@import 'mediawiki.skin.variables.less'; /* This code initially was stolen shamelessly from enwikipedia's Common.css */ table.mw-abuselog-details { margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: @background-color-interactive-subtle; border: @border-base; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; th, td { border: @border-base; padding: 0.2em; } th { background: @background-color-interactive; text-align: center; } caption { font-weight: bold; } } .mw-abusefilter-log-hidden-entry { text-decoration: line-through; color: @color-disabled; font-style: italic; } body td.mw-abusefilter-history-changed { background: @background-color-destructive-subtle; font-weight: bold; } .mw-abuselog-var-value { white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: monospace; } div.mw-abuselog-var-value { max-height: 25em; max-width: 100%; overflow: auto; } td.mw-abuselog-var { width: 30%; } table.mw-abusefilter-list-scrollable { display: block; border: 0; overflow-x: auto; } .client-nojs .mw-abusefilter-javascript-tools { display: none; } #mw-abusefilter-throttle-parameters, #mw-abusefilter-warn-parameters, #mw-abusefilter-disallow-parameters, #mw-abusefilter-tag-parameters, #mw-abusefilter-block-parameters { width: 50%; padding-left: 3em; } .mw-abusefilter-preview-buttons { text-align: center; } #mw-abusefilter-warn-preview, #mw-abusefilter-disallow-preview { border: @border-base; margin: 2em; padding: 1em; } .client-nojs #mw-abusefilter-export-link, .client-js #mw-abusefilter-export { display: none; } tr.mw-abusefilter-list-disabled, tr.mw-abusefilter-list-disabled td { color: @color-disabled; } tr.mw-abusefilter-list-deleted, tr.mw-abusefilter-list-deleted td { color: @color-subtle; } tr.mw-abusefilter-list-throttled, tr.mw-abusefilter-list-throttled td { color: @color-error; } .mw-abusefilter-examine-match, .mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-ok, li.mw-abusefilter-changeslist-match { /* @embed */ background-image: url( yes_check.png ); } .mw-abusefilter-examine-nomatch, .mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-error, li.mw-abusefilter-changeslist-nomatch { /* @embed */ background-image: url( red_x.png ); } #mw-abusefilter-edit-rules .mw-input { width: 100%; /* So that we can use relative width for mw-abusefilter-editor */ } #mw-abusefilter-editing-form .mw-label { /* See T231962, the 100% width set above may squeeze the labels */ white-space: nowrap; } div.mw-abusefilter-editor { width: 90%; /* Same as wpFilterRules and mw-abusefilter-notes-editor */ height: 30em; /* Similar to wpFilterRules */ line-height: 1.5em; border: @border-base; display: none; } #wpFilterRules { width: 90%; /* Same as mw-abusefilter-editor */ height: 27em; /* Same as mw-abusefilter-editor, minus extra space */ } #mw-abusefilter-notes-editor, #mw-abusefilter-edit-description-input, #mw-abusefilter-edit-group-input { width: 90%; /* Same as mw-abusefilter-editor */ max-width: none; /* OOUI's default of 50em is too low for this field */ } #mw-abusefilter-switcheditor { /* Hidden until the click handler is installed */ display: none; } fieldset.mw-abusefilter-edit-buttons { margin-top: 1em; } .mw-abusefilter-load-filter-id { max-width: 50em; } .client-nojs .mw-abusefilter-load-filter-id { display: none; } /* Needs reinforced CSS selectors to override MonoBook's .special li */ /* @see T78304, T331211 */ #mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult, #mw-content-text li.mw-abusefilter-changeslist-nomatch, #mw-content-text li.mw-abusefilter-changeslist-match { /* Do not consolidate these into a "background:" rule; it will override the background-image: settings in above rulesets */ background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left: 25px; background-position: left center; } /* Name is in site content language */ /* @noflip */ .sitedir-ltr .TablePager_col_af_public_comments { /* stylelint-disable-line selector-class-pattern */ direction: ltr; } /* @noflip */ .sitedir-rtl .TablePager_col_af_public_comments { /* stylelint-disable-line selector-class-pattern */ direction: rtl; } #mw-abusefilter-filter-tools { display: inline; } #mw-abusefilter-expr-result { word-break: break-all; /* Shown dinamically via JS */ display: none; } .mw-abusefilter-history-buttons { text-align: center; } .mw-abusefilter-tools-error { color: @color-error; } /* Ace highlight customisation */ span.ace_invalid.ace_deprecated { /* stylelint-disable-line selector-class-pattern */ color: #fe6767; background-color: initial; } span.ace_support.ace_function { /* stylelint-disable-line selector-class-pattern */ color: #495dd0; }