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* Copyright (c) 2008 Andrew Garrett.
* Copyright (c) 2008 River Tarnell <>
* Derived from public domain code contributed by Victor Vasiliev.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
* implied warranty.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/utility/confix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/utility/chset.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/utility/loops.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/tree/ast.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/tree/tree_to_xml.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/symbols.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/utility/escape_char.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/regex/icu.hpp>
#include <unicode/uchar.h>
#include "aftypes.h"
#include "afstring.h"
#include "affunctions.h"
#include "fray.h"
#include "ast.h"
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
#include "parserdefs.h"
namespace afp {
template<typename T> struct parser_grammar;
template<typename charT>
struct basic_expressor : boost::noncopyable {
typedef boost::function<basic_datum<charT> (std::vector<basic_datum<charT> >)> func_t;
basic_datum<charT> evaluate(basic_fray<charT> const &expr) const;
void print_xml(std::ostream &strm, basic_fray<charT> const &expr) const;
void add_variable(basic_fray<charT> const &name, basic_datum<charT> const &value);
void add_function(basic_fray<charT> const &name, func_t value);
void clear();
void clear_functions();
void clear_variables();
parser_grammar<charT> *grammar_;
typedef basic_expressor<char> expressor;
typedef basic_expressor<UChar32> u32expressor;
using namespace boost::spirit;
* =============================
* This is the basic expression parser. It doesn't contain any AF logic
* itself, but rather presents an interface for the user to add custom
* functions and variables.
* The interface to the parser is the 'expressor' class. Use it like this:
* expressor e;
* e.add_variable("ONE", 1);
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
* e.add_function("f", myfunc);
* e.evaluate("ONE + 2"); -- returns 3
* Custom functions should have the following prototype:
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
* afp::basic_datum<charT> (std::vector<afp::basic_datum<charT>) const &args);
* Functions must return a value; they cannot be void. The arguments passed to
* the function are stored in the 'args' array in left-to-right order.
* The parser implements a C-like grammar with some differences. The following
* operators are available:
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
* a & b true if a and b are both true
* a | b true if either a or b is true
* a ^ b true if either a or b is true, but not if both are true
* a + b arithmetic
* a - b
* a * b
* a / b
* a % b
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
* a ** b power-of (a^b)
* a in b true if the string "b" contains the substring "a"
* a contains b true if b contains the string a
* a like b true if a matches the Unix glob b
* a matches b '' ''
* a rlike b true if a matches the Perl regex b
* a regex b '' ''
* !a true if a is false
* (a) same value as a
* a ? b : c if a is true, returns the value of b, otherwise c
* a == b comparison operators
* a != b
* a < b
* a <= b
* a > b
* a >= b
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* a === b returns true if a==b and both are the same type
* a !== b return true if a != b or they are different types
* The parser uses afp::datum for its variables. This means it supports
* strings, ints and floats, with automatic conversion between types.
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
* String constants are C-style. The standard C escapes \a \b \f \t \r \n \v are
* supported. \xHH encodes a 1-byte Unicode character, \uHHHH encodes a 2-byte
* Unicode characters, and \UHHHHHHHH encodes a 4-byte Unicode character.
* Numeric constants can be integers (e.g. 1), or floating pointers (e.g.
* 1., .1, 1.2).
* Function calls are f(arg1, arg2, ...).
* The grammar itself.
template<typename charT>
struct parser_grammar : public grammar<parser_grammar<charT> >
/* User-defined variables. */
symbols<basic_datum<charT>, charT > variables;
void add_variable(basic_fray<charT> const &name, basic_datum<charT> const &value) {
variables.add(name.c_str(), value);
/* User-defined functions. */
symbols<boost::function<basic_datum<charT> (std::vector<basic_datum<charT> >)>, charT > functions;
void add_function(
basic_fray<charT> const &name,
boost::function<basic_datum<charT> (std::vector<basic_datum<charT> >)> func) {
functions.add(name.c_str(), func);
symbols<int, charT> eq_opers, ord_opers, plus_opers, mult_opers, in_opers, bool_opers;
parser_grammar() {
eq_opers.add("=", 0);
eq_opers.add("==", 0);
eq_opers.add("===", 0);
eq_opers.add("!=", 0);
eq_opers.add("!==", 0);
eq_opers.add("/=", 0);
ord_opers.add("<", 0);
ord_opers.add("<=", 0);
ord_opers.add(">", 0);
ord_opers.add(">=", 0);
plus_opers.add("+", 0);
plus_opers.add("-", 0);
mult_opers.add("*", 0);
mult_opers.add("/", 0);
mult_opers.add("%", 0);
bool_opers.add("&", 0);
bool_opers.add("|", 0);
bool_opers.add("^", 0);
in_opers.add("in", 0);
in_opers.add("contains", 0);
in_opers.add("matches", 0);
in_opers.add("like", 0);
in_opers.add("rlike", 0);
in_opers.add("regex", 0);
template<typename ScannerT>
struct definition
parser_grammar const &self_;
definition(parser_grammar const &self)
: self_(self)
* A literal value. Either a string, a floating
* pointer number or an integer.
value =
| as_lower_d[ leaf_node_d[
oct_p >> 'o'
| hex_p >> 'x'
| bin_p >> 'b'
| int_p
] ]
| string
hexchar = chset<>("a-fA-F0-9")
octchar = chset<>("0-7")
c_string_char =
"\\x" >> hexchar >> hexchar
| "\\u" >> repeat_p(4)[hexchar]
| "\\U" >> repeat_p(8)[hexchar]
| "\\o" >> octchar >> octchar >> octchar
| "\\" >> anychar_p - (ch_p('x') | 'u' | 'o')
| anychar_p - (ch_p('"') | '\\')
* config_p can't be used here, because it will rewrite
* *(c_escape_ch_p[x]) into (*c_escape_ch_p)[x]
string = inner_node_d[
>> leaf_node_d[ *(c_string_char) ]
>> '"'
* A variable. If the variable is found in the
* user-supplied variable list, we use that.
* Otherwise, unknown variables (containing uppercase
* letters and underscore only) are returned as the
* empty string.
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
variable = leaf_node_d[ +(upper_p | '_') ]
* A function call: func([arg[, arg...]]).
function =
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
root_node_d[ leaf_node_d[
+(lower_p | '_')
] ]
>> inner_node_d[
>> ( tern_expr % discard_node_d[ch_p(',')] )
>> ')'
* A basic atomic value. Either a variable, function
* or literal, or a negated expression !a, or a
* parenthesised expression (a).
basic =
| variable
| function
| inner_node_d[ '(' >> tern_expr >> ')' ]
| root_node_d[ch_p('!')] >> tern_expr
| root_node_d[ch_p('+')] >> tern_expr
| root_node_d[ch_p('-')] >> tern_expr
* "a in b" operator
in_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.in_opers ] >> basic )
* power-of. This is right-associative.
pow_expr =
>> !( root_node_d[ str_p("**") ] >> pow_expr )
* Multiplication and operators with the same
* precedence.
mult_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.mult_opers ] >> pow_expr )
* Additional and operators with the same precedence.
plus_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.plus_opers ] >> mult_expr )
* Ordinal comparisons and operators with the same
* precedence.
ord_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.ord_opers ] >> plus_expr )
* Equality comparisons.
eq_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.eq_opers ] >> ord_expr )
* Boolean expressions.
bool_expr =
>> *( root_node_d[ self.bool_opers ] >> eq_expr )
* The ternary operator. Notice this is
* right-associative: a ? b ? c : d : e
* is supported.
tern_expr =
>> !(
root_node_d[ch_p('?')] >> tern_expr
>> discard_node_d[ch_p(':')] >> tern_expr
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_tern_expr> >
const &start() const {
return tern_expr;
rule<ScannerT> c_string_char, hexchar, octchar;
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_value> > value;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_variable> > variable;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_basic> > basic;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_bool_expr> > bool_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_ord_expr> > ord_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_eq_expr> > eq_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_pow_expr> > pow_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_mult_expr> > mult_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_plus_expr> > plus_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_in_expr> > in_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_function> > function;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_tern_expr> > tern_expr;
rule<ScannerT, parser_context<>, parser_tag<pid_string> > string;
template<typename charT>
: grammar_(new parser_grammar<charT>)
* We provide a couple of standard variables everyone wants.
add_variable(make_astring<charT>("true"), afp::basic_datum<charT>::from_int(true));
add_variable(make_astring<charT>("false"), afp::basic_datum<charT>::from_int(false));
* The cast functions.
add_function(make_astring<charT>("int"), &f_int<charT>);
add_function(make_astring<charT>("string"), &f_string<charT>);
add_function(make_astring<charT>("float"), &f_float<charT>);
template<typename charT>
delete grammar_;
* The user interface to evaluate an expression. It returns the result, or
* throws an exception if an error occurs.
template<typename charT>
basic_expressor<charT>::evaluate(basic_fray<charT> const &filter) const
using namespace boost::spirit;
typedef typename basic_fray<charT>::const_iterator iterator_t;
basic_datum<charT> ret;
tree_parse_info<iterator_t> info = ast_parse(filter.begin(), filter.end(), *grammar_,
2008-08-10 15:36:48 +00:00
chset<>("\r\n\t ") | comment_p("/*", "*/"));
if (info.full) {
ast_evaluator<charT, typename tree_match<iterator_t>::tree_iterator> ae(*grammar_);
return ae.tree_eval(info.trees.begin());
} else {
throw parse_error("parsing failed");
template<typename charT>
basic_expressor<charT>::print_xml(std::ostream &strm, basic_fray<charT> const &filter) const
using namespace boost::spirit;
typedef typename basic_fray<charT>::const_iterator iterator_t;
tree_parse_info<iterator_t> info = ast_parse(filter.begin(), filter.end(), *grammar_,
+chset<>("\n\t ") | comment_p("/*", "*/"));
if (info.full) {
std::map<parser_id, std::string> rule_names;
rule_names[pid_value] = "value";
rule_names[pid_variable] = "variable";
rule_names[pid_basic] = "basic";
rule_names[pid_bool_expr] = "bool_expr";
rule_names[pid_ord_expr] = "ord_expr";
rule_names[pid_eq_expr] = "eq_expr";
rule_names[pid_pow_expr] = "pow_expr";
rule_names[pid_mult_expr] = "mult_expr";
rule_names[pid_plus_expr] = "plus_expr";
rule_names[pid_in_expr] = "in_expr";
rule_names[pid_function] = "function";
rule_names[pid_tern_expr] = "tern_expr";
rule_names[pid_string] = "string";
tree_to_xml(strm, info.trees, "", rule_names);
} else {
throw parse_error("parsing failed");
template<typename charT>
template<typename charT>
symbols<basic_datum<charT>, charT > variables;
grammar_->variables = variables;
template<typename charT>
symbols<boost::function<basic_datum<charT> (std::vector<basic_datum<charT> >)>, charT > functions;
grammar_->functions = functions;
template<typename charT>
basic_expressor<charT>::add_variable(basic_fray<charT> const &name, basic_datum<charT> const &value)
grammar_->add_variable(name, value);
template<typename charT>
basic_expressor<charT>::add_function(basic_fray<charT> const &name, func_t value)
grammar_->add_function(name, value);
} // namespace afp
#endif /* !EXPRESSOR_H */