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use Wikia\Logger\WikiaLogger;
abstract class NodeSanitizer implements NodeTypeSanitizerInterface {
private $rootNodeTag = 'body';
* Sanitizer configuration
* Can be overridden by child classes
// these are selectors for explicitly allowed tags, like 'a'
protected $allowedTags = [ ];
// these are valid 'internal' node names (per libxml convention, i.e. a, #text, etc)
protected $validNodeNames = [ '#text' ];
// these are selectors that describe nodes containing text that should be padded with whitespace
protected $selectorsWrappingTextToPad = [ ];
// these are selectors that describe root nodes of known features that should not be sanitized
protected $selectorsWrappingAllowedFeatures = [ ];
// these are selectors that describe nodes for full removal
protected $selectorsForFullRemoval = [ ];
* Sanitize a single text element, i.e. title or label
* @param $elementText
* @return string
protected function sanitizeElementData( $elementText ) {
$dom = HtmlHelper::createDOMDocumentFromText( $this->prepareValidXML( $elementText ) );
$elementTextAfterTrim = trim( $this->cleanUpDOM( $dom ) );
if ( $elementTextAfterTrim !== $elementText ) {
'Stripping HTML tags from infobox element',
'originalText' => $elementText,
'trimmedText' => $elementTextAfterTrim
$elementText = $elementTextAfterTrim;
return $elementText;
* Wraps text in root node and prefixes with XML header providing explicit encoding
* @param $elementText
* @return string
protected function prepareValidXML( $elementText ) {
$wrappedText = implode('',[
\Xml::openElement( $this->rootNodeTag ),
\Xml::closeElement( $this->rootNodeTag )
return $wrappedText;
* Removes nodes that do not need to remain in the resulting output. By default leaves only text nodes
* @param $dom DOMDocument
* @return string
protected function cleanUpDOM( $dom ) {
$xpath = new \DOMXPath( $dom );
$this->removeNodesBySelector( $xpath, $this->selectorsForFullRemoval );
$nodes = $this->extractNeededNodes( $xpath );
return $this->normalizeWhitespace( $this->generateHTML( $nodes, $dom ) );
* Produces sanitized HTML markup from DOMNode array
* @param $nodes array of DOMNode
* @param $dom DOMDocument
* @return string
protected function generateHTML( $nodes, $dom ) {
$result = [ ];
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
$outputHtml = $rawHtml = $dom->saveHTML( $node );
if ( $node->nodeName === '#text' ) {
// As the input text is already escaped, we make sure that our output will be escaped too
$outputHtml = htmlspecialchars( $rawHtml, ENT_QUOTES );
if ( $node->parentNode && in_array( $node->parentNode->nodeName, $this->selectorsWrappingTextToPad ) ) {
$outputHtml = sprintf( ' %s ', $rawHtml );
$result[] = $outputHtml;
return implode( '', $result );
* Replaces multiple whitespaces with single ones.
* Transparent from non-preformatted HTML point of view
* @param $text string
* @return string
protected function normalizeWhitespace( $text ) {
return mbereg_replace( "\s+", " ", $text );
* Returns xpath string covering all legal tag and text nodes concerning the sanitizer
* @return string
protected function getAllNodesXPath() {
$xpathExpressions = [ ];
foreach ( $this->selectorsWrappingAllowedFeatures as $selector ) {
$xpathExpressions [] = sprintf( '//%s//%s', $this->rootNodeTag, $selector );
foreach ( $this->allowedTags as $selector ) {
$xpathExpressions [] = sprintf( '//%s//%s', $this->rootNodeTag, $selector );
$xpathExpressions [] = sprintf( '//%s//text()', $this->rootNodeTag );
return implode( ' | ', $xpathExpressions );
* @param $DOMnode DOMNode
* @return bool
protected function shouldNodeBeRemoved( $DOMnode ) {
return ( $DOMnode && $DOMnode->nodeName === 'a' && $DOMnode->nodeValue === '' );
* @param $node DOMNode
* @return bool
protected function isNodeAllowedByTag( $node ) {
// tags that are explicitly allowed
if ( in_array( $node->nodeName, array_merge( $this->validNodeNames, $this->allowedTags ), true ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes nodes specified by tag completely
* @param $xpath DOMXPath
* @param $selectorsToRemove array
protected function removeNodesBySelector( $xpath, $selectorsToRemove = [ ] ) {
foreach ( $selectorsToRemove as $selector ) {
$nodesToRemove = $xpath->query( sprintf( '//%s//%s', $this->rootNodeTag, $selector ) );
foreach ( $nodesToRemove as $node ) {
$node->parentNode->removeChild( $node );
* Returns nodes that have contents allowed by current sanitizer's config
* @param $xpath DOMXPath
* @param $allowedTags
* @return array of DOMNode
protected function extractNeededNodes( $xpath ) {
$nodes = [ ];
$featureNodes = [ ];
$allNodes = $xpath->query( $this->getAllNodesXPath() );
foreach ( $allNodes as $node ) {
if ( $this->shouldNodeBeProcessed( $node, $nodes, $featureNodes, $xpath ) ) {
$nodes [] = $node;
// Store the information that a given feature node was processed
if ( $this->isAllowedFeatureNode( $node, $xpath ) ) {
$featureNodes [] = $node;
return $nodes;
* Checks if current node is a wrapping tag for a feature
* @param $node DOMNode
* @param $xpath DOMXPath
* @return bool
protected function isAllowedFeatureNode( $node, $xpath ) {
foreach ( $this->selectorsWrappingAllowedFeatures as $selector ) {
$nodeQueryResult = $xpath->query( sprintf( '//%s//%s', $this->rootNodeTag, $selector ), $node );
if ( $nodeQueryResult->length ) {
return true;
return false;
* Used for skipping processing on subnodes of feature nodes (i.e. citation)
* @param $node DOMNode
* @param $nodes
* @param $featureNodes
* @return bool
protected function isDescendantOfProcessedFeatureNode( $node, $featureNodes ) {
$parent = $node->parentNode;
while ( $parent ) {
if ( in_array( $parent, $featureNodes, true ) ) {
return true;
$parent = $parent->parentNode;
return false;
* @param $node
* @param $nodes
* @return bool
protected function isChildOfProcessedTagNode( $node, $nodes ) {
return (
in_array( $node->parentNode, $nodes, true )
&& $node->parentNode
&& $node->parentNode->childNodes->length === 1
* Returns whether a node should be fully processed based on multiple factors
* captured in submethods; the key two criteria are:
* - is it an allowed node (by tag or a selector)
* - is it excluded from processing because of its state (i.e. empty) or already processed ancestor nodes
* @param $node DOMNode
* @param $simpleTagNodes array of DOMNode
* @param $featureNodes array of DOMNode
* @param $xpath DOMXPath
* @return bool
protected function shouldNodeBeProcessed( $node, $simpleTagNodes, $featureNodes, $xpath ) {
return (
$this->isNodeAllowedByTag( $node, $this->allowedTags )
|| $this->isAllowedFeatureNode( $node, $xpath )
&& !$this->shouldNodeBeRemoved( $node )
&& !$this->isChildOfProcessedTagNode( $node, $simpleTagNodes )
&& !$this->isDescendantOfProcessedFeatureNode( $node, $featureNodes );