Umherirrender 1fa7a83f60 Use static closures where safe to use
Created by I25a17fb22b6b669e817317a0f45051ae9c608208

Change-Id: I533690311ca559685de8a4bf123348c9bcfa5931
2021-04-30 20:55:35 +02:00

201 lines
7.3 KiB

use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\AbuseFilterServices;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Variables\LazyLoadedVariable;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Variables\VariableHolder;
* @group Test
* @group AbuseFilter
* @group AbuseFilterGeneric
* @group Database
* @coversDefaultClass \MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Variables\LazyVariableComputer
* @todo Move to LazyVariableComputerTest
class LazyVariableComputerDBTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
/** @inheritDoc */
protected $tablesUsed = [
* @param string $oldText The old wikitext of the page
* @param string $newText The new wikitext of the page
* @param string $summary
* @param array $expected Expected edit vars
* @covers ::compute
* @dataProvider provideEditRelatedVars
public function testEditRelatedVars( $oldText, $newText, $summary, array $expected ) {
$pageName = __METHOD__;
$title = Title::makeTitle( 0, $pageName );
$page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
$this->editPage( $pageName, $oldText, 'Creating the test page' );
$this->editPage( $pageName, $newText, $summary );
$baseVars = VariableHolder::newFromArray( [
'old_wikitext' => $oldText,
'new_wikitext' => $newText,
'summary' => $summary
] );
$generator = AbuseFilterServices::getVariableGeneratorFactory()->newGenerator( $baseVars );
$actualHolder = $generator->addEditVars( $page, $this->createMock( User::class ) )
$actual = AbuseFilterServices::getVariablesManager()->exportAllVars( $actualHolder );
// Special case for new_html: avoid flaky tests, and only check containment
$this->assertStringContainsString( '<div class="mw-parser-output', $actual['new_html'] );
$this->assertNotRegExp( "/<!--\s*NewPP limit/", $actual['new_html'] );
$this->assertNotRegExp( "/<!--\s*Transclusion/", $actual['new_html'] );
foreach ( $expected['new_html'] as $needle ) {
$this->assertStringContainsString( $needle, $actual['new_html'], 'Checking new_html' );
unset( $actual['new_html'], $expected['new_html'] );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
public function provideEditRelatedVars() : Generator {
$summary = __METHOD__;
// phpcs:disable Generic.Files.LineLength
$old = '[ Test] foo';
$new = "'''Random'''.\nSome ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n[[Help:PST|]] test, [// link]";
$expected = [
'old_wikitext' => $old,
'new_wikitext' => $new,
'summary' => $summary,
'new_html' => [ '<p><b>Random</b>', '<i>special</i>', 'PST</a>', 'link</a>' ],
'new_pst' => "'''Random'''.\nSome ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n[[Help:PST|PST]] test, [// link]",
'new_text' => "Random.\nSome special chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\nPST test, link",
'edit_diff' => "@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@\n-[ Test] foo\n+'''Random'''.\n+Some ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n+[[Help:PST|]] test, [// link]\n",
'edit_diff_pst' => "@@ -1,1 +1,3 @@\n-[ Test] foo\n+'''Random'''.\n+Some ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n+[[Help:PST|PST]] test, [// link]\n",
'new_size' => strlen( $new ),
'old_size' => strlen( $old ),
'edit_delta' => strlen( $new ) - strlen( $old ),
'added_lines' => explode( "\n", $new ),
'removed_lines' => [ $old ],
'added_lines_pst' => [ "'''Random'''.", "Some ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.", '[[Help:PST|PST]] test, [// link]' ],
'all_links' => [ '//' ],
'old_links' => [ '' ],
'added_links' => [ '//' ],
'removed_links' => [ '' ]
yield 'PST and special chars' => [ $old, $new, $summary, $expected ];
$old = "'''Random'''.\nSome ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n[[Help:PST|]] test, [// link]";
$new = '[ Test] foo';
$expected = [
'old_wikitext' => $old,
'new_wikitext' => $new,
'summary' => $summary,
'new_html' => [ 'Test</a>' ],
'new_pst' => '[ Test] foo',
'new_text' => 'Test foo',
'edit_diff' => "@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@\n-'''Random'''.\n-Some ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n-[[Help:PST|]] test, [// link]\n+[ Test] foo\n",
'edit_diff_pst' => "@@ -1,3 +1,1 @@\n-'''Random'''.\n-Some ''special'' chars: àèìòù 名探偵コナン.\n-[[Help:PST|]] test, [// link]\n+[ Test] foo\n",
'new_size' => strlen( $new ),
'old_size' => strlen( $old ),
'edit_delta' => strlen( $new ) - strlen( $old ),
'added_lines' => [ $new ],
'removed_lines' => explode( "\n", $old ),
'added_lines_pst' => [ $new ],
'all_links' => [ '' ],
'old_links' => [ '//' ],
'added_links' => [ '' ],
'removed_links' => [ '//' ]
yield 'PST and special chars, reverse' => [ $old, $new, $summary, $expected ];
// phpcs:enable Generic.Files.LineLength
$old = 'This edit will be pretty smal';
$new = $old . 'l';
$expected = [
'old_wikitext' => $old,
'new_wikitext' => $new,
'summary' => $summary,
'new_html' => [ "<p>This edit will be pretty small\n</p>" ],
'new_pst' => $new,
'new_text' => $new,
'edit_diff' => "@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-$old\n+$new\n",
'edit_diff_pst' => "@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n-$old\n+$new\n",
'new_size' => strlen( $new ),
'old_size' => strlen( $old ),
'edit_delta' => 1,
'added_lines' => [ $new ],
'removed_lines' => [ $old ],
'added_lines_pst' => [ $new ],
'all_links' => [],
'old_links' => [],
'added_links' => [],
'removed_links' => []
yield 'Small edit' => [ $old, $new, $summary, $expected ];
* Make different users edit a page, so that we can check their names against
* the actual value of a _recent_contributors variable
* @param Title $title
* @return string[]
private function computeRecentContributors( Title $title ) {
// This test uses a custom DB query and it's hard to use mocks
$user = $this->getMutableTestUser()->getUser();
// Create the page and make a couple of edits from different users
'AbuseFilter test for title variables',
$mockContributors = [ 'X>Alice', 'X>Bob', 'X>Charlie' ];
foreach ( $mockContributors as $contributor ) {
"page revision by $contributor",
User::newFromName( $contributor, false )
$contributors = array_reverse( $mockContributors );
$contributors[] = $user->getName();
return $contributors;
* @covers ::compute
* @covers ::getLastPageAuthors
public function testRecentContributors() {
$varName = "page_recent_contributors";
$pageName = "Page to test $varName";
$title = Title::newFromText( $pageName );
$expected = $this->computeRecentContributors( $title );
$computer = AbuseFilterServices::getLazyVariableComputer();
$var = new LazyLoadedVariable(
[ 'title' => $title ]
$forbidComputeCB = static function () {
throw new LogicException( 'Not expected to be called' );
$actual = $computer->compute( $var, new VariableHolder(), $forbidComputeCB )->toNative();
$this->assertSame( $expected, $actual );