mFilter = $page->mFilter; $this->mHistoryID = $page->mHistoryID; } function show() { global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut; $filter = $this->mFilter; $history_id = $this->mHistoryID; $this->mSkin = $wgUser->getSkin(); if ( $filter == 'new' && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-modify' ) ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-notallowed' ); return; } $editToken = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ); $didEdit = $this->canEdit() && $wgUser->matchEditToken( $editToken, array( 'abusefilter', $filter ) ); if ( $didEdit ) { // Check syntax $syntaxerr = AbuseFilter::checkSyntax( $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterRules' ) ); if ( $syntaxerr !== true ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax', array( 'parse' ), array( $syntaxerr[0] ) ), $filter, $history_id ) ); return; } $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); list( $newRow, $actions ) = $this->loadRequest( $filter ); $differences = AbuseFilter::compareVersions( array( $newRow, $actions ), array( $newRow->mOriginalRow, $newRow->mOriginalActions ) ); unset( $newRow->mOriginalRow ); unset( $newRow->mOriginalActions ); // Check for non-changes if ( !count( $differences ) ) { $wgOut->redirect( $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL() ); return; } // Check for restricted actions global $wgAbuseFilterRestrictedActions; if ( array_intersect( $wgAbuseFilterRestrictedActions, array_keys( array_filter( $actions ) ) ) && !$wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-modify-restricted' ) ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-restricted', 'parse' ), $this->mFilter, $history_id ) ); return; } // If we've activated the 'tag' option, check the arguments for validity. if ( !empty( $actions['tag'] ) ) { $bad = false; foreach ( $actions['tag']['parameters'] as $tag ) { $t = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'tag-' . $tag ); if ( !$t ) { $bad = true; } if ( $bad ) { $wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-bad-tags', 'parse' ), $this->mFilter, $history_id ) ); return; } } } $newRow = get_object_vars( $newRow ); // Convert from object to array // Set last modifier. $newRow['af_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp( wfTimestampNow() ); $newRow['af_user'] = $wgUser->getId(); $newRow['af_user_text'] = $wgUser->getName(); $dbw->begin(); // Insert MAIN row. if ( $filter == 'new' ) { $new_id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'abuse_filter_af_id_seq' ); $is_new = true; } else { $new_id = $this->mFilter; $is_new = false; } // Reset throttled marker, if we're re-enabling it. $newRow['af_throttled'] = $newRow['af_throttled'] && !$newRow['af_enabled']; $newRow['af_id'] = $new_id; // ID. $dbw->replace( 'abuse_filter', array( 'af_id' ), $newRow, __METHOD__ ); if ( $is_new ) { $new_id = $dbw->insertId(); } // Actions global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions; $deadActions = array(); $actionsRows = array(); foreach ( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) { // Check if it's set $enabled = isset( $actions[$action] ) && (bool)$actions[$action]; if ( $enabled ) { $parameters = $actions[$action]['parameters']; $thisRow = array( 'afa_filter' => $new_id, 'afa_consequence' => $action, 'afa_parameters' => implode( "\n", $parameters ) ); $actionsRows[] = $thisRow; } else { $deadActions[] = $action; } } // Create a history row $afh_row = array(); foreach ( AbuseFilter::$history_mappings as $af_col => $afh_col ) { $afh_row[$afh_col] = $newRow[$af_col]; } // Actions $displayActions = array(); foreach ( $actions as $action ) { $displayActions[$action['action']] = $action['parameters']; } $afh_row['afh_actions'] = serialize( $displayActions ); $afh_row['afh_changed_fields'] = implode( ',', $differences ); // Flags $flags = array(); if ( $newRow['af_hidden'] ) { $flags[] = 'hidden'; } if ( $newRow['af_enabled'] ) { $flags[] = 'enabled'; } if ( $newRow['af_deleted'] ) { $flags[] = 'deleted'; } if ( $newRow['af_global'] ) { $flags[] = 'global'; } $afh_row['afh_flags'] = implode( ',', $flags ); $afh_row['afh_filter'] = $new_id; $afh_row['afh_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'abuse_filter_af_id_seq' ); // Do the update $dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_history', $afh_row, __METHOD__ ); $history_id = $dbw->insertId(); if ( $filter != 'new' ) { $dbw->delete( 'abuse_filter_action', array( 'afa_filter' => $filter ), __METHOD__ ); } $dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_action', $actionsRows, __METHOD__ ); $dbw->commit(); // Logging $lp = new LogPage( 'abusefilter' ); $lp->addEntry( 'modify', $this->getTitle( $new_id ), '', array( $history_id, $new_id ) ); // Special-case stuff for tags -- purge the tag list cache. if ( isset( $actions['tag'] ) ) { global $wgMemc; $wgMemc->delete( wfMemcKey( 'valid-tags' ) ); } AbuseFilter::resetFilterProfile( $new_id ); global $wgOut; $wgOut->redirect( $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL( 'result=success&changedfilter=' . $new_id ) ); } else { if ( $history_id ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-oldwarning', $this->mHistoryID, $this->mFilter ); } $wgOut->addHTML( $this->buildFilterEditor( null, $this->mFilter, $history_id ) ); if ( $history_id ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-oldwarning', $this->mHistoryID, $this->mFilter ); } } } function buildFilterEditor( $error, $filter, $history_id = null ) { if ( $filter === null ) { return false; } // Build the edit form global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgUser; $sk = $this->mSkin; // Load from request OR database. list( $row, $actions ) = $this->loadRequest( $filter, $history_id ); if ( !$row ) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-badfilter' ); $wgOut->addHTML( $sk->link( $this->getTitle(), wfMsg( 'abusefilter-return' ) ) ); return; } $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-subtitle', $filter, $history_id ) ); // Hide hidden filters. if ( ( ( isset( $row->af_hidden ) && $row->af_hidden ) || AbuseFilter::filterHidden( $filter ) ) && !$this->canViewPrivate() ) { return wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-denied' ); } $output = ''; if ( $error ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "$error" ); } // Read-only attribute $readOnlyAttrib = array(); $cbReadOnlyAttrib = array(); // For checkboxes if ( !$this->canEdit() ) { $readOnlyAttrib['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $cbReadOnlyAttrib['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } $fields = array(); $fields['abusefilter-edit-id'] = $this->mFilter == 'new' ? wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-new' ) : $filter; $fields['abusefilter-edit-description'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterDescription', 45, isset( $row->af_public_comments ) ? $row->af_public_comments : '', $readOnlyAttrib ); // Hit count display if ( !empty( $row->af_hit_count ) ) { $count = (int)$row->af_hit_count; $count_display = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-hitcount', array( 'parseinline' ), $wgLang->formatNum( $count ) ); $hitCount = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'AbuseLog' ), $count_display, 'wpSearchFilter=' . $row->af_id ); $fields['abusefilter-edit-hitcount'] = $hitCount; } if ( $filter !== 'new' ) { // Statistics global $wgMemc, $wgLang; $matches_count = $wgMemc->get( AbuseFilter::filterMatchesKey( $filter ) ); $total = $wgMemc->get( AbuseFilter::filterUsedKey() ); if ( $total > 0 ) { $matches_percent = sprintf( '%.2f', 100 * $matches_count / $total ); list( $timeProfile, $condProfile ) = AbuseFilter::getFilterProfile( $filter ); $fields['abusefilter-edit-status-label'] = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-status', array( 'parsemag', 'escape' ), array( $wgLang->formatNum( $total ), $wgLang->formatNum( $matches_count ), $wgLang->formatNum( $matches_percent ), $wgLang->formatNum( $timeProfile ), $wgLang->formatNum( $condProfile ) ) ); } } $fields['abusefilter-edit-rules'] = AbuseFilter::buildEditBox( $row->af_pattern, 'wpFilterRules', true, $this->canEdit() ); $fields['abusefilter-edit-notes'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterNotes', ( isset( $row->af_comments ) ? $row->af_comments . "\n" : "\n" ), 40, 5, $readOnlyAttrib ); // Build checkboxen $checkboxes = array( 'hidden', 'enabled', 'deleted' ); $flags = ''; global $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral; if ( $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral ) { $checkboxes[] = 'global'; } if ( isset( $row->af_throttled ) && $row->af_throttled ) { global $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold; $threshold_percent = sprintf( '%.2f', $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableThreshold * 100 ); $flags .= $wgOut->parse( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-throttled', $wgLang->formatNum( $threshold_percent ) ) ); } foreach ( $checkboxes as $checkboxId ) { $message = "abusefilter-edit-$checkboxId"; $dbField = "af_$checkboxId"; $postVar = 'wpFilter' . ucfirst( $checkboxId ); $checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( $message ), $postVar, $postVar, isset( $row->$dbField ) ? $row->$dbField : false, $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $checkbox = Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox ); $flags .= $checkbox; } $fields['abusefilter-edit-flags'] = $flags; $tools = ''; if ( $filter != 'new' && $wgUser->isAllowed( 'abusefilter-revert' ) ) { $tools .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $sk->link( $this->getTitle( 'revert/' . $filter ), wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-revert' ) ) ); } if ( $filter != 'new' ) { // Test link $tools .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $sk->link( $this->getTitle( "test/$filter" ), wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-test-link', 'parseinline' ) ) ); // Last modification details $userLink = $sk->userLink( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text ) . $sk->userToolLinks( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text ); $user = $row->af_user_text; $fields['abusefilter-edit-lastmod'] = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-lastmod-text', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), array( $wgLang->timeanddate( $row->af_timestamp, true ), $userLink, $wgLang->date( $row->af_timestamp, true ), $wgLang->time( $row->af_timestamp, true ), $user ) ); $history_display = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-viewhistory', array( 'parseinline' ) ); $fields['abusefilter-edit-history'] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->getTitle( 'history/' . $filter ), $history_display ); } // Add export $exportText = json_encode( array( 'row' => $row, 'actions' => $actions ) ); $tools .= Xml::tags( 'a', array( 'href' => 'javascript:afShowExport();' ), wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-export', 'parseinline' ) ); $tools .= Xml::element( 'textarea', array( 'readonly' => 'readonly', 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-export' ), $exportText ); $fields['abusefilter-edit-tools'] = $tools; $form = Xml::buildForm( $fields ); $form = Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-main' ), $form ); $form .= Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-consequences' ), $this->buildConsequenceEditor( $row, $actions ) ); if ( $this->canEdit() ) { $form .= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-save' ), array( 'accesskey' => 's' ) ); $form .= Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $wgUser->editToken( array( 'abusefilter', $filter ) ) ); } $form = Xml::tags( 'form', array( 'action' => $this->getTitle( $filter )->getFullURL(), 'method' => 'post' ), $form ); $output .= $form; return $output; } function buildConsequenceEditor( $row, $actions ) { global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions; $setActions = array(); foreach ( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) { $setActions[$action] = array_key_exists( $action, $actions ); } $output = ''; foreach ( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) { $output .= $this->buildConsequenceSelector( $action, $setActions[$action], @$actions[$action]['parameters'] ); } return $output; } function buildConsequenceSelector( $action, $set, $parameters ) { global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions; if ( !in_array( $action, $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions ) ) { return; } $readOnlyAttrib = array(); $cbReadOnlyAttrib = array(); // For checkboxes if ( !$this->canEdit() ) { $readOnlyAttrib['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $cbReadOnlyAttrib['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } switch( $action ) { case 'throttle': $throttleSettings = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-throttle' ), 'wpFilterActionThrottle', "mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-$action", $set, array( 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ) + $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $throttleFields = array(); if ( $set ) { array_shift( $parameters ); $throttleRate = explode( ',', $parameters[0] ); $throttleCount = $throttleRate[0]; $throttlePeriod = $throttleRate[1]; $throttleGroups = implode( "\n", array_slice( $parameters, 1 ) ); } else { $throttleCount = 3; $throttlePeriod = 60; $throttleGroups = "user\n"; } $throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-count'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterThrottleCount', 20, $throttleCount, $readOnlyAttrib ); $throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-period'] = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-throttle-seconds', array( 'parseinline', 'replaceafter' ), array( Xml::input( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod', 20, $throttlePeriod, $readOnlyAttrib ) ) ); $throttleFields['abusefilter-edit-throttle-groups'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups', $throttleGroups . "\n", 40, 5, $readOnlyAttrib ); $throttleSettings .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-throttle-parameters' ), Xml::buildForm( $throttleFields ) ); return $throttleSettings; case 'flag': $checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-flag' ), 'wpFilterActionFlag', "mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-$action", true, array( 'disabled' => '1', 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ) ); return Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox ); case 'warn': $output = ''; $checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-warn' ), 'wpFilterActionWarn', "mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-$action", $set, array( 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ) + $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox ); $warnMsg = empty( $set ) ? 'abusefilter-warning' : $parameters[0]; $warnFields['abusefilter-edit-warn-message'] = $this->getExistingSelector( $warnMsg ); $warnFields['abusefilter-edit-warn-other-label'] = Xml::input( 'wpFilterWarnMessageOther', 45, $warnMsg ? $warnMsg : 'abusefilter-warning-', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-warn-message-other' ) + $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $previewButton = Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-warn-preview-button', 'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-warn-preview' ) ) ); $editButton = Xml::element( 'input', array( 'type' => 'button', 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-warn-edit-button', 'value' => wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-warn-edit' ) ) ); $previewHolder = Xml::element( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-warn-preview' ), '' ); $warnFields['abusefilter-edit-warn-actions'] = Xml::tags( 'p', null, "$previewButton $editButton" ) . "\n$previewHolder"; $output .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-warn-parameters' ), Xml::buildForm( $warnFields ) ); return $output; case 'tag': if ( $set ) { $tags = $parameters; } else { $tags = array(); } $output = ''; $checkbox = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-action-tag' ), 'wpFilterActionTag', "mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-$action", $set, array( 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ) + $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $output .= Xml::tags( 'p', null, $checkbox ); $tagFields['abusefilter-edit-tag-tag'] = Xml::textarea( 'wpFilterTags', implode( "\n", $tags ), 40, 5, $readOnlyAttrib ); $output .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'id' => 'mw-abusefilter-tag-parameters' ), Xml::buildForm( $tagFields ) ); return $output; default: $message = 'abusefilter-edit-action-' . $action; $form_field = 'wpFilterAction' . ucfirst( $action ); $status = $set; $thisAction = Xml::checkLabel( wfMsg( $message ), $form_field, "mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-$action", $status, array( 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ) + $cbReadOnlyAttrib ); $thisAction = Xml::tags( 'p', null, $thisAction ); return $thisAction; } } function getExistingSelector( $warnMsg ) { $existingSelector = new XmlSelect( 'wpFilterWarnMessage', 'mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing', $warnMsg == 'abusefilter-warning' ? 'abusefilter-warning' : 'other' ); // Find other messages. $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'page', array( 'page_title' ), array( 'page_namespace' => 8, 'page_title LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes( 'Abusefilter-warning%' ) ), __METHOD__ ); $existingSelector->addOption( 'abusefilter-warning' ); global $wgLang; foreach( $res as $row ) { if ( $wgLang->lcfirst( $row->page_title ) == $wgLang->lcfirst( $warnMsg ) ) { $existingSelector->setDefault( $wgLang->lcfirst( $warnMsg ) ); } if ( $row->page_title != 'Abusefilter-warning' ) { $existingSelector->addOption( $wgLang->lcfirst( $row->page_title ) ); } } $existingSelector->addOption( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-warn-other' ), 'other' ); return $existingSelector->getHTML(); } function loadFilterData( $id ) { if ( $id == 'new' ) { $obj = new stdClass; $obj->af_pattern = ''; $obj->af_enabled = 1; $obj->af_hidden = 0; $obj->af_global = 0; return array( $obj, array() ); } // Load from master to avoid unintended reversions where there's replication lag. $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); // Load certain fields only. This prevents a condition seen on Wikimedia where // a schema change adding a new field caused that extra field to be selected. // Since the selected row may be inserted back into the database, this will cause // an SQL error if, say, one server has the updated schema but another does not. $loadFields = array( 'af_id', 'af_pattern', 'af_user', 'af_user_text', 'af_timestamp', 'af_enabled', 'af_comments', 'af_public_comments', 'af_hidden', 'af_hit_count', 'af_throttled', 'af_deleted', 'af_actions', 'af_global', ); // Load the main row $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'abuse_filter', $loadFields, array( 'af_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); if ( !isset( $row ) || !isset( $row->af_id ) || !$row->af_id ) { return null; } // Load the actions $actions = array(); $res = $dbr->select( 'abuse_filter_action', '*', array( 'afa_filter' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); foreach( $res as $actionRow ) { $thisAction = array(); $thisAction['action'] = $actionRow->afa_consequence; $thisAction['parameters'] = explode( "\n", $actionRow->afa_parameters ); $actions[$actionRow->afa_consequence] = $thisAction; } return array( $row, $actions ); } function loadRequest( $filter, $history_id = null ) { static $row = null; static $actions = null; global $wgRequest; if ( !is_null( $actions ) && !is_null( $row ) ) { return array( $row, $actions ); } elseif ( $wgRequest->wasPosted() ) { # Nothing, we do it all later } elseif ( $history_id ) { return $this->loadHistoryItem( $history_id ); } else { return $this->loadFilterData( $filter ); } // We need some details like last editor list( $row, $origActions ) = $this->loadFilterData( $filter ); $row->mOriginalRow = clone $row; $row->mOriginalActions = $origActions; // Check for importing $import = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpImportText' ); if ( $import ) { $data = json_decode( $import ); $importRow = $data->row; $actions = wfObjectToArray( $data->actions ); $copy = array( 'af_public_comments', 'af_pattern', 'af_comments', 'af_deleted', 'af_enabled', 'af_hidden', ); foreach ( $copy as $name ) { $row->$name = $importRow->$name; } } else { $textLoads = array( 'af_public_comments' => 'wpFilterDescription', 'af_pattern' => 'wpFilterRules', 'af_comments' => 'wpFilterNotes' ); foreach ( $textLoads as $col => $field ) { $row->$col = trim( $wgRequest->getVal( $field ) ); } $row->af_deleted = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterDeleted' ); $row->af_enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterEnabled' ) && !$row->af_deleted; $row->af_hidden = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterHidden' ); global $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral; $row->af_global = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterGlobal' ) && $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral; // Actions global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions; $actions = array(); foreach ( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) { // Check if it's set $enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterAction' . ucfirst( $action ) ); if ( $enabled ) { $parameters = array(); if ( $action == 'throttle' ) { // We need to load the parameters $throttleCount = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottleCount' ); $throttlePeriod = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod' ); $throttleGroups = explode( "\n", trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups' ) ) ); $parameters[0] = $this->mFilter; // For now, anyway $parameters[1] = "$throttleCount,$throttlePeriod"; $parameters = array_merge( $parameters, $throttleGroups ); } elseif ( $action == 'warn' ) { $specMsg = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterWarnMessage' ); if ( $specMsg == 'other' ) $specMsg = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterWarnMessageOther' ); $parameters[0] = $specMsg; } elseif ( $action == 'tag' ) { $parameters = explode( "\n", $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterTags' ) ); } $thisAction = array( 'action' => $action, 'parameters' => $parameters ); $actions[$action] = $thisAction; } } } $row->af_actions = implode( ',', array_keys( array_filter( $actions ) ) ); return array( $row, $actions ); } function loadHistoryItem( $id ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); // Load the row. $row = $dbr->selectRow( 'abuse_filter_history', '*', array( 'afh_id' => $id ), __METHOD__ ); return AbuseFilter::translateFromHistory( $row ); } }