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synced 2024-12-18 16:41:08 +00:00
At the moment there's no validation for import data, so it's totally possible to insert rubbish in the field, and the code will produce other rubbish. For instance, it's not so uncommon to see lots of PHP notices on logstash for ViewEdit code trying to access members of the imported data as if it were an object. Change-Id: If9d783f0f9242d3d1bc297572471e62f51ee0e40
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* Tests for validating and saving a filter
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* @file
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
* @group Test
* @group AbuseFilter
* @group AbuseFilterSave
* @covers AbuseFilter
* @covers AbuseFilterViewEdit
class AbuseFilterSaveTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
private static $defaultFilterRow = [
'af_pattern' => '/**/',
'af_user' => 0,
'af_user_text' => 'FilterTester',
'af_timestamp' => '20190826000000',
'af_enabled' => 1,
'af_comments' => '',
'af_public_comments' => 'Mock filter',
'af_hidden' => 0,
'af_hit_count' => 0,
'af_throttled' => 0,
'af_deleted' => 0,
'af_actions' => '',
'af_global' => 0,
'af_group' => 'default'
* Gets an instance of AbuseFilterViewEdit ready for creating or editing filter
* @param User $user
* @param array $params
* @param bool $existing Whether the filter already exists
* @return AbuseFilterViewEdit|MockObject
private function getViewEdit( User $user, array $params, $existing ) {
$special = new SpecialAbuseFilter();
$context = new RequestContext();
$context->setRequest( $this->getRequest( $params ) );
$context->setUser( $user );
$cfgOpts = [
'LanguageCode' => 'en',
'AbuseFilterActions' => [
'throttle' => true,
'warn' => true,
'disallow' => true,
'blockautopromote' => true,
'block' => true,
'rangeblock' => true,
'degroup' => true,
'tag' => true
'AbuseFilterValidGroups' => [
'AbuseFilterRestrictions' => [
'degroup' => true
'AbuseFilterIsCentral' => true,
$context->setConfig( new HashConfig( $cfgOpts ) );
$special->setContext( $context );
$filter = $params['id'];
$special->mFilter = $filter;
/** @var LinkRenderer|MockObject $lr */
$lr = $this->getMockBuilder( LinkRenderer::class )
$special->setLinkRenderer( $lr );
/** @var AbuseFilterViewEdit|MockObject $viewEdit */
$viewEdit = $this->getMockBuilder( AbuseFilterViewEdit::class )
->setConstructorArgs( [ $special, [ $filter ] ] )
->setMethods( [ 'loadFilterData' ] )
if ( $existing ) {
$origValues = [ (object)self::$defaultFilterRow, [] ];
} else {
$origValues = [
'af_pattern' => '',
'af_enabled' => 1,
'af_hidden' => 0,
'af_global' => 0,
'af_throttled' => 0,
'af_hit_count' => 0,
$viewEdit->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'loadFilterData' )
->willReturn( $origValues );
return $viewEdit;
* Creates a FauxRequest object
* @param array $params
* @return FauxRequest
private function getRequest( array $params ) {
$reqParams = [
'wpFilterRules' => $params['rules'],
'wpFilterDescription' => $params['description'],
'wpFilterNotes' => $params['notes'] ?? '',
'wpFilterGroup' => $params['group'] ?? 'default',
'wpFilterEnabled' => $params['enabled'] ?? true,
'wpFilterHidden' => $params['hidden'] ?? false,
'wpFilterDeleted' => $params['deleted'] ?? false,
'wpFilterGlobal' => $params['global'] ?? false,
'wpFilterActionThrottle' => $params['throttleEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterThrottleCount' => $params['throttleCount'] ?? 0,
'wpFilterThrottlePeriod' => $params['throttlePeriod'] ?? 0,
'wpFilterThrottleGroups' => $params['throttleGroups'] ?? '',
'wpFilterActionWarn' => $params['warnEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterWarnMessage' => $params['warnMessage'] ?? 'abusefilter-warning',
'wpFilterWarnMessageOther' => $params['warnMessageOther'] ?? '',
'wpFilterActionDisallow' => $params['disallowEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterDisallowMessage' => $params['disallowMessage'] ?? 'abusefilter-disallowed',
'wpFilterDisallowMessageOther' => $params['disallowMessageOther'] ?? '',
'wpFilterActionBlockautopromote' => $params['blockautopromoteEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterActionDegroup' => $params['degroupEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterActionBlock' => $params['blockEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterBlockTalk' => $params['blockTalk'] ?? false,
'wpBlockAnonDuration' => $params['blockAnons'] ?? 'infinity',
'wpBlockUserDuration' => $params['blockUsers'] ?? 'infinity',
'wpFilterActionRangeblock' => $params['rangeblockEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterActionTag' => $params['tagEnabled'] ?? false,
'wpFilterTags' => $params['tagTags'] ?? '',
// Checkboxes aren't included at all if they aren't selected. We can remove them
// this way (instead of iterating a hardcoded list) since they're the only false values
$reqParams = array_filter( $reqParams, function ( $el ) {
return $el !== false;
} );
return new FauxRequest( $reqParams, true );
* @param array $testPerms
* @return User|MockObject
private function getUserMock( $testPerms ) {
$perms = array_merge( $testPerms, [ 'abusefilter-modify' ] );
$user = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )
->setMethods( [ 'getBlock', 'getName', 'getId', 'getActorId' ] )
$user->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getName' )
->willReturn( 'FilterUser' );
$user->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getId' )
->willReturn( 1 );
$user->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getActorId' )
->willReturn( 1 );
$this->overrideUserPermissions( $user, $perms );
return $user;
* Validate and save a filter given its parameters
* @param array $args Parameters of the filter and metadata for the test
* @covers AbuseFilter::saveFilter
* @dataProvider provideFilters
public function testSaveFilter( $args ) {
$user = $this->getUserMock( $args['testData']['userPerms'] ?? [] );
$params = $args['filterParameters'];
$filter = $params['id'] = $params['id'] ?? 'new';
$existing = isset( $args['testData']['existing'] );
$viewEdit = $this->getViewEdit( $user, $params, $existing );
$reqStatus = $viewEdit->loadRequest( $filter );
if ( !$reqStatus->isGood() ) {
$this->fail( 'Cannot retrieve request data correctly' );
list( $newRow, $actions ) = $reqStatus->getValue();
/** @var IDatabase|MockObject $dbw */
$dbw = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( IDatabase::class );
$dbw->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'insertId' )
->willReturn( 1 );
$status = AbuseFilter::saveFilter( $viewEdit, $filter, $newRow, $actions, $dbw );
if ( $args['testData']['shouldFail'] ) {
$this->assertFalse( $status->isGood(), 'The filter validation returned a valid status.' );
$actual = $status->getErrors()[0]['message'];
$expected = $args['testData']['expectedMessage'];
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
} else {
if ( $args['testData']['shouldBeSaved'] ) {
"Save failed with status: $status"
$value = $status->getValue();
$this->assertIsArray( $value );
$this->assertCount( 2, $value );
$this->assertContainsOnly( 'int', $value );
} else {
"Got a non-good status: $status"
$this->assertFalse( $status->getValue(), 'Status value should be false' );
* Data provider for creating and editing filters.
* @return array
public function provideFilters() {
return [
'Fail due to empty description and rules' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '',
'description' => '',
'blockautopromoteEnabled' => true,
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-missingfields',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Success for only rules and description' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '/* My rules */',
'description' => 'Some new filter',
'enabled' => false,
'deleted' => true,
'testData' => [
'shouldFail' => false,
'shouldBeSaved' => true
'Fail due to syntax error' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => 'rlike',
'description' => 'This syntax aint good',
'blockEnabled' => true,
'blockTalk' => true,
'blockAnons' => '8 hours',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to both "enabled" and "deleted" selected' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Enabled and deleted',
'deleted' => true,
'blockEnabled' => true,
'blockTalk' => true,
'blockAnons' => '8 hours',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-deleting-enabled',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to a reserved tag' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Reserved tag',
'notes' => 'Some notes',
'hidden' => true,
'tagEnabled' => true,
'tagTags' => 'mw-undo'
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-bad-tags',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to an invalid tag' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Invalid tag',
'notes' => 'Some notes',
'tagEnabled' => true,
'tagTags' => 'some|tag'
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-invalid-chars',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to an empty tag' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1!=0',
'description' => 'Empty tag',
'notes' => '',
'tagEnabled' => true,
'tagTags' => ''
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-no-name',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to lack of modify-global right' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Global without perms',
'global' => true,
'disallowEnabled' => true,
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to custom warn message on global filter' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Global with invalid warn message',
'global' => true,
'warnEnabled' => true,
'warnMessage' => 'abusefilter-beautiful-warning',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ]
'Fail due to custom disallow message on global filter' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Global with invalid disallow message',
'global' => true,
'disallowEnabled' => true,
'disallowMessage' => 'abusefilter-disallowed-something',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ]
'Fail due to a restricted action' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Restricted action',
'degroupEnabled' => true,
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-restricted',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Pass validation but do not save when there are no changes' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'id' => '1',
'rules' => '/**/',
'description' => 'Mock filter',
'testData' => [
'shouldFail' => false,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'existing' => true
'Fail due to invalid throttle groups' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Invalid throttle groups',
'notes' => 'Throttle... Again',
'throttleEnabled' => true,
'throttleCount' => 11,
'throttlePeriod' => 111,
'throttleGroups' => 'user\nfoo'
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttlegroups',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to empty warning message' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Empty warning message',
'warnEnabled' => true,
'warnMessage' => '',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-warn-message',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to empty disallow message' => [
'filterParameters' => [
'rules' => '1==1',
'description' => 'Empty disallow message',
'disallowEnabled' => true,
'disallowMessage' => '',
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-disallow-message',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false