\=|\>|\=\=\=|\=\=|\=)/A'; const RADIX_RE = '/([0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([bxo])?/Au'; const WHITESPACE = "\011\012\013\014\015\040"; // Order is important. The punctuation-matching regex requires that // ** comes before *, etc. They are sorted to make it easy to spot // such errors. public static $operators = [ // Inequality '!==', '!=', '!', // Multiplication/exponentiation '**', '*', // Other arithmetic '/', '+', '-', '%', // Logic '&', '|', '^', // Setting ':=', // Ternary '?', ':', // Less than '<=', '<', // Greater than '>=', '>', // Equality '===', '==', '=', ]; public static $punctuation = [ ',' => AFPToken::TCOMMA, '(' => AFPToken::TBRACE, ')' => AFPToken::TBRACE, '[' => AFPToken::TSQUAREBRACKET, ']' => AFPToken::TSQUAREBRACKET, ';' => AFPToken::TSTATEMENTSEPARATOR, ]; public static $bases = [ 'b' => 2, 'x' => 16, 'o' => 8 ]; public static $baseCharsRe = [ 2 => '/^[01]+$/', 8 => '/^[0-8]+$/', 16 => '/^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/', 10 => '/^[0-9.]+$/', ]; public static $keywords = [ 'in', 'like', 'true', 'false', 'null', 'contains', 'matches', 'rlike', 'irlike', 'regex', 'if', 'then', 'else', 'end', ]; /** * @param string $code * @return array * @throws AFPException * @throws AFPUserVisibleException */ public static function tokenize( $code ) { static $tokenizerCache = null; if ( !$tokenizerCache ) { $tokenizerCache = ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance( 'hash' ); } static $stats = null; if ( !$stats ) { $stats = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(); } $cacheKey = wfGlobalCacheKey( __CLASS__, self::CACHE_VERSION, crc32( $code ) ); $tokens = $tokenizerCache->get( $cacheKey ); if ( $tokens ) { $stats->increment( 'abusefilter.tokenizerCache.hit' ); return $tokens; } $stats->increment( 'abusefilter.tokenizerCache.miss' ); $tokens = []; $curPos = 0; do { $prevPos = $curPos; $token = self::nextToken( $code, $curPos ); $tokens[ $token->pos ] = [ $token, $curPos ]; } while ( $curPos !== $prevPos ); $tokenizerCache->set( $cacheKey, $tokens, 60 * 60 * 24 ); return $tokens; } /** * @param string $code * @param int &$offset * @return AFPToken * @throws AFPException * @throws AFPUserVisibleException */ protected static function nextToken( $code, &$offset ) { $matches = []; $start = $offset; // Read past comments while ( preg_match( self::COMMENT_START_RE, $code, $matches, 0, $offset ) ) { if ( strpos( $code, '*/', $offset ) === false ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unclosedcomment', $offset, [] ); } $offset = strpos( $code, '*/', $offset ) + 2; } // Spaces $offset += strspn( $code, self::WHITESPACE, $offset ); if ( $offset >= strlen( $code ) ) { return new AFPToken( AFPToken::TNONE, '', $start ); } $chr = $code[$offset]; // Punctuation if ( isset( self::$punctuation[$chr] ) ) { $offset++; return new AFPToken( self::$punctuation[$chr], $chr, $start ); } // String literal if ( $chr === '"' || $chr === "'" ) { return self::readStringLiteral( $code, $offset, $start ); } $matches = []; // Operators if ( preg_match( self::OPERATOR_RE, $code, $matches, 0, $offset ) ) { $token = $matches[0]; $offset += strlen( $token ); return new AFPToken( AFPToken::TOP, $token, $start ); } // Numbers if ( preg_match( self::RADIX_RE, $code, $matches, 0, $offset ) ) { $token = $matches[0]; $input = $matches[1]; $baseChar = $matches[2] ?? null; // Sometimes the base char gets mixed in with the rest of it because // the regex targets hex, too. // This mostly happens with binary if ( !$baseChar && !empty( self::$bases[ substr( $input, - 1 ) ] ) ) { $baseChar = substr( $input, - 1, 1 ); $input = substr( $input, 0, - 1 ); } $base = $baseChar ? self::$bases[$baseChar] : 10; // Check against the appropriate character class for input validation if ( preg_match( self::$baseCharsRe[$base], $input ) ) { $num = $base !== 10 ? base_convert( $input, $base, 10 ) : $input; $offset += strlen( $token ); return ( strpos( $input, '.' ) !== false ) ? new AFPToken( AFPToken::TFLOAT, floatval( $num ), $start ) : new AFPToken( AFPToken::TINT, intval( $num ), $start ); } } // IDs / Keywords if ( preg_match( self::ID_SYMBOL_RE, $code, $matches, 0, $offset ) ) { $token = $matches[0]; $offset += strlen( $token ); $type = in_array( $token, self::$keywords ) ? AFPToken::TKEYWORD : AFPToken::TID; return new AFPToken( $type, $token, $start ); } throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unrecognisedtoken', $start, [ substr( $code, $start ) ] ); } /** * @param string $code * @param int &$offset * @param int $start * @return AFPToken * @throws AFPException * @throws AFPUserVisibleException */ protected static function readStringLiteral( $code, &$offset, $start ) { $type = $code[$offset]; $offset++; $length = strlen( $code ); $token = ''; while ( $offset < $length ) { if ( $code[$offset] === $type ) { $offset++; return new AFPToken( AFPToken::TSTRING, $token, $start ); } // Performance: Use a PHP function (implemented in C) // to scan ahead. $addLength = strcspn( $code, $type . "\\", $offset ); if ( $addLength ) { $token .= substr( $code, $offset, $addLength ); $offset += $addLength; } elseif ( $code[$offset] == '\\' ) { switch ( $code[$offset + 1] ) { case '\\': $token .= '\\'; break; case $type: $token .= $type; break; case 'n'; $token .= "\n"; break; case 'r': $token .= "\r"; break; case 't': $token .= "\t"; break; case 'x': $chr = substr( $code, $offset + 2, 2 ); if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$/', $chr ) ) { $token .= chr( hexdec( $chr ) ); // \xXX -- 2 done later $offset += 2; } else { $token .= 'x'; } break; default: $token .= "\\" . $code[$offset + 1]; } $offset += 2; } else { // Should never happen $token .= $code[$offset]; $offset++; } } throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unclosedstring', $offset, [] ); } }