
487 lines
18 KiB

if (!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ))
class AbuseFilterViewEdit extends AbuseFilterView {
static $history_mappings = array( 'af_pattern' => 'afh_pattern', 'af_user' => 'afh_user', 'af_user_text' => 'afh_user_text', 'af_timestamp' => 'afh_timestamp', 'af_comments' => 'afh_comments', 'af_public_comments' => 'afh_public_comments', 'af_deleted' => 'afh_deleted', 'af_id' => 'afh_filter' );
function __construct( $page, $params ) {
parent::__construct( $page, $params );
$this->mFilter = $page->mFilter;
$this->mHistoryID = $page->mHistoryID;
function show( ) {
global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut;
$filter = $this->mFilter;
$history_id = $this->mHistoryID;
$this->mSkin = $wgUser->getSkin();
$editToken = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpEditToken' );
$didEdit = $this->canEdit() && $wgUser->matchEditToken( $editToken, array( 'abusefilter', $filter ) );
if ($didEdit) {
// Check syntax
$syntaxerr = AbuseFilter::checkSyntax( $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterRules' ) );
if ($syntaxerr !== true ) {
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax', array( 'parseinline' ), array( $syntaxerr ) ), $filter, $history_id ) );
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
list ($newRow, $actions) = $this->loadRequest($filter);
$newRow = get_object_vars($newRow); // Convert from object to array
// Set last modifier.
$newRow['af_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp( wfTimestampNow() );
$newRow['af_user'] = $wgUser->getId();
$newRow['af_user_text'] = $wgUser->getName();
// Insert MAIN row.
if ($filter == 'new') {
$new_id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'abuse_filter_af_id_seq' );
$is_new = true;
} else {
$new_id = $this->mFilter;
$is_new = false;
// Reset throttled marker, if we're re-enabling it.
$newRow['af_throttled'] = $newRow['af_throttled'] && !$newRow['af_enabled'];
$newRow['af_id'] = $new_id; // ID.
$dbw->replace( 'abuse_filter', array( 'af_id' ), $newRow, __METHOD__ );
if ($is_new) {
$new_id = $dbw->insertId();
// Actions
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
$deadActions = array();
$actionsRows = array();
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
// Check if it's set
$enabled = isset($actions[$action]) && (bool)$actions[$action];
if ($enabled) {
$parameters = $actions[$action]['parameters'];
$thisRow = array( 'afa_filter' => $new_id, 'afa_consequence' => $action, 'afa_parameters' => implode( "\n", $parameters ) );
$actionsRows[] = $thisRow;
} else {
$deadActions[] = $action;
// Create a history row
$afh_row = array();
foreach( self::$history_mappings as $af_col => $afh_col ) {
$afh_row[$afh_col] = $newRow[$af_col];
// Actions
$displayActions = array();
foreach( $actions as $action ) {
$displayActions[$action['action']] = $action['parameters'];
$afh_row['afh_actions'] = serialize($displayActions);
// Flags
$flags = array();
if ($newRow['af_hidden'])
$flags[] = 'hidden';
if ($newRow['af_enabled'])
$flags[] = 'enabled';
if ($newRow['af_deleted'])
$flags[] = 'deleted';
$afh_row['afh_flags'] = implode( ",", $flags );
$afh_row['afh_filter'] = $new_id;
// Do the update
$dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_history', $afh_row, __METHOD__ );
$dbw->delete( 'abuse_filter_action', array( 'afa_filter' => $filter, 'afa_consequence' => $deadActions ), __METHOD__ );
$dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_action', $actionsRows, __METHOD__ );
global $wgOut;
$wgOut->redirect( $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL( 'result=success&changedfilter='.$new_id ) );
} else {
if ($history_id) {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-oldwarning', $this->mHistoryID, $this->mFilter );
$wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( null, $this->mFilter, $history_id ) );
if ($history_id) {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-oldwarning', $this->mHistoryID, $this->mFilter );
function buildFilterEditor( $error, $filter, $history_id=null ) {
if( $filter === null ) {
return false;
// Build the edit form
global $wgOut,$wgLang,$wgUser;
$sk = $this->mSkin;
// Load from request OR database.
list ($row, $actions) = $this->loadRequest($filter, $history_id);
if( !$row ) {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-badfilter' );
$wgOut->addHTML( $sk->link( $this->getTitle(), wfMsg( 'abusefilter-return' ) ) );
$wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-subtitle', $filter, $history_id ) );
// Hide hidden filters.
if (isset($row->af_hidden) && $row->af_hidden && !$this->canEdit()) {
return wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-denied' );
$output = '';
if ($error) {
$wgOut->addHTML( "<span class=\"error\">$error</span>" );
$wgOut->addHTML( $sk->link( $this->getTitle(), wfMsg( 'abusefilter-history-backlist' ) ) );
$fields = array();
$fields['abusefilter-edit-id'] = $this->mFilter == 'new' ? wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-new' ) : $filter;
$fields['abusefilter-edit-description'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterDescription', 45, isset( $row->af_public_comments ) ? $row->af_public_comments : '' );
// Hit count display
if( !empty($row->af_hit_count) ){
$count = (int)$row->af_hit_count;
$count_display = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-hitcount', array( 'parseinline' ),
$wgLang->formatNum( $count )
$hitCount = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'AbuseLog' ), $count_display, 'wpSearchFilter='.$row->af_id );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-hitcount'] = $hitCount;
if ($filter !== 'new') {
// Statistics
global $wgMemc, $wgLang;
$matches_count = $wgMemc->get( AbuseFilter::filterMatchesKey( $filter ) );
$total = $wgMemc->get( AbuseFilter::filterUsedKey() );
if ($total > 0) {
$matches_percent = sprintf( '%.2f', 100 * $matches_count / $total );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-status-label'] =
wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-status', array( 'parsemag', 'escape' ),
$fields['abusefilter-edit-rules'] = $this->buildEditBox($row);
$fields['abusefilter-edit-notes'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterNotes', ( isset( $row->af_comments ) ? $row->af_comments."\n" : "\n" ) );
// Build checkboxen
$checkboxes = array( 'hidden', 'enabled', 'deleted' );
$flags = '';
if (isset($row->af_throttled) && $row->af_throttled) {
global $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold;
$threshold_percent = sprintf( '%.2f', $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold * 100 );
$flags .= $wgOut->parse( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-throttled', $wgLang->formatNum( $threshold_percent ) ) );
foreach( $checkboxes as $checkboxId ) {
$message = "abusefilter-edit-$checkboxId";
$dbField = "af_$checkboxId";
$postVar = "wpFilter".ucfirst($checkboxId);
$checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( $message ), $postVar, $postVar, isset( $row->$dbField ) ? $row->$dbField : false );
$checkbox = Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox );
$flags .= $checkbox;
$fields['abusefilter-edit-flags'] = $flags;
if ($filter != 'new') {
// Last modification details
$user = $sk->userLink( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text ) . $sk->userToolLinks( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-lastmod'] = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-lastmod-text', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), array( $wgLang->timeanddate( $row->af_timestamp ), $user ) );
$history_display = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-viewhistory', array( 'parseinline' ) );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-history'] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->getTitle( 'history/'.$filter ), $history_display );
$form = Xml::buildForm( $fields );
$form = Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-main' ), $form );
$form .= Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-consequences' ), $this->buildConsequenceEditor( $row, $actions ) );
if ($this->canEdit()) {
$form .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-save' ) );
$form .= Xml::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken( array( 'abusefilter', $filter )) );
$form = Xml::tags( 'form', array( 'action' => $this->getTitle( $filter )->getFullURL(), 'method' => 'POST' ), $form );
$output .= $form;
return $output;
function buildEditBox( $row ) {
global $wgOut;
$rules = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterRules', ( isset( $row->af_pattern ) ? $row->af_pattern."\n" : "\n" ) );
$dropDown = array(
'op-arithmetic' => array('+' => 'addition', '-' => 'subtraction', '*' => 'multiplication', '/' => 'divide', '%' => 'modulo', '**' => 'pow'),
'op-comparison' => array('==' => 'equal', '!=' => 'notequal', '<' => 'lt', '>' => 'gt', '<=' => 'lte', '>=' => 'gte'),
'op-bool' => array( '!' => 'not', '&' => 'and', '|' => 'or', '^' => 'xor' ),
'misc' => array( 'in' => 'in', 'like' => 'like', '""' => 'stringlit', ),
'funcs' => array( 'length(string)' => 'length', 'lcase(string)' => 'lcase', 'ccnorm(string)' => 'ccnorm', 'rmdoubles(string)' => 'rmdoubles', 'specialratio(string)' => 'specialratio', 'norm(string)' => 'norm', 'count(needle,haystack)' => 'count' ),
'vars' => array( 'ACCOUNTNAME' => 'accountname', 'ACTION' => 'action', 'ADDED_LINES' => 'addedlines', 'EDIT_DELTA' => 'delta', 'EDIT_DIFF' => 'diff', 'NEW_SIZE' => 'newsize', 'OLD_SIZE' => 'oldsize', 'REMOVED_LINES' => 'removedlines', 'SUMMARY' => 'summary', 'ARTICLE_ARTICLEID' => 'article-id', 'ARTICLE_NAMESPACE' => 'article-ns', 'ARTICLE_TEXT' => 'article-text', 'ARTICLE_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'article-prefixedtext', 'MOVED_FROM_ARTICLEID' => 'movedfrom-id', 'MOVED_FROM_NAMESPACE' => 'movedfrom-ns', 'MOVED_FROM_TEXT' => 'movedfrom-text', 'MOVED_FROM_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'movedfrom-prefixedtext', 'MOVED_TO_ARTICLEID' => 'movedto-id', 'MOVED_TO_NAMESPACE' => 'movedto-ns', 'MOVED_TO_TEXT' => 'movedto-text', 'MOVED_TO_PREFIXEDTEXT' => 'movedto-prefixedtext', 'USER_EDITCOUNT' => 'user-editcount', 'USER_AGE' => 'user-age', 'USER_NAME' => 'user-name', 'USER_GROUPS' => 'user-groups', 'USER_EMAILCONFIRM' => 'user-emailconfirm'),
// Generate builder drop-down
$builder = '';
$builder .= Xml::option( wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-select") );
foreach( $dropDown as $group => $values ) {
$builder .= Xml::openElement( 'optgroup', array( 'label' => wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-group-$group" ) ) ) . "\n";
foreach( $values as $content => $name ) {
$builder .= Xml::option( wfMsg( "abusefilter-edit-builder-$group-$name" ), $content ) . "\n";
$builder .= Xml::closeElement( 'optgroup' ) . "\n";
$rules .= Xml::tags( 'select', array( 'id' => 'wpFilterBuilder', 'onchange' => 'addText();' ), $builder );
// Add syntax checking
$rules .= Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'onclick' => 'doSyntaxCheck()', 'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-check' ), 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ) );
$rules .= Xml::element( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult', 'style' => 'display: none;' ), '&nbsp;' );
// Add script
$wgOut->addInlineScript( file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__)."/edit.js") );
return $rules;
function buildConsequenceEditor( $row, $actions ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
$setActions = array();
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
$setActions[$action] = array_key_exists( $action, $actions );
$output = '';
// Special case: flagging - always on.
$checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-flag' ), 'wpFilterActionFlag', 'wpFilterActionFlag', true, array( 'disabled' => '1' ) );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox );
// Special case: throttling
$throttleSettings = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-throttle' ), 'wpFilterActionThrottle', 'wpFilterActionThrottle', $setActions['throttle'] );
$throttleFields = array();
if ($setActions['throttle']) {
array_shift( $actions['throttle']['parameters'] );
$throttleRate = explode(',',$actions['throttle']['parameters'][0]);
$throttleCount = $throttleRate[0];
$throttlePeriod = $throttleRate[1];
$throttleGroups = implode("\n", array_slice($actions['throttle']['parameters'], 1 ) );
} else {
$throttleCount = 3;
$throttlePeriod = 60;
$throttleGroups = "user\n";
$throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-count'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterThrottleCount', 20, $throttleCount );
$throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-period'] = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-throttle-seconds', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), array(Xml::input( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod', 20, $throttlePeriod ) ) );
$throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-groups'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups', $throttleGroups."\n" );
$throttleSettings .= Xml::buildForm( $throttleFields );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $throttleSettings );
// Special case: Warning
$checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-warn' ), 'wpFilterActionWarn', 'wpFilterActionWarn', $setActions['warn'] );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox );
$warnMsg = empty($setActions['warn']) ? 'abusefilter-warning' : $actions['warn']['parameters'][0];
$warnFields['abusefilter-edit-warn-message'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterWarnMessage', 45, $warnMsg );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, Xml::buildForm( $warnFields ) );
// Special case: tagging
if ($setActions['tag']) {
$tags = $actions['tag']['parameters'];
} else {
$tags = array();
$checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg('abusefilter-edit-action-tag'), 'wpFilterActionTag', 'wpFilterActionTag', $setActions['tag'] );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox );
$tagFields['abusefilter-edit-tag-tag'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterTags', implode( "\n", $tags ) );
$output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, Xml::buildForm( $tagFields ) );
// The remainder are just toggles
$remainingActions = array_diff( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions, array( 'flag', 'throttle', 'warn', 'tag' ) );
foreach( $remainingActions as $action ) {
$message = 'abusefilter-edit-action-'.$action;
$form_field = 'wpFilterAction' . ucfirst($action);
$status = $setActions[$action];
$thisAction = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( $message ), $form_field, $form_field, $status );
$thisAction = Xml::tags( 'p', null, $thisAction );
$output .= $thisAction;
return $output;
function loadFilterData( $id ) {
if ($id == 'new') {
return array( new StdClass, array() );
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// Load the main row
$row = $dbr->selectRow( 'abuse_filter', '*', array( 'af_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ );
if (!isset($row) || !isset($row->af_id) || !$row->af_id)
return null;
// Load the actions
$actions = array();
$res = $dbr->select( 'abuse_filter_action', '*', array( 'afa_filter' => $id), __METHOD__ );
while ( $actionRow = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
$thisAction = array();
$thisAction['action'] = $actionRow->afa_consequence;
$thisAction['parameters'] = explode( "\n", $actionRow->afa_parameters );
$actions[$actionRow->afa_consequence] = $thisAction;
return array( $row, $actions );
function loadRequest( $filter, $history_id = null ) {
static $row = null;
static $actions = null;
global $wgRequest;
if (!is_null($actions) && !is_null($row)) {
return array($row,$actions);
} elseif ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) {
## Nothing, we do it all later
} elseif ( $history_id ) {
return $this->loadHistoryItem( $history_id );
} else {
return $this->loadFilterData( $filter );
// We need some details like last editor
list($row) = $this->loadFilterData( $filter );
$textLoads = array( 'af_public_comments' => 'wpFilterDescription', 'af_pattern' => 'wpFilterRules', 'af_comments' => 'wpFilterNotes' );
foreach( $textLoads as $col => $field ) {
$row->$col = trim($wgRequest->getVal( $field ));
$row->af_deleted = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterDeleted' );
$row->af_enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterEnabled' ) && !$row->af_deleted;
$row->af_hidden = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterHidden' );
// Actions
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
$actions = array();
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
// Check if it's set
$enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterAction'.ucfirst($action) );
if ($enabled) {
$parameters = array();
if ($action == 'throttle') {
// We need to load the parameters
$throttleCount = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottleCount' );
$throttlePeriod = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod' );
$throttleGroups = explode("\n", trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups' ) ) );
$parameters[0] = $this->mFilter; // For now, anyway
$parameters[1] = "$throttleCount,$throttlePeriod";
$parameters = array_merge( $parameters, $throttleGroups );
} elseif ($action == 'warn') {
$parameters[0] = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterWarnMessage' );
} elseif ($action == 'tag') {
$parameters = explode("\n", $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterTags' ) );
$thisAction = array( 'action' => $action, 'parameters' => $parameters );
$actions[$action] = $thisAction;
return array( $row, $actions );
function loadHistoryItem( $id ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
// Load the row.
$row = $dbr->selectRow( 'abuse_filter_history', '*', array( 'afh_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ );
## Translate into an abuse_filter row with some black magic. This is ever so slightly evil!
$af_row = new StdClass;
foreach (self::$history_mappings as $af_col => $afh_col ) {
$af_row->$af_col = $row->$afh_col;
## Process flags
$af_row->af_deleted = 0;
$af_row->af_hidden = 0;
$af_row->af_enabled = 0;
$flags = explode(',', $row->afh_flags );
foreach( $flags as $flag ) {
$col_name = "af_$flag";
$af_row->$col_name = 1;
## Process actions
$actions_raw = unserialize($row->afh_actions);
$actions_output = array();
foreach( $actions_raw as $action => $parameters ) {
$actions_output[$action] = array( 'action' => $action, 'parameters' => $parameters );
return array( $af_row, $actions_output );