* @internal */ public const WILDCARD_MAP = [ '\*' => '.*', '\+' => '\+', '\-' => '\-', '\.' => '\.', '\?' => '.', '\[' => '[', '\[\!' => '[^', '\\' => '\\\\', '\]' => ']', ]; /** * @var string One of the D* const from this class * @private Use $this->getType() */ public $type; /** * @var mixed|null|AFPData[] The actual data contained in this object * @private Use $this->getData() */ public $data; /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @return AFPData[]|mixed|null */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * @param string $type * @param AFPData[]|mixed|null $val */ public function __construct( $type, $val = null ) { if ( ( $type === self::DUNDEFINED || $type === self::DEMPTY ) && $val !== null ) { // Sanity throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'DUNDEFINED and DEMPTY cannot have a non-null value' ); } $this->type = $type; $this->data = $val; } /** * @param mixed $var * @return AFPData * @throws AFPException */ public static function newFromPHPVar( $var ) { switch ( gettype( $var ) ) { case 'string': return new AFPData( self::DSTRING, $var ); case 'integer': return new AFPData( self::DINT, $var ); case 'double': return new AFPData( self::DFLOAT, $var ); case 'boolean': return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $var ); case 'array': $result = []; foreach ( $var as $item ) { $result[] = self::newFromPHPVar( $item ); } return new AFPData( self::DARRAY, $result ); case 'NULL': return new AFPData( self::DNULL ); default: throw new AFPException( 'Data type ' . gettype( $var ) . ' is not supported by AbuseFilter' ); } } /** * @param AFPData $orig * @param string $target * @return AFPData */ public static function castTypes( AFPData $orig, $target ) { if ( $orig->type === $target ) { return $orig; } if ( $orig->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { // This case should be handled at a higher level, to avoid implicitly relying on what // this method will do for the specific case. throw new AFPException( 'Refusing to cast DUNDEFINED to something else' ); } if ( $target === self::DNULL ) { // We don't expose any method to cast to null. And, actually, should we? return new AFPData( self::DNULL ); } if ( $orig->type === self::DARRAY ) { if ( $target === self::DBOOL ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, (bool)count( $orig->data ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DFLOAT ) { return new AFPData( self::DFLOAT, floatval( count( $orig->data ) ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DINT ) { return new AFPData( self::DINT, count( $orig->data ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DSTRING ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $orig->data as $item ) { $s .= $item->toString() . "\n"; } return new AFPData( self::DSTRING, $s ); } } if ( $target === self::DBOOL ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, (bool)$orig->data ); } elseif ( $target === self::DFLOAT ) { return new AFPData( self::DFLOAT, floatval( $orig->data ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DINT ) { return new AFPData( self::DINT, intval( $orig->data ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DSTRING ) { return new AFPData( self::DSTRING, strval( $orig->data ) ); } elseif ( $target === self::DARRAY ) { // We don't expose any method to cast to array return new AFPData( self::DARRAY, [ $orig ] ); } throw new AFPException( 'Cannot cast ' . $orig->type . " to $target." ); } /** * @return AFPData */ public function boolInvert() { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, !$this->toBool() ); } /** * @param AFPData $exponent * @return AFPData */ public function pow( AFPData $exponent ) { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED || $exponent->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } $res = pow( $this->toNumber(), $exponent->toNumber() ); $type = is_int( $res ) ? self::DINT : self::DFLOAT; return new AFPData( $type, $res ); } /** * @param AFPData $d2 * @param bool $strict whether to also check types * @return bool * @throws AFPException if $this or $d2 is a DUNDEFINED. This shouldn't happen, because this method * only returns a boolean, and thus the type of the result has already been decided and cannot * be changed to be a DUNDEFINED from here. * @internal * @suppress PhanSuspiciousValueComparison Lots of false positives for self::DARRAY */ public function equals( AFPData $d2, $strict = false ) { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED || $d2->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { throw new AFPException( __METHOD__ . " got a DUNDEFINED. This should be handled at a higher level" ); } elseif ( $this->type !== self::DARRAY && $d2->type !== self::DARRAY ) { $typecheck = $this->type === $d2->type || !$strict; return $typecheck && $this->toString() === $d2->toString(); } elseif ( $this->type === self::DARRAY && $d2->type === self::DARRAY ) { $data1 = $this->data; $data2 = $d2->data; if ( count( $data1 ) !== count( $data2 ) ) { return false; } $length = count( $data1 ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeArraySuspiciousNullable Array type if ( $data1[$i]->equals( $data2[$i], $strict ) === false ) { return false; } } return true; } else { // Trying to compare an array to something else if ( $strict ) { return false; } if ( $this->type === self::DARRAY && count( $this->data ) === 0 ) { return ( $d2->type === self::DBOOL && $d2->toBool() === false ) || $d2->type === self::DNULL; } elseif ( $d2->type === self::DARRAY && count( $d2->data ) === 0 ) { return ( $this->type === self::DBOOL && $this->toBool() === false ) || $this->type === self::DNULL; } else { return false; } } } /** * @return AFPData */ public function unaryMinus() { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } elseif ( $this->type === self::DINT ) { return new AFPData( $this->type, -$this->toInt() ); } else { $type = $this->type === self::DEMPTY ? self::DNULL : $this->type; return new AFPData( $type, -$this->toFloat() ); } } /** * @param AFPData $b * @param string $op * @return AFPData * @throws AFPException */ public function boolOp( AFPData $b, $op ) { $a = $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED ? false : $this->toBool(); $b = $b->type === self::DUNDEFINED ? false : $b->toBool(); if ( $op === '|' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a || $b ); } elseif ( $op === '&' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a && $b ); } elseif ( $op === '^' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a xor $b ); } // Should never happen. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Invalid boolean operation: {$op}" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * @param AFPData $b * @param string $op * @return AFPData * @throws AFPException */ public function compareOp( AFPData $b, $op ) { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED || $b->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } if ( $op === '==' || $op === '=' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $this->equals( $b ) ); } elseif ( $op === '!=' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, !$this->equals( $b ) ); } elseif ( $op === '===' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $this->equals( $b, true ) ); } elseif ( $op === '!==' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, !$this->equals( $b, true ) ); } $a = $this->toString(); $b = $b->toString(); if ( $op === '>' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a > $b ); } elseif ( $op === '<' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a < $b ); } elseif ( $op === '>=' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a >= $b ); } elseif ( $op === '<=' ) { return new AFPData( self::DBOOL, $a <= $b ); } // Should never happen // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Invalid comparison operation: {$op}" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * @param AFPData $b * @param string $op * @param int $pos * @return AFPData * @throws AFPUserVisibleException * @throws AFPException */ public function mulRel( AFPData $b, $op, $pos ) { if ( $b->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { // The LHS type is checked later, because we first need to ensure we're not // dividing or taking modulo by 0 (and that should throw regardless of whether // the LHS is undefined). return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } $b = $b->toNumber(); if ( ( $op === '/' && (float)$b === 0.0 ) || ( $op === '%' && (int)$b === 0 ) ) { $lhs = $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED ? 0 : $this->toNumber(); throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'dividebyzero', $pos, [ $lhs ] ); } if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } $a = $this->toNumber(); if ( $op === '*' ) { $data = $a * $b; } elseif ( $op === '/' ) { $data = $a / $b; } elseif ( $op === '%' ) { $data = $a % $b; } else { // Should never happen // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Invalid multiplication-related operation: {$op}" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $type = is_int( $data ) ? self::DINT : self::DFLOAT; return new AFPData( $type, $data ); } /** * @param AFPData $b * @return AFPData */ public function sum( AFPData $b ) { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED || $b->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } elseif ( $this->type === self::DSTRING || $b->type === self::DSTRING ) { return new AFPData( self::DSTRING, $this->toString() . $b->toString() ); } elseif ( $this->type === self::DARRAY && $b->type === self::DARRAY ) { return new AFPData( self::DARRAY, array_merge( $this->toArray(), $b->toArray() ) ); } else { $res = $this->toNumber() + $b->toNumber(); $type = is_int( $res ) ? self::DINT : self::DFLOAT; return new AFPData( $type, $res ); } } /** * @param AFPData $b * @return AFPData */ public function sub( AFPData $b ) { if ( $this->type === self::DUNDEFINED || $b->type === self::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( self::DUNDEFINED ); } $res = $this->toNumber() - $b->toNumber(); $type = is_int( $res ) ? self::DINT : self::DFLOAT; return new AFPData( $type, $res ); } /** Convert shorteners */ /** * @throws MWException * @return mixed */ public function toNative() { switch ( $this->type ) { case self::DBOOL: return $this->toBool(); case self::DSTRING: return $this->toString(); case self::DFLOAT: return $this->toFloat(); case self::DINT: return $this->toInt(); case self::DARRAY: $input = $this->toArray(); $output = []; foreach ( $input as $item ) { $output[] = $item->toNative(); } return $output; case self::DNULL: case self::DUNDEFINED: case self::DEMPTY: return null; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new MWException( "Unknown type" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } /** * @return bool */ public function toBool() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DBOOL )->data; } /** * @return string */ public function toString() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DSTRING )->data; } /** * @return float */ public function toFloat() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DFLOAT )->data; } /** * @return int */ public function toInt() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DINT )->data; } /** * @return int|float */ public function toNumber() { // Types that can be cast to int $intLikeTypes = [ self::DINT, self::DBOOL, self::DNULL ]; return in_array( $this->type, $intLikeTypes, true ) ? $this->toInt() : $this->toFloat(); } /** * @return array */ public function toArray() { return self::castTypes( $this, self::DARRAY )->data; } }