Andrew Garrett 0880f444b1 Abuse Filter Parser updates:
* Use strcspn to scan ahead for long regions of uninteresting text in string handling (performance).
* Remove cruft specific to my system in phpTest.php.
* Remove a test that was in incorrect syntax, and useless without adding variable support.
2009-02-11 18:23:21 +00:00

56 lines
1.3 KiB

* Runs tests against the PHP parser.
require_once ( getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH') !== false
? getenv('MW_INSTALL_PATH')."/maintenance/"
: dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../maintenance/' );
$tester = new AbuseFilterParser;
wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AbuseFilter' );
$test_path = dirname( __FILE__ )."/tests";
$tests = glob( $test_path."/*.t" );
$check = 0;
$pass = 0;
foreach( $tests as $test ) {
$result = substr($test,0,-2).".r";
$rule = trim(file_get_contents( $test ));
$output = ($cont = trim(file_get_contents( $result ))) == 'MATCH';
$testname = basename($test);
print "Trying test $testname...\n";
try {
$actual = intval($tester->parse( $rule ));
if ($actual == $output) {
print "-PASSED.\n";
} else {
print "-FAILED - expected output $output, actual output $actual.\n";
print "-Expression: $rule\n";
// export
$vars = var_export( $tester->mTokens, true );
file_put_contents( $test.'.parsed', $vars );
} catch (AFPException $excep) {
print "-FAILED - exception ".$excep->getMessage()." with input $rule\n";
// export
$vars = var_export( $tester->mTokens, true );
file_put_contents( $test.'.parsed', $vars );
print "$pass tests passed out of $check\n";