"abusefilter-desc":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab",
"abusefilter":"D sã n wa tar zu-loees ne b sẽn maandã, d segd n baooda d mens sõma.",
"abuselog":"Dũniyã gill zugu",
"abusefilter-intro":"Wilgd-y tɩ d wa ges b sẽn get b yel-wẽnã to-to wã. Bãngr-gomdã pʋgẽ, b tõe n kɩtame tɩ b bãng tɩ b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã pa nana ye. Sõngr-kãngã wilgda sõngr sẽn be filtrã pʋgẽ, la kɩtdame tɩ b tõe n toeem-b lame.",
"abusefilter-mustviewprivateoredit":"Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n tall segl-kãngã, yaa sẽn na yɩl n paam n ges b toorẽ wã n pa tõe n maan yel-wẽn-kãsemse, bɩ b toeem yel-wẽnã, la b tõe n tũ ne nin-kãensã.",
"abusefilter-warning":"'''Gʋls-y-yã:''' Tʋʋm-kãngã paama bãnd tɩ yaa wẽng wʋsgo. Y sã n maand bũmb sẽn pa yɩ sõma, y na n basa rẽ tao-tao, la y sã n maand-a-la woto naoor wʋsgo, y na yɩl n pa le tõe n maan-a ye. Y sã n tẽed tɩ tʋʋm-kãngã tara yõod wʋsgo, y tõe n lebs n kõ-a-la a kaset n wilg tɩ y sɩd kɩsa sɩd ne-a. Y sẽn maan bũmb ningã sẽn zems ne yel-wẽnã wɛɛngẽ wã sõsg bilf yaa: $1",
"abusefilter-disallowed":"B wilgame tɩ tʋʋm-kãngã yaa wẽng n yɩɩd, la tɩ rẽ yĩnga, b pa sak ye. Y sã n tẽed tɩ y sẽn maan bũmbã yaa sõma, bɩ y wilg y taoor soab bũmb ning y sẽn da maandã. Y sẽn maan bũmb ningã sẽn zems ne yel-wẽnã wɛɛngẽ wã sõsg bilf yaa: $1",
"abusefilter-blocked-display":"B wilgame tɩ tʋʋm-kãngã yaa wẽng n kɩt tɩ y pa tõe n maan-a ye. Sẽn paase, sẽn na yɩl n kogl {{SITENAME}}, b gɩdgame tɩ y pa tõe n modifise y sõssã la y IP-rɩll nins fãa sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã ye. Y sã n wa maan woto ne yel-wẽnde, bɩ y sõs ne administratorã. Y sẽn maan bũmb ningã sẽn zems ne yel-wẽnã wɛɛngẽ wã sõsg bilf yaa: $1",
"abusefilter-degrouped":"B wilgame tɩ tʋʋm-kãngã yaa wẽng wʋsgo. Rẽ n so tɩ b pa le sak n kõ-a sor ye. La b sẽn tẽed tɩ b sãamda yãmb sõsgã yĩnga, b basa yãmb sorã fãa. Y sã n tẽed tɩ y maan woto ne yel-wẽnde, bɩ y tɩ sõs ne burookraat sẽn na n wilg-y bũmb ning y sẽn maanã, la y tõe n paama y droitã. Y sẽn maan bũmb ningã sẽn zems ne yel-wẽnã wɛɛngẽ wã sõsg bilf yaa: $1",
"abusefilter-autopromote-blocked":"B wilgame tɩ tʋʋm-kãngã yaa wẽng n yɩɩd, la b gɩdg-a lame. Sẽn paase, b sẽn na n maan tɩ y paam bãanã, b basa y sõor kẽer wakat bilf n bas y sõorã. Y sẽn maan bũmb ningã sẽn zems ne yel-wẽnã wɛɛngẽ wã sõsg bilf yaa: $1",
"abusefilter-blocker":"Dũniyã gill zugu",
"abusefilter-blockreason":"B sẽn da pa rat tɩ b maan yel-wẽnã, b gɩdg-a lame. Sõng-n-taag sẽn zemsã description: $1",
"abusefilter-degroupreason":"Sẽn yaa tɩlae ne-a wã, a sã n wa rat n maan yel-wẽn-kãsems a to wã, a segd n paama sor n kõ-a. Sõng-n-taarã yel-bũndã: $1",
"abusefilter-blockautopromotereason":"B sẽn da wa n maand bũmb tɩ b pa tõe n maan bũmb ning sẽn yaa wẽngã yĩnga, b ra pa tõe n tʋm-a ye. Sõng-n-taarã yel-bũndã: $1",
"abusefilter-accountreserved":"Sõng-kãngã yaa sõng-n-taag sẽn na n tũnug ne sõng-no-kãnga.",
"right-abusefilter-modify":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab",
"right-abusefilter-view":"Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã",
"right-abusefilter-log":"Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã",
"right-abusefilter-log-detail":"Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã",
"right-abusefilter-privatedetails":"Ges-y ned sẽn pa mi a meng yell yel-beedã log-n-taagẽ",
"right-abusefilter-privatedetails-log":"Ges-y AbuseFilter ned sẽn pa tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã logã",
"right-abusefilter-modify-restricted":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova",
"right-abusefilter-revert":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yood-y n wilg y sẽn maan-b to-to",
"right-abusefilter-view-private":"Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã",
"right-abusefilter-log-private":"Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã",
"right-abusefilter-hide-log":"Yãk-y n ning y sõssã b sẽn gʋlsã",
"right-abusefilter-hidden-log":"Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã",
"right-abusefilter-modify-global":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab",
"action-abusefilter-modify":"Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã",
"action-abusefilter-view":"Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn maand tɩ b pa tar yõodã",
"action-abusefilter-log":"Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã",
"action-abusefilter-log-detail":"Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã",
"action-abusefilter-privatedetails":"Ges-y ned sẽn pa mi a meng yell yel-beedã log-n-taagẽ",
"action-abusefilter-privatedetails-log":"Ges-y AbuseFilter ned sẽn pa tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be a pʋgẽ wã logã",
"action-abusefilter-modify-restricted":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a Zeova",
"action-abusefilter-revert":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yood-y n wilg y sẽn maan-b to-to",
"action-abusefilter-view-private":"Ges-y yel-bũnd nins sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar yõod ne nebã",
"action-abusefilter-log-private":"Ges-y yel-bũnd sẽn wilgd tɩ b pa tar sor n na n maan yel-bũnã",
"action-abusefilter-hide-log":"b sẽn gʋls bũmb nins b sẽn maand tɩ b pa miẽ wã",
"action-abusefilter-hidden-log":"Ges-y yel-wẽn-maandb log-rãmb sẽn be sõssã",
"action-abusefilter-modify-global":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda Yãk n tool-yã a taab",
"abusefilter-log-details-privatedetails":"Sõng-y-yã a Zeova",
"abusefilter-log-details-checkuser":"Sõngd- y n ges sẽn dat n maan-yã",
"abusefilter-log-details-diff":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"abusefilter-log-linkoncontribs":"b sẽn maan bũmb ninsã",
"abusefilter-log-linkonhistory":"Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã",
"abusefilter-log-linkonhistory-text":"Gese kẽesgo ni neng kada",
"abusefilter-log-linkonundelete":"Ges-y b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã sɛbã",
"abusefilter-log-linkonundelete-text":"Gese kẽesgo ni neng kada",
"abusefilter-log-hidden-implicit":"(b sẽn solg tɩ b sẽn leoke wã yĩnga)",
"abusefilter-log-cannot-see-details":"Yãmb pa tar sor n na n yã sõss ning sẽn be sõssã pʋgẽ wã ye.",
"abusefilter-log-cannot-see-privatedetails":"Yãmb pa tar sor n na n yã sõssã sẽn yaa to-to wã ye.",
"abusefilter-log-nonexistent":"B pa tõe n gʋls ned sẽn tar a yʋ-peelmã ye.",
"abusefilter-log-details-hidden":"Y pa tõe n yã sõss ning sẽn be sõssã pʋgẽ wã sõssã ye, bala b pa tõe n bãng-a nebã ye.",
"abusefilter-log-details-hidden-implicit":"Fo pa tõe n yã sõss ning sẽn be sõssã pʋgẽ wã sõssã ye, bala, b pa tõe n bãng sõssã sẽn yaa to-to wã ye.",
"abusefilter-log-private-not-included":"Y sẽn wilg tɩ filterã ned a yembr bɩ a taab yaa ned sẽn pa mi a taabã. Sẽn mik tɩ b pa le kõt-y sor n na n ges sogs-kãensã sõor ye, b pa bao sogs-kãens ye.",
"abusefilter-edit-oldwarning":"<strong>Yãmb tara filtar-kãngã version sẽn pa sɩngdã. Sõngr ning b sẽn wilgã yaa a sẽn yaa a sẽn lebg n wa n lebg n wa wã. Y sã n tall y toeemã, y na n basa y sẽn toeemã fãa sẽn sɩng ne y sẽn maandã.</strong> [[Special:AbuseFilter/history/$2|Return to this filter's history]]",
"abusefilter-edit-oldwarning-view":"<strong>Yãmb geta filtar kãngã sẽn yaa pĩnd soabã. Sõngr ning b sẽn wilgã yaa a sẽn yaa a sẽn lebg n wa n lebg n wa wã.</strong> [[Special:AbuseFilter/history/$2|Return to this filter's history]]",