requireExtension( 'Abuse Filter' ); } /** * @see Maintenance::execute */ public function execute() { $logParams = []; $afhRows = []; // Find all entries in abuse_filter_history without logging entry of same timestamp $afhResult = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA, 'vslow' )->select( [ 'abuse_filter_history', 'logging' ], [ 'afh_id', 'afh_filter', 'afh_timestamp', 'afh_user', 'afh_deleted', 'afh_user_text' ], [ 'log_id IS NULL' ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'logging' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'afh_timestamp = log_timestamp AND ' . 'SUBSTRING_INDEX(log_params, \'\n\', 1) = afh_id AND log_type = \'abusefilter\'' ] ] ); // Because the timestamp matches aren't exact (sometimes a couple of // seconds off), we need to check all our results and ignore those that // do actually have log entries foreach ( $afhResult as $row ) { $logParams[] = $row->afh_id . "\n" . $row->afh_filter; $afhRows[$row->afh_id] = $row; } if ( !count( $afhRows ) ) { $this->error( "Nothing to do.", 1 ); } $logResult = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->select( 'logging', [ 'log_params' ], [ 'log_type' => 'abusefilter', 'log_params' => $logParams ], __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $logResult as $row ) { // id . '\n' . filter $params = explode( "\n", $row->log_params ); // id $afhId = $params[0]; // Forget this row had any issues - it just has a different timestamp in the log unset( $afhRows[$afhId] ); } if ( !count( $afhRows ) ) { $this->error( "Nothing to do.", 1 ); } $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $count = 0; foreach ( $afhRows as $row ) { if ( $count % 100 == 0 ) { wfWaitForSlaves(); } $user = User::newFromAnyId( $row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text, null ); $dbw->insert( 'logging', [ 'log_type' => 'abusefilter', 'log_action' => 'modify', 'log_timestamp' => $row->afh_timestamp, 'log_namespace' => -1, 'log_title' => SpecialPageFactory::getLocalNameFor( 'AbuseFilter' ) . '/' . $row->afh_filter, 'log_params' => $row->afh_id . '\n' . $row->afh_filter, 'log_deleted' => $row->afh_deleted, ] + CommentStore::getStore()->insert( $dbw, 'log_comment', '' ) + ActorMigration::newMigration()->getInsertValues( $dbw, 'log_user', $user ), __METHOD__ ); $count++; } $this->output( "Inserted " . $count . " rows.\n" ); } } $maintClass = AddMissingLoggingEntries::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;