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* Tests for the AbuseFilter parser
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author Marius Hoch < >
* @group Test
* @group AbuseFilter
* @group AbuseFilterParser
* @covers AbuseFilterCachingParser
* @covers AFPTreeParser
* @covers AFPTreeNode
* @covers AFPParserState
* @covers AbuseFilterParser
* @covers AbuseFilterTokenizer
* @covers AFPToken
* @covers AFPUserVisibleException
* @covers AFPException
* @covers AFPData
* @covers AbuseFilterVariableHolder
* @covers AFComputedVariable
class AbuseFilterParserTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
* @return AbuseFilterParser
public static function getParser() {
static $parser = null;
if ( !$parser ) {
$parser = new AbuseFilterParser();
} else {
return $parser;
* @return AbuseFilterParser[]
public static function getParsers() {
static $parsers = null;
if ( !$parsers ) {
$parsers = [
new AbuseFilterParser()
// @ToDo: Here we should also instantiate an AbuseFilterCachingParser as we'll have
// fixed its problems (T156095). Right now it may break otherwise working tests (see T201193)
return $parsers;
* @dataProvider readTests
public function testParser( $testName, $rule, $expected ) {
foreach ( self::getParsers() as $parser ) {
$actual = $parser->parse( $rule );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, 'Running parser test ' . $testName );
* @return array
public function readTests() {
$tests = [];
$testPath = __DIR__ . "/../parserTests";
$testFiles = glob( $testPath . "/*.t" );
foreach ( $testFiles as $testFile ) {
$testName = substr( $testFile, 0, -2 );
$resultFile = $testName . '.r';
$rule = trim( file_get_contents( $testFile ) );
$result = trim( file_get_contents( $resultFile ) ) === 'MATCH';
$tests[] = [
basename( $testName ),
return $tests;
* Test expression evaluation
* @dataProvider provideExpressions
public function testEvaluateExpression( $expr, $expected ) {
foreach ( self::getParsers() as $parser ) {
$actual = $parser->evaluateExpression( $expr );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
* Data provider for testEvaluateExpression
* @return array
public function provideExpressions() {
return [
[ '1 === 1', true ],
[ 'rescape( "abc* (def)" )', 'abc\* \(def\)' ],
[ 'str_replace( "foobarbaz", "bar", "-" )', 'foo-baz' ],
[ 'rmdoubles( "foobybboo" )', 'fobybo' ],
[ 'lcase("FÁmí")', 'fámí' ],
[ 'substr( "foobar", 0, 3 )', 'foo' ]
* Ensure that AbuseFilterTokenizer::OPERATOR_RE matches the contents
* and order of AbuseFilterTokenizer::$operators.
public function testOperatorRe() {
$operatorRe = '/(' . implode( '|', array_map( function ( $op ) {
return preg_quote( $op, '/' );
}, AbuseFilterTokenizer::$operators ) ) . ')/A';
$this->assertEquals( $operatorRe, AbuseFilterTokenizer::OPERATOR_RE );
* Ensure that AbuseFilterTokenizer::RADIX_RE matches the contents
* and order of AbuseFilterTokenizer::$bases.
public function testRadixRe() {
$baseClass = implode( '', array_keys( AbuseFilterTokenizer::$bases ) );
$radixRe = "/([0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([$baseClass])?/Au";
$this->assertEquals( $radixRe, AbuseFilterTokenizer::RADIX_RE );
* Ensure the number of conditions counted for given expressions is right.
* @dataProvider condCountCases
public function testCondCount( $rule, $expected ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
$countBefore = AbuseFilter::$condCount;
$parser->parse( $rule );
$countAfter = AbuseFilter::$condCount;
$actual = $countAfter - $countBefore;
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, 'Condition count for ' . $rule );
* Data provider for testCondCount method.
* @return array
public function condCountCases() {
return [
[ '((("a" == "b")))', 1 ],
[ 'contains_any("a", "b", "c")', 1 ],
[ '"a" == "b" == "c"', 2 ],
[ '"a" in "b" + "c" in "d" + "e" in "f"', 3 ],
[ 'true', 0 ],
[ '"a" == "a" | "c" == "d"', 1 ],
[ '"a" == "b" & "c" == "d"', 1 ],
* Ensure get_matches function captures returns expected output.
* @param string $needle Regex to pass to get_matches.
* @param string $haystack String to run regex against.
* @param string[] $expected The expected values of the matched groups.
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcGetMatches
* @dataProvider getMatchesCases
public function testGetMatches( $needle, $haystack, $expected ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
$afpData = $parser->intEval( "get_matches('$needle', '$haystack')" )->data;
// Extract matches from AFPData.
$matches = array_map( function ( $afpDatum ) {
return $afpDatum->data;
}, $afpData );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $matches );
* Data provider for get_matches method.
* @return array
public function getMatchesCases() {
return [
'You say (.*) \(and I say (.*)\)\.',
'You say hello (and I say goodbye).',
'You say hello (and I say goodbye).',
'I(?: am)? the ((walrus|egg man).*)\!',
'I am the egg man, I am the walrus !',
'I am the egg man, I am the walrus !',
'egg man, I am the walrus ',
'egg man',
'this (does) not match',
'foo bar',
* Base method for testing exceptions
* @param string $excep Identifier of the exception (e.g. 'unexpectedtoken')
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
private function exceptionTest( $excep, $expr, $caller ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
try {
$parser->parse( $expr );
} catch ( AFPUserVisibleException $e ) {
"Exception $excep not thrown in AbuseFilterParser::$caller"
$this->fail( "Exception $excep not thrown in AbuseFilterParser::$caller" );
* Test the 'expectednotfound' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelSet
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelConditions
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelBraces
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelFunction
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelAtom
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::skipOverBraces
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelArrayElements
* @dataProvider expectedNotFound
public function testExpectedNotFoundException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'expectednotfound', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testExpectedNotFoundException.
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function expectedNotFound() {
return [
[ 'a:= [1,2,3]; a[1 = 4', 'doLevelSet' ],
[ "if 1 = 1 'foo'", 'doLevelConditions' ],
[ "if 1 = 1 then 'foo'", 'doLevelConditions' ],
[ "if 1 = 1 then 'foo' else 'bar'", 'doLevelConditions' ],
[ "a := 1 = 1 ? 'foo'", 'doLevelConditions' ],
[ '(1 = 1', 'doLevelBraces' ],
[ 'lcase = 3', 'doLevelFunction' ],
[ 'lcase( 3 = 1', 'doLevelFunction' ],
[ 'a := [1,2', 'doLevelAtom' ],
[ '1 = 1 | (', 'skipOverBraces' ],
[ 'a := [1,2,3]; 3 = a[5', 'doLevelArrayElements' ],
* Test the 'unexpectedatend' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelEntry
* @dataProvider unexpectedAtEnd
public function testUnexpectedAtEndException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'unexpectedatend', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testUnexpectedAtEndException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function unexpectedAtEnd() {
return [
[ "'a' = 1 )", 'doLevelEntry' ],
* Test the 'unrecognisedvar' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelSet
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::getVarValue
* @dataProvider unrecognisedVar
public function testUnrecognisedVarException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'unrecognisedvar', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testUnrecognisedVarException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function unrecognisedVar() {
return [
[ 'a[1] := 5', 'doLevelSet' ],
[ 'a = 5', 'getVarValue' ],
* Test the 'notarray' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelSet
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelArrayElements
* @dataProvider notArray
public function testNotArrayException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'notarray', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testNotArrayException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function notArray() {
return [
[ 'a := 5; a[1] = 5', 'doLevelSet' ],
[ 'a := 1; 3 = a[5]', 'doLevelArrayElements' ],
* Test the 'outofbounds' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelSet
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelArrayElements
* @dataProvider outOfBounds
public function testOutOfBoundsException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'outofbounds', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testOutOfBoundsException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function outOfBounds() {
return [
[ 'a := [2]; a[5] = 9', 'doLevelSet' ],
[ 'a := [1,2,3]; 3 = a[5]', 'doLevelArrayElements' ],
* Test the 'unrecognisedkeyword' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelAtom
* @dataProvider unrecognisedKeyword
public function testUnrecognisedKeywordException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'unrecognisedkeyword', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testUnrecognisedKeywordException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function unrecognisedKeyword() {
return [
[ '5 = rlike', 'doLevelAtom' ],
* Test the 'unexpectedtoken' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::doLevelAtom
* @dataProvider unexpectedToken
public function testUnexpectedTokenException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'unexpectedtoken', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testUnexpectedTokenException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function unexpectedToken() {
return [
[ '1 =? 1', 'doLevelAtom' ],
* Test the 'disabledvar' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::getVarValue
* @dataProvider disabledVar
public function testDisabledVarException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'disabledvar', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testDisabledVarException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function disabledVar() {
return [
[ 'old_text = 1', 'getVarValue' ],
* Test the 'overridebuiltin' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::setUserVariable
* @dataProvider overrideBuiltin
public function testOverrideBuiltinException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'overridebuiltin', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testOverrideBuiltinException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function overrideBuiltin() {
return [
[ 'added_lines := 1', 'setUserVariable' ],
* Test the 'regexfailure' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcRCount
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcGetMatches
* @dataProvider regexFailure
public function testRegexFailureException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'regexfailure', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testRegexFailureException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function regexFailure() {
return [
[ "rcount('(','a')", 'funcRCount' ],
[ "get_matches('this (should fail', 'any haystack')", 'funcGetMatches' ],
* Test the 'invalidiprange' exception
* @param string $expr The expression to test
* @param string $caller The function where the exception is thrown
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcIPInRange
* @dataProvider invalidIPRange
public function testInvalidIPRangeException( $expr, $caller ) {
$this->exceptionTest( 'invalidiprange', $expr, $caller );
* Data provider for testInvalidIPRangeException
* The second parameter is the function where the exception is raised.
* One expression for each throw.
* @return array
public function invalidIPRange() {
return [
[ "ip_in_range('', 'lol')", 'funcIPInRange' ],
* Test functions which take exactly one parameters calling them
* without 0 params. They should throw a 'noparams' exception.
* @param string $func The function to test
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::checkEnoughArguments
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcLc
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcUc
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcLen
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcSpecialRatio
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcCount
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcRCount
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcCCNorm
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcSanitize
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcRMSpecials
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcRMWhitespace
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcRMDoubles
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcNorm
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcStrRegexEscape
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::castString
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::castInt
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::castFloat
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::castBool
* @dataProvider oneParamFuncs
* @expectedException AFPUserVisibleException
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /^No parameters given to function/
public function testNoParamsException( $func ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
$parser->parse( "$func()" );
* Data provider for testNoParamsException, returns a list of
* functions taking a single parameter
* @return array
public function oneParamFuncs() {
return [
[ 'lcase' ],
[ 'ucase' ],
[ 'length' ],
[ 'strlen' ],
[ 'specialratio' ],
[ 'count' ],
[ 'rcount' ],
[ 'ccnorm' ],
[ 'sanitize' ],
[ 'rmspecials' ],
[ 'rmwhitespace' ],
[ 'rmdoubles' ],
[ 'norm' ],
[ 'rescape' ],
[ 'string' ],
[ 'int' ],
[ 'float' ],
[ 'bool' ],
* Test functions taking two parameters by providing only one.
* They should throw a 'notenoughargs' exception.
* @param string $func The function to test
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::checkEnoughArguments
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcGetMatches
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcIPInRange
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcContainsAny
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcContainsAll
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcCCNormContainsAny
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcCCNormContainsAll
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcEqualsToAny
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcSubstr
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcStrPos
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcSetVar
* @dataProvider twoParamsFuncs
* @expectedException AFPUserVisibleException
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /^Not enough arguments to function [^ ]+ called at character \d+.\nExpected 2 arguments, got 1/
public function testNotEnoughArgsExceptionTwo( $func ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
// Nevermind if the argument can't be string since we check the amount
// of parameters before anything else.
$parser->parse( "$func('foo')" );
* Data provider for testNotEnoughArgsExceptionTwo, returns the list of
* functions taking two parameters.
* @return array
public function twoParamsFuncs() {
return [
[ 'get_matches' ],
[ 'ip_in_range' ],
[ 'contains_any' ],
[ 'contains_all' ],
[ 'ccnorm_contains_any' ],
[ 'ccnorm_contains_all' ],
[ 'equals_to_any' ],
[ 'substr' ],
[ 'strpos' ],
[ 'set_var' ],
* Test functions taking three parameters by providing only two.
* They should throw a 'notenoughargs' exception.
* @param string $func The function to test
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::checkEnoughArguments
* @covers AbuseFilterParser::funcStrReplace
* @dataProvider threeParamsFuncs
* @expectedException AFPUserVisibleException
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /^Not enough arguments to function [^ ]+ called at character \d+.\nExpected 3 arguments, got 2/
public function testNotEnoughArgsExceptionThree( $func ) {
$parser = self::getParser();
// Nevermind if the argument can't be string since we check the amount
// of parameters before anything else.
$parser->parse( "$func('foo', 'bar')" );
* Data provider for testNotEnoughArgsExceptionThree, returns the list of
* functions taking three parameters.
* @return array
public function threeParamsFuncs() {
return [
[ 'str_replace' ],
* Check that deprecated variables are correctly translated to the new ones with a debug notice
* @param string $old The old name of the variable
* @param string $new The new name of the variable
* @dataProvider provideDeprecatedVars
public function testDeprecatedVars( $old, $new ) {
$loggerMock = new TestLogger();
$loggerMock->setCollect( true );
$this->setLogger( 'AbuseFilter', $loggerMock );
$parser = self::getParser();
$actual = $parser->parse( "$old === $new" );
$loggerBuffer = $loggerMock->getBuffer();
// Check that the use has been logged
$found = false;
foreach ( $loggerBuffer as $entry ) {
$check = preg_match( '/AbuseFilter: deprecated variable/', $entry[1] );
if ( $check ) {
$found = true;
if ( !$found ) {
$this->fail( "The use of the deprecated variable $old was not logged." );
$this->assertTrue( $actual, "AbuseFilter deprecated variable $old is not parsed correctly" );
* Data provider for testDeprecatedVars
* @return array
public function provideDeprecatedVars() {
$deprecated = AbuseFilter::$deprecatedVars;
$data = [];
foreach ( $deprecated as $old => $new ) {
$data[] = [ $old, $new ];
return $data;