Daimona Eaytoy aa280998c0 Fix big problems with normalizeThrottleParameters
My final testing unveiled 4 problems, see T209565#4780868. Testing again
after this patch yields the expected outcome.

Update: A fifth problem is that we cannot disable throttling if throttle
groups are empty or fully invalid: that case is similar to the one with
invalid rate, the throttle limit is never reached and thus throttle just
doesn't work. Instead, ask users to fix it by hand.

Bug: T203336
Bug: T209565
Change-Id: Id03c9880f60764efc596ac40b8662087fdb30550
2018-12-15 18:36:16 +01:00

405 lines
13 KiB

* Normalizes throttle parameters as part of the overhaul described in T203587
* Tasks performed by this script:
* - Remove duplicated throttle groups (T203584)
* - Remove unrecognized stuff from throttle groups (T203584)
* - Checks if throttle count or period have extra commas inside. If this leads to the filter acting
* like it would with throttle disabled, we just disable it. Otherwise, since we don't know what
* the filter is meant to do, we just ask users to evaluate and fix every case by hand. This is
* highly unlikely to happen anyway. (T203585)
* - If throttle groups are empty (or only contain unknown keywords), ask users to fix every case
* by hand. (T203584)
* @ingroup Maintenance
if ( getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
$IP = getenv( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' );
} else {
$IP = __DIR__ . '/../../..';
require_once "$IP/maintenance/Maintenance.php";
* Normalizes throttle parameters, see T203587
class NormalizeThrottleParameters extends LoggedUpdateMaintenance {
public function __construct() {
$this->mDescription = 'Normalize AbuseFilter throttle parameters - T203587';
$this->addOption( 'dry-run', 'Perform a dry run' );
$this->requireExtension( 'Abuse Filter' );
* @see Maintenance::getUpdateKey()
* @return string
public function getUpdateKey() {
return __CLASS__;
/** @var \Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase $db The master database */
private $dbw;
* Rollback the current transaction and emit a fatal error
* @param string $msg The message of the error
protected function fail( $msg ) {
$this->rollbackTransaction( $this->dbw, __METHOD__ );
$this->fatalError( $msg );
* Get normalized throttle groups
* @param array $params Throttle parameters
* @return array[] The first element is the array of old throttle groups, the second
* is an array of formatted throttle groups
private function getNewGroups( $params ) {
$validGroups = [
$rawGroups = array_slice( $params, 2 );
$newGroups = [];
// We use a standard order to check for duplicates. This variable is not used as the actual
// array of groups to avoid silly changes like 'ip,user' => 'user,ip'
$normalizedGroups = [];
// Every group should be valid, and subgroups should have valid groups inside. Only keep
// valid (sub)groups.
foreach ( $rawGroups as $group ) {
if ( strpos( $group, ',' ) !== false ) {
// No duplicates in subgroups
$subGroups = array_unique( explode( ',', $group ) );
$uniqueGroup = implode( ',', $subGroups );
$valid = true;
foreach ( $subGroups as $subGroup ) {
if ( !in_array( $subGroup, $validGroups ) ) {
$valid = false;
sort( $subGroups );
if ( $valid && !in_array( $subGroups, $normalizedGroups ) ) {
$newGroups[] = $uniqueGroup;
$normalizedGroups[] = $subGroups;
} elseif ( in_array( $group, $validGroups ) ) {
$newGroups[] = $group;
$normalizedGroups[] = $group;
// Remove duplicates
$newGroups = array_unique( $newGroups );
return [ $rawGroups, $newGroups ];
* Check if throttle rate is malformed, i.e. if it has extra commas
* @param string $rate The throttle rate as saved in the DB ("count,period")
* @return string|null String with error type or null if the rate is valid
private function checkThrottleRate( $rate ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^,/', $rate ) === 1 ) {
// The comma was inserted at least in throttle count. This behaves like if
// throttling isn't enabled, so just disable it
return 'disable';
} elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d+,$/', $rate ) === 1 || preg_match( '/^\d+,\d+$/', $rate ) === 0 ) {
// First condition is for comma only inside throttle period. The behaviour in this case
// is unclear, ask users to fix this by hand. Second condition is for every other case;
// since it's unpredictable what the problem is, we just ask to fix it by hand.
return 'hand';
} else {
return null;
* @see Maintenance::doDBUpdates
* @return bool
public function doDBUpdates() {
$user = AbuseFilter::getFilterUser();
$this->dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dryRun = $this->hasOption( 'dry-run' );
$this->beginTransaction( $this->dbw, __METHOD__ );
// Only select throttle actions
$actionRows = $this->dbw->select(
[ 'afa_filter', 'afa_parameters' ],
[ 'afa_consequence' => 'throttle' ],
$newActionRows = [];
$deleteActionIDs = [];
$changeActionIDs = [];
foreach ( $actionRows as $actRow ) {
$filter = $actRow->afa_filter;
$params = explode( "\n", $actRow->afa_parameters );
$rateCheck = $this->checkThrottleRate( $params[1] );
list( $oldGroups, $newGroups ) = $this->getNewGroups( $params );
// If the rate is invalid or the groups are empty (or only contain invalid identifiers),
// it means that the throttle limit is never reached. Since we cannot guess what the
// filter should do, nor we want to impose a default, we ask to manually fix the problem.
if ( $rateCheck === 'hand' ) {
"Throttle count and period for filter $filter are malformed or empty. " .
"Please fix them by hand in the way they're meant to be, then launch the script again."
} elseif ( count( $newGroups ) === 0 ) {
"Throttle groups are empty for filter $filter. Please add some groups or disable " .
"throttling, then launch the script again."
if ( $rateCheck === 'disable' ) {
// Invalid rate, disable throttle for the filter
$deleteActionIDs[] = $actRow->afa_filter;
} elseif ( $oldGroups !== $newGroups ) {
$newParams = array_merge( array_slice( $params, 0, 2 ), $newGroups );
$newActionRows[] = [
'afa_filter' => $actRow->afa_filter,
'afa_consequence' => 'throttle',
'afa_parameters' => implode( "\n", $newParams )
$changeActionIDs[] = $actRow->afa_filter;
// Use the same timestamps in abuse_filter and abuse_filter_history, since this is
// what we do in the actual code.
$timestamps = [];
$changeActionCount = count( $changeActionIDs );
if ( $changeActionCount ) {
if ( $dryRun ) {
"normalizeThrottleParameter has found $changeActionCount rows to change in " .
"abuse_filter_action for the following IDs: " . implode( ', ', $changeActionIDs ) . "\n"
} else {
[ [ 'afa_filter', 'afa_consequence' ] ],
// Touch the abuse_filter table to update the "filter last modified" field
$rows = $this->dbw->select(
[ 'af_id' => $changeActionIDs ],
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$timestamps[ $row->af_id ] = $this->dbw->timestamp();
$newRow = [
'af_user' => $user->getId(),
'af_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'af_timestamp' => $timestamps[ $row->af_id ]
] + get_object_vars( $row );
[ 'af_id' ],
$deleteActionCount = count( $deleteActionIDs );
if ( $deleteActionCount ) {
if ( $dryRun ) {
"normalizeThrottleParameter has found $deleteActionCount rows to delete in " .
"abuse_filter_action and update in abuse_filter for the following IDs: " .
implode( ', ', $deleteActionIDs ) . "\n"
} else {
// Delete rows in abuse_filter_action
'afa_consequence' => 'throttle',
'afa_filter' => $deleteActionIDs
// Update abuse_filter. abuse_filter_history done later
$rows = $this->dbw->select(
[ 'af_id' => $deleteActionIDs ],
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$oldActions = explode( ',', $row->af_actions );
$actions = array_diff( $oldActions, [ 'throttle' ] );
$timestamps[ $row->af_id ] = $this->dbw->timestamp();
$newRow = [
'af_user' => $user->getId(),
'af_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'af_timestamp' => $timestamps[ $row->af_id ],
'af_actions' => implode( ',', $actions ),
] + get_object_vars( $row );
[ 'af_id' ],
$affectedActionRows = $changeActionCount + $deleteActionCount;
$touchedIDs = array_merge( $changeActionIDs, $deleteActionIDs );
if ( count( $touchedIDs ) === 0 ) {
$this->output( "No throttle parameters to normalize.\n" );
$this->commitTransaction( $this->dbw, __METHOD__ );
return !$dryRun;
// Create new history rows for every changed filter
$historyIDs = $this->dbw->selectFieldValues(
[ 'afh_filter' => $touchedIDs ],
[ 'GROUP BY' => 'afh_filter', 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ]
$lastHistoryRows = $this->dbw->select(
[ 'afh_id' => $historyIDs ],
$newHistoryRows = [];
$changeHistoryFilters = [];
foreach ( $lastHistoryRows as $histRow ) {
$actions = unserialize( $histRow->afh_actions );
$filter = $histRow->afh_filter;
$rateCheck = $this->checkThrottleRate( $actions['throttle'][1] );
list( $oldGroups, $newGroups ) = $this->getNewGroups( $actions['throttle'] );
// If the rate is invalid or the groups are empty (or only contain invalid identifiers),
// it means that the throttle limit is never reached. Since we cannot guess what the
// filter should do, nor we want to impose a default, we ask to manually fix the problem.
if ( $rateCheck === 'hand' ) {
"Throttle count and period for filter $filter are malformed or empty. " .
"Please fix them by hand in the way they're meant to be, then launch the script again."
} elseif ( count( $newGroups ) === 0 ) {
"Throttle groups are empty for filter $filter. Please add some groups or disable " .
"throttling, then launch the script again."
$timestamp = $timestamps[ $filter ] ?? null;
if ( !$timestamp && !$dryRun ) {
// Sanity check
$this->fail( "The timestamp wasn't saved for filter $filter" );
$fixedRowSection = [
'afh_id' => $this->dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'abuse_filter_af_id_seq' ),
'afh_user' => $user->getId(),
'afh_user_text' => $user->getName(),
'afh_timestamp' => $timestamp,
'afh_changed_fields' => 'actions',
] + get_object_vars( $histRow );
if ( $rateCheck === 'disable' ) {
// Invalid rate, disable throttle for the filter
unset( $actions['throttle'] );
$newHistoryRows[] = [
'afh_actions' => serialize( $actions )
] + $fixedRowSection;
$changeHistoryFilters[] = $filter;
} elseif ( $oldGroups !== $newGroups ) {
$actions['throttle'] = array_merge( array_slice( $actions['throttle'], 0, 2 ), $newGroups );
$newHistoryRows[] = [
'afh_actions' => serialize( $actions )
] + $fixedRowSection;
$changeHistoryFilters[] = $filter;
$historyCount = count( $changeHistoryFilters );
$sanityCheck = $historyCount === $affectedActionRows;
if ( !$sanityCheck ) {
// Something went wrong.
"The amount of affected rows isn't equal for abuse_filter_action and abuse_filter history. " .
"Found $affectedActionRows for the former and $historyCount for the latter."
if ( count( $newHistoryRows ) ) {
if ( $dryRun ) {
"normalizeThrottleParameter would insert $historyCount rows in abuse_filter_history" .
" for the following filters: " . implode( ', ', $changeHistoryFilters ) . "\n"
} else {
$this->commitTransaction( $this->dbw, __METHOD__ );
$changed = $affectedActionRows + $historyCount;
$resultMsg = $dryRun ?
"Throttle parameter normalization would change a total of $changed rows.\n" :
"Throttle parameters successfully normalized. Changed $changed rows.\n";
$this->output( $resultMsg );
return !$dryRun;
$maintClass = 'NormalizeThrottleParameters';