/** * AbuseFilter editing JavaScript * * @author John Du Hart * @author Marius Hoch */ ( function( mw, $ ) { 'use strict'; // Filter textarea // @var {jQuery} var $filterBox; /** * Returns the currently selected warning message * * @returns {string} current warning message */ function getCurrentWarningMessage() { var message = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing' ).val(); if ( message === 'other' ) { message = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-other' ).val(); } return message; } /** * Sends the current filter text to be checked for syntax issues. * * @context HTMLElement * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ function doSyntaxCheck() { /*jshint validthis:true */ var filter = $filterBox.val(), api = new mw.Api(); $( this ) .attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ) .injectSpinner( 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ); api.post( { action: 'abusefilterchecksyntax', filter: filter } ) .done( processSyntaxResult ) .fail( processSyntaxResultFailure ); } /** * Things always needed after syntax checks * * @param {string} resultText * @param {string} className Class to add * @param {bool} syntaxOk Is the syntax ok? */ function processSyntaxResultAlways( resultText, className, syntaxOk ) { $.removeSpinner( 'abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' ) .show() .removeClass( 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-ok mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-error' ) .text( resultText ) .addClass( className ) .data( 'syntaxOk', syntaxOk ); } /** * Takes the data retrieved in doSyntaxCheck and processes it * * @param {Object} data Data returned from the AJAX request */ function processSyntaxResult( data ) { data = data.abusefilterchecksyntax; if ( data.status === 'ok' ) { // Successful processSyntaxResultAlways( mw.msg( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxok' ), 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-ok', true ); } else { // Set a custom error message as we're aware of the actual problem processSyntaxResultAlways( mw.message( 'abusefilter-edit-syntaxerr', data.message ).toString(), 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-error', false ); $filterBox .focus() .textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: data.character } ); } } /** * Acts on errors after doSyntaxCheck */ function processSyntaxResultFailure() { processSyntaxResultAlways( mw.msg( 'unknown-error' ), 'mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult-error', false ); } /** * Adds text to the filter textarea * Fired by a change event from the #wpFilterBuilder dropdown */ function addText() { var $filterBuilder = $( '#wpFilterBuilder' ); if ( $filterBuilder.prop( 'selectedIndex' ) === 0 ) { return; } $filterBox.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', { 'pre': $filterBuilder.val() + ' ' } ); $filterBuilder.prop( 'selectedIndex', 0 ); } /** * Fetches a filter from the API and inserts it into the filter box. * * @context HTMLElement * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ function fetchFilter() { /*jshint validthis:true */ var filterId = $.trim( $( '#mw-abusefilter-load-filter' ).val() ), api; if ( filterId === '' ) { return; } $( this ).injectSpinner( 'fetch-spinner' ); // We just ignore errors or unexisting filters over here api = new mw.Api(); api.get( { action: 'query', list: 'abusefilters', abfprop: 'pattern', abfstartid: filterId, abfendid: filterId, abflimit: 1 } ) .always( function() { $.removeSpinner( 'fetch-spinner' ); } ) .done( function( data ) { if ( data.query.abusefilters[0] !== undefined ) { $filterBox.val( data.query.abusefilters[0].pattern ); } } ); } /** * Cycles through all action checkboxes and hides parameter divs * that don't have checked boxes */ function hideDeselectedActions() { $( 'input.mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ).each( function() { // mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox-{$action} var action = this.id.substr( 31 ), $params = $( '#mw-abusefilter-' + action + '-parameters' ); if ( $params.length ) { if ( this.checked ) { $params.show(); } else { $params.hide(); } } } ); } /** * Fetches the selected warning message for previewing */ function previewWarnMessage() { $.get( mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ), { title: 'MediaWiki:' + getCurrentWarningMessage(), action: 'render' } ) .done( function( messageHtml ) { // Replace $1 with the description of the filter messageHtml = messageHtml.replace( /\$1/g, mw.html.escape( $( 'input[name=wpFilterDescription]' ).val() ) ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview' ).html( messageHtml ); } ); } /** * Redirects the browser to the warning message for editing */ function editWarnMessage() { var message = getCurrentWarningMessage(); window.location = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + '?title=MediaWiki:' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( message ) + '&action=edit'; } /** * Called if the filter group (#mw-abusefilter-edit-group-input) is changed. * * @context HTMLELement * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ function onFilterGroupChange() { /*jshint validthis:true */ var $afWarnMessageExisting, $afWarnMessageOther, newVal; if ( !$( '#mw-abusefilter-action-warn-checkbox' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $afWarnMessageExisting = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing' ); $afWarnMessageOther = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-other' ); newVal = mw.config.get( 'wgAbuseFilterDefaultWarningMessage' )[$( this ).val()]; if ( $afWarnMessageExisting.find( 'option[value=\'' + newVal + '\']' ).length ) { $afWarnMessageExisting.val( newVal ); $afWarnMessageOther.val( '' ); } else { $afWarnMessageExisting.val( 'other' ); $afWarnMessageOther.val( newVal ); } } } /** * Remove the options for warning messages if the filter is set to global */ function toggleCustomMessages() { // Use the table over here as hideDeselectedActions might alter the visibility of the div var $warnOptions = $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-parameters > table' ); if ( $( '#wpFilterGlobal' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { // It's a global filter, so use the default message and hide the option from the user $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-message-existing option[value="abusefilter-warning"]' ) .prop( 'selected', true ); $warnOptions.hide(); } else { $warnOptions.show(); } } /** * Called if the user presses a key in the load filter field * * @context HTMLELement * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ function onFilterKeypress( e ) { if ( e.type === 'keypress' && e.which === 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#mw-abusefilter-load' ).click(); } } // On ready initialization $( document ).ready( function() { var $exportBox = $( '#mw-abusefilter-export' ); $filterBox = $( '#' + mw.config.get( 'abuseFilterBoxName' ) ); // Hide the syntax ok message when the text changes $filterBox.keyup( function() { var $el = $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxresult' ); if ( $el.data( 'syntaxOk' ) ) { $el.hide(); } } ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-load' ).click( fetchFilter ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-load-filter' ).keypress( onFilterKeypress ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-preview-button' ).click( previewWarnMessage ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-warn-edit-button' ).click( editWarnMessage ); $( 'input.mw-abusefilter-action-checkbox' ).click( hideDeselectedActions ); hideDeselectedActions(); $( '#wpFilterGlobal' ).change( toggleCustomMessages ); toggleCustomMessages(); $( '#mw-abusefilter-syntaxcheck' ).click( doSyntaxCheck ); $( '#wpFilterBuilder' ).change( addText ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-edit-group-input' ).change( onFilterGroupChange ); $( '#mw-abusefilter-export-link' ).toggle( function() { $exportBox.show(); }, function() { $exportBox.hide(); } ); } ); } ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );