, <, >=, <= * SumRel (SR) - +, - * MulRel (MR) - *, /, % * Pow (P) - ** * BoolNeg (BN) - ! operation * SpecialOperators (SO) - in and like * Unarys (U) - plus and minus in cases like -5 or -(2 * +2) * Braces (B) - ( and ) * Functions (F) * Atom (A) - return value */ class AFPToken { //Types of tken const TNone = 'T_NONE'; const TID = 'T_ID'; const TKeyword = 'T_KEYWORD'; const TString = 'T_STRING'; const TInt = 'T_INT'; const TFloat = 'T_FLOAT'; const TOp = 'T_OP'; const TBrace = 'T_BRACE'; const TComma = 'T_COMMA'; var $type; var $value; var $pos; public function __construct( $type = self::TNone, $value = null, $pos = 0 ) { $this->type = $type; $this->value = $value; $this->pos = $pos; } } class AFPData { //Datatypes const DInt = 'int'; const DString = 'string'; const DNull = 'null'; const DBool = 'bool'; const DFloat = 'float'; var $type; var $data; public function __construct( $type = self::DNull, $val = null ) { $this->type = $type; $this->data = $val; } public static function newFromPHPVar( $var ) { if( is_string( $var ) ) return new AFPData( self::DString, $var ); elseif( is_int( $var ) ) return new AFPData( self::DInt, $var ); elseif( is_float( $var ) ) return new AFPData( self::DFloat, $var ); elseif( is_bool( $var ) ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $var ); elseif( is_null( $var ) ) return new AFPData(); else throw new AFPException( "Data type " . gettype( $var ) . " is not supported by AbuseFilter" ); } public function dup() { return new AFPData( $this->type, $this->data ); } public static function castTypes( $orig, $target ) { if( $orig->type == $target ) return $orig->dup(); if( $target == self::DNull ) { return new AFPData(); } if( $target == self::DBool ) { return new AFPData( self::DBool, (bool)$orig->data ); } if( $target == self::DFloat ) { return new AFPData( self::DFloat, doubleval( $orig->data ) ); } if( $target == self::DInt ) { return new AFPData( self::DInt, intval( $orig->data ) ); } if( $target == self::DString ) { return new AFPData( self::DString, strval( $orig->data ) ); } } public static function boolInvert( $value ) { return new AFPData( self::DBool, !$value->toBool() ); } public static function pow( $base, $exponent ) { return new AFPData( self::DFloat, pow( $base->toFloat(), $exponent->toFloat() ) ); } public static function keywordIn( $a, $b ) { $a = $a->toString(); $b = $b->toString(); if ($a == '' || $b == '') { return new AFPData( self::DBool, false ); } return new AFPData( self::DBool, in_string( $a, $b ) ); } public static function keywordContains( $a, $b ) { $a = $a->toString(); $b = $b->toString(); if ($a == '' || $b == '') { return new AFPData( self::DBool, false ); } return new AFPData( self::DBool, in_string( $b, $a ) ); } public static function keywordLike( $str, $pattern ) { $str = $str->toString(); $pattern = $pattern->toString(); wfSuppressWarnings(); $result = fnmatch( $pattern, $str ); wfRestoreWarnings(); return new AFPData( self::DBool, (bool)$result ); } public static function keywordRegex( $str, $regex ) { $str = $str->toString(); $pattern = $regex->toString(); if (preg_match('/^\/.*\/$/u', $pattern)) { $pattern .= 'u'; } elseif (preg_match( '/^\/.*\/\w+$/u', $pattern ) ) { # Nothing } else { $pattern = "/$pattern/u"; } wfSuppressWarnings(); $result = preg_match( $pattern, $str ); wfRestoreWarnings(); return new AFPData( self::DBool, (bool)$result ); } public static function unaryMinus( $data ) { if ($data->type == self::DInt) { return new AFPData( $data->type, -$data->toInt() ); } else { return new AFPData( $data->type, -$data->toFloat() ); } } public static function boolOp( $a, $b, $op ) { $a = $a->toBool(); $b = $b->toBool(); if( $op == '|' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a || $b ); if( $op == '&' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a && $b ); if( $op == '^' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a xor $b ); throw new AFPException( "Invalid boolean operation: {$op}" ); // Should never happen. } public static function compareOp( $a, $b, $op ) { if( $op == '==' || $op == '=' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->toString() === $b->toString() ); if( $op == '!=' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->toString() !== $b->toString() ); if( $op == '===' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->data == $b->data && $a->type == $b->type ); if( $op == '!==' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->data !== $b->data || $a->type != $b->type ); $a = $a->toString(); $b = $b->toString(); if( $op == '>' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a > $b ); if( $op == '<' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a < $b ); if( $op == '>=' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a >= $b ); if( $op == '<=' ) return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a <= $b ); throw new AFPException( "Invalid comparison operation: {$op}" ); // Should never happen } public static function mulRel( $a, $b, $op, $pos ) { // Figure out the type. if ($a->type == self::DFloat || $b->type == self::DFloat || $a->toFloat() != $a->toString() || $b->toFloat() != $b->toString() ) { $type = self::DFloat; $a = $a->toFloat(); $b = $b->toFloat(); } else { $type = self::DInt; $a = $a->toInt(); $b = $b->toInt(); } if ($op != '*' && $b == 0) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'dividebyzero', $pos, array($a) ); } $data = null; if( $op == '*' ) $data = $a * $b; elseif( $op == '/' ) $data = $a / $b; elseif( $op == '%' ) $data = $a % $b; else throw new AFPException( "Invalid multiplication-related operation: {$op}" ); // Should never happen if ($type == self::DInt) $data = intval($data); else $data = doubleval($data); return new AFPData( $type, $data ); } public static function sum( $a, $b ) { if( $a->type == self::DString || $b->type == self::DString ) return new AFPData( self::DFloat, $a->toString() . $b->toString() ); else return new AFPData( self::DFloat, $a->toFloat() + $b->toFloat() ); } public static function sub( $a, $b ) { return new AFPData( self::DFloat, $a->toFloat() - $b->toFloat() ); } /** Convert shorteners */ public function toBool() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DBool )->data; } public function toString() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DString )->data; } public function toFloat() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DFloat )->data; } public function toInt() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DInt )->data; } } class AFPException extends MWException {} // Exceptions that we might conceivably want to report to ordinary users // (i.e. exceptions that don't represent bugs in the extension itself) class AFPUserVisibleException extends AFPException { function __construct( $exception_id, $position, $params) { $msg = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-exception-'.$exception_id, array(), array_merge( array($position), $params ) ); parent::__construct( $msg ); $this->mExceptionID = $exception_id; $this->mPosition = $position; $this->mParams = $params; } } class AbuseFilterParser { var $mParams, $mVars, $mCode, $mTokens, $mPos, $mCur; // length,lcase,ccnorm,rmdoubles,specialratio,rmspecials,norm,count static $mFunctions = array( 'lcase' => 'funcLc', 'length' => 'funcLen', 'string' => 'castString', 'int' => 'castInt', 'float' => 'castFloat', 'bool' => 'castBool', 'norm' => 'funcNorm', 'ccnorm' => 'funcCCNorm', 'specialratio' => 'funcSpecialRatio', 'rmspecials' => 'funcRMSpecials', 'rmdoubles' => 'funcRMDoubles', 'count' => 'funcCount' ); // Order is important. The punctuation-matching regex requires that // ** comes before *, etc. They are sorted to make it easy to spot // such errors. static $mOps = array( '!==', '!=', '!', // Inequality '**', '*', // Multiplication/exponentiation '/', '+', '-', '%', // Other arithmetic '&', '|', '^', // Logic '?', ':', // Ternery '<=','<', // Less than '>=', '>', // Greater than '===', '==', '=', // Equality ); static $mKeywords = array( 'in', 'like', 'true', 'false', 'null', 'contains', 'matches', 'rlike', 'regex', 'if', 'then', 'else', 'end', ); static $parserCache = array(); static $funcCache = array(); public function __construct() { $this->resetState(); } public function resetState() { $this->mParams = array(); $this->mCode = ''; $this->mTokens = array(); $this->mVars = array(); $this->mPos = 0; } public function checkSyntax( $filter ) { try { $this->parse($filter); } catch (AFPUserVisibleException $excep) { return array($excep->getMessage(), $excep->mPosition); } return true; } public function setVar( $name, $var ) { $name = strtolower($name); $this->mVars[$name] = AFPData::newFromPHPVar( $var ); } public function setVars( $vars ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); foreach( $vars as $name => $var ) { $this->setVar( $name, $var ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } protected function move( ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); list( $val, $type, $code, $offset ) = self::nextToken( $this->mCode, $this->mPos ); $token = new AFPToken( $type, $val, $this->mPos ); $this->mPos = $offset; wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $this->mCur = $token; } public function parse( $code ) { return $this->intEval( $code )->toBool(); } public function evaluateExpression( $filter ) { return $this->intEval( $filter )->toString(); } function intEval( $code ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); // Setup, resetting $this->mCode = $code; $this->mPos = 0; $this->mLen = strlen( $code ); // Parse the first token $this->move(); $result = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelEntry( $result ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); return $result; } static function lengthCompare( $a, $b ) { if ( strlen($a) == strlen($b) ) { return 0; } return ( strlen($a) < strlen($b) ) ? -1 : 1; } /* Levels */ /** Handles unexpected characters after the expression */ protected function doLevelEntry( &$result ) { $this->doLevelSet( $result ); if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TNone ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unexpectedatend', $this->mCur->pos, array($this->mCur->type) ); } } /** Handles "=" operator */ protected function doLevelSet( &$result ) { $this->doLevelConditions( $result ); } protected function doLevelConditions( &$result ) { if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && $this->mCur->value == 'if' ) { $this->move(); $this->doLevelBoolOps( $result ); if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && $this->mCur->value == 'then') ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array('then') ); $this->move(); $r1 = new AFPData(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelConditions( $r1 ); if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && $this->mCur->value == 'else') ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array('else') ); $this->move(); $this->doLevelConditions( $r2 ); if( $result->toBool() ) { $result = $r1; } else { $result = $r2; } if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && $this->mCur->value == 'end') ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array('end') ); $this->move(); } else { $this->doLevelBoolOps( $result ); if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '?' ) { $this->move(); $r1 = new AFPData(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelConditions( $r1 ); if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == ':') ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array(':') ); $this->move(); $this->doLevelConditions( $r2 ); if( $result->toBool() ) { $result = $r1; } else { $result = $r2; } } } } protected function doLevelBoolOps( &$result ) { $this->doLevelCompares( $result ); $ops = array( '&', '|', '^' ); while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) { $op = $this->mCur->value; $this->move(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelCompares( $r2 ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $result = AFPData::boolOp( $result, $r2, $op ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } } protected function doLevelCompares( &$result ) { AbuseFilter::triggerLimiter(); $this->doLevelSumRels( $result ); $ops = array( '==', '===', '!=', '!==', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '=' ); while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) { $op = $this->mCur->value; $this->move(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelSumRels( $r2 ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $result = AFPData::compareOp( $result, $r2, $op ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } } protected function doLevelSumRels( &$result ) { $this->doLevelMulRels( $result ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $ops = array( '+', '-' ); while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) { $op = $this->mCur->value; $this->move(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelMulRels( $r2 ); if( $op == '+' ) $result = AFPData::sum( $result, $r2 ); if( $op == '-' ) $result = AFPData::sub( $result, $r2 ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } protected function doLevelMulRels( &$result ) { $this->doLevelPow( $result ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $ops = array( '*', '/', '%' ); while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) { $op = $this->mCur->value; $this->move(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelPow( $r2 ); $result = AFPData::mulRel( $result, $r2, $op, $this->mCur->pos ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } protected function doLevelPow( &$result ) { $this->doLevelBoolInvert( $result ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '**' ) { $this->move(); $expanent = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelBoolInvert( $expanent ); $result = AFPData::pow( $result, $expanent ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } protected function doLevelBoolInvert( &$result ) { if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '!' ) { $this->move(); $this->doLevelSpecialWords( $result ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $result = AFPData::boolInvert( $result ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } else { $this->doLevelSpecialWords( $result ); } } protected function doLevelSpecialWords( &$result ) { $this->doLevelUnarys( $result ); $keyword = strtolower($this->mCur->value); $specwords = array( 'in' => 'keywordIn', 'like' => 'keywordLike', 'matches' => 'keywordLike', 'contains' => 'keywordContains', 'rlike' => 'keywordRegex', 'regex' => 'keywordRegex' ); if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && in_array( $keyword, array_keys($specwords) ) ) { $func = $specwords[$keyword]; $this->move(); $r2 = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelUnarys( $r2 ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__."-$func" ); $result = AFPData::$func( $result, $r2 ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__."-$func" ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } } protected function doLevelUnarys( &$result ) { $op = $this->mCur->value; if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && ( $op == "+" || $op == "-" ) ) { $this->move(); $this->doLevelBraces( $result ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); if( $op == '-' ) { $result = AFPData::unaryMinus( $result ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } else { $this->doLevelBraces( $result ); } } protected function doLevelBraces( &$result ) { if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TBrace && $this->mCur->value == '(' ) { $this->move(); $this->doLevelSet( $result ); if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TBrace && $this->mCur->value == ')') ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array(')') ); $this->move(); } else { $this->doLevelFunction( $result ); } } protected function doLevelFunction( &$result ) { if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TID && isset( self::$mFunctions[$this->mCur->value] ) ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $func = self::$mFunctions[$this->mCur->value]; $this->move(); if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TBrace || $this->mCur->value != '(' ) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array('(') ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__."-loadargs" ); $args = array(); do { $this->move(); $r = new AFPData(); $this->doLevelSet( $r ); $args[] = $r; } while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TComma ); if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TBrace || $this->mCur->value != ')' ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'expectednotfound', $this->mCur->pos, array(')') ); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__."-loadargs" ); wfProfileIn( __METHOD__."-$func" ); $funcHash = md5($func.serialize($args)); if (isset(self::$funcCache[$funcHash])) { $result = self::$funcCache[$funcHash]; } else { AbuseFilter::triggerLimiter(); $result = self::$funcCache[$funcHash] = $this->$func( $args ); } if (count(self::$funcCache) > 1000) { self::$funcCache = array(); } wfProfileOut( __METHOD__."-$func" ); $this->move(); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } else { $this->doLevelAtom( $result ); } } protected function doLevelAtom( &$result ) { wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); $tok = $this->mCur->value; switch( $this->mCur->type ) { case AFPToken::TID: $var = strtolower($tok); if( isset( $this->mVars[$var] ) ) { $result = $this->mVars[$var]; } elseif ( array_key_exists( strtolower($var), AbuseFilter::$builderValues['vars'] ) ) { // If the variable is valid but not set, return null $result = new AFPData(); } else { // If the variable is invalid, throw an exception throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unrecognisedvar', $this->mCur->pos, array( $var ) ); } break; case AFPToken::TString: $result = new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $tok ); break; case AFPToken::TFloat: $result = new AFPData( AFPData::DFloat, $tok ); break; case AFPToken::TInt: $result = new AFPData( AFPData::DInt, $tok ); break; case AFPToken::TKeyword: if( $tok == "true" ) $result = new AFPData( AFPData::DBool, true ); elseif( $tok == "false" ) $result = new AFPData( AFPData::DBool, false ); elseif( $tok == "null" ) $result = new AFPData(); else throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unrecognisedkeyword', $this->mCur->pos, array($tok) ); break; case AFPToken::TBrace: if( $this->mCur->value == ')' ) return; // Handled at the entry level default: throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unexpectedtoken', $this->mCur->pos, array( $this->mCur->type, $this->mCur->value ) ); } $this->move(); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); } /* End of levels */ static function nextToken( $code, $offset ) { $tok = ''; static $lastInput = array(); // Check for infinite loops if ( $lastInput == array( $code, $offset ) ) { // Should never happen throw new AFPException( "Entered infinite loop. Offset $offset of $code" ); } $lastInput = array( $code, $offset ); // Spaces $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '/\s+/u', $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ) && $matches[0][1] == $offset ) { $offset += strlen($matches[0][0]); } if( $offset >= strlen($code) ) return array( '', AFPToken::TNone, $code, $offset ); // Comments if ( substr($code, $offset, 2) == '/*' ) { $end = strpos( $code, '*/', $offset ); return self::nextToken( $code, $end + 2 ); } // Commas if( $code[$offset] == ',' ) { $offset++; return array( ',', AFPToken::TComma, $code, $offset ); } // Braces if( $code[$offset] == '(' or $code[$offset] == ')' ) { return array( $code[$offset], AFPToken::TBrace, $code, $offset + 1 ); } // Strings if( $code[$offset] == '"' || $code[$offset] == "'" ) { $type = $code[$offset]; $offset++; while( $offset < strlen($code) ) { if( $code[$offset] == $type ) { $offset++; return array( $tok, AFPToken::TString, $code, $offset ); } // Performance: Use a PHP function (implemented in C) // to scan ahead. $addLength = strcspn( $code, $type."\\", $offset ); if ($addLength) { $tok .= substr( $code, $offset, $addLength ); $offset += $addLength; } elseif( $code[$offset] == '\\' ) { if( $code[$offset + 1] == '\\' ) $tok .= '\\'; elseif( $code[$offset + 1] == $type ) $tok .= $type; elseif( $code[$offset + 1] == 'n' ) $tok .= "\n"; elseif( $code[$offset + 1] == 'r' ) $tok .= "\r"; elseif( $code[$offset + 1] == 't' ) $tok .= "\t"; elseif( $code[$offset + 1] == 'x' ) { $chr = substr( $code, $offset + 2, 2 ); if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$/', $chr ) ) { $chr = base_convert( $chr, 16, 10 ); $tok .= chr($chr); $offset += 2; # \xXX -- 2 done later } else { $tok .= 'x'; } } else { $tok .= $code[$offset + 1]; } $offset+=2; } else { $tok .= $code[$offset]; $offset++; } } throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unclosedstring', $offset, array() );; } // Find operators static $operator_regex = null; // Match using a regex. Regexes are faster than PHP if (!$operator_regex) { $quoted_operators = array(); foreach( self::$mOps as $op ) $quoted_operators[] = preg_quote( $op, '/' ); $operator_regex = '/('.implode('|', $quoted_operators).')/'; } $matches = array(); preg_match( $operator_regex, $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ); if( count( $matches ) && $matches[0][1] == $offset ) { $tok = $matches[0][0]; $offset += strlen( $tok ); return array( $tok, AFPToken::TOp, $code, $offset ); } // Find bare numbers $bases = array( 'b' => 2, 'x' => 16, 'o' => 8 ); $baseChars = array( 2 => '[01]', 16 => '[0-9A-Fa-f]', 8 => '[0-8]', 10 => '[0-9.]', ); $baseClass = '['.implode('', array_keys($bases)).']'; $radixRegex = "/([0-9A-Fa-f]*(?:\.\d*)?)($baseClass)?/u"; $matches = array(); preg_match( $radixRegex, $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ); if ( count( $matches ) && $matches[0][1] == $offset ) { $input = $matches[1][0]; $baseChar = @$matches[2][0]; $num = null; // Sometimes the base char gets mixed in with the rest of it because // the regex targets hex, too. // This mostly happens with binary if (!$baseChar && !empty( $bases[ substr( $input, -1 ) ] ) ) { $baseChar = substr( $input, -1, 1 ); $input = substr( $input, 0, -1 ); } if ($baseChar) { $base = $bases[$baseChar]; } else { $base = 10; } // Check against the appropriate character class for input validation $baseRegex = "/^".$baseChars[$base]."+$/"; if ( preg_match( $baseRegex, $input ) ) { if ($base != 10) { $num = base_convert( $input, $base, 10 ); } else { $num = $input; } $offset += strlen( $matches[0][0] ); $float = in_string( '.', $input ); return array( $float ? doubleval( $num ) : intval( $num ), $float ? AFPToken::TFloat : AFPToken::TInt, $code, $offset ); } } // The rest are considered IDs // Regex match > PHP $idSymbolRegex = '/[0-9A-Za-z_]+/'; $matches = array(); preg_match( $idSymbolRegex, $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ); if ( $matches[0][1] == $offset ) { $tok = $matches[0][0]; $type = in_array( $tok, self::$mKeywords ) ? AFPToken::TKeyword : AFPToken::TID; return array( $tok, $type, $code, $offset + strlen($tok) ); } throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'unrecognisedtoken', $offset, array( substr( $code, $offset ) ) ); } //Built-in functions protected function funcLc( $args ) { global $wgContLang; if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to lc()" ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $wgContLang->lc( $s ) ); } protected function funcLen( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to len()" ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); return new AFPData( AFPData::DInt, mb_strlen( $s, 'utf-8' ) ); } protected function funcSimpleNorm( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to simplenorm()" ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); $s = preg_replace( '/[\d\W]+/', '', $s ); $s = strtolower( $value ); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $s ); } protected function funcSpecialRatio( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to specialratio()" ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); if (!strlen($s)) { return new AFPData( AFPData::DFloat, 0 ); } $nospecials = $this->rmspecials( $s ); $val = 1. - ((mb_strlen($nospecials) / mb_strlen($s))); return new AFPData( AFPData::DFloat, $val ); } protected function funcCount( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to ".__METHOD__ ); $offset = -1; if (count($args) == 1) { $count = count( explode( ",", $args[0]->toString() ) ); } else { $needle = $args[0]->toString(); $haystack = $args[1]->toString(); $count = 0; while ( ($offset = strpos( $haystack, $needle, $offset + 1 )) !== false ) { $count++; } } return new AFPData( AFPData::DInt, $count ); } protected function funcCCNorm( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to ".__METHOD__ ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); $s = $this->ccnorm( $s ); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $s ); } protected function ccnorm( $s ) { if (!class_exists( 'AntiSpoof' ) ) { return $s; } // Normalise confusable characters. $chars = AntiSpoof::stringToList( $s ); $chars = AntiSpoof::equivString( $chars ); $s = AntiSpoof::listToString( $chars ); return $s; } protected function rmspecials( $s ) { $orig = $s; $s = preg_replace( '/[^\p{L}\p{N}]/u', '', $s ); return $s; } protected function rmdoubles( $s ) { $last = -1; $ret = array(); $chars = AntiSpoof::stringToList( $s ); foreach( $chars as $char) { if ($char != $last) $ret[] = $char; $last = $char; } return AntiSpoof::listToString($ret); } protected function funcRMSpecials( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to ".__METHOD__ ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); $s = $this->rmspecials( $s ); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $s ); } protected function funcRMDoubles( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to ".__METHOD__ ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); $s = $this->rmdoubles( $s ); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $s ); } protected function funcNorm( $args ) { if( count( $args ) < 1 ) throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to ".__METHOD__ ); $s = $args[0]->toString(); $s = $this->ccnorm($s); $s = $this->rmdoubles( $s ); $s = $this->rmspecials( $s ); return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $s ); } protected function castString( $args ) { if ( count( $args ) < 1) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'noparams', $this->mCur->pos, array(__METHOD__) ); $val = $args[0]; return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $val->data ); } protected function castInt( $args ) { if ( count( $args ) < 1) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'noparams', $this->mCur->pos, array(__METHOD__) ); $val = $args[0]; return new AFPData( AFPData::DInt, intval($val->data) ); } protected function castFloat( $args ) { if ( count( $args ) < 1) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'noparams', $this->mCur->pos, array(__METHOD__) ); $val = $args[0]; return new AFPData( AFPData::DFloat, doubleval($val->data) ); } protected function castBool( $args ) { if ( count( $args ) < 1) throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'noparams', $this->mCur->pos, array(__METHOD__) ); $val = $args[0]; return new AFPData( AFPData::DBool, (bool)($val->data) ); } } ## Taken from http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.fnmatch.php#71725 ### Attribution: jk at ricochetsolutions dot com if(!function_exists('fnmatch')) { function fnmatch($pattern, $string) { return preg_match("#^".strtr(preg_quote($pattern, '#'), array('\*' => '.*', '\?' => '.'))."$#i", $string); } // end } // end if