{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Jack Phoenix", "John Reid" ] }, "ajaxpoll-desc": "Allous AJAX-based polls wi <poll> tag", "ajaxpoll-tracking-category": "Pages wi ae poll", "ajaxpoll-tracking-category-desc": "This page haes ae <poll>.", "ajaxpoll-vote-update": "Yer vote haes been updated.", "ajaxpoll-vote-add": "Yer vote haes been eikit.", "ajaxpoll-vote-error": "Thaur wis ae problem wi processing yer vote, please try again.", "ajaxpoll-percent-votes": "$1% o aw votes", "ajaxpoll-your-vote": "Ye voted fer \"$1\" oan $3 at $4. Ye can chynge yer vote bi clapin ae different answer ablow.", "ajaxpoll-no-vote": "Please vote ablow.", "ajaxpoll-no-vote-results-after-voting": "Please vote ablow. Results will be shawn whan ye'v voted.", "ajaxpoll-info": "Thaur {{PLURAL:$1|wis yin vote|were $1 votes}} sin the poll wis cræftit oan $2.", "ajaxpoll-submitting": "Please wait, haunin in yer vote.", "ajaxpoll-vote-permission": "Ye'r na permitit tae vote.", "ajaxpoll-view-results-permission": "Ye'r naw permittit tae see the ootcomes o this poll.", "ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote-permission": "Ye'r na permitit tae see the ootcomes o this poll afore ye'v voted.", "ajaxpoll-revoke-vote": "I wish tae revoke ma vote", "ajaxpoll-vote-revoked": "Yer vote haes been revoked.", "right-ajaxpoll-vote": "Can vote in AJAX-based polls", "right-ajaxpoll-view-results": "Can see the ootcomes in the AJAX-based polls", "right-ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote": "Can see the ootcomes in the AJAX-based polls afore votein", "action-ajaxpoll-vote": "vote in AJAX-based polls", "action-ajaxpoll-view-results": "see the ootcomes in the AJAX-based polls", "action-ajaxpoll-view-results-before-vote": "see the ootcomes in the AJAX-based polls afore votein" }