[ group => [ ID => filter ] ] ] * where the cache for each group has the same format as $this->cache * Note that the keys are also in the form 'global-ID' for filters in 'global', although redundant. */ private $groupCache = [ 'local' => [], 'global' => [] ]; /** @var HistoryFilter[] */ private $historyCache = []; /** @var int[] */ private $firstVersionCache = []; /** @var int[] */ private $lastVersionCache = []; /** * @var int[][] [ filter => [ historyID => [ prev, next ] ] ] * @phan-var array> */ private $closestVersionsCache = []; /** @var ILoadBalancer */ private $loadBalancer; /** @var WANObjectCache */ private $wanCache; /** @var CentralDBManager */ private $centralDBManager; /** @var ActorMigrationBase */ private $actorMigration; /** * @param ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer * @param WANObjectCache $cache * @param CentralDBManager $centralDBManager * @param ActorMigrationBase $actorMigration */ public function __construct( ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer, WANObjectCache $cache, CentralDBManager $centralDBManager, ActorMigrationBase $actorMigration ) { $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer; $this->wanCache = $cache; $this->centralDBManager = $centralDBManager; $this->actorMigration = $actorMigration; } /** * @param int $filterID * @param bool $global * @param int $flags One of the self::READ_* constants * @return ExistingFilter * @throws FilterNotFoundException if the filter doesn't exist * @throws CentralDBNotAvailableException */ public function getFilter( int $filterID, bool $global, int $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ): ExistingFilter { $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey( $filterID, $global ); if ( $flags !== self::READ_NORMAL || !isset( $this->cache[$cacheKey] ) ) { [ $dbIndex, $dbOptions ] = DBAccessObjectUtils::getDBOptions( $flags ); $dbr = $this->getDBConnection( $dbIndex, $global ); $query = $this->getAbuseFilterQueryInfo(); $row = $dbr->selectRow( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], [ 'af_id' => $filterID ], __METHOD__, $dbOptions, $query['joins'] ); if ( !$row ) { throw new FilterNotFoundException( $filterID, $global ); } $fname = __METHOD__; $getActionsCB = function () use ( $dbr, $fname, $row ): array { return $this->getActionsFromDB( $dbr, $fname, $row->af_id ); }; $this->cache[$cacheKey] = $this->filterFromRow( $row, $getActionsCB ); } return $this->cache[$cacheKey]; } /** * Get all filters that are active (and not deleted) and in the given group * @param string $group * @param bool $global * @param int $flags * @return ExistingFilter[] * @throws CentralDBNotAvailableException */ public function getAllActiveFiltersInGroup( string $group, bool $global, int $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ): array { $domainKey = $global ? 'global' : 'local'; if ( $flags !== self::READ_NORMAL || !isset( $this->groupCache[$domainKey][$group] ) ) { if ( $global ) { $globalRulesKey = $this->getGlobalRulesKey( $group ); $ret = $this->wanCache->getWithSetCallback( $globalRulesKey, WANObjectCache::TTL_WEEK, function () use ( $group, $global, $flags ) { return $this->getAllActiveFiltersInGroupFromDB( $group, $global, $flags ); }, [ 'checkKeys' => [ $globalRulesKey ], 'lockTSE' => 300, 'version' => 3 ] ); } else { $ret = $this->getAllActiveFiltersInGroupFromDB( $group, $global, $flags ); } $this->groupCache[$domainKey][$group] = []; foreach ( $ret as $key => $filter ) { $this->groupCache[$domainKey][$group][$key] = $filter; $this->cache[$key] = $filter; } } return $this->groupCache[$domainKey][$group]; } /** * @param string $group * @param bool $global * @param int $flags * @return ExistingFilter[] */ private function getAllActiveFiltersInGroupFromDB( string $group, bool $global, int $flags ): array { [ $dbIndex, $dbOptions ] = DBAccessObjectUtils::getDBOptions( $flags ); $dbr = $this->getDBConnection( $dbIndex, $global ); $query = $this->getAbuseFilterQueryInfo(); $where = [ 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_deleted' => 0, 'af_group' => $group, ]; if ( $global ) { $where['af_global'] = 1; } // Note, excluding individually cached filter now wouldn't help much, so take it as // an occasion to refresh the cache later $rows = $dbr->select( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], $where, __METHOD__, $dbOptions, $query['joins'] ); $fname = __METHOD__; $ret = []; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $filterKey = $this->getCacheKey( $row->af_id, $global ); $getActionsCB = function () use ( $dbr, $fname, $row ): array { return $this->getActionsFromDB( $dbr, $fname, $row->af_id ); }; $ret[$filterKey] = $this->filterFromRow( $row, // Don't pass a closure if global, as this is going to be serialized when caching $global ? $getActionsCB() : $getActionsCB ); } return $ret; } /** * @param int $dbIndex * @param bool $global * @return IDatabase * @throws CentralDBNotAvailableException */ private function getDBConnection( int $dbIndex, bool $global ): IDatabase { if ( $global ) { return $this->centralDBManager->getConnection( $dbIndex ); } else { return $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( $dbIndex ); } } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @param string $fname * @param int $id * @return array */ private function getActionsFromDB( IDatabase $db, string $fname, int $id ): array { $res = $db->select( 'abuse_filter_action', [ 'afa_consequence', 'afa_parameters' ], [ 'afa_filter' => $id ], $fname ); $actions = []; foreach ( $res as $actionRow ) { $actions[$actionRow->afa_consequence] = $actionRow->afa_parameters !== '' ? explode( "\n", $actionRow->afa_parameters ) : []; } return $actions; } /** * Get an old version of the given (local) filter, with its actions * * @param int $version Unique identifier of the version * @param int $flags * @return HistoryFilter * @throws FilterVersionNotFoundException if the version doesn't exist */ public function getFilterVersion( int $version, int $flags = self::READ_NORMAL ): HistoryFilter { if ( $flags !== self::READ_NORMAL || !isset( $this->historyCache[$version] ) ) { [ $dbIndex, $dbOptions ] = DBAccessObjectUtils::getDBOptions( $flags ); $dbr = $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( $dbIndex ); $query = $this->getAbuseFilterHistoryQueryInfo(); $row = $dbr->selectRow( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], [ 'afh_id' => $version ], __METHOD__, $dbOptions, $query['joins'] ); if ( !$row ) { throw new FilterVersionNotFoundException( $version ); } $this->historyCache[$version] = $this->filterFromHistoryRow( $row ); } return $this->historyCache[$version]; } /** * @param int $filterID * @return HistoryFilter * @throws FilterNotFoundException If the filter doesn't exist */ public function getLastHistoryVersion( int $filterID ): HistoryFilter { if ( !isset( $this->lastVersionCache[$filterID] ) ) { $dbr = $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $query = $this->getAbuseFilterHistoryQueryInfo(); $row = $dbr->selectRow( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], [ 'afh_filter' => $filterID ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'afh_id DESC' ], $query['joins'] ); if ( !$row ) { throw new FilterNotFoundException( $filterID, false ); } $filterObj = $this->filterFromHistoryRow( $row ); $this->lastVersionCache[$filterID] = $filterObj->getHistoryID(); $this->historyCache[$filterObj->getHistoryID()] = $filterObj; } return $this->historyCache[ $this->lastVersionCache[$filterID] ]; } /** * @param int $historyID * @param int $filterID * @param string $direction self::DIR_PREV or self::DIR_NEXT * @return HistoryFilter * @throws ClosestFilterVersionNotFoundException */ public function getClosestVersion( int $historyID, int $filterID, string $direction ): HistoryFilter { if ( !isset( $this->closestVersionsCache[$filterID][$historyID][$direction] ) ) { $comparison = $direction === self::DIR_PREV ? '<' : '>'; $order = $direction === self::DIR_PREV ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; $dbr = $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $query = $this->getAbuseFilterHistoryQueryInfo(); $row = $dbr->selectRow( $query['tables'], $query['fields'], [ 'afh_filter' => $filterID, "afh_id $comparison" . $dbr->addQuotes( $historyID ), ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => "afh_timestamp $order" ], $query['joins'] ); if ( !$row ) { throw new ClosestFilterVersionNotFoundException( $filterID, $historyID ); } $filterObj = $this->filterFromHistoryRow( $row ); $this->closestVersionsCache[$filterID][$historyID][$direction] = $filterObj->getHistoryID(); $this->historyCache[$filterObj->getHistoryID()] = $filterObj; } $histID = $this->closestVersionsCache[$filterID][$historyID][$direction]; return $this->historyCache[$histID]; } /** * Get the history ID of the first change to a given filter * * @param int $filterID * @return int * @throws FilterNotFoundException */ public function getFirstFilterVersionID( int $filterID ): int { if ( !isset( $this->firstVersionCache[$filterID] ) ) { $dbr = $this->loadBalancer->getConnectionRef( DB_REPLICA ); $historyID = $dbr->selectField( 'abuse_filter_history', 'MIN(afh_id)', [ 'afh_filter' => $filterID ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $historyID === false ) { throw new FilterNotFoundException( $filterID, false ); } $this->firstVersionCache[$filterID] = (int)$historyID; } return $this->firstVersionCache[$filterID]; } /** * Resets the internal cache of Filter objects */ public function clearLocalCache(): void { $this->cache = []; $this->groupCache = [ 'local' => [], 'global' => [] ]; $this->historyCache = []; $this->firstVersionCache = []; $this->lastVersionCache = []; $this->closestVersionsCache = []; } /** * Purge the shared cache of global filters in the given group. * @note This doesn't purge the local cache * @param string $group */ public function purgeGroupWANCache( string $group ): void { $this->wanCache->touchCheckKey( $this->getGlobalRulesKey( $group ) ); } /** * @param string $group The filter's group (as defined in $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups) * @return string */ private function getGlobalRulesKey( string $group ): string { if ( !$this->centralDBManager->filterIsCentral() ) { return $this->wanCache->makeGlobalKey( 'abusefilter', 'rules', $this->centralDBManager->getCentralDBName(), $group ); } return $this->wanCache->makeKey( 'abusefilter', 'rules', $group ); } /** * Note: this is private because no external caller should access DB rows directly. * @param stdClass $row * @return HistoryFilter */ private function filterFromHistoryRow( stdClass $row ): HistoryFilter { $actionsRaw = unserialize( $row->afh_actions ); $actions = is_array( $actionsRaw ) ? $actionsRaw : []; $flags = $row->afh_flags ? explode( ',', $row->afh_flags ) : []; return new HistoryFilter( new Specs( trim( $row->afh_pattern ), $row->afh_comments, // FIXME: Make the DB field NOT NULL (T263324) (string)$row->afh_public_comments, array_keys( $actions ), // FIXME Make the field NOT NULL and add default (T263324) $row->afh_group ?? 'default' ), new Flags( in_array( 'enabled', $flags, true ), in_array( 'deleted', $flags, true ), in_array( 'hidden', $flags, true ), in_array( 'global', $flags, true ) ), $actions, new LastEditInfo( (int)$row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text, $row->afh_timestamp ), (int)$row->afh_filter, $row->afh_id ); } /** * Note: this is private because no external caller should access DB rows directly. * @param stdClass $row * @param array[]|callable $actions * @return ExistingFilter */ private function filterFromRow( stdClass $row, $actions ): ExistingFilter { return new ExistingFilter( new Specs( trim( $row->af_pattern ), // FIXME: Make the DB fields for these NOT NULL (T263324) (string)$row->af_comments, (string)$row->af_public_comments, $row->af_actions !== '' ? explode( ',', $row->af_actions ) : [], $row->af_group ), new Flags( (bool)$row->af_enabled, (bool)$row->af_deleted, (bool)$row->af_hidden, (bool)$row->af_global ), $actions, new LastEditInfo( (int)$row->af_user, $row->af_user_text, $row->af_timestamp ), (int)$row->af_id, isset( $row->af_hit_count ) ? (int)$row->af_hit_count : null, isset( $row->af_throttled ) ? (bool)$row->af_throttled : null ); } /** * @return array */ private function getAbuseFilterQueryInfo(): array { $actorQuery = $this->actorMigration->getJoin( 'af_user' ); return [ 'tables' => [ 'abuse_filter' ] + $actorQuery['tables'], 'fields' => [ 'af_id', 'af_pattern', 'af_timestamp', 'af_enabled', 'af_comments', 'af_public_comments', 'af_hidden', 'af_hit_count', 'af_throttled', 'af_deleted', 'af_actions', 'af_global', 'af_group' ] + $actorQuery['fields'], 'joins' => $actorQuery['joins'] ]; } /** * @return array */ private function getAbuseFilterHistoryQueryInfo(): array { $actorQuery = $this->actorMigration->getJoin( 'afh_user' ); return [ 'tables' => [ 'abuse_filter_history' ] + $actorQuery['tables'], 'fields' => [ 'afh_id', 'afh_pattern', 'afh_timestamp', 'afh_filter', 'afh_comments', 'afh_public_comments', 'afh_flags', 'afh_actions', 'afh_group' ] + $actorQuery['fields'], 'joins' => $actorQuery['joins'] ]; } /** * @param int $filterID * @param bool $global * @return string */ private function getCacheKey( int $filterID, bool $global ): string { return GlobalNameUtils::buildGlobalName( $filterID, $global ); } }