mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 17:10:58 +00:00

- Rename `$hidden` to `$privacyLevel` in Flags::__construct for consistency with other places. - Rename `shouldProtectFilter` and simplify its return value to always be an array, since that's how it's currently used. Rename a variable that is assigned the return value of this method. - Add a missing message key to a list of dynamic message keys. - Rename a property from 'hidden' to 'privacy' in FilterStoreTest for consistency. Add a test for removing the protected flag. - Update old comment referencing `filterHidden`; the method was removed in I40b8c8452d9df. - Use ISQLPlatform::bitAnd() instead of manual SQL in AbuseFilterHistoryPager. - Update mysterious reference to "formatRow" in SpecialAbuseLog. - Update other references to the very same method in two other places, this time credited as "SpecialAbuseLog". - Add type hints to a few methods; this not only helps with type safety, but it also allows PHPUnit to automatically use the proper type in mocks. Change-Id: Ib0167d993b761271c1e5311808435a616b6576fe
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter;
use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\ChangeTags\ChangeTagValidator;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Filter\AbstractFilter;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Parser\Exception\UserVisibleException;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Parser\RuleCheckerFactory;
use MediaWiki\Message\Message;
use MediaWiki\Permissions\Authority;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
* This class validates filters, e.g. before saving.
class FilterValidator {
public const SERVICE_NAME = 'AbuseFilterFilterValidator';
public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [
/** @var ChangeTagValidator */
private $changeTagValidator;
/** @var RuleCheckerFactory */
private $ruleCheckerFactory;
/** @var AbuseFilterPermissionManager */
private $permManager;
/** @var string[] */
private $restrictedActions;
/** @var string[] */
private $validGroups;
* @var string[] Protected variables defined in config via AbuseFilterProtectedVariables
private $protectedVariables;
* @param ChangeTagValidator $changeTagValidator
* @param RuleCheckerFactory $ruleCheckerFactory
* @param AbuseFilterPermissionManager $permManager
* @param ServiceOptions $options
public function __construct(
ChangeTagValidator $changeTagValidator,
RuleCheckerFactory $ruleCheckerFactory,
AbuseFilterPermissionManager $permManager,
ServiceOptions $options
) {
$this->changeTagValidator = $changeTagValidator;
$this->ruleCheckerFactory = $ruleCheckerFactory;
$this->permManager = $permManager;
$this->restrictedActions = array_keys( array_filter( $options->get( 'AbuseFilterActionRestrictions' ) ) );
$this->validGroups = $options->get( 'AbuseFilterValidGroups' );
$this->protectedVariables = $options->get( 'AbuseFilterProtectedVariables' );
* @param AbstractFilter $newFilter
* @param AbstractFilter $originalFilter
* @param Authority $performer
* @return Status
public function checkAll(
AbstractFilter $newFilter, AbstractFilter $originalFilter, Authority $performer
): Status {
// TODO We might consider not bailing at the first error, so we can show all errors at the first attempt
$syntaxStatus = $this->checkValidSyntax( $newFilter );
if ( !$syntaxStatus->isGood() ) {
return $syntaxStatus;
$requiredFieldsStatus = $this->checkRequiredFields( $newFilter );
if ( !$requiredFieldsStatus->isGood() ) {
return $requiredFieldsStatus;
$conflictStatus = $this->checkConflictingFields( $newFilter );
if ( !$conflictStatus->isGood() ) {
return $conflictStatus;
$actions = $newFilter->getActions();
if ( isset( $actions['tag'] ) ) {
$validTagsStatus = $this->checkAllTags( $actions['tag'] );
if ( !$validTagsStatus->isGood() ) {
return $validTagsStatus;
$messagesStatus = $this->checkEmptyMessages( $newFilter );
if ( !$messagesStatus->isGood() ) {
return $messagesStatus;
if ( isset( $actions['throttle'] ) ) {
$throttleStatus = $this->checkThrottleParameters( $actions['throttle'] );
if ( !$throttleStatus->isGood() ) {
return $throttleStatus;
$protectedVarsPermissionStatus = $this->checkCanViewProtectedVariables( $performer, $newFilter );
if ( !$protectedVarsPermissionStatus->isGood() ) {
return $protectedVarsPermissionStatus;
$protectedVarsStatus = $this->checkProtectedVariables( $newFilter, $originalFilter );
if ( !$protectedVarsStatus->isGood() ) {
return $protectedVarsStatus;
$globalPermStatus = $this->checkGlobalFilterEditPermission( $performer, $newFilter, $originalFilter );
if ( !$globalPermStatus->isGood() ) {
return $globalPermStatus;
$globalFilterMsgStatus = $this->checkMessagesOnGlobalFilters( $newFilter );
if ( !$globalFilterMsgStatus->isGood() ) {
return $globalFilterMsgStatus;
$restrictedActionsStatus = $this->checkRestrictedActions( $performer, $newFilter, $originalFilter );
if ( !$restrictedActionsStatus->isGood() ) {
return $restrictedActionsStatus;
$filterGroupStatus = $this->checkGroup( $newFilter );
if ( !$filterGroupStatus->isGood() ) {
return $filterGroupStatus;
return Status::newGood();
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkValidSyntax( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$ruleChecker = $this->ruleCheckerFactory->newRuleChecker();
$syntaxStatus = $ruleChecker->checkSyntax( $filter->getRules() );
if ( !$syntaxStatus->isValid() ) {
$excep = $syntaxStatus->getException();
$errMsg = $excep instanceof UserVisibleException
? $excep->getMessageObj()
: $excep->getMessage();
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax', $errMsg );
return $ret;
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkRequiredFields( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$missing = [];
if ( $filter->getRules() === '' ) {
$missing[] = new Message( 'abusefilter-edit-field-conditions' );
if ( trim( $filter->getName() ) === '' ) {
$missing[] = new Message( 'abusefilter-edit-field-description' );
if ( count( $missing ) !== 0 ) {
Message::listParam( $missing, 'comma' )
return $ret;
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkConflictingFields( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
// Don't allow setting as deleted an active filter
if ( $filter->isEnabled() && $filter->isDeleted() ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-deleting-enabled' );
return $ret;
* @param string[] $tags
* @return Status
public function checkAllTags( array $tags ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
if ( count( $tags ) === 0 ) {
$ret->error( 'tags-create-no-name' );
return $ret;
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$curStatus = $this->changeTagValidator->validateTag( $tag );
if ( !$curStatus->isGood() ) {
// TODO Consider merging
return $curStatus;
return $ret;
* @todo Consider merging with checkRequiredFields
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkEmptyMessages( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$actions = $filter->getActions();
// TODO: Check and report both together
if ( isset( $actions['warn'] ) && $actions['warn'][0] === '' ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-warn-message' );
} elseif ( isset( $actions['disallow'] ) && $actions['disallow'][0] === '' ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-disallow-message' );
return $ret;
* Validate throttle parameters
* @param array $params Throttle parameters
* @return Status
public function checkThrottleParameters( array $params ): Status {
[ $throttleCount, $throttlePeriod ] = explode( ',', $params[1], 2 );
$throttleGroups = array_slice( $params, 2 );
$validGroups = [
$ret = Status::newGood();
if ( preg_match( '/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $throttleCount ) === 0 ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttlecount' );
} elseif ( preg_match( '/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $throttlePeriod ) === 0 ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttleperiod' );
} elseif ( !$throttleGroups ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-empty-throttlegroups' );
} else {
$valid = true;
// Groups should be unique in three ways: no direct duplicates like 'user' and 'user',
// no duplicated subgroups, not even shuffled ('ip,user' and 'user,ip') and no duplicates
// within subgroups ('user,ip,user')
$uniqueGroups = [];
$uniqueSubGroups = true;
// Every group should be valid, and subgroups should have valid groups inside
foreach ( $throttleGroups as $group ) {
if ( strpos( $group, ',' ) !== false ) {
$subGroups = explode( ',', $group );
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyUndeclaredVariable
if ( $subGroups !== array_unique( $subGroups ) ) {
$uniqueSubGroups = false;
foreach ( $subGroups as $subGroup ) {
if ( !in_array( $subGroup, $validGroups ) ) {
$valid = false;
break 2;
sort( $subGroups );
$uniqueGroups[] = implode( ',', $subGroups );
} else {
if ( !in_array( $group, $validGroups ) ) {
$valid = false;
$uniqueGroups[] = $group;
if ( !$valid ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttlegroups' );
} elseif ( !$uniqueSubGroups || $uniqueGroups !== array_unique( $uniqueGroups ) ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-duplicated-throttlegroups' );
return $ret;
* @param Authority $performer
* @param AbstractFilter $newFilter
* @param AbstractFilter $originalFilter
* @return Status
public function checkGlobalFilterEditPermission(
Authority $performer,
AbstractFilter $newFilter,
AbstractFilter $originalFilter
): Status {
if (
!$this->permManager->canEditFilter( $performer, $newFilter ) ||
!$this->permManager->canEditFilter( $performer, $originalFilter )
) {
return Status::newFatal( 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global' );
return Status::newGood();
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkMessagesOnGlobalFilters( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$actions = $filter->getActions();
if (
$filter->isGlobal() && (
( isset( $actions['warn'] ) && $actions['warn'][0] !== 'abusefilter-warning' ) ||
( isset( $actions['disallow'] ) && $actions['disallow'][0] !== 'abusefilter-disallowed' )
) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg' );
return $ret;
* @param Authority $performer
* @param AbstractFilter $newFilter
* @param AbstractFilter $originalFilter
* @return Status
public function checkRestrictedActions(
Authority $performer,
AbstractFilter $newFilter,
AbstractFilter $originalFilter
): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$allEnabledActions = $newFilter->getActions() + $originalFilter->getActions();
if (
array_intersect_key( array_fill_keys( $this->restrictedActions, true ), $allEnabledActions )
&& !$this->permManager->canEditFilterWithRestrictedActions( $performer )
) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-restricted' );
return $ret;
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @param ?AbstractFilter $originalFilter
* @return Status
public function checkProtectedVariables( AbstractFilter $filter, ?AbstractFilter $originalFilter = null ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
// If an original filter is passed through, check if it's already protected and bypass this check
// if so.
// T364485 introduces a UX that disables the checkbox for already protected filters and
// therefore $filter will always fail the isProtected check but because it's already protected,
// FilterStore->filterToDatabaseRow() will ensure it stays protected
if ( $originalFilter && $originalFilter->isProtected() ) {
return $ret;
$ruleChecker = $this->ruleCheckerFactory->newRuleChecker();
$usedVariables = $ruleChecker->getUsedVars( $filter->getRules() );
$usedProtectedVariables = array_intersect( $usedVariables, $this->protectedVariables );
if (
count( $usedProtectedVariables ) > 0 &&
) {
Message::listParam( $usedProtectedVariables )
return $ret;
* @param Authority $performer
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkCanViewProtectedVariables( Authority $performer, AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$ruleChecker = $this->ruleCheckerFactory->newRuleChecker();
$usedVars = $ruleChecker->getUsedVars( $filter->getRules() );
$forbiddenVariables = $this->permManager->getForbiddenVariables( $performer, $usedVars );
if ( $forbiddenVariables ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-protected-variable', Message::listParam( $forbiddenVariables ) );
return $ret;
* @param AbstractFilter $filter
* @return Status
public function checkGroup( AbstractFilter $filter ): Status {
$ret = Status::newGood();
$group = $filter->getGroup();
if ( !in_array( $group, $this->validGroups, true ) ) {
$ret->error( 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-group' );
return $ret;