive( array &$tags ) {
return self::fetchAllTags( $tags, true );
* @param $updater DatabaseUpdater
* @throws MWException
* @return bool
public static function onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates( $updater = null ) {
$dir = dirname( __FILE__ );
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' || $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'sqlite' ) {
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/abusefilter.tables.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/patch-abuse_filter_history.sql", true ) );
} else {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/abusefilter.tables.sqlite.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/patch-abuse_filter_history.sqlite.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter_history', 'afh_changed_fields', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afh_changed_fields.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_deleted', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_deleted.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_actions', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_actions.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_global', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_filters.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_rev_id', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl_action_id.sql", true ) );
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'filter_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-fix-indexes.sql", true ) );
} else {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_filter_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-fix-indexes.sqlite.sql", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array('addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_group', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_group.sql", true ) );
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'wiki_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_logging_wiki-index.sql", true ) );
} else {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_wiki_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_logging_wiki-index.sqlite.sql", true ) );
if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'modifyField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl-namespace_int.sql", true ) );
} else {
//$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'modifyField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl-namespace_int.sqlite.sql", true ) );
TODO: modify a column in sqlite, which do not support such things
create backup, drop, create with new schema, copy, drop backup
or simply see :
Several extensions are known to have database update or installation issues with SQLite: AbuseFilter, ...
} elseif ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'postgres' ) {
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/", true ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_actions', "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''" ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_deleted', 'SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_global', 'SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_wiki', 'TEXT' ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_deleted', 'SMALLINT' ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'changeField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_filter', 'TEXT', '' ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgExtIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'abuse_filter_log_ip', "(afl_ip)" ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgExtIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'abuse_filter_log_wiki', "(afl_wiki)" ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'changeField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "INTEGER" ) );
$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( array( __CLASS__, 'createAbuseFilterUser' ) ) );
return true;
* Updater callback to create the AbuseFilter user after the user tables have been updated.
* @param $updater DatabaseUpdater
public static function createAbuseFilterUser( $updater ) {
$user = User::newFromName( wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blocker' )->inContentLanguage()->text() );
if ( $user && !$updater->updateRowExists( 'create abusefilter-blocker-user' ) ) {
if ( !$user->getId() ) {
# Increment site_stats.ss_users
$ssu = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
} else {
// Sorry dude, we need this account.
$user->setPassword( null );
$user->setEmail( null );
$updater->insertUpdateRow( 'create abusefilter-blocker-user' );
# Promote user so it doesn't look too crazy.
$user->addGroup( 'sysop' );
* @param $id
* @param $nt Title
* @param $tools
* @return bool
public static function onContributionsToolLinks( $id, $nt, &$tools ) {
global $wgUser;
if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-log' ) ) {
$tools[] = Linker::link(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'AbuseLog' ),
wfMessage( 'abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs' )->text(),
array( 'title' => wfMessage( 'abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text' )->parse() ),
array( 'wpSearchUser' => $nt->getText() )
return true;
* Handler for the UploadVerifyFile hook
* @param $upload UploadBase
* @param $mime
* @param $error array
* @return bool
public static function onUploadVerifyFile( $upload, $mime, &$error ) {
global $wgUser, $wgVersion;
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder;
$title = $upload->getTitle();
if ( !$title ) {
// If there's no valid title assigned to the upload
// it wont proceed anyway, so no point in filtering it.
return true;
AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $title, 'FILE' )
$vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'upload' );
// We us the hexadecimal version of the file sha1
if ( version_compare( $wgVersion, '1.21', '>=' ) ) {
// Use UploadBase::getTempFileSha1Base36 so that we don't have to calculate the sha1 sum again
$sha1 = wfBaseConvert( $upload->getTempFileSha1Base36() , 36, 16, 40 );
} else {
// UploadBase::getTempFileSha1Base36 wasn't public until 1.21
$sha1 = sha1_file( $upload->getTempPath() );
$vars->setVar( 'file_sha1', $sha1 );
$vars->setVar( 'file_size', $upload->getFileSize() );
$filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $title );
if ( !$filter_result->isOK() ) {
$error = $filter_result->getErrorsArray();
$error = $error[0];
return $filter_result->isOK();
* Adds global variables to the Javascript as needed
* @param array $vars
* @return bool
public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( array &$vars ) {
if ( isset( AbuseFilter::$editboxName ) && AbuseFilter::$editboxName !== null ) {
$vars['abuseFilterBoxName'] = AbuseFilter::$editboxName;
if ( AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineType !== null ) {
$vars['abuseFilterExamine'] = array(
'type' => AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineType,
'id' => AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineId,
return true;
* Tables that Extension:UserMerge needs to update
* @param array $updateFields
* @return bool
public static function onUserMergeAccountFields( array &$updateFields ) {
$updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter', 'af_user', 'af_user_text' );
$updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_user', 'afl_user_text' );
$updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter_history', 'afh_user', 'afh_user_text' );
return true;
* Hook to add PHPUnit test cases.
* @see
* @param array $files
* @return bool
public static function onUnitTestsList( array &$files ) {
$testDir = __DIR__ . '/tests/phpunit';
$files = array_merge(
glob( $testDir . '/*Test.php' )
return true;