mVariables = new AbuseFilterVariableHolder( $this->keywordsManager ); $this->mCur = new AFPToken(); $this->mCondCount = 0; $this->mAllowShort = true; } /** * @param string $code * @return AFPData */ public function intEval( $code ) : AFPData { $startTime = microtime( true ); $tree = $this->getTree( $code ); $res = $this->evalTree( $tree ); if ( $res->getType() === AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { $res = new AFPData( AFPData::DBOOL, false ); } $this->statsd->timing( 'abusefilter_cachingParser_full', microtime( true ) - $startTime ); return $res; } /** * @param string $code * @return AFPSyntaxTree */ private function getTree( $code ) : AFPSyntaxTree { $this->fromCache = true; return $this->cache->getWithSetCallback( $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( __CLASS__, self::getCacheVersion(), hash( 'sha256', $code ) ), BagOStuff::TTL_DAY, function () use ( $code ) { $this->fromCache = false; $parser = new AFPTreeParser( $this->cache, $this->logger, $this->statsd, $this->keywordsManager ); $parser->setFilter( $this->mFilter ); return $parser->parse( $code ); } ); } /** * @param AFPSyntaxTree $tree * @return AFPData */ private function evalTree( AFPSyntaxTree $tree ) : AFPData { $startTime = microtime( true ); $root = $tree->getRoot(); if ( !$root ) { return new AFPData( AFPData::DNULL ); } $ret = $this->evalNode( $root ); $this->statsd->timing( 'abusefilter_cachingParser_eval', microtime( true ) - $startTime ); return $ret; } /** * Evaluate the value of the specified AST node. * * @param AFPTreeNode $node The node to evaluate. * @return AFPData|AFPTreeNode|string * @throws AFPException * @throws AFPUserVisibleException * @throws MWException */ private function evalNode( AFPTreeNode $node ) { // A lot of AbuseFilterParser features rely on $this->mCur->pos or // $this->mPos for error reporting. // FIXME: this is a hack which needs to be removed when the parsers are merged. $this->mPos = $node->position; $this->mCur->pos = $node->position; switch ( $node->type ) { case AFPTreeNode::ATOM: $tok = $node->children; switch ( $tok->type ) { case AFPToken::TID: return $this->getVarValue( strtolower( $tok->value ) ); case AFPToken::TSTRING: return new AFPData( AFPData::DSTRING, $tok->value ); case AFPToken::TFLOAT: return new AFPData( AFPData::DFLOAT, $tok->value ); case AFPToken::TINT: return new AFPData( AFPData::DINT, $tok->value ); /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case AFPToken::TKEYWORD: switch ( $tok->value ) { case "true": return new AFPData( AFPData::DBOOL, true ); case "false": return new AFPData( AFPData::DBOOL, false ); case "null": return new AFPData( AFPData::DNULL ); } // Fallthrough intended default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Unknown token provided in the ATOM node" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // Unreachable line case AFPTreeNode::ARRAY_DEFINITION: $items = []; // Foreach is usually faster than array_map // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeSuspiciousNonTraversableForeach children is array here foreach ( $node->children as $el ) { $items[] = $this->evalNode( $el ); } return new AFPData( AFPData::DARRAY, $items ); case AFPTreeNode::FUNCTION_CALL: $functionName = $node->children[0]; $args = array_slice( $node->children, 1 ); $dataArgs = []; // Foreach is usually faster than array_map foreach ( $args as $arg ) { $dataArgs[] = $this->evalNode( $arg ); } return $this->callFunc( $functionName, $dataArgs ); case AFPTreeNode::ARRAY_INDEX: list( $array, $offset ) = $node->children; $array = $this->evalNode( $array ); // Note: we MUST evaluate the offset to ensure it is valid, regardless // of $array! $offset = $this->evalNode( $offset ); // @todo If $array has no elements we could already throw an outofbounds. We don't // know what the index is, though. if ( $offset->getType() === AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( AFPData::DUNDEFINED ); } $offset = $offset->toInt(); if ( $array->getType() === AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { return new AFPData( AFPData::DUNDEFINED ); } if ( $array->getType() !== AFPData::DARRAY ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'notarray', $node->position, [] ); } $array = $array->toArray(); if ( count( $array ) <= $offset ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'outofbounds', $node->position, [ $offset, count( $array ) ] ); } elseif ( $offset < 0 ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'negativeindex', $node->position, [ $offset ] ); } return $array[$offset]; case AFPTreeNode::UNARY: list( $operation, $argument ) = $node->children; $argument = $this->evalNode( $argument ); if ( $operation === '-' ) { return $argument->unaryMinus(); } return $argument; case AFPTreeNode::KEYWORD_OPERATOR: list( $keyword, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ) = $node->children; $leftOperand = $this->evalNode( $leftOperand ); $rightOperand = $this->evalNode( $rightOperand ); return $this->callKeyword( $keyword, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ); case AFPTreeNode::BOOL_INVERT: list( $argument ) = $node->children; $argument = $this->evalNode( $argument ); return $argument->boolInvert(); case AFPTreeNode::POW: list( $base, $exponent ) = $node->children; $base = $this->evalNode( $base ); $exponent = $this->evalNode( $exponent ); return $base->pow( $exponent ); case AFPTreeNode::MUL_REL: list( $op, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ) = $node->children; $leftOperand = $this->evalNode( $leftOperand ); $rightOperand = $this->evalNode( $rightOperand ); return $leftOperand->mulRel( $rightOperand, $op, $node->position ); case AFPTreeNode::SUM_REL: list( $op, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ) = $node->children; $leftOperand = $this->evalNode( $leftOperand ); $rightOperand = $this->evalNode( $rightOperand ); switch ( $op ) { case '+': return $leftOperand->sum( $rightOperand ); case '-': return $leftOperand->sub( $rightOperand ); default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Unknown sum-related operator: {$op}" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // Unreachable line case AFPTreeNode::COMPARE: list( $op, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ) = $node->children; $leftOperand = $this->evalNode( $leftOperand ); $rightOperand = $this->evalNode( $rightOperand ); $this->raiseCondCount(); return $leftOperand->compareOp( $rightOperand, $op ); case AFPTreeNode::LOGIC: list( $op, $leftOperand, $rightOperand ) = $node->children; $leftOperand = $this->evalNode( $leftOperand ); $value = $leftOperand->getType() === AFPData::DUNDEFINED ? false : $leftOperand->toBool(); // Short-circuit. if ( ( !$value && $op === '&' ) || ( $value && $op === '|' ) ) { if ( $rightOperand instanceof AFPTreeNode ) { $this->maybeDiscardNode( $rightOperand ); } return $leftOperand; } $rightOperand = $this->evalNode( $rightOperand ); return $leftOperand->boolOp( $rightOperand, $op ); case AFPTreeNode::CONDITIONAL: list( $condition, $valueIfTrue, $valueIfFalse ) = $node->children; $condition = $this->evalNode( $condition ); $isTrue = $condition->getType() === AFPData::DUNDEFINED ? false : $condition->toBool(); if ( $isTrue ) { if ( $valueIfFalse !== null ) { $this->maybeDiscardNode( $valueIfFalse ); } return $this->evalNode( $valueIfTrue ); } else { $this->maybeDiscardNode( $valueIfTrue ); return $valueIfFalse !== null ? $this->evalNode( $valueIfFalse ) // We assume null as default if the else is missing : new AFPData( AFPData::DNULL ); } case AFPTreeNode::ASSIGNMENT: list( $varName, $value ) = $node->children; $value = $this->evalNode( $value ); $this->setUserVariable( $varName, $value ); return $value; case AFPTreeNode::INDEX_ASSIGNMENT: list( $varName, $offset, $value ) = $node->children; if ( $this->isReservedIdentifier( $varName ) ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'overridebuiltin', $node->position, [ $varName ] ); } $array = $this->getVarValue( $varName ); if ( $array->getType() !== AFPData::DARRAY && $array->getType() !== AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'notarray', $node->position, [] ); } $offset = $this->evalNode( $offset ); // @todo If $array has no elements we could already throw an outofbounds. We don'tan // know what the index is, though. if ( $array->getType() !== AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { // If it's a DUNDEFINED, leave it as is if ( $offset->getType() !== AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { $offset = $offset->toInt(); $array = $array->toArray(); if ( count( $array ) <= $offset ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'outofbounds', $node->position, [ $offset, count( $array ) ] ); } elseif ( $offset < 0 ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'negativeindex', $node->position, [ $offset ] ); } $value = $this->evalNode( $value ); $array[$offset] = $value; $array = new AFPData( AFPData::DARRAY, $array ); } else { $value = $this->evalNode( $value ); $array = new AFPData( AFPData::DUNDEFINED ); } $this->setUserVariable( $varName, $array ); } else { $value = $this->evalNode( $value ); } return $value; case AFPTreeNode::ARRAY_APPEND: list( $varName, $value ) = $node->children; if ( $this->isReservedIdentifier( $varName ) ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'overridebuiltin', $node->position, [ $varName ] ); } $array = $this->getVarValue( $varName ); $value = $this->evalNode( $value ); if ( $array->getType() !== AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) { // If it's a DUNDEFINED, leave it as is if ( $array->getType() !== AFPData::DARRAY ) { throw new AFPUserVisibleException( 'notarray', $node->position, [] ); } $array = $array->toArray(); $array[] = $value; $this->setUserVariable( $varName, new AFPData( AFPData::DARRAY, $array ) ); } return $value; case AFPTreeNode::SEMICOLON: $lastValue = null; // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeSuspiciousNonTraversableForeach children is array here foreach ( $node->children as $statement ) { $lastValue = $this->evalNode( $statement ); } // @phan-suppress-next-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnNullable Can never be null because // empty statements are discarded in AFPTreeParser return $lastValue; default: // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new AFPException( "Unknown node type passed: {$node->type}" ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } } /** * Given a node that we don't need to evaluate, decide what to do with it. The nodes passed in * will usually be discarded by short-circuit evaluation. If we allow it, then we just hoist * the variables assigned in any descendant of the node. Otherwise, we fully evaluate the node. * * @param AFPTreeNode $node */ private function maybeDiscardNode( AFPTreeNode $node ) { if ( $this->mAllowShort ) { $this->discardWithHoisting( $node ); } else { $this->evalNode( $node ); } } /** * Intended to be used for short-circuit as a solution for T214674. * Given a node, check it and its children; if there are assignments of non-existing variables, * hoist them. In case of index assignment or array append, the old value is always erased and * overwritten with a DUNDEFINED. This is used to allow stuff like: * false & ( var := 'foo' ); var == 2 * or * if ( false ) then ( var := 'foo' ) else ( 1 ) end; var == 2 * where `false` is something evaluated as false at runtime. * * @note This method doesn't check whether the variable exists in case of index assignments. * Hence, in `false & (nonexistent[] := 2)`, `nonexistent` would be hoisted without errors. * However, that would by caught by checkSyntax, so we can avoid checking here: we'd need * way more context than we currently have. * * @param AFPTreeNode $node */ private function discardWithHoisting( AFPTreeNode $node ) { foreach ( $node->getInnerAssignments() as $name ) { if ( !$this->mVariables->varIsSet( $name ) || $this->mVariables->getVar( $name )->getType() === AFPData::DARRAY ) { $this->setUserVariable( $name, new AFPData( AFPData::DUNDEFINED ) ); } } } /** * @inheritDoc * This parser should not log, because that's handled in AFPTreeParser */ protected function logsDeprecatedVars() { return false; } }