mFilter = $page->mFilter; } function show() { global $wgRequest,$wgOut; global $wgUser; $filter = $this->mFilter; if ($filter) $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-history', $filter ) ); else $wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-filter-log' ) ); $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $links = array(); if ($filter) $links['abusefilter-history-backedit'] = $this->getTitle( $filter ); $links['abusefilter-history-backlist'] = $this->getTitle(); foreach( $links as $msg => $title ) { $links[$msg] = $sk->link( $title, wfMsgExt( $msg, 'parseinline' ) ); } $backlinks = implode( ' • ', $links ); $wgOut->addHTML( Xml::tags( 'p', null, $backlinks ) ); $user = $wgRequest->getText( 'user' ); if ($user) { $wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-history-foruser', $sk->userLink( 1 /* We don't really need to get a user ID */, $user ) ) ); } // Add filtering of changes et al. $fields['abusefilter-history-select-user'] = wfInput( 'user', 45, $user ); $filterForm = Xml::buildForm( $fields, 'abusefilter-history-select-submit' ); $filterForm .= "\n" . Xml::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle( "history/$filter" ) ); $filterForm = Xml::tags( 'form', array( 'action' => $this->getTitle( "history/$filter" )->getLocalURL(), 'method' => 'get' ), $filterForm ); $filterForm = Xml::fieldset( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-history-select-legend' ), $filterForm ); $wgOut->addHTML( $filterForm ); $pager = new AbuseFilterHistoryPager( $filter, $this, $user ); $table = $pager->getBody(); $wgOut->addHTML( $pager->getNavigationBar() . $table . $pager->getNavigationBar() ); } } class AbuseFilterHistoryPager extends TablePager { function __construct( $filter, $page, $user ) { $this->mFilter = $filter; $this->mPage = $page; $this->mUser = $user; $this->mDefaultDirection = true; parent::__construct(); } function getFieldNames() { static $headers = null; if (!empty($headers)) { return $headers; } $headers = array( 'afh_timestamp' => 'abusefilter-history-timestamp', 'afh_user_text' => 'abusefilter-history-user', 'afh_public_comments' => 'abusefilter-history-public', 'afh_flags' => 'abusefilter-history-flags', 'afh_pattern' => 'abusefilter-history-filter', 'afh_comments' => 'abusefilter-history-comments', 'afh_actions' => 'abusefilter-history-actions' ); if (!$this->mFilter) { // awful hack $headers = array( 'afh_filter' => 'abusefilter-history-filterid' ) + $headers; unset( $headers['afh_comments'] ); } $headers = array_map( 'wfMsg', $headers ); return $headers; } function formatValue( $name, $value ) { global $wgOut,$wgLang; static $sk=null; if (empty($sk)) { global $wgUser; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); } $row = $this->mCurrentRow; $formatted = ''; switch($name) { case 'afh_timestamp': $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'AbuseFilter', 'history/'.$row->afh_filter.'/item/'.$row->afh_id ); $formatted = $sk->link( $title, $wgLang->timeanddate( $row->afh_timestamp ) ); break; case 'afh_user_text': $formatted = $sk->userLink( $row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text ) . ' ' . $sk->userToolLinks( $row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text ); break; case 'afh_public_comments': $formatted = $wgOut->parse( $value ); break; case 'afh_flags': $flags = array_filter( explode( ',', $value ) ); $flags_display = array(); foreach( $flags as $flag ) { $flags_display[] = wfMsg( "abusefilter-history-$flag" ); } $formatted = implode( ', ', $flags_display ); break; case 'afh_pattern': $formatted = htmlspecialchars( $wgLang->truncate( $value, 200 ) ); break; case 'afh_comments': $formatted = htmlspecialchars( $wgLang->truncate( $value, 200 ) ); break; case 'afh_actions': $actions = unserialize( $value ); $display_actions = ''; foreach( $actions as $action => $parameters ) { $display_actions .= Xml::tags( 'li', null, wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-history-action', array( 'parseinline' ), array( AbuseFilter::getActionDisplay($action), implode('; ', $parameters) ) ) ); } $display_actions = Xml::tags( 'ul', null, $display_actions ); $formatted = $display_actions; break; case 'afh_filter': $title = $this->mPage->getTitle( strval($value) ); $formatted = $sk->link( $title, $value ); break; default: $formatted = "Unable to format $name"; break; } $mappings = array_flip(AbuseFilter::$history_mappings) + array( 'afh_actions' => 'actions' ); $changed = explode( ',', $row->afh_changed_fields ); $fieldChanged = false; if ($name == 'afh_flags') { // This is a bit freaky, but it works. // Basically, returns true if any of those filters are in the $changed array. $filters = array( 'af_enabled', 'af_hidden', 'af_deleted' ); if ( count( array_diff( $filters, $changed ) ) < 3 ) { $fieldChanged = true; } } elseif ( in_array( $mappings[$name], $changed ) ) { $fieldChanged = true; } if ($fieldChanged) { $formatted = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-abusefilter-history-changed' ), $formatted ); } return $formatted; } function getQueryInfo() { $info = array( 'tables' => 'abuse_filter_history', 'fields' => array( 'afh_filter', 'afh_timestamp', 'afh_user_text', 'afh_public_comments', 'afh_flags', 'afh_comments', 'afh_actions', 'afh_id', 'afh_user', 'afh_changed_fields' ), 'conds' => array(), ); global $wgRequest; if ($this->mUser) { $info['conds']['afh_user_text'] = $this->mUser; } if ( $this->mFilter ) { $info['fields'][] = 'afh_pattern'; $info['conds']['afh_filter'] = $this->mFilter; } return $info; } function getIndexField() { return 'afh_timestamp'; } function getDefaultSort() { return 'afh_timestamp'; } function isFieldSortable($name) { $sortable_fields = array( 'afh_timestamp', 'afh_user_text' ); return in_array( $name, $sortable_fields ); } /** * Title used for self-links. Override this if you want to be able to * use a title other than $wgTitle */ function getTitle() { return $this->mPage->getTitle( "history/".$this->mFilter ); } }