Andrew Garrett 189d1fde40 Minor fixes for r46557
* Don't show revisions in the examiner which can't be examined.
* Fill out some forgotten interface messages.
2009-01-29 23:04:06 +00:00

138 lines
5 KiB

if (!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ))
class AbuseFilterViewExamine extends AbuseFilterView {
function show( ) {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine' ) );
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-intro' );
// Check if we've got a subpage
if ( count($this->mParams)>1 && is_numeric($this->mParams[1]) ) {
$this->showExaminer( $this->mParams[1] );
} else {
function showSearch() {
global $wgUser, $wgOut;
// Add selector
$selector = '';
$selectFields = array(); ## Same fields as in Test
$selectFields['abusefilter-test-user'] = wfInput( 'wpSearchUser', 45, $this->mSearchUser );
$selectFields['abusefilter-test-period-start'] = wfInput( 'wpSearchPeriodStart', 45, $this->mSearchPeriodStart );
$selectFields['abusefilter-test-period-end'] = wfInput( 'wpSearchPeriodEnd', 45, $this->mSearchPeriodEnd );
$selector .= Xml::buildForm( $selectFields, 'abusefilter-examine-submit' );
$selector .= Xml::hidden( 'submit', 1 );
$selector .= Xml::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle( 'examine' )->getPrefixedText() );
$selector = Xml::tags( 'form', array( 'action' => $this->getTitle( 'examine' )->getLocalURL(), 'method' => 'GET' ), $selector );
$selector = Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-legend' ), $selector );
$wgOut->addHTML( $selector );
if ($this->mSubmit) {
function showResults() {
global $wgUser, $wgOut;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$conds = array( 'rc_user_text' => $this->mSearchUser );
if ( $startTS = strtotime($this->mSearchPeriodStart) ) {
$conds[] = 'rc_timestamp>=' . $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( $startTS ) );
if ( $endTS = strtotime($this->mSearchPeriodEnd) ) {
$conds[] = 'rc_timestamp<=' . $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( $endTS ) );
$res = $dbr->select( 'recentchanges', '*', array_filter($conds), __METHOD__, array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rc_timestamp DESC', 'LIMIT' => '500' ) );
$changesList = new AbuseFilterChangesList( $wgUser->getSkin() );
$output = $changesList->beginRecentChangesList();
$counter = 1;
while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
## Incompatible stuff.
if ( !$row->rc_this_oldid && !in_array( $row->rc_log_action, array( 'move', 'newusers' ) ) )
$rc = RecentChange::newFromRow( $row );
$rc->counter = $counter++;
$output .= $changesList->recentChangesLine( $rc, false );
$output .= $changesList->endRecentChangesList();
$wgOut->addHTML( $output );
function showExaminer( $rcid ) {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
// Get data
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$row = $dbr->selectRow( 'recentchanges', '*', array( 'rc_id' => $rcid ), __METHOD__ );
if (!$row) {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-notfound' );
$vars = AbuseFilter::getVarsFromRCRow( $row );
if (!$vars) {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-incompatible' );
$output = '';
// Send armoured as JSON -- I totally give up on trying to send it as a proper object.
$wgOut->addInlineScript( "var wgExamineVars = ". Xml::encodeJsVar( json_encode( $vars ) ) .";" );
$wgOut->addInlineScript( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/examine.js" ) );
// Add messages
$msg = array();
$msg['match'] = wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-match' );
$msg['nomatch'] = wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-nomatch' );
$msg['syntaxerror'] = wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror' );
$wgOut->addInlineScript( "var wgMessageMatch = ".Xml::encodeJsVar( $msg['match'] ) . ";\n".
"var wgMessageNomatch = ".Xml::encodeJsVar( $msg['nomatch'] ) . ";\n".
"var wgMessageError = ".Xml::encodeJsVar( $msg['syntaxerror'] ) . ";\n" );
// Add test bit
$tester = Xml::tags( 'h2', null, wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-examine-test', 'parseinline' ) );
$tester .= AbuseFilter::buildEditBox( '', 'wpTestFilter', false );
$tester .= "\n" . Xml::inputLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-test-load-filter' ), 'wpInsertFilter', 'mw-abusefilter-load-filter', 10, '' ) . '&nbsp;' .
Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-test-load' ), 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-load' ) );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-examine-editor' ), $tester );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-examine-test-button' ), 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-examine-test' ) ) .
Xml::element( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult', 'style' => 'display: none;' ), '&nbsp;' ) );
// Variable dump
$output .= Xml::tags( 'h2', null, wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-examine-vars', 'parseinline' ) );
$output .= AbuseFilter::buildVarDumpTable( $vars );
$wgOut->addHTML( $output );
function loadParameters() {
global $wgRequest;
$this->mSearchUser = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSearchUser' );
$this->mSearchPeriodStart = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSearchPeriodStart' );
$this->mSearchPeriodEnd = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSearchPeriodEnd' );
$this->mSubmit = $wgRequest->getCheck( 'submit' );