"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-description":"Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, an edit, or a logged AbuseFilter event.\n\nvars, rcid or logid is required however only one may be used.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-summary":"Check to see if an AbuseFilter matches a set of variables, an edit, or a logged AbuseFilter event.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-extended-description":"vars, rcid or logid is required however only one may be used.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-filter":"The full filter text to check for a match.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-vars":"JSON encoded array of variables to test against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-rcid":"Recent change ID to check against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-param-logid":"Abuse filter log ID to check against.",
"apihelp-abusefiltercheckmatch-example-1":"Test if recent change ID 15 matches a simple filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-description":"Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-summary":"Check syntax of an AbuseFilter filter.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-param-filter":"The full filter text to check syntax on.",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-1":"Check syntax of a valid filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterchecksyntax-example-2":"Check syntax of an invalid filter",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-description":"Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-summary":"Evaluates an AbuseFilter expression.",
"apihelp-abusefilterevalexpression-param-expression":"The expression to evaluate.",
"apihelp-query+abuselog-param-filter":"Show only entries that were caught by the given filter IDs. Separate with pipes, prefix with \"$1\" for global filters.",