// Filter checking for examine new ( function( $, mw ) { // Reference to this var that = this, // Syntax result div // @type {jQuery} $syntaxResult; // Tests the filter against an rc event or abuse log entry this.examinerTestFilter = function() { var filter = $( '#wpTestFilter' ).val(), examine = mw.config.get( 'abuseFilterExamine' ), params = {}; $( this ).injectSpinner( 'filter-check' ); if ( examine.type === 'rc' ) { params = { rcid: examine.id }; } else { params = { logid: examine.id }; } // Large amount of data $.post( mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), $.extend( params, { action: 'abusefiltercheckmatch', filter: filter, format: 'json' } ), that.examinerTestProcess, 'json' ); }; // Processes the results of the filter test // @param {Object} data this.examinerTestProcess = function( data ) { var msg; $.removeSpinner( 'filter-check' ); if ( data.error !== undefined ) { // Hmm, something went awry if ( data.error.code === 'badsyntax' ) { $syntaxResult.attr( 'class', 'mw-abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror' ); msg = 'abusefilter-examine-syntaxerror'; } else if ( data.error.code === 'nosuchrcid' || data.error.code === 'nosuchlogid' ) { msg = 'abusefilter-examine-notfound'; } else if ( data.error.code === 'nopermission' ) { return; } } else { var exClass; if ( data.abusefiltercheckmatch.result ) { exClass = 'mw-abusefilter-examine-match'; msg = 'abusefilter-examine-match'; } else { exClass = 'mw-abusefilter-examine-nomatch'; msg = 'abusefilter-examine-nomatch'; } $syntaxResult.attr( 'class', exClass ); } $syntaxResult .text( mw.msg( msg ) ) .show(); }; $( function( $ ) { $syntaxResult = $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-examine-test' ).click( that.examinerTestFilter ); } ); } ( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );