Tim Starling c8b0007232 * Break long lines. If I'm going to review this code, I need to be able to read it.
* Write array literals with one item per line. This makes diffs which add or remove items far easier to interpret, and makes merging such changes feasible. And it looks nicer too.
* Use line breaks to show the logical structure of your code. This enhances readability. Bring similar elements in a list into alignment, in order to reveal the differences between those elements at a glance.
* Removed a fun game of spot-the-difference in AbuseFilterHistoryPager::getQueryInfo(). If I want fun games I'll play UFO:AI.
* Moved some oddly placed assignments (in expressions) to their own statements: such assignments reduce readbility.
2009-02-07 09:34:11 +00:00

1144 lines
32 KiB

if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
class AbuseFilter {
public static $statsStoragePeriod = 86400;
public static $tokenCache = array();
public static $modifyCache = array();
public static $condLimitEnabled = true;
public static $condCount = 0;
public static $filters = array();
public static $tagsToSet = array();
public static $history_mappings = array(
'af_pattern' => 'afh_pattern',
'af_user' => 'afh_user',
'af_user_text' => 'afh_user_text',
'af_timestamp' => 'afh_timestamp',
'af_comments' => 'afh_comments',
'af_public_comments' => 'afh_public_comments',
'af_deleted' => 'afh_deleted',
'af_id' => 'afh_filter'
public static $builderValues = array(
'op-arithmetic' => array(
'+' => 'addition',
'-' => 'subtraction',
'*' => 'multiplication',
'/' => 'divide',
'%' => 'modulo',
'**' => 'pow'
'op-comparison' => array(
'==' => 'equal',
'!=' => 'notequal',
'<' => 'lt',
'>' => 'gt',
'<=' => 'lte',
'>=' => 'gte'
'op-bool' => array(
'!' => 'not',
'&' => 'and',
'|' => 'or',
'^' => 'xor'
'misc' => array(
'in' => 'in',
'like' => 'like',
'""' => 'stringlit',
'rlike' => 'rlike'
'funcs' => array(
'length(string)' => 'length',
'lcase(string)' => 'lcase',
'ccnorm(string)' => 'ccnorm',
'rmdoubles(string)' => 'rmdoubles',
'specialratio(string)' => 'specialratio',
'norm(string)' => 'norm',
'count(needle,haystack)' => 'count'
'vars' => array(
'ACCOUNTNAME' => 'accountname',
'ACTION' => 'action',
'ADDED_LINES' => 'addedlines',
'EDIT_DELTA' => 'delta',
'EDIT_DIFF' => 'diff',
'NEW_SIZE' => 'newsize',
'OLD_SIZE' => 'oldsize',
'REMOVED_LINES' => 'removedlines',
'SUMMARY' => 'summary',
'ARTICLE_ARTICLEID' => 'article-id',
'ARTICLE_NAMESPACE' => 'article-ns',
'ARTICLE_TEXT' => 'article-text',
'ARTICLE_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'article-prefixedtext',
'MOVED_FROM_ARTICLEID' => 'movedfrom-id',
'MOVED_FROM_NAMESPACE' => 'movedfrom-ns',
'MOVED_FROM_TEXT' => 'movedfrom-text',
'MOVED_FROM_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'movedfrom-prefixedtext',
'MOVED_TO_ARTICLEID' => 'movedto-id',
'MOVED_TO_NAMESPACE' => 'movedto-ns',
'MOVED_TO_TEXT' => 'movedto-text',
'MOVED_TO_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'movedto-prefixedtext',
'USER_EDITCOUNT' => 'user-editcount',
'USER_AGE' => 'user-age',
'USER_NAME' => 'user-name',
'USER_GROUPS' => 'user-groups',
'USER_EMAILCONFIRM' => 'user-emailconfirm',
'OLD_WIKITEXT' => 'old-text',
'NEW_WIKITEXT' => 'new-text',
'ADDED_LINKS' => 'added-links',
'REMOVED_LINKS' => 'removed-links',
'ALL_LINKS' => 'all-links',
'NEW_TEXT' => 'new-text-stripped',
'NEW_HTML' => 'new-html',
'ARTICLE_RESTRICTIONS_edit' => 'restrictions-edit',
'ARTICLE_RESTRICTIONS_move' => 'restrictions-move',
'ARTICLE_RECENT_CONTRIBUTORS' => 'recent-contributors',
public static function generateUserVars( $user ) {
$vars = array();
// Load all the data we want.
$vars['USER_EDITCOUNT'] = $user->getEditCount();
$vars['USER_AGE'] = time() - wfTimestampOrNull( TS_UNIX, $user->getRegistration() );
$vars['USER_NAME'] = $user->getName();
$vars['USER_GROUPS'] = implode(',', $user->getEffectiveGroups() );
$vars['USER_EMAILCONFIRM'] = $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp();
// More to come
return $vars;
public static function ajaxCheckSyntax( $filter ) {
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
$result = self::checkSyntax( $filter );
$ok = ($result === true);
if ($ok) {
return "OK";
} else {
return "ERR: ".json_encode( $result );
public static function ajaxGetFilter( $filter ) {
global $wgUser;
if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-view' ) ) {
return false;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$row = $dbr->selectRow( 'abuse_filter', '*', array( 'af_id' => $filter ), __METHOD__ );
if ( $row->af_hidden && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-modify' ) ) {
return false;
return strval($row->af_pattern);
public static function ajaxCheckFilterWithVars( $filter, $vars ) {
global $wgUser;
// Anti-DoS
if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-view' ) ) {
return false;
// If we have a syntax error.
if ( self::checkSyntax( $filter ) !== true ) {
$vars = json_decode( $vars, true );
$result = self::checkConditions( $filter, $vars );
return $result ? 'MATCH' : 'NOMATCH';
public static function triggerLimiter( $val = 1 ) {
self::$condCount += $val;
global $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit;
if (self::$condCount > $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit) {
throw new MWException( "Condition limit reached." );
public static function disableConditionLimit() {
// For use in batch scripts and the like
self::$condLimitEnabled = false;
public static function generateTitleVars( $title, $prefix ) {
$vars = array();
if (!$title)
return array();
$vars[$prefix."_ARTICLEID"] = $title->getArticleId();
$vars[$prefix."_NAMESPACE"] = $title->getNamespace();
$vars[$prefix."_TEXT"] = $title->getText();
$vars[$prefix."_PREFIXEDTEXT"] = $title->getPrefixedText();
// Use restrictions.
if ($title->mRestrictionsLoaded) {
// Don't bother if they're unloaded
foreach( $title->mRestrictions as $action => $rights ) {
$rights = count($rights) ? $rights : array();
$vars[$prefix."_RESTRICTIONS_".$action] = implode(',', $rights );
// Find last 5 authors.
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select( 'revision', 'distinct rev_user_text',
array( 'rev_page' => $title->getArticleId() ), __METHOD__,
array( 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_timestamp DESC', 'LIMIT' => 10 ) );
$users = array();
while ($user = $dbr->fetchRow($res)) {
$users[] = $user[0];
$vars[$prefix."_RECENT_CONTRIBUTORS"] = implode(',', $users);
return $vars;
public static function checkSyntax( $filter ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
return $parser->checkSyntax( $filter );
public static function evaluateExpression( $expr, $vars = array() ) {
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
global $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
if (self::checkSyntax( $expr ) !== true) {
return '';
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser->setVars( $vars );
return $parser->evaluateExpression( $expr );
public static function ajaxReAutoconfirm( $username ) {
if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('abusefilter-modify')) {
// Don't allow it.
return wfMsg( 'abusefilter-reautoconfirm-notallowed' );
$u = User::newFromName( $username );
global $wgMemc;
$k = AbuseFilter::autoPromoteBlockKey($u);
if (!$wgMemc->get( $k ) ) {
return wfMsg( 'abusefilter-reautoconfirm-none' );
$wgMemc->delete( $k );
public static function ajaxEvaluateExpression( $expr ) {
return self::evaluateExpression( $expr );
public static function checkConditions( $conds, $vars, $ignoreError = true ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
try {
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser->setVars( $vars );
$result = $parser->parse( $conds, self::$condCount );
} catch (Exception $excep) {
// Sigh.
$result = false;
if (!$ignoreError) {
throw $excep;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
return $result;
/** Returns an associative array of filters which were tripped */
public static function checkAllFilters( $vars ) {
// Fetch from the database.
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select( 'abuse_filter', '*', array( 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_deleted' => 0 ) );
$filter_matched = array();
while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
// Store the row somewhere convenient
self::$filters[$row->af_id] = $row;
// Check conditions...
$pattern = trim($row->af_pattern);
if ( self::checkConditions( $pattern, $vars ) ) {
// Record match.
$filter_matched[$row->af_id] = true;
} else {
// Record non-match.
$filter_matched[$row->af_id] = false;
// Update statistics, and disable filters which are over-blocking.
self::recordStats( $filter_matched );
return $filter_matched;
/** Returns an array [ list of actions taken by filter, error message to display, if any ] */
public static function executeFilterActions( $filters, $title, $vars ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// Retrieve the consequences.
$res = $dbr->select( array('abuse_filter_action', 'abuse_filter'), '*',
array( 'af_id' => $filters ), __METHOD__, array(),
array( 'abuse_filter_action' => array('LEFT JOIN', 'afa_filter=af_id') ) );
$actionsByFilter = array_fill_keys( $filters, array() );
$actionsTaken = array_fill_keys( $filters, array() );
// Categorise consequences by filter.
global $wgAbuseFilterRestrictedActions;
while ( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
if ( $row->af_throttled
&& in_array( $row->afa_consequence, $wgAbuseFilterRestrictedActions ) )
## Don't do the action
} else {
$actionsByFilter[$row->afa_filter][$row->afa_consequence] = array(
'action' => $row->afa_consequence,
'parameters' => explode( "\n", $row->afa_parameters )
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
$messages = array();
foreach( $actionsByFilter as $filter => $actions ) {
// Special-case handling for warnings.
global $wgOut;
$parsed_public_comments = $wgOut->parseInline(
self::$filters[$filter]->af_public_comments );
if ( !empty( $actions['throttle'] ) ) {
$parameters = $actions['throttle']['parameters'];
$throttleId = array_shift( $parameters );
list( $rateCount, $ratePeriod ) = explode( ',', array_shift( $parameters ) );
$hitThrottle = false;
// The rest are throttle-types.
foreach( $parameters as $throttleType ) {
$hitThrottle = $hitThrottle || self::isThrottled(
$throttleId, $throttleType, $title, $rateCount, $ratePeriod );
unset( $actions['throttle'] );
if (!$hitThrottle) {
$actionsTaken[$filter][] = 'throttle';
if ( !empty( $actions['warn'] ) ) {
$parameters = $actions['warn']['parameters'];
$warnKey = 'abusefilter-warned-'.$title->getPrefixedText();
if (!isset($_SESSION[$warnKey]) || !$_SESSION[$warnKey]) {
$_SESSION[$warnKey] = true;
// Threaten them a little bit
if ( !empty($parameters[0]) && strlen($parameters[0]) ) {
$msg = $parameters[0];
} else {
$msg = 'abusefilter-warning';
$messages[] = wfMsgExt( $msg, 'parseinline',
array( $parsed_public_comments) ) . "<br />\n";
$actionsTaken[$filter][] = 'warn';
continue; // Don't do anything else.
} else {
// We already warned them
$_SESSION[$warnKey] = false;
unset( $actions['warn'] );
if ( count($actions)>1 && !empty( $actions['disallow'] ) ) {
unset( $actions['disallow'] );
// Do the rest of the actions
foreach( $actions as $action => $info ) {
$newMsg = self::takeConsequenceAction(
$action, $info['parameters'], $title, $vars,
if ($newMsg)
$messages[] = $newMsg;
$actionsTaken[$filter][] = $action;
return array( $actionsTaken, implode( "\n", $messages ) );
public static function filterAction( $vars, $title ) {
global $wgUser,$wgMemc;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$filter_matched = self::checkAllFilters( $vars );
// Short-cut any remaining code if no filters were hit.
if ( count( array_filter( $filter_matched) ) == 0 ) {
return true;
list( $actions_taken, $error_msg ) = self::executeFilterActions(
array_keys( array_filter( $filter_matched ) ), $title, $vars );
// Create a template
$log_template = array(
'afl_user' => $wgUser->getId(),
'afl_user_text' => $wgUser->getName(),
'afl_var_dump' => serialize( $vars ),
'afl_timestamp' => $dbr->timestamp(wfTimestampNow()),
'afl_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
'afl_title' => $title->getDBKey(),
'afl_ip' => wfGetIp() );
self::addLogEntries( $actions_taken, $log_template, $vars['ACTION'] );
$error_msg = $error_msg == '' ? true : $error_msg;
return $error_msg;
public static function addLogEntries( $actions_taken, $log_template, $action ) {
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$log_rows = array();
foreach( $actions_taken as $filter => $actions ) {
$thisLog = $log_template;
$thisLog['afl_filter'] = $filter;
$thisLog['afl_action'] = $action;
$thisLog['afl_actions'] = implode( ',', $actions );
// Don't log if we were only throttling.
if ($thisLog['afl_actions'] != 'throttle') {
$log_rows[] = $thisLog;
if (!count($log_rows)) {
$dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_log', $log_rows, __METHOD__ );
public static function takeConsequenceAction( $action, $parameters, $title,
$vars, $rule_desc )
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
$display = '';
switch ($action) {
case 'disallow':
if (strlen($parameters[0])) {
$display .= wfMsgExt( $parameters[0], 'parseinline', array($rule_desc) ) . "\n";
} else {
// Generic message.
$display .= wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-disallowed', 'parseinline',
array($rule_desc) ) ."<br />\n";
case 'block':
global $wgUser;
$filterUser = AbuseFilter::getFilterUser();
// Create a block.
$block = new Block;
$block->mAddress = $wgUser->getName();
$block->mUser = $wgUser->getId();
$block->mBy = $filterUser->getId();
$block->mByName = $filterUser->getName();
$block->mReason = wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-blockreason', $rule_desc );
$block->mTimestamp = wfTimestampNow();
$block->mAnonOnly = 1;
$block->mCreateAccount = 1;
$block->mExpiry = 'infinity';
// Log it
# Prepare log parameters
$logParams = array();
$logParams[] = 'indefinite';
$logParams[] = 'nocreate, angry-autoblock';
$log = new LogPage( 'block' );
$log->addEntry( 'block',
Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $wgUser->getName() ),
wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-blockreason', $rule_desc ),
$logParams, self::getFilterUser() );
$display .= wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-blocked-display', 'parseinline',
array($rule_desc) ) ."<br />\n";
case 'rangeblock':
global $wgUser;
$filterUser = AbuseFilter::getFilterUser();
$range = IP::toHex( wfGetIP() );
$range = substr( $range, 0, 4 ) . '0000';
$range = long2ip( hexdec( $range ) );
$range .= "/16";
$range = Block::normaliseRange( $range );
// Create a block.
$block = new Block;
$block->mAddress = $range;
$block->mUser = 0;
$block->mBy = $filterUser->getId();
$block->mByName = $filterUser->getName();
$block->mReason = wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-blockreason', $rule_desc );
$block->mTimestamp = wfTimestampNow();
$block->mAnonOnly = 0;
$block->mCreateAccount = 1;
$block->mExpiry = Block::parseExpiryInput( '1 week' );
// Log it
# Prepare log parameters
$logParams = array();
$logParams[] = 'indefinite';
$logParams[] = 'nocreate, angry-autoblock';
$log = new LogPage( 'block' );
$log->addEntry( 'block', Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $range ),
wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-blockreason', $rule_desc ),
$logParams, self::getFilterUser() );
$display .= wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-blocked-display', 'parseinline',
$rule_desc ) ."<br />\n";
case 'degroup':
global $wgUser;
if (!$wgUser->isAnon()) {
// Remove all groups from the user. Ouch.
$groups = $wgUser->getGroups();
foreach( $groups as $group ) {
$wgUser->removeGroup( $group );
$display .= wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-degrouped', 'parseinline',
array($rule_desc) ) ."<br />\n";
// Don't log it if there aren't any groups being removed!
if (!count($groups)) {
// Log it.
$log = new LogPage( 'rights' );
$log->addEntry( 'rights',
wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-degroupreason', $rule_desc ),
implode( ', ', $groups ),
wfMsgForContent( 'rightsnone' )
, self::getFilterUser() );
case 'blockautopromote':
global $wgUser, $wgMemc;
if (!$wgUser->isAnon()) {
$blockPeriod = (int)mt_rand( 3*86400, 7*86400 ); // Block for 3-7 days.
$wgMemc->set( self::autoPromoteBlockKey( $wgUser ), true, $blockPeriod );
$display .= wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-autopromote-blocked', 'parseinline',
array($rule_desc) ) ."<br />\n";
case 'flag':
// Do nothing. Here for completeness.
case 'tag':
// Mark with a tag on recentchanges.
global $wgUser;
$actionID = implode( '-', array(
$title->getPrefixedText(), $wgUser->getName(), $vars['ACTION']
) );
AbuseFilter::$tagsToSet[$actionID] = $parameters;
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Unrecognised action $action" );
return $display;
public static function isThrottled( $throttleId, $types, $title, $rateCount, $ratePeriod ) {
global $wgMemc;
$key = self::throttleKey( $throttleId, $types, $title );
$count = intval( $wgMemc->get( $key ) );
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Got value $count for throttle key $key\n" );
if ($count > 0) {
$wgMemc->incr( $key );
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Incremented throttle key $key" );
} else {
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Added throttle key $key with value 1" );
$wgMemc->add( $key, 1, $ratePeriod );
$count = 1;
if ($count > $rateCount) {
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Throttle $key hit value $count -- maximum is $rateCount." );
return true; // THROTTLED
wfDebugLog( 'AbuseFilter', "Throttle $key not hit!" );
return false; // NOT THROTTLED
public static function throttleIdentifier( $type, $title ) {
global $wgUser;
switch ($type) {
case 'ip':
$identifier = wfGetIp();
case 'user':
$identifier = $wgUser->getId();
case 'range':
$identifier = substr(IP::toHex(wfGetIp()),0,4);
case 'creationdate':
$reg = $wgUser->getRegistration();
$identifier = $reg - ($reg % 86400);
case 'editcount':
// Hack for detecting different single-purpose accounts.
$identifier = $wgUser->getEditCount();
case 'site':
return 1;
case 'page':
return $title->getPrefixedText();
return $identifier;
public static function throttleKey( $throttleId, $type, $title ) {
$identifier = '';
$types = explode(',', $type);
$identifiers = array();
foreach( $types as $subtype ) {
$identifiers[] = self::throttleIdentifier( $subtype, $title );
$identifier = implode( ':', $identifiers );
return wfMemcKey( 'abusefilter', 'throttle', $throttleId, $type, $identifier );
public static function autoPromoteBlockKey( $user ) {
return wfMemcKey( 'abusefilter', 'block-autopromote', $user->getId() );
public static function recordStats( $filters ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit,$wgMemc;
$blocking_filters = array_keys( array_filter( $filters ) );
// Figure out if we've triggered overflows and blocks.
$overflow_triggered = (self::$condCount > $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit);
$filter_triggered = count( $blocking_filters ) > 0;
// Store some keys...
$overflow_key = self::filterLimitReachedKey();
$total_key = self::filterUsedKey();
$total = $wgMemc->get( $total_key );
$storage_period = self::$statsStoragePeriod;
if (!$total || $total > 1000) {
// This is for if the total doesn't exist, or has gone past 1000.
// Recreate all the keys at the same time, so they expire together.
$wgMemc->set( $total_key, 0, $storage_period );
$wgMemc->set( $overflow_key, 0, $storage_period );
foreach( $filters as $filter => $matched ) {
$wgMemc->set( self::filterMatchesKey( $filter ), 0, $storage_period );
$wgMemc->set( self::filterMatchesKey(), 0, $storage_period );
// Increment total
$wgMemc->incr( $total_key );
// Increment overflow counter, if our condition limit overflowed
if ($overflow_triggered) {
$wgMemc->incr( $overflow_key );
if (!$filter_triggered) {
return; // The rest will only apply if a filter was triggered.
self::checkEmergencyDisable( $filters, $total );
// Increment trigger counter
if ($filter_triggered) {
$wgMemc->incr( self::filterMatchesKey() );
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
// Update hit-counter.
$dbw->update( 'abuse_filter', array( 'af_hit_count=af_hit_count+1' ),
array( 'af_id' => array_keys( array_filter( $filters ) ) ),
__METHOD__ );
public static function checkEmergencyDisable( $filters, $total ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold, $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount,
$wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge, $wgMemc;
foreach( $filters as $filter => $matched ) {
if ($matched) {
// Increment counter
$matchCount = $wgMemc->get( self::filterMatchesKey( $filter ) );
// Handle missing keys...
if (!$matchCount) {
$wgMemc->set( self::filterMatchesKey( $filter ), 1, self::$statsStoragePeriod );
} else {
$wgMemc->incr( self::filterMatchesKey( $filter ) );
// Figure out if the filter is subject to being deleted.
$filter_age = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, self::$filters[$filter]->af_timestamp );
$throttle_exempt_time = $filter_age + $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableAge;
if ($total && $throttle_exempt_time > time()
&& $matchCount > $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount
&& ($matchCount / $total) > $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold)
// More than $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount matches,
// constituting more than $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold
// (a fraction) of last few edits. Disable it.
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->update( 'abuse_filter', array( 'af_throttled' => 1 ),
array( 'af_id' => $filter ), __METHOD__ );
public static function filterLimitReachedKey() {
return wfMemcKey( 'abusefilter', 'stats', 'overflow' );
public static function filterUsedKey() {
return wfMemcKey( 'abusefilter', 'stats', 'total' );
public static function filterMatchesKey( $filter = null ) {
return wfMemcKey( 'abusefilter', 'stats', 'matches', $filter );
public static function getFilterUser() {
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
$user = User::newFromName( wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-blocker' ) );
if ($user->getId() && $user->mPassword == '') {
// Already set up.
return $user;
// Not set up. Create it.
if (!$user->getId()) {
print "Trying to create account -- user id is " . $user->getId();
# Increment site_stats.ss_users
$ssu = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
} else {
// Take over the account
$user->setPassword( null );
$user->setEmail( null );
# Promote user so it doesn't look too crazy.
$user->addGroup( 'sysop' );
return $user;
static function buildEditBox( $rules, $textName = 'wpFilterRules', $addResultDiv = true ) {
global $wgOut;
$rules = Xml::textarea( $textName, ( isset( $rules ) ? $rules."\n" : "\n" ) );
$dropDown = self::$builderValues;
// Generate builder drop-down
$builder = '';
$builder .= Xml::option( wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-select") );
foreach( $dropDown as $group => $values ) {
$builder .=
array( 'label' => wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-group-$group" ) )
) . "\n";
foreach( $values as $content => $name ) {
$builder .=
wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-$group-$name" ),
) . "\n";
$builder .= Xml::closeElement( 'optgroup' ) . "\n";
$rules .=
array( 'id' => 'wpFilterBuilder', 'onchange' => 'addText();' ),
) . ' ';
// Add syntax checking
$rules .= Xml::element( 'input',
'type' => 'button',
'onclick' => 'doSyntaxCheck()',
'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-check' ),
'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck'
) );
if ($addResultDiv)
$rules .= Xml::element( 'div',
array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult', 'style' => 'display: none;' ),
'&nbsp;' );
// Add script
$editScript = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__)."/edit.js");
$editScript = "var wgFilterBoxName = ".Xml::encodeJSVar( $textName ).";\n$editScript";
$wgOut->addInlineScript( $editScript );
return $rules;
/** Each version is expected to be an array( $row, $actions )
Returns an array of fields that are different.*/
static function compareVersions( $version_1, $version_2 ) {
$compareFields = array(
$differences = array();
list($row1, $actions1) = $version_1;
list($row2, $actions2) = $version_2;
foreach( $compareFields as $field ) {
if ($row1->$field != $row2->$field) {
$differences[] = $field;
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
if ( !isset($actions1[$action]) && !isset( $actions2[$action] ) ) {
// They're both unset
} elseif ( isset($actions1[$action]) && isset( $actions2[$action] ) ) {
// They're both set.
if ( array_diff( $actions1[$action]['parameters'],
$actions2[$action]['parameters'] ) )
// Different parameters
$differences[] = 'actions';
} else {
// One's unset, one's set.
$differences[] = 'actions';
return array_unique( $differences );
static function translateFromHistory( $row ) {
## Translate into an abuse_filter row with some black magic.
## This is ever so slightly evil!
$af_row = new StdClass;
foreach ( self::$history_mappings as $af_col => $afh_col ) {
$af_row->$af_col = $row->$afh_col;
## Process flags
$af_row->af_deleted = 0;
$af_row->af_hidden = 0;
$af_row->af_enabled = 0;
$flags = explode(',', $row->afh_flags );
foreach( $flags as $flag ) {
$col_name = "af_$flag";
$af_row->$col_name = 1;
## Process actions
$actions_raw = unserialize($row->afh_actions);
$actions_output = array();
foreach( $actions_raw as $action => $parameters ) {
$actions_output[$action] = array( 'action' => $action, 'parameters' => $parameters );
return array( $af_row, $actions_output );
static function getActionDisplay( $action ) {
$display = wfMsg( "abusefilter-action-$action" );
$display = wfEmptyMsg( "abusefilter-action-$action", $display ) ? $action : $display;
return $display;
public static function getVarsFromRCRow( $row ) {
if ($row->rc_this_oldid) {
// It's an edit.
return self::getEditVarsFromRCRow( $row );
} elseif ( $row->rc_log_type == 'move' ) {
return self::getMoveVarsFromRCRow( $row );
} elseif ( $row->rc_log_type == 'newusers' ) {
return self::getCreateVarsFromRCRow( $row );
public static function getCreateVarsFromRCRow( $row ) {
$vars = array('ACTION' => 'createaccount');
$vars['USER_NAME'] = $vars['ACCOUNTNAME'] =
Title::makeTitle( $row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title )->getText();
return $vars;
public static function getEditVarsFromRCRow( $row ) {
$vars = array();
$title = Title::makeTitle( $row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title );
$vars = array_merge( $vars, self::generateUserVars( User::newFromId( $row->rc_user ) ) );
$vars = array_merge( $vars, self::generateTitleVars( $title, 'ARTICLE' ) );
$vars['ACTION'] = 'edit';
$vars['SUMMARY'] = $row->rc_comment;
$newRev = Revision::newFromId( $row->rc_this_oldid );
$new_text = $newRev->getText();
if ($row->rc_last_oldid) {
$oldRev = Revision::newFromId( $row->rc_last_oldid );
$old_text = $oldRev->getText();
} else {
$old_text = '';
$vars = array_merge( $vars, self::getEditVars(
$title, $old_text, $new_text, null, $row->rc_this_oldid, $row->rc_last_oldid ) );
return $vars;
public static function getMoveVarsFromRCRow( $row ) {
$vars = array();
$user = User::newFromId( $row->rc_user );
$oldTitle = Title::makeTitle( $row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title );
$newTitle = Title::newFromText( trim($row->rc_params) );
$vars = array_merge( $vars, AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $user ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $oldTitle, 'MOVED_FROM' ),
AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $newTitle, 'MOVED_TO' ) );
$vars['SUMMARY'] = $row->rc_comment;
$vars['ACTION'] = 'move';
return $vars;
public static function getEditVars( $title, $old_text, $new_text, $oldLinks = null,
$revid=null, $oldid=null )
$vars = array();
$article = new Article( $title );
$vars['EDIT_DELTA'] = strlen($new_text) - strlen($old_text);
$vars['OLD_SIZE'] = strlen($old_text);
$diff = wfDiff( $old_text, $new_text );
$diff = trim( str_replace( '\No newline at end of file', '', $diff ) );
$vars['EDIT_DIFF'] = $diff;
$vars['NEW_SIZE'] = strlen($new_text);
$vars['OLD_WIKITEXT'] = $old_text;
$vars['NEW_WIKITEXT'] = $new_text;
// Some more specific/useful details about the changes.
$diff_lines = explode( "\n", $diff );
$added_lines = array();
$removed_lines = array();
foreach( $diff_lines as $line ) {
if (strpos( $line, '-' )===0) {
$removed_lines[] = substr($line,1);
} elseif (strpos( $line, '+' )===0) {
$added_lines[] = substr($line,1);
$vars['ADDED_LINES'] = implode( "\n", $added_lines );
$vars['REMOVED_LINES'] = implode( "\n", $removed_lines );
if ($oldLinks === null && $oldid) {
$oldInfo = $article->prepareTextForEdit( $old_text, $oldid );
$oldLinks = $oldInfo->output->getExternalLinks();
} elseif ($oldLinks === null) {
$oldLinks = array();
// Added links...
$editInfo = $article->prepareTextForEdit( $new_text, $revid );
$newLinks = array_keys( $editInfo->output->getExternalLinks() );
$vars['ALL_LINKS'] = implode( "\n", $newLinks );
$vars['ADDED_LINKS'] = implode( "\n",
array_diff( $newLinks, array_intersect( $newLinks, $oldLinks ) ) );
$vars['REMOVED_LINKS'] = implode( "\n",
array_diff( $oldLinks, array_intersect( $newLinks, $oldLinks ) ) );
// Pull other useful stuff from $editInfo.
$newHTML = $editInfo->output->getText();
// Kill the PP limit comments. Ideally we'd just remove these by not setting the
// parser option, but then we can't share a parse operation with the edit, which is bad.
$newHTML = preg_replace( '/<!--\s*NewPP limit report[^>]*-->\s*$/si', '', $newHTML );
$vars['NEW_HTML'] = $newHTML;
$newText = $vars['NEW_TEXT'] = preg_replace( '/<[^>]+>/', '', $newHTML );
return $vars;
public static function buildVarDumpTable( $vars ) {
$output = '';
// I don't want to change the names of the pre-existing messages
// describing the variables, nor do I want to rewrite them, so I'm just
// mapping the variable names to builder messages with a pre-existing array.
$variableMessageMappings = self::$builderValues['vars'];
$output .=
Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'class' => 'mw-abuselog-details' ) ) .
Xml::openElement( 'tbody' ) .
$header =
Xml::element( 'th', null, wfMsg( 'abusefilter-log-details-var' ) ) .
Xml::element( 'th', null, wfMsg( 'abusefilter-log-details-val' ) );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'tr', null, $header ) . "\n";
// Now, build the body of the table.
foreach( $vars as $key => $value ) {
if ( !empty($variableMessageMappings[$key]) ) {
$mapping = $variableMessageMappings[$key];
$keyDisplay = wfMsgExt( "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-$mapping", 'parseinline' ) .
' (' . Xml::element( 'tt', null, $key ) . ')';
} else {
$keyDisplay = Xml::element( 'tt', null, $key );
if( is_null( $value ) )
$value = '';
$value = Xml::element( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-abuselog-var-value' ), $value );
$trow =
Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-abuselog-var' ), $keyDisplay ) .
Xml::tags( 'td', array( 'class' => 'mw-abuselog-var-value' ), $value );
$output .=
Xml::tags( 'tr',
array( 'class' => "mw-abuselog-details-$key mw-abuselog-value" ), $trow
) . "\n";
$output .= Xml::closeElement( 'tbody' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'table' );
return $output;