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Raw Normal View History

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter;
use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Extension\AbuseFilter\Parser\ParserStatus;
* Mutable value class storing and accumulating information about filter matches and runtime
class RunnerData {
* @var ParserStatus[]
* @phan-var array<string,ParserStatus>
private $matchedFilters;
* @var array[]
* @phan-var array<string,array{time:float,conds:int,result:bool}>
private $profilingData;
/** @var float */
private $totalRuntime;
/** @var int */
private $totalConditions;
* @param ParserStatus[] $matchedFilters
* @param array[] $profilingData
* @param float $totalRuntime
* @param int $totalConditions
public function __construct(
array $matchedFilters = [],
array $profilingData = [],
float $totalRuntime = 0.0,
int $totalConditions = 0
) {
$this->matchedFilters = $matchedFilters;
$this->profilingData = $profilingData;
$this->totalRuntime = $totalRuntime;
$this->totalConditions = $totalConditions;
* Record (memorize) data from a filter run
* @param int $filterID
* @param bool $global
* @param ParserStatus $status
* @param array $profilingData
* @phan-param array{time:float,conds:int} $profilingData
public function record( int $filterID, bool $global, ParserStatus $status, array $profilingData ) : void {
$key = GlobalNameUtils::buildGlobalName( $filterID, $global );
if ( array_key_exists( $key, $this->matchedFilters ) ) {
throw new LogicException( "Filter '$key' has already been recorded" );
$this->matchedFilters[$key] = $status;
$this->profilingData[$key] = $profilingData + [ 'result' => $status->getResult() ];
$this->totalRuntime += $profilingData['time'];
$this->totalConditions += $profilingData['conds'];
* Get information about filter matches in backwards compatible format
* @return bool[]
* @phan-return array<string,bool>
public function getMatchesMap() : array {
return array_map(
static function ( $status ) {
return $status->getResult();
* @return string[]
public function getAllFilters() : array {
return array_keys( $this->matchedFilters );
* @return string[]
public function getMatchedFilters() : array {
return array_keys( array_filter( $this->getMatchesMap() ) );
* @return array[]
public function getProfilingData() : array {
return $this->profilingData;
* @return float
public function getTotalRuntime() : float {
return $this->totalRuntime;
* @return int
public function getTotalConditions() : int {
return $this->totalConditions;
* Serialize data for edit stash
* @return array
* @phan-return array{matches:array<string,array>,runtime:float,condCount:int,profiling:array}
public function toArray() : array {
return [
'matches' => array_map(
static function ( $status ) {
return $status->toArray();
'profiling' => $this->profilingData,
'condCount' => $this->totalConditions,
'runtime' => $this->totalRuntime,
* Deserialize data from edit stash
* @param array $value
* @return self
public static function fromArray( array $value ) : self {
return new self(
array_map( [ ParserStatus::class, 'fromArray' ], $value['matches'] ),