Daimona Eaytoy 2fc44e9d18 Focus the Ace editor after having added text from dropdown
The classic editor (textarea) already takes focus, while for Ace we need
to explicitly call its focus() method.

Bug: T202480
Change-Id: I8dcf54e46e730b2879b09b4e21198b2ef1131706
2018-08-22 10:57:15 +02:00

483 lines
13 KiB

* AbuseFilter editing JavaScript
* @author John Du Hart
* @author Marius Hoch <>
/* global ace */
( function ( mw, $, OO ) {
'use strict';
// Filter editor for JS and jQuery handling
// @var {jQuery}
var $filterBox,
// Filter editor for Ace specific functions
// Hidden textarea for submitting form
// @var {jQuery}
// Bool to determine what editor to use
useAce = false,
// Infused OOUI elements
* Returns the currently selected warning message
* @return {string} current warning message
function getCurrentWarningMessage() {
var message = messageExisting.getValue();
if ( message === 'other' ) {
message = messageOther.getValue();
return message;
* Things always needed after syntax checks
* @param {string} resultText
* @param {string} className Class to add
* @param {bool} syntaxOk Is the syntax ok?
function processSyntaxResultAlways( resultText, className, syntaxOk ) {
$.removeSpinner( 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck' );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' )
.attr( 'class', className )
.text( resultText )
.data( 'syntaxOk', syntaxOk );
* Switch between Ace Editor and classic textarea
function switchEditor() {
if ( useAce ) {
useAce = false;
} else {
useAce = true;
filterEditor.session.setValue( $plainTextBox.val() );
* Takes the data retrieved in doSyntaxCheck and processes it
* @param {Object} data Data returned from the AJAX request
function processSyntaxResult( data ) {
var position;
data = data.abusefilterchecksyntax;
if ( data.status === 'ok' ) {
// Successful
mw.msg( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxok' ),
} else {
// Set a custom error message as we're aware of the actual problem
mw.message( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr', data.message ).toString(),
if ( useAce ) {
// Convert index (used in textareas) in position {row, column} for ace
position = filterEditor.session.getDocument().indexToPosition( data.character );
filterEditor.navigateTo( position.row, position.column );
filterEditor.scrollToRow( position.row );
} else {
.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: data.character } );
* Acts on errors after doSyntaxCheck
* @param {string} error Error code returned from the AJAX request
* @param {Object} details Details about the error
function processSyntaxResultFailure( error, details ) {
var msg = error === 'http' ? 'abusefilter-http-error' : 'unknown-error';
mw.msg( msg, details && details.exception ),
* Sends the current filter text to be checked for syntax issues.
* @context HTMLElement
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function doSyntaxCheck() {
var filter = $plainTextBox.val(),
api = new mw.Api();
$( this )
.prop( 'disabled', true )
.injectSpinner( { id: 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck', size: 'large' } ); {
action: 'abusefilterchecksyntax',
filter: filter
} )
.done( processSyntaxResult )
.fail( processSyntaxResultFailure );
* Adds text to the filter textarea
* Fired by a change event from the #wpFilterBuilder dropdown
function addText() {
var $filterBuilder = $( '#wpFilterBuilder' );
if ( $filterBuilder.prop( 'selectedIndex' ) === 0 ) {
if ( useAce ) {
filterEditor.insert( $filterBuilder.val() + ' ' );
$plainTextBox.val( filterEditor.getSession().getValue() );
} else {
'encapsulateSelection', { pre: $filterBuilder.val() + ' ' }
$filterBuilder.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 );
* Fetches a filter from the API and inserts it into the filter box.
* @context HTMLElement
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function fetchFilter() {
var filterId = $.trim( $( '#mw-abusefilter-load-filter input' ).val() ),
if ( filterId === '' ) {
$( this ).injectSpinner( { id: 'fetch-spinner', size: 'large' } );
// We just ignore errors or unexisting filters over here
api = new mw.Api();
api.get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'abusefilters',
abfprop: 'pattern',
abfstartid: filterId,
abfendid: filterId,
abflimit: 1
} )
.always( function () {
$.removeSpinner( 'fetch-spinner' );
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
if ( data.query.abusefilters[ 0 ] !== undefined ) {
if ( useAce ) {
filterEditor.setValue( data.query.abusefilters[ 0 ].pattern );
$plainTextBox.val( data.query.abusefilters[ 0 ].pattern );
} );
* Cycles through all action checkboxes and hides parameter divs
* that don't have checked boxes
function hideDeselectedActions() {
$( '.mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox input' ).each( function () {
// mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-{$action}
var action = 31 ),
$params = $( '#mw-abusefilter-' + action + '-parameters' );
if ( $params.length ) {
if ( this.checked ) {
} else {
} );
* Fetches the selected warning message for previewing
function previewWarnMessage() {
var api = new mw.Api(),
args = [
'<nowiki>' + $( 'input[name=wpFilterDescription]' ).val() + '</nowiki>',
$( '#mw-abusefilter-edit-id' ).children().last().text()
message = getCurrentWarningMessage(),
isVisible = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview' ).is( ':visible' );
if ( !isVisible ) {
api.get( {
action: 'query',
meta: 'allmessages',
ammessages: message,
amargs: args.join( '|' )
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
api.parse( data.query.allmessages[ 0 ][ '*' ], {
disablelimitreport: '',
preview: '',
prop: 'text',
title: 'MediaWiki:' + message
} )
.done( function ( html ) {
$( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview' ).show().html( html );
togglePreviewButton.setFlags( { destructive: true, progressive: false } );
} );
} );
} else {
$( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview' ).hide();
togglePreviewButton.setFlags( { destructive: false, progressive: true } );
* Redirects the browser to the warning message for editing
function editWarnMessage() {
var message = getCurrentWarningMessage();
window.location = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) +
'?title=MediaWiki:' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( message ) +
* Called if the filter group (#mw-abusefilter-edit-group-input select) is changed.
* @context HTMLELement
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function onFilterGroupChange() {
var $afWarnMessageExisting, newVal;
if ( !$( '#mw-abusefilter-action-warn-checkbox' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$afWarnMessageExisting = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing select' );
newVal = mw.config.get( 'wgAbuseFilterDefaultWarningMessage' )[ $( this ).val() ];
if ( $afWarnMessageExisting.find( 'option[value=\'' + newVal + '\']' ).length ) {
$afWarnMessageExisting.val( newVal );
messageOther.setValue( '' );
} else {
$afWarnMessageExisting.val( 'other' );
messageOther.setValue( newVal );
* Remove the options for warning messages if the filter is set to global
function toggleCustomMessages() {
// Use the table over here as hideDeselectedActions might alter the visibility of the div
var $warnOptions = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-parameters > table' );
if ( $( '#wpFilterGlobal' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
// It's a global filter, so use the default message and hide the option from the user
messageExisting.setValue( 'abusefilter-warning' );
} else {
* Called if the user presses a key in the load filter field
* @context HTMLELement
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
function onFilterKeypress( e ) {
if ( e.type === 'keypress' && e.which === 13 ) {
$( '#mw-abusefilter-load' ).click();
// On ready initialization
$( document ).ready( function () {
var basePath, readOnly,
$exportBox = $( '#mw-abusefilter-export' ),
isFilterEditor = mw.config.get( 'isFilterEditor' ),
tagConfig = mw.config.get( 'tagConfig' ),
$tagContainer, tagUsed, tagDisabled, tagSelector, tagField, cbEnabled, cbDeleted;
if ( isFilterEditor ) {
// Configure the actual editing interface
if ( tagConfig ) {
// Build the tag selector
$tagContainer = $( '#mw-abusefilter-tag-parameters' );
tagUsed = tagConfig.tagUsed;
tagDisabled = tagConfig.tagDisabled.length !== 0;
// Input field for tags
tagSelector =
new OO.ui.TagMultiselectWidget( {
inputPosition: 'outline',
allowArbitrary: true,
allowEditTags: true,
selected: tagUsed,
placeholder: tagConfig.tagPlaceholder,
disabled: tagDisabled
} );
tagField =
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
label: $( $.parseHTML( tagConfig.tagLabel ) ),
align: 'top'
tagSelector.on( 'change', function () {
$( '#mw-abusefilter-hidden-tags textarea' ).val( tagSelector.getValue() );
} );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-hidden-tags' ).hide();
$tagContainer.append( tagField.$element );
togglePreviewButton = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview-button' ) );
messageExisting = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing' ) );
messageOther = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-other' ) );
$plainTextBox = $( '#' + mw.config.get( 'abuseFilterBoxName' ) );
if ( $( '#wpAceFilterEditor' ).length ) {
// CodeEditor is installed.
mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.abuseFilter.ace' ] ).then( function () {
$filterBox = $( '#wpAceFilterEditor' );
filterEditor = ace.edit( 'wpAceFilterEditor' );
filterEditor.session.setMode( 'ace/mode/abusefilter' );
// Ace setup from codeEditor extension
basePath = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath', '' );
if ( basePath.slice( 0, 2 ) === '//' ) {
// ACE uses web workers, which have importScripts, which don't like relative links.
// This is a problem only when the assets are on another server, so this rewrite should suffice
// Protocol relative
basePath = window.location.protocol + basePath;
ace.config.set( 'basePath', basePath + '/CodeEditor/modules/ace' );
// Settings for Ace editor box
readOnly = mw.config.get( 'aceConfig' ).aceReadOnly;
filterEditor.setTheme( 'ace/theme/textmate' );
filterEditor.session.setOption( 'useWorker', false );
filterEditor.setReadOnly( readOnly );
filterEditor.$blockScrolling = Infinity;
// Display Ace editor
// Hide the syntax ok message when the text changes and sync dummy box
$filterBox.keyup( function () {
var $el = $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' );
if ( $ 'syntaxOk' ) ) {
$plainTextBox.val( filterEditor.getSession().getValue() );
} );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-switcheditor' ).click( switchEditor );
} );
// Hide the syntax ok message when the text changes
$plainTextBox.keyup( function () {
var $el = $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' );
if ( $ 'syntaxOk' ) ) {
} );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-load' ).click( fetchFilter );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-load-filter' ).keypress( onFilterKeypress );
if ( isFilterEditor ) {
// Add logic for flags and consequences
$( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview-button' ).click( previewWarnMessage );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-edit-button' ).click( editWarnMessage );
$( '.mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox input' ).click( hideDeselectedActions );
$( '#wpFilterGlobal' ).change( toggleCustomMessages );
cbEnabled = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#wpFilterEnabled' ) );
cbDeleted = OO.ui.infuse( $( '#wpFilterDeleted' ) );
OO.ui.infuse( $( '#wpFilterDeletedLabel' ) );
cbEnabled.on( 'change',
function () {
cbDeleted.setDisabled( cbEnabled.isSelected() );
if ( cbEnabled.isSelected() ) {
cbDeleted.setSelected( false );
cbDeleted.on( 'change',
function () {
if ( cbDeleted.isSelected() ) {
cbEnabled.setSelected( false );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-edit-group-input select' ).change( onFilterGroupChange );
$( '#mw-abusefilter-export-link' ).click(
function ( e ) {
$( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ).click( doSyntaxCheck );
$( '#wpFilterBuilder' ).change( addText );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );