[ 'time' => float, 'conds' => int, 'result' => bool ] ] * @phan-var array * * Where 'timeTaken' is in seconds, 'result' is a boolean indicating whether the filter matched * the action, and 'filterID' is "{prefix}-{ID}" ; Prefix should be empty for local * filters. In stash mode this member is saved in cache, while in execute mode it's used to * update profiling after checking all filters. */ protected $profilingData; /** * @var AbuseFilterParser The parser instance to use to check all filters * @protected Public for back-compat only, will be made protected. self::init already handles * building a parser object. */ public $parser; /** * @var bool Whether a run() was already performed. Used to avoid multiple executions with the * same members. */ private $executed = false; /** @var AbuseFilterHookRunner */ private $hookRunner; /** @var FilterProfiler */ private $filterProfiler; /** @var ChangeTagger */ private $changeTagger; /** * @param User $user The user who performed the action being filtered * @param Title $title The title where the action being filtered was performed * @param AbuseFilterVariableHolder $vars The variables for the current action * @param string $group The group of filters to check. It must be defined as so in * $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups, or this will throw. * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct( User $user, Title $title, AbuseFilterVariableHolder $vars, $group ) { global $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups; if ( !in_array( $group, $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$group must be defined in $wgAbuseFilterValidGroups' ); } if ( !$vars->varIsSet( 'action' ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The 'action' variable is not set." ); } $this->user = $user; $this->title = $title; $this->vars = $vars; $this->vars->setLogger( LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'AbuseFilter' ) ); $this->group = $group; $this->action = $vars->getVar( 'action' )->toString(); $this->hookRunner = AbuseFilterHookRunner::getRunner(); $this->filterProfiler = AbuseFilterServices::getFilterProfiler(); $this->changeTagger = AbuseFilterServices::getChangeTagger(); } /** * Inits variables and parser right before running */ private function init() { // Add vars from extensions $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilterFilterAction( $this->vars, $this->title ); $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilterAlterVariables( $this->vars, $this->title, $this->user ); $generator = new VariableGenerator( $this->vars ); $this->vars = $generator->addGenericVars()->getVariableHolder(); $this->vars->forFilter = true; $this->vars->setVar( 'timestamp', (int)wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX ) ); $this->parser = $this->getParser(); $this->parser->setStatsd( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory() ); $this->profilingData = []; } /** * Shortcut method, so that it can be overridden in mocks. * @return AbuseFilterParser */ protected function getParser() : AbuseFilterParser { return AbuseFilter::getDefaultParser( $this->vars ); } /** * The main entry point of this class. This method runs all filters and takes their consequences. * * @param bool $allowStash Whether we are allowed to check the cache to see if there's a cached * result of a previous execution for the same edit. * @throws BadMethodCallException If run() was already called on this instance * @return Status Good if no action has been taken, a fatal otherwise. */ public function run( $allowStash = true ) : Status { if ( $this->executed ) { throw new BadMethodCallException( 'run() was already called on this instance.' ); } $this->executed = true; $this->init(); $skipReasons = []; $shouldFilter = $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilterShouldFilterAction( $this->vars, $this->title, $this->user, $skipReasons ); if ( !$shouldFilter ) { $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'AbuseFilter' ); $logger->info( 'Skipping action {action}. Reasons provided: {reasons}', [ 'action' => $this->action, 'reasons' => implode( ', ', $skipReasons ) ] ); return Status::newGood(); } $useStash = $allowStash && $this->action === 'edit'; $fromCache = false; $result = []; if ( $useStash ) { $cacheData = $this->seekCache(); if ( $cacheData !== false ) { // Use cached vars (T176291) and profiling data (T191430) $this->vars = AbuseFilterVariableHolder::newFromArray( $cacheData['vars'] ); $result = [ 'hitCondLimit' => $cacheData['hitCondLimit'], 'matches' => $cacheData['matches'], 'runtime' => $cacheData['runtime'], 'condCount' => $cacheData['condCount'], 'profiling' => $cacheData['profiling'] ]; $fromCache = true; } } if ( !$fromCache ) { $startTime = microtime( true ); // Ensure there's no extra time leftover AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime = 0; $hitCondLimit = false; // This also updates $this->profilingData and $this->parser->mCondCount used later $matches = $this->checkAllFilters( $hitCondLimit ); $timeTaken = ( microtime( true ) - $startTime - AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime ) * 1000; $result = [ 'hitCondLimit' => $hitCondLimit, 'matches' => $matches, 'runtime' => $timeTaken, 'condCount' => $this->parser->getCondCount(), 'profiling' => $this->profilingData ]; } '@phan-var array{hitCondLimit:bool,matches:array,runtime:int,condCount:int,profiling:array} $result'; $matchedFilters = array_keys( array_filter( $result['matches'] ) ); $allFilters = array_keys( $result['matches'] ); $this->profileExecution( $result, $matchedFilters, $allFilters ); if ( $result['hitCondLimit'] ) { $this->changeTagger->addConditionsLimitTag( $this->getSpecsForTagger() ); } if ( count( $matchedFilters ) === 0 ) { return Status::newGood(); } $status = $this->executeFilterActions( $matchedFilters ); $actionsTaken = $status->getValue(); $this->addLogEntries( $actionsTaken ); return $status; } /** * Similar to run(), but runs in "stash" mode, which means filters are executed, no actions are * taken, and the result is saved in cache to be later reused. This can only be used for edits, * and not doing so will throw. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @return Status Always a good status, since we're only saving data. */ public function runForStash() : Status { if ( $this->action !== 'edit' ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . " can only be called for edits, called for action {$this->action}." ); } $this->init(); $skipReasons = []; $shouldFilter = $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilterShouldFilterAction( $this->vars, $this->title, $this->user, $skipReasons ); if ( !$shouldFilter ) { // Don't log it yet return Status::newGood(); } $cache = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(); $stashKey = $this->getStashKey( $cache ); $startTime = microtime( true ); // Ensure there's no extra time leftover AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime = 0; $hitCondLimit = false; $matchedFilters = $this->checkAllFilters( $hitCondLimit ); // Save the filter stash result and do nothing further $cacheData = [ 'matches' => $matchedFilters, 'hitCondLimit' => $hitCondLimit, 'condCount' => $this->parser->getCondCount(), 'runtime' => ( microtime( true ) - $startTime - AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime ) * 1000, 'vars' => $this->vars->dumpAllVars(), 'profiling' => $this->profilingData ]; $cache->set( $stashKey, $cacheData, $cache::TTL_MINUTE ); $this->logCache( 'store', $stashKey ); return Status::newGood(); } /** * Search the cache to find data for a previous execution done for the current edit. * * @return false|array False on failure, the array with data otherwise */ protected function seekCache() { $cache = ObjectCache::getLocalClusterInstance(); $stashKey = $this->getStashKey( $cache ); $ret = $cache->get( $stashKey ); $status = $ret !== false ? 'hit' : 'miss'; $this->logCache( $status, $stashKey ); return $ret; } /** * Get the stash key for the current variables * * @param BagOStuff $cache * @return string */ protected function getStashKey( BagOStuff $cache ) { $inputVars = $this->vars->exportNonLazyVars(); // Exclude noisy fields that have superficial changes $excludedVars = [ 'old_html' => true, 'new_html' => true, 'user_age' => true, 'timestamp' => true, 'page_age' => true, 'moved_from_age' => true, 'moved_to_age' => true ]; $inputVars = array_diff_key( $inputVars, $excludedVars ); ksort( $inputVars ); $hash = md5( serialize( $inputVars ) ); return $cache->makeKey( 'abusefilter', 'check-stash', $this->group, $hash, 'v2' ); } /** * Log cache operations related to stashed edits, i.e. store, hit and miss * * @param string $type Either 'store', 'hit' or 'miss' * @param string $key The cache key used * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function logCache( $type, $key ) { if ( !in_array( $type, [ 'store', 'hit', 'miss' ] ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$type must be either "store", "hit" or "miss"' ); } $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'StashEdit' ); // Bots do not use edit stashing, so avoid distorting the stats $statsd = $this->user->isBot() ? new NullStatsdDataFactory() : MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory(); $logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": cache $type for '{$this->title}' (key $key)." ); $statsd->increment( "abusefilter.check-stash.$type" ); } /** * Returns an associative array of filters which were tripped * * @protected Public for back compat only; this will actually be made protected in the future. * You should either rely on $this->run() or subclass this class. * @todo This method should simply return an array with IDs of matched filters as values, * since we always end up filtering it after calling this method. * @param bool|null &$hitCondLimit TEMPORARY * @return bool[] Map of (integer filter ID => bool) */ public function checkAllFilters( &$hitCondLimit = false ) : array { global $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB, $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral, $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit; // Ensure that we start fresh, see T193374 $this->parser->resetCondCount(); $matchedFilters = []; foreach ( $this->getLocalFilters() as $row ) { $matchedFilters[$row->af_id] = $this->checkFilter( $row ); } if ( $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB && !$wgAbuseFilterIsCentral ) { foreach ( $this->getGlobalFilters() as $row ) { $matchedFilters[ AbuseFilter::buildGlobalName( $row->af_id ) ] = $this->checkFilter( $row, true ); } } // Tag the action if the condition limit was hit $hitCondLimit = $this->parser->getCondCount() > $wgAbuseFilterConditionLimit; return $matchedFilters; } /** * @return array abuse_filter DB rows */ protected function getLocalFilters() : array { return iterator_to_array( wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->select( 'abuse_filter', AbuseFilter::ALL_ABUSE_FILTER_FIELDS, [ 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_deleted' => 0, 'af_group' => $this->group, ], __METHOD__ ) ); } /** * @return array abuse_filter rows from the foreign DB */ protected function getGlobalFilters() : array { $globalRulesKey = AbuseFilter::getGlobalRulesKey( $this->group ); $fname = __METHOD__; return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache()->getWithSetCallback( $globalRulesKey, WANObjectCache::TTL_WEEK, function () use ( $fname ) { $fdb = AbuseFilter::getCentralDB( DB_REPLICA ); return iterator_to_array( $fdb->select( 'abuse_filter', AbuseFilter::ALL_ABUSE_FILTER_FIELDS, [ 'af_enabled' => 1, 'af_deleted' => 0, 'af_global' => 1, 'af_group' => $this->group, ], $fname ) ); }, [ 'checkKeys' => [ $globalRulesKey ], 'lockTSE' => 300, 'version' => 1 ] ); } /** * Check the conditions of a single filter, and profile it if $this->executeMode is true * * @param stdClass $row * @param bool $global * @return bool */ protected function checkFilter( $row, $global = false ) { $filterName = AbuseFilter::buildGlobalName( $row->af_id, $global ); $startConds = $this->parser->getCondCount(); $startTime = microtime( true ); $origExtraTime = AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime; // Store the row somewhere convenient AbuseFilter::cacheFilter( $filterName, $row ); $pattern = trim( $row->af_pattern ); $this->parser->setFilter( $filterName ); $result = $this->parser->checkConditions( $pattern, true, $filterName ); $actualExtra = AFComputedVariable::$profilingExtraTime - $origExtraTime; $timeTaken = 1000 * ( microtime( true ) - $startTime - $actualExtra ); $condsUsed = $this->parser->getCondCount() - $startConds; $this->profilingData[$filterName] = [ 'time' => $timeTaken, 'conds' => $condsUsed, 'result' => $result ]; return $result; } /** * @param array $result Result of the execution, as created in run() * @param string[] $matchedFilters * @param string[] $allFilters */ protected function profileExecution( array $result, array $matchedFilters, array $allFilters ) { $this->filterProfiler->checkResetProfiling( $this->group, $allFilters ); $this->filterProfiler->recordRuntimeProfilingResult( count( $allFilters ), $result['condCount'], $result['runtime'] ); $this->filterProfiler->recordPerFilterProfiling( $this->title, $result['profiling'] ); $this->filterProfiler->recordStats( $this->group, $result['condCount'], $result['runtime'], (bool)$matchedFilters ); } /** * Executes a set of actions. * * @param string[] $filters * @return Status returns the operation's status. $status->isOK() will return true if * there were no actions taken, false otherwise. $status->getValue() will return * an array listing the actions taken. $status->getErrors() etc. will provide * the errors and warnings to be shown to the user to explain the actions. */ protected function executeFilterActions( array $filters ) : Status { global $wgMainCacheType, $wgAbuseFilterLocallyDisabledGlobalActions, $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration, $wgAbuseFilterAnonBlockDuration; $actionsByFilter = AbuseFilter::getConsequencesForFilters( $filters, false ); $actionsTaken = array_fill_keys( $filters, [] ); $messages = []; // Accumulator to track max block to issue $maxExpiry = -1; foreach ( $actionsByFilter as $filter => $actions ) { // Special-case handling for warnings. $filterPublicComments = AbuseFilter::getFilter( $filter )->af_public_comments; $isGlobalFilter = AbuseFilter::splitGlobalName( $filter )[1]; // If the filter has "throttle" enabled and throttling is available via object // caching, check to see if the user has hit the throttle. if ( isset( $actions['throttle'] ) && $wgMainCacheType !== CACHE_NONE ) { $parameters = $actions['throttle']; $throttleId = array_shift( $parameters ); list( $rateCount, $ratePeriod ) = explode( ',', array_shift( $parameters ) ); $rateCount = (int)$rateCount; $ratePeriod = (int)$ratePeriod; $hitThrottle = false; // The rest are throttle-types. foreach ( $parameters as $throttleType ) { $hitThrottle = $hitThrottle || $this->isThrottled( $throttleId, $throttleType, $rateCount, $ratePeriod, $isGlobalFilter ); } unset( $actions['throttle'] ); if ( !$hitThrottle ) { $actionsTaken[$filter][] = 'throttle'; continue; } } if ( $isGlobalFilter ) { $actions = array_diff_key( $actions, array_filter( $wgAbuseFilterLocallyDisabledGlobalActions ) ); } if ( isset( $actions['warn'] ) ) { $parameters = $actions['warn']; // Generate a unique key to determine whether the user has already been warned. // We'll warn again if one of these changes: session, page, triggered filter or action $warnKey = 'abusefilter-warned-' . md5( $this->title->getPrefixedText() ) . '-' . $filter . '-' . $this->action; // Make sure the session is started prior to using it $session = SessionManager::getGlobalSession(); $session->persist(); if ( !isset( $session[$warnKey] ) || !$session[$warnKey] ) { $session[$warnKey] = true; $msg = $parameters[0] ?? 'abusefilter-warning'; $messages[] = [ $msg, $filterPublicComments, $filter ]; $actionsTaken[$filter][] = 'warn'; // Don't do anything else. continue; } else { // We already warned them $session[$warnKey] = false; } unset( $actions['warn'] ); } // Don't show the disallow message if a blocking action is executed if ( count( array_intersect( array_keys( $actions ), AbuseFilter::getDangerousActions() ) ) > 0 && isset( $actions['disallow'] ) ) { unset( $actions['disallow'] ); } // Find out the max expiry to issue the longest triggered block. // Need to check here since methods like user->getBlock() aren't available if ( isset( $actions['block'] ) ) { $parameters = $actions['block']; if ( count( $parameters ) === 3 ) { // New type of filters with custom block if ( $this->user->isAnon() ) { $expiry = $parameters[1]; } else { $expiry = $parameters[2]; } } else { // Old type with fixed expiry if ( $this->user->isAnon() && $wgAbuseFilterAnonBlockDuration !== null ) { // The user isn't logged in and the anon block duration // doesn't default to $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration. $expiry = $wgAbuseFilterAnonBlockDuration; } else { $expiry = $wgAbuseFilterBlockDuration; } } $currentExpiry = SpecialBlock::parseExpiryInput( $expiry ); if ( $maxExpiry === -1 || $currentExpiry > SpecialBlock::parseExpiryInput( $maxExpiry ) ) { // Save the parameters to issue the block with $maxExpiry = $expiry; $blockValues = [ AbuseFilter::getFilter( $filter )->af_public_comments, $filter, is_array( $parameters ) && in_array( 'blocktalk', $parameters ) ]; } unset( $actions['block'] ); } // Do the rest of the actions foreach ( $actions as $action => $info ) { $newMsg = $this->takeConsequenceAction( $action, $info, AbuseFilter::getFilter( $filter )->af_public_comments, $filter ); if ( $newMsg !== null ) { $messages[] = $newMsg; } $actionsTaken[$filter][] = $action; } } // Since every filter has been analysed, we now know what the // longest block duration is, so we can issue the block if // maxExpiry has been changed. if ( $maxExpiry !== -1 ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable $this->doBlock( $blockValues[0], $blockValues[1], $maxExpiry, $blockValues[2] ); $message = [ 'abusefilter-blocked-display', $blockValues[0], $blockValues[1] ]; // Manually add the message. If we're here, there is one. $messages[] = $message; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchDimAssignment $actionsTaken[$blockValues[1]][] = 'block'; } return $this->buildStatus( $actionsTaken, $messages ); } /** * @param string $throttleId * @param string $types * @param int $rateCount * @param int $ratePeriod * @param bool $global * @return bool */ protected function isThrottled( $throttleId, $types, int $rateCount, int $ratePeriod, $global = false ) { $stash = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainObjectStash(); $key = $this->throttleKey( $throttleId, $types, $global ); $count = (int)$stash->get( $key ); $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'AbuseFilter' ); $logger->debug( "Got value $count for throttle key $key" ); $count = $stash->incrWithInit( $key, $ratePeriod ); if ( $count > $rateCount ) { $logger->debug( "Throttle $key hit value $count -- maximum is $rateCount." ); return true; } $logger->debug( "Throttle $key not hit!" ); return false; } /** * @param string $throttleId * @param string $type * @param bool $global * @return string */ protected function throttleKey( $throttleId, $type, $global = false ) { global $wgAbuseFilterIsCentral, $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB; $types = explode( ',', $type ); $identifiers = []; foreach ( $types as $subtype ) { $identifiers[] = $this->throttleIdentifier( $subtype ); } $identifier = sha1( implode( ':', $identifiers ) ); $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache(); if ( $global && !$wgAbuseFilterIsCentral ) { return $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'abusefilter', 'throttle', $wgAbuseFilterCentralDB, $throttleId, $type, $identifier ); } return $cache->makeKey( 'abusefilter', 'throttle', $throttleId, $type, $identifier ); } /** * @param string $type * @return int|string */ protected function throttleIdentifier( $type ) { $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); switch ( $type ) { case 'ip': $identifier = $request->getIP(); break; case 'user': $identifier = $this->user->getId(); break; case 'range': $identifier = substr( IPUtils::toHex( $request->getIP() ), 0, 4 ); break; case 'creationdate': $reg = (int)$this->user->getRegistration(); $identifier = $reg - ( $reg % 86400 ); break; case 'editcount': // Hack for detecting different single-purpose accounts. $identifier = (int)$this->user->getEditCount(); break; case 'site': $identifier = 1; break; case 'page': $identifier = $this->title->getPrefixedText(); break; default: // Should never happen // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $identifier = 0; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return $identifier; } /** * @param string $action * @param array $parameters * @param string $ruleDescription * @param int|string $ruleNumber * * @return array|null a message describing the action that was taken, * or null if no action was taken. The message is given as an array * containing the message key followed by any message parameters. */ protected function takeConsequenceAction( $action, $parameters, $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber ) { global $wgAbuseFilterCustomActionsHandlers, $wgAbuseFilterBlockAutopromoteDuration; $message = null; switch ( $action ) { case 'disallow': $msg = $parameters[0] ?? 'abusefilter-disallowed'; $message = [ $msg, $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber ]; break; case 'rangeblock': $this->doRangeBlock( $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber, '1 week' ); $message = [ 'abusefilter-blocked-display', $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber ]; break; case 'degroup': if ( !$this->user->isAnon() ) { $userGroupsManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserGroupManager(); // Pull the groups from the VariableHolder, so that they will always be computed. // This allow us to pull the groups from the VariableHolder to undo the degroup // via Special:AbuseFilter/revert. $groups = $this->vars->getVar( 'user_groups', AbuseFilterVariableHolder::GET_LAX ); if ( $groups->type !== AFPData::DARRAY ) { // Somehow, the variable wasn't set $groups = $userGroupsManager->getUserEffectiveGroups( $this->user ); $this->vars->setVar( 'user_groups', $groups ); } else { $groups = $groups->toNative(); } $this->vars->setVar( 'user_groups', $groups ); $implicitGroups = $userGroupsManager->listAllImplicitGroups(); $removeGroups = array_diff( $groups, $implicitGroups ); foreach ( $removeGroups as $group ) { $userGroupsManager->removeUserFromGroup( $this->user, $group ); } $message = [ 'abusefilter-degrouped', $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber ]; // Don't log it if there aren't any groups being removed! if ( !count( $removeGroups ) ) { break; } // TODO Core should provide a logging method $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'rights', 'rights' ); $logEntry->setPerformer( AbuseFilter::getFilterUser() ); $logEntry->setTarget( $this->user->getUserPage() ); $logEntry->setComment( wfMessage( 'abusefilter-degroupreason', $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber )->inContentLanguage()->text() ); $logEntry->setParameters( [ '4::oldgroups' => $removeGroups, '5::newgroups' => [] ] ); $logEntry->publish( $logEntry->insert() ); } break; case 'blockautopromote': if ( !$this->user->isAnon() ) { $duration = $wgAbuseFilterBlockAutopromoteDuration * 86400; $store = AbuseFilterServices::getBlockAutopromoteStore(); $blocked = $store->blockAutoPromote( $this->user, wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blockautopromotereason', $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber )->inContentLanguage()->text(), $duration ); if ( $blocked ) { $message = [ 'abusefilter-autopromote-blocked', $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber, $duration ]; } } break; case 'block': // Do nothing, handled at the end of executeFilterActions. Here for completeness. break; case 'tag': // Mark with a tag on recentchanges. $this->changeTagger->addTags( $this->getSpecsForTagger(), $parameters ); break; default: if ( isset( $wgAbuseFilterCustomActionsHandlers[$action] ) ) { $customFunction = $wgAbuseFilterCustomActionsHandlers[$action]; if ( is_callable( $customFunction ) ) { $msg = call_user_func( $customFunction, $action, $parameters, $this->title, $this->vars, $ruleDescription, $ruleNumber ); } if ( isset( $msg ) ) { $message = [ $msg ]; } } else { $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'AbuseFilter' ); $logger->warning( "Unrecognised action $action" ); } } return $message; } /** * @param string $ruleDesc * @param string|int $ruleNumber * @param string $expiry */ private function doRangeBlock( $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber, $expiry ) { global $wgAbuseFilterRangeBlockSize, $wgBlockCIDRLimit; $ip = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getIP(); $type = IPUtils::isIPv6( $ip ) ? 'IPv6' : 'IPv4'; $CIDRsize = max( $wgAbuseFilterRangeBlockSize[$type], $wgBlockCIDRLimit[$type] ); $blockCIDR = $ip . '/' . $CIDRsize; $target = IPUtils::sanitizeRange( $blockCIDR ); $autoblock = false; $this->doBlockInternal( $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber, $target, $expiry, $autoblock, false ); } /** * @param string $ruleDesc * @param string|int $ruleNumber * @param string $expiry * @param bool $preventsTalk */ private function doBlock( $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber, $expiry, $preventsTalk ) { $target = $this->user->getName(); $autoblock = true; $this->doBlockInternal( $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber, $target, $expiry, $autoblock, $preventsTalk ); } /** * Perform a block by the AbuseFilter system user * @param string $ruleDesc * @param int|string $ruleNumber * @param string $target * @param string $expiry * @param bool $isAutoBlock * @param bool $preventEditOwnUserTalk */ private function doBlockInternal( $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber, $target, $expiry, $isAutoBlock, $preventEditOwnUserTalk ) { $blockUserFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getBlockUserFactory(); $filterUser = AbuseFilter::getFilterUser(); $reason = wfMessage( 'abusefilter-blockreason', $ruleDesc, $ruleNumber )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $blockUserFactory->newBlockUser( $target, $filterUser, $expiry, $reason, [ 'isHardBlock' => false, 'isAutoblocking' => $isAutoBlock, 'isCreateAccountBlocked' => true, 'isUserTalkEditBlocked' => $preventEditOwnUserTalk ] )->placeBlockUnsafe(); } /** * Constructs a Status object as returned by executeFilterActions() from the list of * actions taken and the corresponding list of messages. * * @param array[] $actionsTaken associative array mapping each filter to the list if * actions taken because of that filter. * @param array[] $messages a list of arrays, where each array contains a message key * followed by any message parameters. * * @return Status */ protected function buildStatus( array $actionsTaken, array $messages ) : Status { $status = Status::newGood( $actionsTaken ); foreach ( $messages as $msg ) { $status->fatal( ...$msg ); } return $status; } /** * Creates a template to use for logging taken actions * * @return array */ protected function buildLogTemplate() : array { global $wgAbuseFilterLogIP; $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); // If $this->user isn't safe to load (e.g. a failure during // AbortAutoAccount), create a dummy anonymous user instead. $user = $this->user->isSafeToLoad() ? $this->user : new User; // Create a template $logTemplate = [ 'afl_user' => $user->getId(), 'afl_user_text' => $user->getName(), 'afl_timestamp' => wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->timestamp(), 'afl_namespace' => $this->title->getNamespace(), 'afl_title' => $this->title->getDBkey(), 'afl_action' => $this->action, 'afl_ip' => $wgAbuseFilterLogIP ? $request->getIP() : '' ]; // Hack to avoid revealing IPs of people creating accounts if ( !$user->getId() && ( $this->action === 'createaccount' || $this->action === 'autocreateaccount' ) ) { $logTemplate['afl_user_text'] = $this->vars->getVar( 'accountname' )->toString(); } return $logTemplate; } /** * Create and publish log entries for taken actions * * @param array[] $actionsTaken * @todo Split this method */ protected function addLogEntries( array $actionsTaken ) { $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $logTemplate = $this->buildLogTemplate(); $centralLogTemplate = [ 'afl_wiki' => WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain()->getId(), ]; $logRows = []; $centralLogRows = []; $loggedLocalFilters = []; $loggedGlobalFilters = []; foreach ( $actionsTaken as $filter => $actions ) { list( $filterID, $global ) = AbuseFilter::splitGlobalName( $filter ); $thisLog = $logTemplate; $thisLog['afl_filter'] = $filter; $thisLog['afl_actions'] = implode( ',', $actions ); // Don't log if we were only throttling. if ( $thisLog['afl_actions'] !== 'throttle' ) { $logRows[] = $thisLog; // Global logging if ( $global ) { $centralLog = $thisLog + $centralLogTemplate; $centralLog['afl_filter'] = $filterID; $centralLog['afl_title'] = $this->title->getPrefixedText(); $centralLog['afl_namespace'] = 0; $centralLogRows[] = $centralLog; $loggedGlobalFilters[] = $filterID; } else { $loggedLocalFilters[] = $filter; } } } if ( !count( $logRows ) ) { return; } // Only store the var dump if we're actually going to add log rows. $varDump = AbuseFilter::storeVarDump( $this->vars ); $varDump = "tt:$varDump"; $localLogIDs = []; global $wgAbuseFilterNotifications, $wgAbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate; foreach ( $logRows as $data ) { $data['afl_var_dump'] = $varDump; $dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_log', $data, __METHOD__ ); $localLogIDs[] = $data['afl_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); // Give grep a chance to find the usages: // logentry-abusefilter-hit $entry = new ManualLogEntry( 'abusefilter', 'hit' ); // Construct a user object $user = User::newFromId( $data['afl_user'] ); $user->setName( $data['afl_user_text'] ); $entry->setPerformer( $user ); $entry->setTarget( $this->title ); // Additional info $entry->setParameters( [ 'action' => $data['afl_action'], 'filter' => $data['afl_filter'], 'actions' => $data['afl_actions'], 'log' => $data['afl_id'], ] ); // Send data to CheckUser if installed and we // aren't already sending a notification to recentchanges if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'CheckUser' ) && strpos( $wgAbuseFilterNotifications, 'rc' ) === false ) { global $wgCheckUserLogAdditionalRights; $wgCheckUserLogAdditionalRights[] = 'abusefilter-view'; $rc = $entry->getRecentChange(); CheckUserHooks::updateCheckUserData( $rc ); } if ( $wgAbuseFilterNotifications !== false ) { list( $filterID, $global ) = AbuseFilter::splitGlobalName( $data['afl_filter'] ); if ( AbuseFilter::filterHidden( $filterID, $global ) && !$wgAbuseFilterNotificationsPrivate ) { continue; } $this->publishEntry( $dbw, $entry, $wgAbuseFilterNotifications ); } } $method = __METHOD__; if ( count( $loggedLocalFilters ) ) { // Update hit-counter. $dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function () use ( $dbw, $loggedLocalFilters, $method ) { $dbw->update( 'abuse_filter', [ 'af_hit_count=af_hit_count+1' ], [ 'af_id' => $loggedLocalFilters ], $method ); }, $method ); } $globalLogIDs = []; // Global stuff if ( count( $loggedGlobalFilters ) ) { $this->vars->computeDBVars(); $globalVarDump = AbuseFilter::storeVarDump( $this->vars, true ); $globalVarDump = "tt:$globalVarDump"; foreach ( $centralLogRows as $index => $data ) { $centralLogRows[$index]['afl_var_dump'] = $globalVarDump; } $fdb = AbuseFilter::getCentralDB( DB_MASTER ); foreach ( $centralLogRows as $row ) { $fdb->insert( 'abuse_filter_log', $row, __METHOD__ ); $globalLogIDs[] = $fdb->insertId(); } $fdb->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function () use ( $fdb, $loggedGlobalFilters, $method ) { $fdb->update( 'abuse_filter', [ 'af_hit_count=af_hit_count+1' ], [ 'af_id' => $loggedGlobalFilters ], $method ); }, $method ); } AbuseFilter::$logIds[ $this->title->getPrefixedText() ] = [ 'local' => $localLogIDs, 'global' => $globalLogIDs ]; $this->checkEmergencyDisable( $loggedLocalFilters ); } /** * Like LogEntry::publish, but doesn't require an ID (which we don't have) and skips the * tagging part * * @param IDatabase $dbw To cancel the callback if the log insertion fails * @param ManualLogEntry $entry * @param string $to One of 'udp', 'rc' and 'rcandudp' */ private function publishEntry( IDatabase $dbw, ManualLogEntry $entry, $to ) { DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $entry, $to ) { $rc = $entry->getRecentChange(); if ( $to === 'rc' || $to === 'rcandudp' ) { $rc->save( $rc::SEND_NONE ); } if ( $to === 'udp' || $to === 'rcandudp' ) { $rc->notifyRCFeeds(); } }, DeferredUpdates::POSTSEND, $dbw ); } /** * Determine whether a filter must be throttled, i.e. its potentially dangerous * actions must be disabled. * * @param string[] $filters The filters to check */ protected function checkEmergencyDisable( array $filters ) { // @ToDo this is an amount between 1 and AbuseFilterProfileActionsCap, which means that the // reliability of this number may strongly vary. We should instead use a fixed one. $groupProfile = $this->filterProfiler->getGroupProfile( $this->group ); $totalActions = $groupProfile['total']; foreach ( $filters as $filter ) { $threshold = AbuseFilter::getEmergencyValue( 'threshold', $this->group ); $hitCountLimit = AbuseFilter::getEmergencyValue( 'count', $this->group ); $maxAge = AbuseFilter::getEmergencyValue( 'age', $this->group ); $filterProfile = $this->filterProfiler->getFilterProfile( $filter ); $matchCount = ( $filterProfile[1] ?? 0 ) + 1; // Figure out if the filter is subject to being throttled. $filterAge = (int)wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, AbuseFilter::getFilter( $filter )->af_timestamp ); $exemptTime = $filterAge + $maxAge; if ( $totalActions && $exemptTime > time() && $matchCount > $hitCountLimit && ( $matchCount / $totalActions ) > $threshold ) { // More than $wgAbuseFilterEmergencyDisableCount matches, constituting more than // $threshold (a fraction) of last few edits. Disable it. DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new AutoCommitUpdate( wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ), __METHOD__, function ( IDatabase $dbw, $fname ) use ( $filter ) { $dbw->update( 'abuse_filter', [ 'af_throttled' => 1 ], [ 'af_id' => $filter ], $fname ); } ) ); } } } /** * @return array */ private function getSpecsForTagger() : array { return [ 'action' => $this->action, 'username' => $this->user->getName(), 'target' => $this->title, 'accountname' => $this->vars->getVar( 'accountname', AbuseFilterVariableHolder::GET_BC )->toNative() ]; } }