Abuse Filter:

* Introduce a syntax check on-save.
* Introduce filter history (requires DB schema change).
* Deprecate now non-working /tools interface (will come back).
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Garrett 2008-08-03 14:04:26 +00:00
parent 90020ffc02
commit 529d7b4277
6 changed files with 289 additions and 59 deletions

View file

@ -59,16 +59,29 @@ class AbuseFilter {
return $vars;
public static function checkSyntax( $filter ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
return $parser->checkSyntax( $filter );
public static function checkConditions( $conds, $vars ) {
global $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser->setVars( $vars );
$result = $parser->parse( $conds, self::$condCount );
try {
$parser = new $wgAbuseFilterParserClass;
$parser->setVars( $vars );
$result = $parser->parse( $conds, self::$condCount );
} catch (Exception $excep) {
// Sigh.
$result = false;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );

View file

@ -113,18 +113,18 @@ A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1",
'abusefilter-edit-flags' => 'Flags:',
'abusefilter-edit-enabled' => 'Enable this filter',
'abusefilter-edit-hidden' => 'Hide details of this filter from public view',
'abusefilter-edit-rules' => 'Ruleset:',
'abusefilter-edit-rules' => 'Conditions:',
'abusefilter-edit-notes' => "Notes:\n:''(private)",
'abusefilter-edit-lastmod' => 'Filter last modified:',
'abusefilter-edit-lastuser' => 'Last user to modify this filter:',
'abusefilter-edit-hitcount' => 'Filter hits:',
'abusefilter-edit-consequences' => 'Actions taken on hit',
'abusefilter-edit-action-warn' => 'Trigger these actions after giving the user a warning',
'abusefilter-edit-action-disallow' => 'Disallow the action',
'abusefilter-edit-action-disallow' => 'Prevent the user from performing the action in question',
'abusefilter-edit-action-flag' => 'Flag the edit in the abuse log',
'abusefilter-edit-action-blockautopromote' => "Revoke the user's autoconfirmed status",
'abusefilter-edit-action-degroup' => 'Remove all privileged groups from the user',
'abusefilter-edit-action-block' => 'Block the user from editing',
'abusefilter-edit-action-degroup' => 'Remove the user from all privileged groups',
'abusefilter-edit-action-block' => 'Block the user and/or IP address from editing',
'abusefilter-edit-action-throttle' => 'Trigger actions only if the user trips a rate limit',
'abusefilter-edit-throttle-count' => 'Number of actions to allow:',
'abusefilter-edit-throttle-period' => 'Period of time:',
@ -134,6 +134,24 @@ A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: $1",
'abusefilter-edit-main' => 'Filter parameters',
'abusefilter-edit-done-subtitle' => 'Filter edited',
'abusefilter-edit-done' => "You have successfully saved your changes to the filter.\n\n[[Special:AbuseFilter|Return]]",
'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax' => "There is a syntax error in the filter you specified. The output from the parser was: <pre>$1</pre>",
'abusefilter-edit-viewhistory' => "View this filter's history",
'abusefilter-edit-history' => 'History',
// Filter history
'abusefilter-history' => 'History for filter $1',
'abusefilter-history-hidden' => 'hidden',
'abusefilter-history-enabled' => 'enabled',
'abusefilter-history-timestamp' => 'Time',
'abusefilter-history-user' => 'User',
'abusefilter-history-public' => 'Public filter description',
'abusefilter-history-flags' => 'Flags',
'abusefilter-history-filter' => 'Filter rule',
'abusefilter-history-comments' => 'Comments',
'abusefilter-history-actions' => 'Actions',
'abusefilter-history-action' => '$1: $2',
'abusefilter-history-backedit' => 'Back to filter editor',
'abusefilter-history-backlist' => 'Back to filter list',
/** Faeag Rotuma (Faeag Rotuma)

View file

@ -74,7 +74,12 @@ class AbuseFilterParserNative {
$response = trim(fgets( $pipes[1] ) );
if ($response == "SUCCESS") {
return true;
} else {
list ($discard,$error) = explode( ":", $response, 2 );
return $error;
public function parse( $filter ) {

View file

@ -242,6 +242,15 @@ class AbuseFilterParser {
$this->mVars = array();
$this->mPos = 0;
public function checkSyntax( $filter ) {
try {
} catch (AFPException excep) {
return excep->getMessage();
return true;
public function setVar( $name, $var ) {
$this->mVars[$name] = AFPData::newFromPHPVar( $var );

View file

@ -37,20 +37,67 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
if ($subpage == 'history' && $this->showHistory()) {
if ($output = $this->doEdit()) {
$wgOut->addHtml( $output );
} else {
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-tools' );
// Show list of filters.
$wgOut->addWikiMsg( 'abusefilter-tools' );
// Show list of filters.
function showHistory() {
global $wgRequest,$wgOut;
$filter = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'filter' );
if (!$filter) {
return false;
global $wgUser;
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$wgOut->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-history', $filter ) );
$backToFilter_label = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-history-backedit', array('parseinline') );
$backToList_label = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-history-backlist', array('parseinline') );
$backlinks = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->getTitle( $filter ), $backToFilter_label ) . '&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;' .
$sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->getTitle( ), $backToList_label );
$wgOut->addHTML( Xml::tags( 'p', null, $backlinks ) );
// Produce table
$table = '';
$headers = array( 'abusefilter-history-timestamp', 'abusefilter-history-user', 'abusefilter-history-public', 'abusefilter-history-flags', 'abusefilter-history-filter', 'abusefilter-history-comments', 'abusefilter-history-actions' );
$header_row = '';
foreach( $headers as $header ) {
$label = wfMsgExt( $header, array( 'parseinline' ) );
$header_row .= Xml::tags( 'th', null, $label );
$table .= Xml::tags( 'tr', null, $header_row );
$pager = new AbuseFilterHistoryPager( $filter );
$table .= $pager->getBody();
$table = "<table class=\"wikitable\"><tbody>$table</table></tbody>";
$wgOut->addHTML( $pager->getNavigationBar() . $table . $pager->getNavigationBar() );
return true;
function doTools() {
// Modifier test.
global $wgRequest,$wgOut;
$wgOut->addWikiText( "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET" );
// Modifier test.
$modify_test_output = '';
@ -113,71 +160,78 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
$didEdit = $this->canEdit() && $wgUser->matchEditToken( $editToken, array( 'abusefilter', $filter ) );
if ($didEdit) {
// Check syntax
$syntaxerr = AbuseFilter::checkSyntax( $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpFilterRules' ) );
if ($syntaxerr !== true ) {
return $this->buildFilterEditor( wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-badsyntax', array( 'parseinline' ), array( $syntaxerr ) ) );
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$newRow = array();
// Load the toggles which go straight into the DB
$dbToggles = array( 'enabled', 'hidden' );
foreach( $dbToggles as $toggle ) {
$newRow['af_'.$toggle] = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilter'.ucfirst($toggle) );
list ($newRow, $actions) = $this->loadRequest();
// Text which can go straight into the DB
$dbText = array( 'wpFilterDescription' => 'af_public_comments', 'wpFilterRules' => 'af_pattern', 'wpFilterNotes' => 'af_comments' );
foreach( $dbText as $key => $value ) {
$newRow[$value] = trim($wgRequest->getText( $key ));
$newRow = get_object_vars($newRow); // Convert from object to array
// Last modified details
// Set last modifier.
$newRow['af_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp( wfTimestampNow() );
$newRow['af_user'] = $wgUser->getId();
$newRow['af_user_text'] = $wgUser->getName();
// Reset the af_throttled thing
$newRow['af_throttled'] = false;
// ID
if ($filter != 'new') {
$newRow['af_id'] = $filter;
if ($filter == 'new') {
$new_id = $dbw->selectField( 'abuse_filter', 'max(af_id)', array(), __METHOD__ );
} else {
$new_id = $this->mFilter;
// Actions
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
$enabledActions = array();
$deadActions = array();
$actionsRows = array();
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
// Check if it's set
$enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterAction'.ucfirst($action) );
if (!$enabled) {
$deadActions[] = $action;
$enabled = (bool)$actions[$action];
if ($enabled) {
$parameters = array();
$parameters = $actions[$action]['parameters'];
if ($action == 'throttle') {
// Grumble grumble.
// We need to load the parameters
$throttleCount = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottleCount' );
$throttlePeriod = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod' );
$throttleGroups = explode("\n", trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups' ) ) );
$parameters[0] = $filter; // For now, anyway
$parameters[1] = "$throttleCount,$throttlePeriod";
$parameters = array_merge( $parameters, $throttleGroups );
$thisRow = array( 'afa_filter' => $filter, 'afa_consequence' => $action, 'afa_parameters' => implode( "\n", $parameters ) );
$thisRow = array( 'afa_filter' => $new_id, 'afa_consequence' => $action, 'afa_parameters' => implode( "\n", $parameters ) );
$actionsRows[] = $thisRow;
} else {
$deadActions[] = $action;
// Do the update
// Create a history row
$history_mappings = array( 'af_pattern' => 'afh_pattern', 'af_user' => 'afh_user', 'af_user_text' => 'afh_user_text', 'af_timestamp' => 'afh_timestamp', 'af_comments' => 'afh_comments', 'af_public_comments' => 'afh_public_comments' );
$afh_row = array();
foreach( $history_mappings as $af_col => $afh_col ) {
$afh_row[$afh_col] = $newRow[$af_col];
// Actions
$displayActions = array();
foreach( $actions as $action ) {
$displayActions[$action['action']] = $action['parameters'];
$afh_row['afh_actions'] = serialize($displayActions);
// Flags
$flags = array();
if ($newRow['af_hidden'])
$flags[] = wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-history-hidden' );
if ($newRow['af_enabled'])
$flags[] = wfMsgForContent( 'abusefilter-history-enabled' );
$afh_row['afh_flags'] = implode( ",", $flags );
$afh_row['afh_filter'] = $new_id;
// Do the update
$dbw->insert( 'abuse_filter_history', $afh_row, __METHOD__ );
$dbw->replace( 'abuse_filter', array( 'af_id' ), $newRow, __METHOD__ );
$dbw->delete( 'abuse_filter_action', array( 'afa_filter' => $filter, 'afa_consequence' => $deadActions ), __METHOD__ );
$dbw->replace( 'abuse_filter_action', array( array( 'afa_filter', 'afa_consequence' ) ), $actionsRows, __METHOD__ );
@ -192,7 +246,7 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
function buildFilterEditor( ) {
function buildFilterEditor( $error = '' ) {
if( $this->mFilter === null ) {
return false;
@ -203,7 +257,7 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
$wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-subtitle', $this->mFilter ) );
if( $this->mFilter !== 'new' ){
list ($row, $actions) = $this->loadFilterData();
list ($row, $actions) = $this->loadRequest();
if( !$row ) {
return false;
@ -218,6 +272,10 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
$output = '';
if ($error) {
$wgOut->addHTML( "<span class=\"error\">$error</span>" );
$fields = array();
$fields['abusefilter-edit-id'] = $this->mFilter == 'new' ? wfMsg( 'abusefilter-edit-new' ) : $this->mFilter;
@ -281,6 +339,8 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
// Last modification details
$fields['abusefilter-edit-lastmod'] = $wgLang->timeanddate( $row->af_timestamp );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-lastuser'] = $sk->userLink( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text ) . $sk->userToolLinks( $row->af_user, $row->af_user_text );
$history_display = wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-edit-viewhistory', array( 'parseinline' ) );
$fields['abusefilter-edit-history'] = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj( $this->getTitle( 'history' ), $history_display, "filter=".$this->mFilter );
$form = Xml::buildForm( $fields );
@ -385,6 +445,59 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
$this->mFilter = $filter;
function loadRequest() {
static $row = null;
static $actions = null;
global $wgRequest;
if (!is_null($actions) && !is_null($row)) {
return array($row,$actions);
} elseif ( !$wgRequest->wasPosted() ) {
return $this->loadFilterData();
// We need some details like last editor
list($row) = $this->loadFilterData();
$textLoads = array( 'af_public_comments' => 'wpFilterDescription', 'af_pattern' => 'wpFilterRules', 'af_comments' => 'wpFilterNotes' );
foreach( $textLoads as $col => $field ) {
$row->$col = $wgRequest->getVal( $field );
$row->af_enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterEnabled' );
$row->af_hidden = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterHidden' );
// Actions
global $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions;
$actions = array();
foreach( $wgAbuseFilterAvailableActions as $action ) {
// Check if it's set
$enabled = $wgRequest->getBool( 'wpFilterAction'.ucfirst($action) );
if ($enabled) {
$parameters = array();
if ($action == 'throttle') {
// Grumble grumble.
// We need to load the parameters
$throttleCount = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottleCount' );
$throttlePeriod = $wgRequest->getIntOrNull( 'wpFilterThrottlePeriod' );
$throttleGroups = explode("\n", trim( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpFilterThrottleGroups' ) ) );
$parameters[0] = $this->mFilter; // For now, anyway
$parameters[1] = "$throttleCount,$throttlePeriod";
$parameters = array_merge( $parameters, $throttleGroups );
$thisAction = array( 'action' => $action, 'parameters' => $parameters );
$actions[$action] = $thisAction;
return array( $row, $actions );
function canEdit() {
global $wgUser;
static $canEdit = 'unset';
@ -470,4 +583,57 @@ class SpecialAbuseFilter extends SpecialPage {
return $trow;
class AbuseFilterHistoryPager extends ReverseChronologicalPager {
function __construct( $filter ) {
$this->mFilter = $filter;
function formatRow( $row ) {
static $sk=null;
if (is_null($sk)) {
global $wgUser;
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
global $wgLang;
$tr = '';
$tr .= Xml::element( 'td', null, $wgLang->timeanddate( $row->afh_timestamp ) );
$tr .= Xml::tags( 'td', null, $sk->userLink( $row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text ) . $sk->userToolLinks( $row->afh_user, $row->afh_user_text ) );
$tr .= Xml::element( 'td', null, $row->afh_public_comments );
$tr .= Xml::element( 'td', null, $row->afh_flags );
$tr .= Xml::element( 'td', null, $row->afh_pattern );
$tr .= Xml::element( 'td', null, $row->afh_comments );
// Build actions
$actions = unserialize($row->afh_actions);
$display_actions = '';
foreach( $actions as $action => $parameters ) {
$display_actions .= Xml::tags( 'li', null, wfMsgExt( 'abusefilter-history-action', array( 'parseinline' ), array($action, implode(';', $parameters)) ) );
$display_actions = Xml::tags( 'ul', null, $display_actions );
$tr .= Xml::tags( 'td', null, $display_actions );
return Xml::tags( 'tr', null, $tr );
function getQueryInfo() {
return array(
'tables' => 'abuse_filter_history',
'fields' => '*',
'conds' => array( 'afh_filter' => $this->mFilter ),
function getIndexField() {
return 'afh_timestamp';

View file

@ -45,4 +45,23 @@ CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_log (
KEY (afl_timestamp),
KEY (afl_namespace, afl_title),
KEY (afl_ip)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/abuse_filter_history (
afh_filter BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL,
afh_user BIGINT unsigned NOT NULL,
afh_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
afh_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL,
afh_pattern BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_comments BLOB NOT NULL,
afh_public_comments TINYBLOB,
afh_actions BLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (afh_id),
KEY (afh_filter),
KEY (afh_user),
KEY (afh_user_text),
KEY (afh_timestamp)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;