mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 00:56:26 +00:00
Some cleanup is left for later to keep the diff easier to read. Change-Id: Ife445b5e47e707ab77ec867ac3b005866aa74ef2
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328 lines
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\View;
use AbuseFilterChangesList;
use ActorMigration;
use HTMLForm;
use IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\AbuseFilterPermissionManager;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\EditBoxBuilderFactory;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Parser\ParserFactory as AfParserFactory;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\VariableGenerator\RCVariableGenerator;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Variables\AbuseFilterVariableHolder;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer;
use RecentChange;
use Title;
use User;
use Xml;
class AbuseFilterViewTestBatch extends AbuseFilterView {
* @var int The limit of changes to test, hard coded for now
protected static $mChangeLimit = 100;
* @var bool Whether to show changes that don't trigger the specified pattern
public $mShowNegative;
* @var string The start time of the lookup period
public $mTestPeriodStart;
* @var string The end time of the lookup period
public $mTestPeriodEnd;
* @var string The page of which edits we're interested in
public $mTestPage;
* @var string The user whose actions we want to test
public $mTestUser;
* @var bool Whether to exclude bot edits
public $mExcludeBots;
* @var string The action (performed by the user) we want to search for
public $mTestAction;
* @var string The text of the rule to test changes against
private $testPattern;
* @var EditBoxBuilderFactory
private $boxBuilderFactory;
* @var AfParserFactory
private $parserFactory;
* @param AbuseFilterPermissionManager $afPermManager
* @param EditBoxBuilderFactory $boxBuilderFactory
* @param AfParserFactory $parserFactory
* @param IContextSource $context
* @param LinkRenderer $linkRenderer
* @param string $basePageName
* @param array $params
public function __construct(
AbuseFilterPermissionManager $afPermManager,
EditBoxBuilderFactory $boxBuilderFactory,
AfParserFactory $parserFactory,
IContextSource $context,
LinkRenderer $linkRenderer,
string $basePageName,
array $params
) {
parent::__construct( $afPermManager, $context, $linkRenderer, $basePageName, $params );
$this->boxBuilderFactory = $boxBuilderFactory;
$this->parserFactory = $parserFactory;
* Shows the page
public function show() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( !$this->afPermManager->canViewPrivateFilters( $this->getUser() ) ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-mustviewprivateoredit' );
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'abusefilter-test' ) );
$out->addHelpLink( 'Extension:AbuseFilter/Rules format' );
$out->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-test-intro', self::$mChangeLimit );
$boxBuilder = $this->boxBuilderFactory->newEditBoxBuilder( $this, $this->getUser(), $out );
$output = '';
$output .=
) . "\n";
$output .= $this->buildFilterLoader();
$output = Xml::tags( 'div', [ 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-test-editor' ], $output );
$RCMaxAge = $this->getConfig()->get( 'RCMaxAge' );
$min = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601, time() - $RCMaxAge );
$max = wfTimestampNow();
// Search form
$formFields = [];
$formFields['wpTestAction'] = [
'name' => 'wpTestAction',
'type' => 'select',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-action',
'options' => [
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-all' )->text() => 0,
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-edit' )->text() => 'edit',
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-move' )->text() => 'move',
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-delete' )->text() => 'delete',
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-createaccount' )->text() => 'createaccount',
$this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-search-type-upload' )->text() => 'upload'
$formFields['wpTestUser'] = [
'name' => 'wpTestUser',
'type' => 'user',
'ipallowed' => true,
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-user',
'default' => $this->mTestUser
$formFields['wpExcludeBots'] = [
'name' => 'wpExcludeBots',
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-nobots',
'default' => $this->mExcludeBots
$formFields['wpTestPeriodStart'] = [
'name' => 'wpTestPeriodStart',
'type' => 'datetime',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-period-start',
'default' => $this->mTestPeriodStart,
'min' => $min,
'max' => $max
$formFields['wpTestPeriodEnd'] = [
'name' => 'wpTestPeriodEnd',
'type' => 'datetime',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-period-end',
'default' => $this->mTestPeriodEnd,
'min' => $min,
'max' => $max
$formFields['wpTestPage'] = [
'name' => 'wpTestPage',
'type' => 'title',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-page',
'default' => $this->mTestPage,
'creatable' => true,
'required' => false
$formFields['wpShowNegative'] = [
'name' => 'wpShowNegative',
'type' => 'check',
'label-message' => 'abusefilter-test-shownegative',
'selected' => $this->mShowNegative
$htmlForm = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $formFields, $this->getContext() )
->addHiddenField( 'title', $this->getTitle( 'test' )->getPrefixedDBkey() )
->setId( 'wpFilterForm' )
->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'abusefilter-list-options' )
->setAction( $this->getTitle( 'test' )->getLocalURL() )
->setSubmitTextMsg( 'abusefilter-test-submit' )
->setMethod( 'post' )
->getHTML( true );
$output = Xml::fieldset( $this->msg( 'abusefilter-test-legend' )->text(), $output . $htmlForm );
$out->addHTML( $output );
if ( $this->getRequest()->wasPosted() ) {
* Loads the revisions and checks the given syntax against them
public function doTest() {
// Quick syntax check.
$out = $this->getOutput();
$parser = $this->parserFactory->newParser();
if ( $parser->checkSyntax( $this->testPattern )->getResult() !== true ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-test-syntaxerr' );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$conds = [];
if ( (string)$this->mTestUser !== '' ) {
$conds[] = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getWhere(
$dbr, 'rc_user', User::newFromName( $this->mTestUser, false )
if ( $this->mTestPeriodStart ) {
$conds[] = 'rc_timestamp >= ' .
$dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( strtotime( $this->mTestPeriodStart ) ) );
if ( $this->mTestPeriodEnd ) {
$conds[] = 'rc_timestamp <= ' .
$dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( strtotime( $this->mTestPeriodEnd ) ) );
if ( $this->mTestPage ) {
$title = Title::newFromText( $this->mTestPage );
if ( $title instanceof Title ) {
$conds['rc_namespace'] = $title->getNamespace();
$conds['rc_title'] = $title->getDBkey();
} else {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-test-badtitle' );
if ( $this->mExcludeBots ) {
$conds['rc_bot'] = 0;
$action = $this->mTestAction !== '0' ? $this->mTestAction : false;
$conds[] = $this->buildTestConditions( $dbr, $action );
// Get our ChangesList
$changesList = new AbuseFilterChangesList( $this->getSkin(), $this->testPattern );
$output = $changesList->beginRecentChangesList();
$rcQuery = RecentChange::getQueryInfo();
$res = $dbr->select(
[ 'LIMIT' => self::$mChangeLimit, 'ORDER BY' => 'rc_timestamp desc' ],
$counter = 1;
$contextUser = $this->getUser();
$parser->toggleConditionLimit( false );
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder();
$rc = RecentChange::newFromRow( $row );
$varGenerator = new RCVariableGenerator( $vars, $rc, $contextUser );
$vars = $varGenerator->getVars();
if ( !$vars ) {
$parser->setVariables( $vars );
$result = $parser->checkConditions( $this->testPattern )->getResult();
if ( $result || $this->mShowNegative ) {
// Stash result in RC item
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty not a big deal
$rc->filterResult = $result;
$rc->counter = $counter++;
$output .= $changesList->recentChangesLine( $rc, false );
$output .= $changesList->endRecentChangesList();
$out->addHTML( $output );
* Loads parameters from request
public function loadParameters() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$this->testPattern = $request->getText( 'wpFilterRules' );
$this->mShowNegative = $request->getBool( 'wpShowNegative' );
$testUsername = $request->getText( 'wpTestUser' );
$this->mTestPeriodEnd = $request->getText( 'wpTestPeriodEnd' );
$this->mTestPeriodStart = $request->getText( 'wpTestPeriodStart' );
$this->mTestPage = $request->getText( 'wpTestPage' );
$this->mExcludeBots = $request->getBool( 'wpExcludeBots' );
$this->mTestAction = $request->getText( 'wpTestAction' );
if ( !$this->testPattern
&& count( $this->mParams ) > 1
&& is_numeric( $this->mParams[1] )
) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$this->testPattern = $dbr->selectField( 'abuse_filter',
[ 'af_id' => $this->mParams[1] ],
// Normalise username
$userTitle = Title::newFromText( $testUsername, NS_USER );
$this->mTestUser = $userTitle ? $userTitle->getText() : null;