varIsSet( 'action' ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The 'action' variable is not set." ); } $this->centralDBManager = $centralDBManager; $this->filterLookup = $filterLookup; $this->varBlobStore = $varBlobStore; $this->varManager = $varManager; $this->editRevUpdater = $editRevUpdater; $this->lbFactory = $lbFactory; $options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS ); $this->options = $options; $this->wikiID = $wikiID; $this->requestIP = $requestIP; $this->title = $title; $this->user = $user; $this->vars = $vars; $this->action = $vars->getComputedVariable( 'action' )->toString(); } /** * Create and publish log entries for taken actions * * @param array[] $actionsTaken * @return array Shape is [ 'local' => int[], 'global' => int[] ], IDs of logged filters * @phan-return array{local:int[],global:int[]} */ public function addLogEntries( array $actionsTaken ): array { $dbw = $this->lbFactory->getPrimaryDatabase(); $logTemplate = $this->buildLogTemplate(); $centralLogTemplate = [ 'afl_wiki' => $this->wikiID, ]; $logRows = []; $centralLogRows = []; $loggedLocalFilters = []; $loggedGlobalFilters = []; foreach ( $actionsTaken as $filter => $actions ) { list( $filterID, $global ) = GlobalNameUtils::splitGlobalName( $filter ); $thisLog = $logTemplate; $thisLog['afl_filter_id'] = $filterID; $thisLog['afl_global'] = (int)$global; $thisLog['afl_actions'] = implode( ',', $actions ); // Don't log if we were only throttling. // TODO This check should be removed or rewritten using Consequence objects if ( $thisLog['afl_actions'] !== 'throttle' ) { $logRows[] = $thisLog; // Global logging if ( $global ) { $centralLog = $thisLog + $centralLogTemplate; $centralLog['afl_filter_id'] = $filterID; $centralLog['afl_global'] = 0; $centralLog['afl_title'] = $this->title->getPrefixedText(); $centralLog['afl_namespace'] = 0; $centralLogRows[] = $centralLog; $loggedGlobalFilters[] = $filterID; } else { $loggedLocalFilters[] = $filterID; } } } if ( !count( $logRows ) ) { return [ 'local' => [], 'global' => [] ]; } $localLogIDs = $this->insertLocalLogEntries( $logRows, $dbw ); $globalLogIDs = []; if ( count( $loggedGlobalFilters ) ) { $fdb = $this->centralDBManager->getConnection( DB_PRIMARY ); $globalLogIDs = $this->insertGlobalLogEntries( $centralLogRows, $fdb ); } $this->editRevUpdater->setLogIdsForTarget( $this->title, [ 'local' => $localLogIDs, 'global' => $globalLogIDs ] ); return [ 'local' => $loggedLocalFilters, 'global' => $loggedGlobalFilters ]; } /** * Creates a template to use for logging taken actions * * @return array */ private function buildLogTemplate(): array { // If $this->user isn't safe to load (e.g. a failure during // AbortAutoAccount), create a dummy anonymous user instead. $user = $this->user->isSafeToLoad() ? $this->user : new User; // Create a template $logTemplate = [ 'afl_user' => $user->getId(), 'afl_user_text' => $user->getName(), 'afl_timestamp' => $this->lbFactory->getReplicaDatabase()->timestamp(), 'afl_namespace' => $this->title->getNamespace(), 'afl_title' => $this->title->getDBkey(), 'afl_action' => $this->action, 'afl_ip' => $this->options->get( 'AbuseFilterLogIP' ) ? $this->requestIP : '' ]; // Hack to avoid revealing IPs of people creating accounts if ( ( $this->action === 'createaccount' || $this->action === 'autocreateaccount' ) && !$user->getId() ) { $logTemplate['afl_user_text'] = $this->vars->getComputedVariable( 'accountname' )->toString(); } return $logTemplate; } /** * @param array $data * @return ManualLogEntry */ private function newLocalLogEntryFromData( array $data ): ManualLogEntry { // Give grep a chance to find the usages: // logentry-abusefilter-hit $entry = new ManualLogEntry( 'abusefilter', 'hit' ); $user = new UserIdentityValue( $data['afl_user'], $data['afl_user_text'] ); $entry->setPerformer( $user ); $entry->setTarget( $this->title ); $filterName = GlobalNameUtils::buildGlobalName( $data['afl_filter_id'], $data['afl_global'] === 1 ); // Additional info $entry->setParameters( [ 'action' => $data['afl_action'], 'filter' => $filterName, 'actions' => $data['afl_actions'], 'log' => $data['afl_id'], ] ); return $entry; } /** * @param array[] $logRows * @param IDatabase $dbw * @return int[] */ private function insertLocalLogEntries( array $logRows, IDatabase $dbw ): array { $varDump = $this->varBlobStore->storeVarDump( $this->vars ); $loggedIDs = []; foreach ( $logRows as $data ) { $data['afl_var_dump'] = $varDump; $dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_log', $data, __METHOD__ ); $loggedIDs[] = $data['afl_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); // Send data to CheckUser if installed and we // aren't already sending a notification to recentchanges if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'CheckUser' ) && strpos( $this->options->get( 'AbuseFilterNotifications' ), 'rc' ) === false ) { global $wgCheckUserLogAdditionalRights; $wgCheckUserLogAdditionalRights[] = 'abusefilter-view'; $entry = $this->newLocalLogEntryFromData( $data ); $user = $entry->getPerformerIdentity(); // Invert the hack from ::buildLogTemplate because CheckUser attempts // to assign an actor id to the non-existing user if ( ( $this->action === 'createaccount' || $this->action === 'autocreateaccount' ) && !$user->getId() ) { $entry->setPerformer( new UserIdentityValue( 0, $this->requestIP ) ); } $rc = $entry->getRecentChange(); // We need to send the entries on POSTSEND to ensure that the user definitely exists, as a temporary // account being created by this edit may not exist until after AbuseFilter processes the edit. DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( static function () use ( $rc ) { // Silence the TransactionProfiler warnings for performing write queries (T359648). $trxProfiler = Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler(); $scope = $trxProfiler->silenceForScope( $trxProfiler::EXPECTATION_REPLICAS_ONLY ); Hooks::updateCheckUserData( $rc ); ScopedCallback::consume( $scope ); } ); } if ( $this->options->get( 'AbuseFilterNotifications' ) !== false ) { $filterID = $data['afl_filter_id']; $global = $data['afl_global']; if ( !$this->options->get( 'AbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate' ) && $this->filterLookup->getFilter( $filterID, $global )->isHidden() ) { continue; } $entry = $this->newLocalLogEntryFromData( $data ); $this->publishEntry( $dbw, $entry ); } } return $loggedIDs; } /** * @param array[] $centralLogRows * @param IDatabase $fdb * @return int[] */ private function insertGlobalLogEntries( array $centralLogRows, IDatabase $fdb ): array { $this->varManager->computeDBVars( $this->vars ); $globalVarDump = $this->varBlobStore->storeVarDump( $this->vars, true ); foreach ( $centralLogRows as $index => $data ) { $centralLogRows[$index]['afl_var_dump'] = $globalVarDump; } $loggedIDs = []; foreach ( $centralLogRows as $row ) { $fdb->insert( 'abuse_filter_log', $row, __METHOD__ ); $loggedIDs[] = $fdb->insertId(); } return $loggedIDs; } /** * Like ManualLogEntry::publish, but doesn't require an ID (which we don't have) and skips the * tagging part * * @param IDatabase $dbw To cancel the callback if the log insertion fails * @param ManualLogEntry $entry */ private function publishEntry( IDatabase $dbw, ManualLogEntry $entry ): void { DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $entry ) { $rc = $entry->getRecentChange(); $to = $this->options->get( 'AbuseFilterNotifications' ); if ( $to === 'rc' || $to === 'rcandudp' ) { $rc->save( $rc::SEND_NONE ); } if ( $to === 'udp' || $to === 'rcandudp' ) { $rc->notifyRCFeeds(); } }, DeferredUpdates::POSTSEND, $dbw ); } }