Ostrzyciel 949d97cdb6 Fix errors when using the DB readonly mode
AJAXPoll used to throw random DB errors when the DB is in readonly
mode, that should be fixed now. Also fixed a few minor bugs
encountered on the way.

Bug: T205219
Change-Id: I079b2876e01ab8e9916fcc8121d7f4c9a23f00a8
2020-01-29 10:57:08 +01:00

39 lines
2.6 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Dariusz Siedlecki",
"Thomas Gries"
"apihelp-pollsubmitvote-description": "AJAXPoll API module",
"apihelp-pollsubmitvote-summary": "AJAXPoll API module",
"apihelp-pollsubmitvote-param-poll": "Poll ID, such as 832A5FA2C2583A5732B90CEFF658FE25; IDs are formed by hashing the input (question + answer options, i.e. the text between <code>&lt;poll&gt;...&lt;/poll&gt;</code> tags) with MD5 hashing algorithm and converting the result to UPPERCASE with PHP's <code>strtoupper</code> function",
"apihelp-pollsubmitvote-param-answer": "Numerical answer option identifier; use 0 to revoke a previously cast vote",
"apihelp-pollsubmitvote-example-1": "Submit the third (3) answer to the poll that has the ID 832A5FA2C2583A5732B90CEFF658FE25",
"ajaxpoll-desc": "Allows AJAX-based polls with <code>&lt;poll&gt;</code> tag",
"ajaxpoll-tracking-category": "Pages with a poll",
"ajaxpoll-tracking-category-desc": "The page has a <code>&lt;poll&gt;</code>.",
"ajaxpoll-vote-update": "Your vote has been updated.",
"ajaxpoll-vote-add": "Your vote has been added.",
"ajaxpoll-vote-error": "There was a problem with processing your vote, please try again.",
"ajaxpoll-percent-votes": "$1% of all votes",
"ajaxpoll-your-vote": "You voted for \"$1\" on $3 at $4. You can change your vote by clicking a different answer below.",
"ajaxpoll-no-vote": "Please vote below.",
"ajaxpoll-no-vote-results-after-voting": "Please vote below. Results will be shown when you have voted.",
"ajaxpoll-info": "There {{PLURAL:$1|was one vote|were $1 votes}} since the poll was created on $2.",
"ajaxpoll-submitting": "Please wait, submitting your vote.",
"ajaxpoll-vote-permission": "You are not entitled to vote.",
"ajaxpoll-readonly": "This poll cannot be voted on, the database is locked for the following reason: $1.",
"ajaxpoll-view-results-permission": "You are not entitled to view results of this poll.",
"ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote-permission": "You are not entitled to view results of this poll before you have voted.",
"ajaxpoll-revoke-vote": "I want to revoke my vote",
"ajaxpoll-vote-revoked": "Your vote has been revoked.",
"right-ajaxpoll-vote": "Can vote in AJAX-based polls",
"right-ajaxpoll-view-results": "Can view results in AJAX-based polls",
"right-ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote": "Can view results in AJAX-based polls before having voted",
"action-ajaxpoll-vote": "vote in AJAX-based polls",
"action-ajaxpoll-view-results": "view results in AJAX-based polls",
"action-ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote": "view results in AJAX-based polls before having voted"