mArticle->getContext(); $status = Status::newGood(); $minoredit = $editPage->minoredit; $summary = $editPage->summary; // poor man's PST, see bug 20310 $text = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $text ); self::filterEdit( $context, null, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $msg = $status->getErrorsArray(); $msg = $msg[0]; // Use the error message key name as error code, the first parameter is the filter description. if ( $msg instanceof Message ) { // For forward compatibility: In case we switch over towards using Message objects someday. // (see the todo for AbuseFilter::buildStatus) $code = $msg->getKey(); $filterDescription = $msg->getParams(); $filterDescription = $filterDescription[0]; $warning = $msg->parse(); } else { $code = array_shift( $msg ); $filterDescription = $msg[0]; $warning = wfMessage( $code )->params( $msg )->parse(); } $result = array( 'code' => $code, 'info' => 'Hit AbuseFilter: ' . $filterDescription, 'warning' => $warning ); } return $status->isOK(); } /** * Entry points for MediaWiki hook 'EditFilterMerged' (MW 1.20 and earlier) * * @param $editor EditPage instance (object) * @param $text string Content of the edit box * @param &$error string Error message to return * @param $summary string Edit summary for page * @return bool */ public static function onEditFilterMerged( $editor, $text, &$error, $summary ) { $context = $editor->mArticle->getContext(); $status = Status::newGood(); $minoredit = $editor->minoredit; // poor man's PST, see bug 20310 $text = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $text ); $continue = self::filterEdit( $context, null, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $error = $status->getWikiText(); } return $continue; } /** * Entry points for MediaWiki hook 'EditFilterMergedContent' (MW 1.21 and later) * * @param IContextSource $context the context of the edit * @param Content $content the new Content generated by the edit * @param Status $status Error message to return * @param string $summary Edit summary for page * @param User $user the user performing the edit * @param bool $minoredit whether this is a minor edit according to the user. * * @return bool */ public static function onEditFilterMergedContent( IContextSource $context, Content $content, Status $status, $summary, User $user, $minoredit ) { $text = AbuseFilter::contentToString( $content, Revision::RAW ); $continue = self::filterEdit( $context, $content, $text, $status, $summary, $minoredit ); return $continue; } /** * Common implementation for the APIEditBeforeSave, EditFilterMerged * and EditFilterMergedContent hooks. * * @param IContextSource $context the context of the edit * @param Content|null $content the new Content generated by the edit * @param string $text new page content (subject of filtering) * @param Status $status Error message to return * @param string $summary Edit summary for page * @param bool $minoredit whether this is a minor edit according to the user. * * @return bool */ public static function filterEdit( IContextSource $context, $content, $text, Status $status, $summary, $minoredit ) { // Load vars $vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder(); $title = $context->getTitle(); // Some edits are running through multiple hooks, but we only want to filter them once if ( isset( $title->editAlreadyFiltered ) ) { return true; } elseif ( $title ) { $title->editAlreadyFiltered = true; } self::$successful_action_vars = false; self::$last_edit_page = false; $user = $context->getUser(); $oldtext = ''; if ( ( $title instanceof Title ) && $title->canExist() && $title->exists() ) { // Make sure we load the latest text saved in database (bug 31656) $page = $context->getWikiPage(); $revision = $page->getRevision(); if ( !$revision ) { return true; } if ( defined( 'MW_SUPPORTS_CONTENTHANDLER' ) ) { $oldcontent = $revision->getContent( Revision::RAW ); $oldtext = AbuseFilter::contentToString( $oldcontent ); } else { $oldtext = AbuseFilter::revisionToString( $revision, Revision::RAW ); } // Cache article object so we can share a parse operation $articleCacheKey = $title->getNamespace() . ':' . $title->getText(); AFComputedVariable::$articleCache[$articleCacheKey] = $page; // Don't trigger for null edits. if ( $content && isset( $oldcontent ) && $content->equals( $oldcontent ) ) { // Compare Content objects if available return true; } elseif ( strcmp( $oldtext, $text ) == 0 ) { // Otherwise, compare strings return true; } } else { $page = null; } $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $user ), AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $title , 'ARTICLE' ) ); $vars->setVar( 'action', 'edit' ); $vars->setVar( 'summary', $summary ); $vars->setVar( 'minor_edit', $minoredit ); $vars->setVar( 'old_wikitext', $oldtext ); $vars->setVar( 'new_wikitext', $text ); // TODO: set old_content and new_content vars, use them $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::getEditVars( $title, $page ) ); $filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $title ); if ( !$filter_result->isOK() ) { $status->merge( $filter_result ); return true; // re-show edit form } self::$successful_action_vars = $vars; self::$last_edit_page = $page; return true; } public static function onArticleSaveComplete( &$article, &$user, $text, $summary, $minoredit, $watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, $revision ) { if ( ! self::$successful_action_vars || ! $revision ) { self::$successful_action_vars = false; return true; } $vars = self::$successful_action_vars; if ( $vars->getVar('article_prefixedtext')->toString() !== $article->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) { return true; } if ( !self::identicalPageObjects( $article, self::$last_edit_page ) ) { return true; // this isn't the edit $successful_action_vars was set for } self::$last_edit_page = false; if ( $vars->getVar('local_log_ids') ) { // Now actually do our storage $log_ids = $vars->getVar('local_log_ids')->toNative(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( count($log_ids) ) { $dbw->update( 'abuse_filter_log', array( 'afl_rev_id' => $revision->getId() ), array( 'afl_id' => $log_ids ), __METHOD__ ); } } if ( $vars->getVar('global_log_ids') ) { $log_ids = $vars->getVar('global_log_ids')->toNative(); if ( count($log_ids) ) { global $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB; $fdb = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER, array(), $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB ); $fdb->update( 'abuse_filter_log', array( 'afl_rev_id' => $revision->getId() ), array( 'afl_id' => $log_ids, 'afl_wiki' => wfWikiId() ), __METHOD__ ); } } return true; } /** * Check if two article objects are identical or have an identical WikiPage * @param $page1 Article|WikiPage * @param $page2 Article|WikiPage * @return bool */ protected static function identicalPageObjects( $page1, $page2 ) { if ( method_exists('Article', 'getPage') ) { $wpage1 = ( $page1 instanceof Article ) ? $page1->getPage() : $page1; $wpage2 = ( $page2 instanceof Article ) ? $page2->getPage() : $page2; return ( $wpage1 === $wpage2 ); } else { // b/c for before WikiPage return ( $page1 === $page2 ); // should be two Article objects } } /** * @param $user * @param $promote * @return bool */ public static function onGetAutoPromoteGroups( $user, &$promote ) { global $wgMemc; $key = AbuseFilter::autoPromoteBlockKey( $user ); if ( $wgMemc->get( $key ) ) { $promote = array(); } return true; } public static function onMovePageCheckPermissions( Title $oldTitle, Title $newTitle, User $user, $reason, Status $status ) { $vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder; $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $user ), AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $oldTitle, 'MOVED_FROM' ), AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $newTitle, 'MOVED_TO' ) ); $vars->setVar( 'SUMMARY', $reason ); $vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'move' ); $result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $oldTitle ); $status->merge( $result ); return $result->isOK(); } /** * @param $oldTitle Title * @param $newTitle Title * @param $user User * @param $error * @param $reason * @return bool */ public static function onAbortMove( $oldTitle, $newTitle, $user, &$error, $reason ) { global $wgUser; // HACK: This is a secret userright so system actions // can bypass AbuseFilter. Should not be assigned to // normal users. This should be turned into a proper // userright in bug 67936. if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-bypass' ) ) { return true; } $status = new Status(); self::onMovePageCheckPermissions( $oldTitle, $newTitle, $wgUser, $reason, $status ); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { $error = $status->getHTML(); } return $status->isOK(); } /** * @param $article Article * @param $user User * @param $reason string * @param $error * @param $status * @return bool */ public static function onArticleDelete( &$article, &$user, &$reason, &$error, &$status ) { $vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder; global $wgUser; $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ), AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $article->getTitle(), 'ARTICLE' ) ); $vars->setVar( 'SUMMARY', $reason ); $vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'delete' ); $filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $article->getTitle() ); $status->merge( $filter_result ); $error = $filter_result->isOK() ? '' : $filter_result->getHTML(); return $filter_result->isOK(); } /** * @param $user User * @param $message * @param $autocreate bool Indicates whether the account is created automatically. * @return bool */ private static function checkNewAccount( $user, &$message, $autocreate ) { if ( $user->getName() == wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blocker' )->inContentLanguage()->text() ) { $message = wfMessage( 'abusefilter-accountreserved' )->text(); return false; } $vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder; // Add variables only for a registered user, so IP addresses of // new users won't be exposed global $wgUser; if ( $wgUser->getId() ) { $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ) ); } $vars->setVar( 'ACTION', $autocreate ? 'autocreateaccount' : 'createaccount' ); $vars->setVar( 'ACCOUNTNAME', $user->getName() ); $filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ) ); $message = $filter_result->isOK() ? '' : $filter_result->getWikiText(); return $filter_result->isOK(); } /** * @param $user User * @param $message * @return bool */ public static function onAbortNewAccount( $user, &$message ) { return self::checkNewAccount( $user, $message, false ); } /** * @param $user User * @param $message * @return bool */ public static function onAbortAutoAccount( $user, &$message ) { // FIXME: ERROR MESSAGE IS SHOWN IN A WEIRD WAY, BEACUSE $message // HERE MEANS NAME OF THE MESSAGE, NOT THE TEXT OF THE MESSAGE AS // IN AbortNewAccount HOOK WHICH WE CANNOT PROVIDE! return self::checkNewAccount( $user, $message, true ); } /** * @param $recentChange RecentChange * @return bool */ public static function onRecentChangeSave( $recentChange ) { $title = Title::makeTitle( $recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_namespace' ), $recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_title' ) ); $action = $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] ? $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_log_type'] : 'edit'; $actionID = implode( '-', array( $title->getPrefixedText(), $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_user_text'], $action ) ); if ( !empty( AbuseFilter::$tagsToSet[$actionID] ) && count( $tags = AbuseFilter::$tagsToSet[$actionID] ) ) { ChangeTags::addTags( $tags, $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_id'], $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid'], $recentChange->mAttribs['rc_logid'] ); } return true; } /** * @param array $tags * @param bool $enabled * @return bool */ private static function fetchAllTags( array &$tags, $enabled ) { # This is a pretty awful hack. $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $where = array( 'afa_consequence' => 'tag', 'af_deleted' => false ); if ( $enabled ) { $where['af_enabled'] = true; } $res = $dbr->select( array( 'abuse_filter_action', 'abuse_filter' ), 'afa_parameters', $where, __METHOD__, array(), array( 'abuse_filter' => array( 'INNER JOIN', 'afa_filter=af_id' ) ) ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $tags = array_filter( array_merge( explode( "\n", $row->afa_parameters ), $tags ) ); } return true; } /** * @param array $tags * @return bool */ public static function onListDefinedTags( array &$tags ) { return self::fetchAllTags( $tags, false ); } /** * @param array $tags * @return bool */ public static function onChangeTagsListActive( array &$tags ) { return self::fetchAllTags( $tags, true ); } /** * @param $updater DatabaseUpdater * @throws MWException * @return bool */ public static function onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates( $updater = null ) { $dir = dirname( __FILE__ ); if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' || $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'sqlite' ) { if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/abusefilter.tables.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/patch-abuse_filter_history.sql", true ) ); } else { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/abusefilter.tables.sqlite.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/patch-abuse_filter_history.sqlite.sql", true ) ); } $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter_history', 'afh_changed_fields', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afh_changed_fields.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_deleted', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_deleted.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_actions', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_actions.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_global', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_filters.sql", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_rev_id', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl_action_id.sql", true ) ); if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'filter_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-fix-indexes.sql", true ) ); } else { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_filter_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-fix-indexes.sqlite.sql", true ) ); } $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array('addField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_group', "$dir/db_patches/patch-af_group.sql", true ) ); if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'wiki_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_logging_wiki-index.sql", true ) ); } else { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_wiki_timestamp', "$dir/db_patches/patch-global_logging_wiki-index.sqlite.sql", true ) ); } if ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'mysql' ) { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'modifyField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl-namespace_int.sql", true ) ); } else { //$updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'modifyField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "$dir/db_patches/patch-afl-namespace_int.sqlite.sql", true ) ); /* TODO: modify a column in sqlite, which do not support such things create backup, drop, create with new schema, copy, drop backup or simply see : Several extensions are known to have database update or installation issues with SQLite: AbuseFilter, ... */ } } elseif ( $updater->getDB()->getType() == 'postgres' ) { $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter', "$dir/", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addTable', 'abuse_filter_history', "$dir/db_patches/", true ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_actions', "TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''" ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_deleted', 'SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter', 'af_global', 'SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_wiki', 'TEXT' ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_deleted', 'SMALLINT' ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'changeField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_filter', 'TEXT', '' ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgExtIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'abuse_filter_log_ip', "(afl_ip)" ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'addPgExtIndex', 'abuse_filter_log', 'abuse_filter_log_wiki', "(afl_wiki)" ) ); $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( 'changeField', 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_namespace', "INTEGER" ) ); } $updater->addExtensionUpdate( array( array( __CLASS__, 'createAbuseFilterUser' ) ) ); return true; } /** * Updater callback to create the AbuseFilter user after the user tables have been updated. * @param $updater DatabaseUpdater */ public static function createAbuseFilterUser( $updater ) { $user = User::newFromName( wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blocker' )->inContentLanguage()->text() ); if ( $user && !$updater->updateRowExists( 'create abusefilter-blocker-user' ) ) { if ( !$user->getId() ) { $user->addToDatabase(); $user->saveSettings(); # Increment site_stats.ss_users $ssu = new SiteStatsUpdate( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); $ssu->doUpdate(); } else { // Sorry dude, we need this account. $user->setPassword( null ); $user->setEmail( null ); $user->saveSettings(); } $updater->insertUpdateRow( 'create abusefilter-blocker-user' ); # Promote user so it doesn't look too crazy. $user->addGroup( 'sysop' ); } } /** * @param $id * @param $nt Title * @param $tools * @return bool */ public static function onContributionsToolLinks( $id, $nt, &$tools ) { global $wgUser; if ( $wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-log' ) ) { $tools[] = Linker::link( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'AbuseLog' ), wfMessage( 'abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs' )->text(), array( 'title' => wfMessage( 'abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs-text' )->parse() ), array( 'wpSearchUser' => $nt->getText() ) ); } return true; } /** * Handler for the UploadVerifyFile hook * * @param $upload UploadBase * @param $mime * @param $error array * * @return bool */ public static function onUploadVerifyFile( $upload, $mime, &$error ) { global $wgUser, $wgVersion; $vars = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder; $title = $upload->getTitle(); if ( !$title ) { // If there's no valid title assigned to the upload // it wont proceed anyway, so no point in filtering it. return true; } $vars->addHolders( AbuseFilter::generateUserVars( $wgUser ), AbuseFilter::generateTitleVars( $title, 'FILE' ) ); $vars->setVar( 'ACTION', 'upload' ); // We us the hexadecimal version of the file sha1 if ( version_compare( $wgVersion, '1.21', '>=' ) ) { // Use UploadBase::getTempFileSha1Base36 so that we don't have to calculate the sha1 sum again $sha1 = wfBaseConvert( $upload->getTempFileSha1Base36() , 36, 16, 40 ); } else { // UploadBase::getTempFileSha1Base36 wasn't public until 1.21 $sha1 = sha1_file( $upload->getTempPath() ); } $vars->setVar( 'file_sha1', $sha1 ); $vars->setVar( 'file_size', $upload->getFileSize() ); $filter_result = AbuseFilter::filterAction( $vars, $title ); if ( !$filter_result->isOK() ) { $error = $filter_result->getErrorsArray(); $error = $error[0]; } return $filter_result->isOK(); } /** * Adds global variables to the Javascript as needed * * @param array $vars * @return bool */ public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( array &$vars ) { if ( isset( AbuseFilter::$editboxName ) && AbuseFilter::$editboxName !== null ) { $vars['abuseFilterBoxName'] = AbuseFilter::$editboxName; } if ( AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineType !== null ) { $vars['abuseFilterExamine'] = array( 'type' => AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineType, 'id' => AbuseFilterViewExamine::$examineId, ); } return true; } /** * Tables that Extension:UserMerge needs to update * * @param array $updateFields * @return bool */ public static function onUserMergeAccountFields( array &$updateFields ) { $updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter', 'af_user', 'af_user_text' ); $updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter_log', 'afl_user', 'afl_user_text' ); $updateFields[] = array( 'abuse_filter_history', 'afh_user', 'afh_user_text' ); return true; } /** * Hook to add PHPUnit test cases. * @see * * @param array $files * * @return bool */ public static function onUnitTestsList( array &$files ) { $testDir = __DIR__ . '/tests/phpunit'; $files = array_merge( $files, glob( $testDir . '/*Test.php' ) ); return true; } }