[ '+' => 'addition', '-' => 'subtraction', '*' => 'multiplication', '/' => 'divide', '%' => 'modulo', '**' => 'pow' ], 'op-comparison' => [ '==' => 'equal', '===' => 'equal-strict', '!=' => 'notequal', '!==' => 'notequal-strict', '<' => 'lt', '>' => 'gt', '<=' => 'lte', '>=' => 'gte' ], 'op-bool' => [ '!' => 'not', '&' => 'and', '|' => 'or', '^' => 'xor' ], 'misc' => [ 'in' => 'in', 'contains' => 'contains', 'like' => 'like', '""' => 'stringlit', 'rlike' => 'rlike', 'irlike' => 'irlike', 'cond ? iftrue : iffalse' => 'tern', 'if cond then iftrue else iffalse end' => 'cond', 'if cond then iftrue end' => 'cond-short', ], 'funcs' => [ 'length(string)' => 'length', 'lcase(string)' => 'lcase', 'ucase(string)' => 'ucase', 'ccnorm(string)' => 'ccnorm', 'ccnorm_contains_any(haystack,needle1,needle2,..)' => 'ccnorm-contains-any', 'ccnorm_contains_all(haystack,needle1,needle2,..)' => 'ccnorm-contains-all', 'rmdoubles(string)' => 'rmdoubles', 'specialratio(string)' => 'specialratio', 'norm(string)' => 'norm', 'count(needle,haystack)' => 'count', 'rcount(needle,haystack)' => 'rcount', 'get_matches(needle,haystack)' => 'get_matches', 'rmwhitespace(text)' => 'rmwhitespace', 'rmspecials(text)' => 'rmspecials', 'ip_in_range(ip, range)' => 'ip_in_range', 'contains_any(haystack,needle1,needle2,...)' => 'contains-any', 'contains_all(haystack,needle1,needle2,...)' => 'contains-all', 'equals_to_any(haystack,needle1,needle2,...)' => 'equals-to-any', 'substr(subject, offset, length)' => 'substr', 'strpos(haystack, needle)' => 'strpos', 'str_replace(subject, search, replace)' => 'str_replace', 'rescape(string)' => 'rescape', 'set_var(var,value)' => 'set_var', 'sanitize(string)' => 'sanitize', ], 'vars' => [ 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'accountname' => 'accountname', 'action' => 'action', 'added_lines' => 'addedlines', 'edit_delta' => 'delta', 'edit_diff' => 'diff', 'new_size' => 'newsize', 'old_size' => 'oldsize', 'new_content_model' => 'new-content-model', 'old_content_model' => 'old-content-model', 'removed_lines' => 'removedlines', 'summary' => 'summary', 'page_id' => 'page-id', 'page_namespace' => 'page-ns', 'page_title' => 'page-title', 'page_prefixedtitle' => 'page-prefixedtitle', 'page_age' => 'page-age', 'moved_from_id' => 'movedfrom-id', 'moved_from_namespace' => 'movedfrom-ns', 'moved_from_title' => 'movedfrom-title', 'moved_from_prefixedtitle' => 'movedfrom-prefixedtitle', 'moved_from_age' => 'movedfrom-age', 'moved_to_id' => 'movedto-id', 'moved_to_namespace' => 'movedto-ns', 'moved_to_title' => 'movedto-title', 'moved_to_prefixedtitle' => 'movedto-prefixedtitle', 'moved_to_age' => 'movedto-age', 'user_editcount' => 'user-editcount', 'user_age' => 'user-age', 'user_name' => 'user-name', 'user_groups' => 'user-groups', 'user_rights' => 'user-rights', 'user_blocked' => 'user-blocked', 'user_emailconfirm' => 'user-emailconfirm', 'old_wikitext' => 'old-wikitext', 'new_wikitext' => 'new-wikitext', 'added_links' => 'added-links', 'removed_links' => 'removed-links', 'all_links' => 'all-links', 'new_pst' => 'new-pst', 'edit_diff_pst' => 'diff-pst', 'added_lines_pst' => 'addedlines-pst', 'new_text' => 'new-text', 'new_html' => 'new-html', 'page_restrictions_edit' => 'restrictions-edit', 'page_restrictions_move' => 'restrictions-move', 'page_restrictions_create' => 'restrictions-create', 'page_restrictions_upload' => 'restrictions-upload', 'page_recent_contributors' => 'recent-contributors', 'page_first_contributor' => 'first-contributor', 'moved_from_restrictions_edit' => 'movedfrom-restrictions-edit', 'moved_from_restrictions_move' => 'movedfrom-restrictions-move', 'moved_from_restrictions_create' => 'movedfrom-restrictions-create', 'moved_from_restrictions_upload' => 'movedfrom-restrictions-upload', 'moved_from_recent_contributors' => 'movedfrom-recent-contributors', 'moved_from_first_contributor' => 'movedfrom-first-contributor', 'moved_to_restrictions_edit' => 'movedto-restrictions-edit', 'moved_to_restrictions_move' => 'movedto-restrictions-move', 'moved_to_restrictions_create' => 'movedto-restrictions-create', 'moved_to_restrictions_upload' => 'movedto-restrictions-upload', 'moved_to_recent_contributors' => 'movedto-recent-contributors', 'moved_to_first_contributor' => 'movedto-first-contributor', 'old_links' => 'old-links', 'file_sha1' => 'file-sha1', 'file_size' => 'file-size', 'file_mime' => 'file-mime', 'file_mediatype' => 'file-mediatype', 'file_width' => 'file-width', 'file_height' => 'file-height', 'file_bits_per_channel' => 'file-bits-per-channel', 'wiki_name' => 'wiki-name', 'wiki_language' => 'wiki-language', ], ]; /** @var array Old vars which aren't in use anymore */ private const DISABLED_VARS = [ 'old_text' => 'old-text', 'old_html' => 'old-html', 'minor_edit' => 'minor-edit' ]; private const DEPRECATED_VARS = [ 'article_text' => 'page_title', 'article_prefixedtext' => 'page_prefixedtitle', 'article_namespace' => 'page_namespace', 'article_articleid' => 'page_id', 'article_restrictions_edit' => 'page_restrictions_edit', 'article_restrictions_move' => 'page_restrictions_move', 'article_restrictions_create' => 'page_restrictions_create', 'article_restrictions_upload' => 'page_restrictions_upload', 'article_recent_contributors' => 'page_recent_contributors', 'article_first_contributor' => 'page_first_contributor', 'moved_from_text' => 'moved_from_title', 'moved_from_prefixedtext' => 'moved_from_prefixedtitle', 'moved_from_articleid' => 'moved_from_id', 'moved_to_text' => 'moved_to_title', 'moved_to_prefixedtext' => 'moved_to_prefixedtitle', 'moved_to_articleid' => 'moved_to_id', ]; /** @var string[][] Final list of builder values */ private $builderValues; /** @var string[] Final list of deprecated vars */ private $deprecatedVars; /** @var AbuseFilterHookRunner */ private $hookRunner; /** * @param AbuseFilterHookRunner $hookRunner */ public function __construct( AbuseFilterHookRunner $hookRunner ) { $this->hookRunner = $hookRunner; } /** * @return array */ public function getDisabledVariables(): array { return self::DISABLED_VARS; } /** * @return array */ public function getDeprecatedVariables(): array { if ( $this->deprecatedVars === null ) { $this->deprecatedVars = self::DEPRECATED_VARS; $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilter_deprecatedVariables( $this->deprecatedVars ); } return $this->deprecatedVars; } /** * @return array */ public function getBuilderValues(): array { if ( $this->builderValues === null ) { $this->builderValues = self::BUILDER_VALUES; $this->hookRunner->onAbuseFilter_builder( $this->builderValues ); } return $this->builderValues; } /** * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function isVarDisabled( string $name ): bool { return array_key_exists( $name, self::DISABLED_VARS ); } /** * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function isVarDeprecated( string $name ): bool { return array_key_exists( $name, $this->getDeprecatedVariables() ); } /** * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function isVarInUse( string $name ): bool { return array_key_exists( $name, $this->getVarsMappings() ); } /** * Check whether the given name corresponds to a known variable. * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function varExists( string $name ): bool { return $this->isVarInUse( $name ) || $this->isVarDisabled( $name ) || $this->isVarDeprecated( $name ); } /** * Get the message for a builtin variable; takes deprecated variables into account. * Returns null for non-builtin variables. * * @param string $var * @return string|null */ public function getMessageKeyForVar( string $var ): ?string { if ( !$this->varExists( $var ) ) { return null; } if ( $this->isVarDeprecated( $var ) ) { $var = $this->getDeprecatedVariables()[$var]; } $key = self::DISABLED_VARS[$var] ?? $this->getVarsMappings()[$var]; return "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-$key"; } /** * @return array */ public function getVarsMappings(): array { return $this->getBuilderValues()['vars']; } /** * Get a list of core variables, i.e. variables defined in AbuseFilter (ignores hooks). * You usually want to use getVarsMappings(), not this one. * @return string[] */ public function getCoreVariables(): array { return array_keys( self::BUILDER_VALUES['vars'] ); } }