River Tarnell bbf1737cc2 - convert parser to AST. while this is slower than the previous implementation, it's clearer, and more correct (lazy evaluation is supported)
- to compensate for the slower parser, optimised it a little
- change basic_string to fray, a refcounted immutable string
- add 'xml' tool, prints the parser tree in XML
2008-08-10 03:52:17 +00:00

559 lines
16 KiB

/* fray: a refcounted string with cheap substrings */
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 River Tarnell <>. */
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty.
/* $Id$ */
#ifndef FRAY_H
#define FRAY_H
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/pool/pool_alloc.hpp>
* A fray is a refcounted immutable string providing copy-free (constant time)
* substrings. Its interface is the same as std::string where possible;
* operations which are not possible (e.g. non-const operator[]) are not provided.
* Although a fray is immutable, a fray object can be rebound to a different
* fray. This is not valid:
* fray f("test");
* f[0] = 'g';
* But this is:
* fray f("test"), g("foo");
* f = g;
* This has the effect of releasing the string held by 'f' and causing it to
* refer to g instead.
* Some mutating std::string functions are provided, such as append(); these
* do NOT modify the fray, but instead return a new fray:
* fray foo("foo"), bar("bar");
* fray foobar = foo.append(bar);
* Crude benchmarking suggests that passing a fray by value has no
* noticable speed penalty compared to passing by const reference.
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc> struct basic_fray;
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc> struct fray_iterator;
namespace fray_impl {
* A fray is simply a pointer to the fray_root, which stores the original
* string. A fray_root is created by a fray constructed from some other
* string (e.g. an std::string). The fray_root stores a refcount so the user
* can delete it when all other users are finished.
* The string in the fray_root is always nul-terminated, to support c_str()
* in constant time when the fray refers to the entire root.
* A fray_root starts with a refcount of 1 (representing the string which
* created it).
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename allocator>
struct fray_root {
typedef typename allocator::size_type size_type;
fray_root(ch const *begin, size_type len);
fray_root(size_type len);
int ref(void);
int deref(void);
int _refs;
ch *_string, *_end;
static allocator _alloc;
} // namespace fray_impl
* A fray iterator. Also the const_iterator, since frays are immutable.
template<typename ch,
typename traits = std::char_traits<ch>,
typename alloc = boost::pool_allocator<ch>
struct fray_iterator {
typedef typename alloc::size_type size_type;
typedef typename alloc::difference_type difference_type;
typedef ch value_type;
typedef ch const &reference;
typedef ch const &const_reference;
typedef ch const *pointer;
typedef ch const *const_pointer;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
: _pos(NULL)
fray_iterator(ch const *pos)
: _pos(pos)
const_reference operator* (void) const {
return *_pos;
fray_iterator &operator++ (void) {
return *this;
fray_iterator operator++ (int) {
fray_iterator ret(*this);
return ret;
fray_iterator &operator-- (void) {
return *this;
fray_iterator operator-- (int) {
fray_iterator ret(*this);
return ret;
bool operator< (fray_iterator const &other) const {
return _pos < other._pos;
bool operator== (fray_iterator const &other) const {
return _pos == other._pos;
difference_type operator- (fray_iterator const &other) const {
return _pos - other._pos;
fray_iterator &operator-= (size_type const &n) {
_pos -= n;
return *this;
fray_iterator operator- (size_type const &n) {
return fray_iterator(*this) -= n;
fray_iterator &operator+= (size_type const &n) {
_pos += n;
return *this;
fray_iterator operator+ (size_type const &n) const {
return fray_iterator(*this) += n;
ch const *_pos;
template<typename ch_, typename tr_, typename alloc_>
fray_iterator(fray_iterator<ch_, tr_, alloc_> const &); // no impl
friend struct basic_fray<ch, traits, alloc>;
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator!= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator> (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator<= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator>= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator== (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator!= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator> (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator<= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator>= (fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, fray_iterator<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
* A fray reference. _root holds the fray_root. _begin and _end mark the
* extent of this substring (must be within the bounds of the fray_root).
template<typename ch,
typename traits = std::char_traits<ch>,
typename alloc = boost::pool_allocator<ch>
struct basic_fray {
typedef ch value_type;
typedef typename alloc::size_type size_type;
typedef ch const &reference;
typedef ch const &const_reference;
typedef fray_iterator<ch, traits, alloc> iterator;
typedef fray_iterator<ch, traits, alloc> const_iterator;
static size_type const npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
* Create a new, empty fray.
* Create a new fray from the characters [cstring, cstring + len).
basic_fray(ch const *cstring, size_type len);
* Create a new fray from the characters [cstring, cstring + strlen(cstring)).
basic_fray(ch const *cstring);
* Create a new fray from the characters [s.begin(), s.end()).
template<typename traits_, typename alloc_>
basic_fray(std::basic_string<ch, traits_, alloc_> const &s);
* Create a new fray from the iterator pair [first, last).
template<typename InputIterator>
basic_fray(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
* Create a new fray which holds a copy of other.
basic_fray(basic_fray<ch> const &other);
* Create a new fray holding n copies of c.
basic_fray(size_type n, ch c);
* Release the resources held by this fray.
* Replace the contents of this fray with a copy of other.
basic_fray &operator= (basic_fray<ch, traits, alloc> const &other);
void assign (basic_fray<ch, traits, alloc> const &other);
* Replace the contents of this fray with [cstring, cstring + strlen(cstring)).
basic_fray &operator= (ch const *cstring);
void assign (ch const *cstring);
void assign (ch const *cstring, size_type len);
* Replace the contents of this fray with [s.begin(), s.end()).
template<typename traits_, typename alloc_>
basic_fray &operator= (std::basic_string<ch, traits_, alloc_> const &s);
template<typename traits_, typename alloc_>
void assign (std::basic_string<ch, traits_, alloc_> const &s);
* Replace the contents of this fray with [begin, end).
void assign(iterator begin, iterator end);
* Return a fray holding the bytes [begin + off, begin + off + count).
* If the substring would extend past the end of the fray, the copy
* will extend until the end.
basic_fray substr(size_type off = 0, size_type count = npos) const;
* Output the contents of this fray to the given stream.
template<typename ostr>
void print(std::basic_ostream<ch, ostr> &strm) const;
* Return the number of characters in this fray.
size_type length(void) const;
size_type size(void) const;
* Return an iterator referring to the beginning of this fray.
iterator begin(void) const;
* Return an iterator referring to one character past the end of this
* fray.
iterator end(void) const;
* Returns the position of the first occurance of 'ch' in *this
* not before 'pos'.
size_type find(ch c, size_type pos = 0) const;
* Returns the position of the first occurance of the string
* 's' in *this not before 'pos'.
size_type find(basic_fray const &s, size_type pos = 0) const;
* Equivalent to ::trcompare<tr_>(*this, a).
template<typename tr_>
int compare(basic_fray const &other) const;
* Return a C string (nul terminated) with the same contents as
* this fray. Note: because frays are not nul-terminated internally,
* this *always* copies the contents. Avoid it if possible.
* data() is the same but does not copy and is not nul-terminated.
ch const *c_str(void) const;
ch const *data(void) const;
* Return an std::basic_string with the same contents as this fray.
std::basic_string<ch, traits, alloc> str(void) const;
* Return (length() == 0);
bool empty(void) const;
* Return the character at position n.
ch operator[] (size_type) const;
* Swap the contents of *this and other. Constant time.
void swap(basic_fray &other);
* Return a new fray consisting of *this concatenated with other.
basic_fray append(basic_fray const &other) const;
* Return append(cstring, cstring + traits::length(cstring)).
basic_fray append(ch const *cstring) const;
* Return append(fray(begin, end));
basic_fray append(ch const *begin, ch const *end) const;
* Return append(&c, 1);
basic_fray append(ch c) const;
* Return a new fray consisting of other concatenated with *this.
basic_fray prepend(basic_fray const &other) const;
* Return prepend(cstring, cstring + traits::length(cstring)).
basic_fray prepend(ch const *cstring) const;
* Return prepend(fray(begin, end));
basic_fray prepend(ch const *begin, ch const *end) const;
* Return prepend(&c, 1);
basic_fray prepend(ch c) const;
* Construct a new fray from an already extant root.
basic_fray (fray_impl::fray_root<ch, traits, alloc> *);
* Decrement the root's refcount and delete it if 0.
void _deref_root(void) const;
mutable fray_impl::fray_root<ch, traits, alloc> *_root;
ch const *_begin, *_end;
static typename alloc::template rebind<fray_impl::fray_root<ch, traits, alloc> >::other
template<typename ch_, typename traits_, typename alloc_>
basic_fray(basic_fray<ch_, traits_, alloc_> const &other); // no impl
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc, typename ostr>
std::basic_ostream<ch, ostr> &
operator<< (std::basic_ostream<ch, ostr> &strm, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &s);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc, typename ostr>
std::basic_istream<ch, ostr> &
operator>> (std::basic_istream<ch, ostr> &strm, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> &s);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc, typename tr_, typename alloc_>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, std::basic_string<ch, tr_, alloc_> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc, typename tr_, typename alloc_>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (std::basic_string<ch, tr_, alloc_> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *cstring);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (ch const *cstring, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &s, ch c);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc>
operator+ (ch c, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &s);
namespace std {
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
void swap(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> &b);
typedef basic_fray<char> fray;
typedef basic_fray<wchar_t> wfray;
template<typename traits, typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int trcompare(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename traits, typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int trcompare(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename traits, typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int trcompare(ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename traits, typename ch>
int trcompare(ch const *a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int compare(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int compare(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
int compare(ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch>
int compare(ch const *a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator< (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator< (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator< (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator== (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator== (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator== (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator!= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator!= (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator!= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator> (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator> (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator> (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator<= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator<= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator<= (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator>= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator>= (basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &a, ch const *b);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
bool operator>= (ch const *a, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &b);
* For boost.hash.
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
std::size_t hash_value(basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> const &s);
template<typename ch, typename tr, typename alloc>
std::istream & getline(std::basic_istream<ch, tr> &strm, basic_fray<ch, tr, alloc> &s);
#include ""
#endif /* !FRAY_H */