mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:06:22 +00:00
So that sysadmins can further customize the extension. It was also wrong to use the same variable for many different things. Note that there's no associated patch in wmf-config because we use the defaults. However, before merging this patch, please recheck that AbuseFilterRestrictions and AbuseFilterDisallowGlobalLocalBlocks aren't used there (https://codesearch.wmflabs.org/operations/?q=AbuseFilterDisallowGlobalLocalBlocks%7CAbuseFilterRestrictions&i=nope&files=&repos=) Bug: T175221 Change-Id: I7581b3ee6d9d11a6cf1599b8ff874e8c3d54adf4
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* Tests for validating and saving a filter
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
* @file
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
* @group Test
* @group AbuseFilter
* @group AbuseFilterSave
class AbuseFilterSaveTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
private const DEFAULT_ABUSE_FILTER_ROW = [
'af_pattern' => '/**/',
'af_user' => 0,
'af_user_text' => 'FilterTester',
'af_timestamp' => '20190826000000',
'af_enabled' => 1,
'af_comments' => '',
'af_public_comments' => 'Mock filter',
'af_hidden' => 0,
'af_hit_count' => 0,
'af_throttled' => 0,
'af_deleted' => 0,
'af_actions' => '',
'af_global' => 0,
'af_group' => 'default'
* @return HashConfig
private function getConfig() : HashConfig {
$cfgOpts = [
'LanguageCode' => 'en',
'AbuseFilterActions' => [
'throttle' => true,
'warn' => true,
'disallow' => true,
'blockautopromote' => true,
'block' => true,
'rangeblock' => true,
'degroup' => true,
'tag' => true
'AbuseFilterValidGroups' => [
'AbuseFilterActionRestrictions' => [
'degroup' => true
'AbuseFilterIsCentral' => true,
return new HashConfig( $cfgOpts );
* @param array $testPerms
* @return User|MockObject
private function getUserMock( array $testPerms ) {
$perms = array_merge( $testPerms, [ 'abusefilter-modify' ] );
/** @var User|MockObject $user */
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$user->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'FilterUser' );
$user->method( 'getId' )->willReturn( 1 );
$user->method( 'getActorId' )->willReturn( 1 );
$this->overrideUserPermissions( $user, $perms );
return $user;
* @param array $args
* @return array
private function getRowAndActionsFromTestSpecs( array $args ) : array {
$newRow = (object)( $args['row'] + self::DEFAULT_ABUSE_FILTER_ROW );
$actions = $args['actions'] ?? [];
$existing = isset( $args['testData']['existing'] );
if ( $existing ) {
$origRow = (object)( self::DEFAULT_ABUSE_FILTER_ROW + [ 'af_id' => 1 ] );
} else {
$origRow = (object)[
'af_pattern' => '',
'af_enabled' => 1,
'af_hidden' => 0,
'af_global' => 0,
'af_throttled' => 0,
'af_hit_count' => 0,
return [ $newRow, $actions, $origRow, [] ];
* Validate and save a filter given its parameters
* @param array $args Parameters of the filter and metadata for the test
* @covers AbuseFilter::saveFilter
* @dataProvider provideFilters
public function testSaveFilter( $args ) {
$user = $this->getUserMock( $args['testData']['userPerms'] ?? [] );
$filter = $args['row']['af_id'] = $args['row']['af_id'] ?? null;
[ $newRow, $actions, $origRow, $origActions ] = $this->getRowAndActionsFromTestSpecs( $args );
/** @var IDatabase|MockObject $dbw */
$dbw = $this->createMock( IDatabase::class );
$dbw->method( 'insertId' )->willReturn( 1 );
// This is needed because of the ManualLogEntry usage
$dbw->method( 'selectRow' )->willReturn( (object)[ 'actor_id' => '1' ] );
$status = AbuseFilter::saveFilter(
$user, $filter, $newRow, $actions, $origRow,
$origActions, $dbw, $this->getConfig()
if ( $args['testData']['shouldFail'] ) {
$this->assertFalse( $status->isGood(), 'The filter validation returned a valid status.' );
$actual = $status->getErrors()[0]['message'];
$expected = $args['testData']['expectedMessage'];
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
} elseif ( $args['testData']['shouldBeSaved'] ) {
"Save failed with status: $status"
$value = $status->getValue();
$this->assertIsArray( $value );
$this->assertCount( 2, $value );
$this->assertContainsOnly( 'int', $value );
} else {
"Got a non-good status: $status"
$this->assertFalse( $status->getValue(), 'Status value should be false' );
* Data provider for creating and editing filters.
* @return array
public function provideFilters() : array {
return [
'Fail due to empty description and rules' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '',
'af_public_comments' => '',
'actions' => [
'blockautopromote' => []
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-missingfields',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Success for only rules and description' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '/* My rules */',
'af_public_comments' => 'Some new filter',
'af_enabled' => false,
'af_deleted' => true
'testData' => [
'shouldFail' => false,
'shouldBeSaved' => true
'Fail due to syntax error' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => 'rlike',
'af_public_comments' => 'This syntax aint good',
'actions' => [
'block' => [ true, '8 hours', '8 hours' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to both "enabled" and "deleted" selected' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Enabled and deleted',
'af_deleted' => true
'actions' => [
'block' => [ true, '8 hours', '8 hours' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-deleting-enabled',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to a reserved tag' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Reserved tag',
'af_comments' => 'Some notes',
'af_hidden' => true
'actions' => [
'tag' => [ 'mw-undo' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-bad-tags',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to an invalid tag' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Invalid tag',
'af_comments' => 'Some notes',
'actions' => [
'tag' => [ 'invalid|tag' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-invalid-chars',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to an empty tag' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1!=0',
'af_public_comments' => 'Empty tag',
'af_comments' => '',
'actions' => [
'tag' => [ '' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-no-name',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to lack of modify-global right' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Global without perms',
'af_global' => true,
'actions' => [
'disallow' => [ 'abusefilter-disallowed' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to custom warn message on global filter' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Global with invalid warn message',
'af_global' => true,
'actions' => [
'warn' => [ 'abusefilter-beautiful-warning' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ]
'Fail due to custom disallow message on global filter' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Global with invalid disallow message',
'af_global' => true,
'actions' => [
'disallow' => [ 'abusefilter-disallowed-something' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ]
'Fail due to a restricted action' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Restricted action',
'actions' => [
'degroup' => []
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-restricted',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Pass validation but do not save when there are no changes' => [
'row' => [
'af_id' => '1',
'af_pattern' => '/**/',
'af_public_comments' => 'Mock filter'
'testData' => [
'shouldFail' => false,
'shouldBeSaved' => false,
'existing' => true
'Fail due to invalid throttle groups' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Invalid throttle groups',
'af_comments' => 'Throttle... Again',
'actions' => [
'throttle' => [ null, '11,111', "user\nfoo" ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttlegroups',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to empty warning message' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Empty warning message',
'actions' => [
'warn' => [ '' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-warn-message',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false
'Fail due to empty disallow message' => [
'row' => [
'af_pattern' => '1==1',
'af_public_comments' => 'Empty disallow message',
'actions' => [
'disallow' => [ '' ]
'testData' => [
'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-disallow-message',
'shouldFail' => true,
'shouldBeSaved' => false