'/**/', 'af_user' => 0, 'af_user_text' => 'FilterTester', 'af_timestamp' => '20190826000000', 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_comments' => '', 'af_public_comments' => 'Mock filter', 'af_hidden' => 0, 'af_hit_count' => 0, 'af_throttled' => 0, 'af_deleted' => 0, 'af_actions' => '', 'af_global' => 0, 'af_group' => 'default' ]; /** * @return HashConfig */ private function getConfig() : HashConfig { $cfgOpts = [ 'LanguageCode' => 'en', 'AbuseFilterActions' => [ 'throttle' => true, 'warn' => true, 'disallow' => true, 'blockautopromote' => true, 'block' => true, 'rangeblock' => true, 'degroup' => true, 'tag' => true ], 'AbuseFilterValidGroups' => [ 'default', 'flow' ], 'AbuseFilterRestrictions' => [ 'degroup' => true ], 'AbuseFilterIsCentral' => true, ]; return new HashConfig( $cfgOpts ); } /** * @param array $testPerms * @return User|MockObject */ private function getUserMock( array $testPerms ) { $perms = array_merge( $testPerms, [ 'abusefilter-modify' ] ); /** @var User|MockObject $user */ $user = $this->createMock( User::class ); $user->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'FilterUser' ); $user->method( 'getId' )->willReturn( 1 ); $user->method( 'getActorId' )->willReturn( 1 ); $this->overrideUserPermissions( $user, $perms ); return $user; } /** * @param array $args * @return array */ private function getRowAndActionsFromTestSpecs( array $args ) : array { $newRow = (object)( $args['row'] + self::DEFAULT_ABUSE_FILTER_ROW ); $actions = $args['actions'] ?? []; $existing = isset( $args['testData']['existing'] ); if ( $existing ) { $origRow = (object)( self::DEFAULT_ABUSE_FILTER_ROW + [ 'af_id' => 1 ] ); } else { $origRow = (object)[ 'af_pattern' => '', 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_hidden' => 0, 'af_global' => 0, 'af_throttled' => 0, 'af_hit_count' => 0, ]; } return [ $newRow, $actions, $origRow, [] ]; } /** * Validate and save a filter given its parameters * * @param array $args Parameters of the filter and metadata for the test * @covers AbuseFilter::saveFilter * @dataProvider provideFilters */ public function testSaveFilter( $args ) { $user = $this->getUserMock( $args['testData']['userPerms'] ?? [] ); $filter = $args['row']['af_id'] = $args['row']['af_id'] ?? null; [ $newRow, $actions, $origRow, $origActions ] = $this->getRowAndActionsFromTestSpecs( $args ); /** @var IDatabase|MockObject $dbw */ $dbw = $this->createMock( IDatabase::class ); $dbw->method( 'insertId' )->willReturn( 1 ); // This is needed because of the ManualLogEntry usage $dbw->method( 'selectRow' )->willReturn( (object)[ 'actor_id' => '1' ] ); $status = AbuseFilter::saveFilter( $user, $filter, $newRow, $actions, $origRow, $origActions, $dbw, $this->getConfig() ); if ( $args['testData']['shouldFail'] ) { $this->assertFalse( $status->isGood(), 'The filter validation returned a valid status.' ); $actual = $status->getErrors()[0]['message']; $expected = $args['testData']['expectedMessage']; $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } elseif ( $args['testData']['shouldBeSaved'] ) { $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood(), "Save failed with status: $status" ); $value = $status->getValue(); $this->assertIsArray( $value ); $this->assertCount( 2, $value ); $this->assertContainsOnly( 'int', $value ); } else { $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood(), "Got a non-good status: $status" ); $this->assertFalse( $status->getValue(), 'Status value should be false' ); } } /** * Data provider for creating and editing filters. * @return array */ public function provideFilters() : array { return [ 'Fail due to empty description and rules' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '', 'af_public_comments' => '', ], 'actions' => [ 'blockautopromote' => [] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-missingfields', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Success for only rules and description' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '/* My rules */', 'af_public_comments' => 'Some new filter', 'af_enabled' => false, 'af_deleted' => true ], 'testData' => [ 'shouldFail' => false, 'shouldBeSaved' => true ] ] ], 'Fail due to syntax error' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => 'rlike', 'af_public_comments' => 'This syntax aint good', ], 'actions' => [ 'block' => [ true, '8 hours', '8 hours' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to both "enabled" and "deleted" selected' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Enabled and deleted', 'af_deleted' => true ], 'actions' => [ 'block' => [ true, '8 hours', '8 hours' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-deleting-enabled', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to a reserved tag' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Reserved tag', 'af_comments' => 'Some notes', 'af_hidden' => true ], 'actions' => [ 'tag' => [ 'mw-undo' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-bad-tags', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to an invalid tag' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Invalid tag', 'af_comments' => 'Some notes', ], 'actions' => [ 'tag' => [ 'invalid|tag' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-invalid-chars', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to an empty tag' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1!=0', 'af_public_comments' => 'Empty tag', 'af_comments' => '', ], 'actions' => [ 'tag' => [ '' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'tags-create-no-name', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to lack of modify-global right' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Global without perms', 'af_global' => true, ], 'actions' => [ 'disallow' => [ 'abusefilter-disallowed' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to custom warn message on global filter' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Global with invalid warn message', 'af_global' => true, ], 'actions' => [ 'warn' => [ 'abusefilter-beautiful-warning' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false, 'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ] ] ] ], 'Fail due to custom disallow message on global filter' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Global with invalid disallow message', 'af_global' => true, ], 'actions' => [ 'disallow' => [ 'abusefilter-disallowed-something' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed-global-custom-msg', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false, 'userPerms' => [ 'abusefilter-modify-global' ] ] ] ], 'Fail due to a restricted action' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Restricted action', ], 'actions' => [ 'degroup' => [] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-restricted', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Pass validation but do not save when there are no changes' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_id' => '1', 'af_pattern' => '/**/', 'af_public_comments' => 'Mock filter' ], 'testData' => [ 'shouldFail' => false, 'shouldBeSaved' => false, 'existing' => true ] ] ], 'Fail due to invalid throttle groups' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Invalid throttle groups', 'af_comments' => 'Throttle... Again', ], 'actions' => [ 'throttle' => [ null, '11,111', "user\nfoo" ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-throttlegroups', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to empty warning message' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Empty warning message', ], 'actions' => [ 'warn' => [ '' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-warn-message', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ], 'Fail due to empty disallow message' => [ [ 'row' => [ 'af_pattern' => '1==1', 'af_public_comments' => 'Empty disallow message', ], 'actions' => [ 'disallow' => [ '' ] ], 'testData' => [ 'expectedMessage' => 'abusefilter-edit-invalid-disallow-message', 'shouldFail' => true, 'shouldBeSaved' => false ] ] ] ]; } }