<?php use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use MediaWiki\Request\FauxRequest; use MediaWiki\Tests\Api\RandomImageGenerator; use MediaWiki\User\User; /** * This trait can be used to perform uploads in integration tests. * NOTE: The implementing classes MUST extend MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase * The tearDown method must clear the local file * @todo This might be moved to MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase * * @method string getNewTempDirectory() * @method overrideConfigValue( string $key, $value ) */ trait AbuseFilterUploadTestTrait { /** * @var string|null The path represented by this variable will be cleared in tearDown */ protected $clearPath; /** * Clear any temporary uploads, should be called from tearDown */ protected function clearUploads(): void { if ( $this->clearPath ) { $backend = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()->getLocalRepo()->getBackend(); $backend->delete( [ 'src' => $this->clearPath ], [ 'force' => 1 ] ); $this->clearPath = null; } } /** * This is based on ApiUploadTestCase::fakeUploadFile * * @param User $user * @param string $fileName * @param string $pageText * @param string $summary * @return array [ Status, file path ] */ protected function doUpload( User $user, string $fileName, string $pageText, string $summary ): array { global $wgFileExtensions; $this->overrideConfigValue( MainConfigNames::FileExtensions, [ ...$wgFileExtensions, 'svg' ] ); $imgGen = new RandomImageGenerator(); // Use SVG, since the ImageGenerator doesn't need anything special to create it $format = 'svg'; $mime = 'image/svg+xml'; $filePath = $imgGen->writeImages( 1, $format, $this->getNewTempDirectory() )[0]; clearstatcache(); $request = new FauxRequest( [ 'wpDestFile' => $fileName ] ); $request->setUpload( 'wpUploadFile', [ 'name' => $fileName, 'type' => $mime, 'tmp_name' => $filePath, 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'size' => filesize( $filePath ), ] ); /** @var UploadFromFile $ub */ $ub = UploadBase::createFromRequest( $request ); $ub->verifyUpload(); $status = $ub->performUpload( $summary, $pageText, false, $user ); return [ $status, $ub->getLocalFile()->getPath() ]; } }