mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 02:00:25 +00:00
1826 lines
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1826 lines
56 KiB
class PortableInfoboxRenderServiceTest extends WikiaBaseTest {
protected function setUp() {
$this->setupFile = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../PortableInfobox.setup.php';
if ( !extension_loaded( 'mustache' ) ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( '"mustache" PHP extension needs to be loaded!' );
private function mockInfoboxRenderServiceHelper( $input ) {
$extendImageData = isset( $input['extendImageData'] ) ? $input['extendImageData'] : null;
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder( 'Wikia\PortableInfobox\Helpers\PortableInfoboxImagesHelper' )
->setMethods( [ 'extendImageData' ] )
$mock->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'extendImageData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $extendImageData ) );
$this->mockClass( 'Wikia\PortableInfobox\Helpers\PortableInfoboxImagesHelper', $mock );
* @param $html
* @return string
private function normalizeHTML( $html ) {
if ( empty( $html ) ) {
return '';
$DOM = new DOMDocument( '1.0' );
$DOM->formatOutput = true;
$DOM->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$DOM->loadXML( $html );
return $DOM->saveXML();
public function testEuropaThemeEnabled() {
$wrapper = new \Wikia\Util\GlobalStateWrapper( [ 'wgEnablePortableInfoboxEuropaTheme' => true ] );
$infoboxRenderService = new PortableInfoboxRenderService();
$output = $wrapper->wrap( function () use ( $infoboxRenderService ) {
return $infoboxRenderService->renderInfobox(
[ [ 'type' => 'title', 'data' => [ 'value' => 'Test' ] ] ], '', '', '', '' );
} );
$expected = $this->normalizeHTML( '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background pi-europa">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test</h2>
</aside>' );
$result = $this->normalizeHTML( $output );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
* @param $data
* @param $expected
* @dataProvider filterImagesDataProvider
public function testFilterImages( $data, $expected ) {
$method = ( new ReflectionClass( 'PortableInfoboxRenderService' ) )->getMethod( 'filterImageData' );
$method->setAccessible( true );
$renderService = new PortableInfoboxRenderService();
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $method->invokeArgs( $renderService, [ $data ] ) );
public function filterImagesDataProvider() {
return [
'data' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => 'caption1',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => 'caption2',
'isVideo' => false,
'expected' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => 'caption1',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => 'caption2',
'isVideo' => false,
'data' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => '',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => 'caption2',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name3',
'key' => 'key3',
'alt' => 'alt3',
'caption' => 'caption3',
'isVideo' => false,
'expected' => [
1 => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => 'caption2',
'isVideo' => false,
2 => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name3',
'key' => 'key3',
'alt' => 'alt3',
'caption' => 'caption3',
'isVideo' => false,
'data' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => 'caption1',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => '',
'isVideo' => false,
'expected' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => 'caption1',
'isVideo' => false,
'data' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => '',
'isVideo' => false,
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name2',
'key' => 'key2',
'alt' => 'alt2',
'caption' => '',
'isVideo' => false,
'expected' => [
'url' => 'some.url.com',
'name' => 'name1',
'key' => 'key1',
'alt' => 'alt1',
'caption' => '',
'isVideo' => false,
* @param $input
* @param $expectedOutput
* @param $description
* @param $mockParams
* @param $accentColor
* @param $accentColorText
* @dataProvider renderInfoboxDataProvider
public function testRenderInfobox( $input, $expectedOutput, $description, $mockParams, $accentColor, $accentColorText ) {
$this->mockInfoboxRenderServiceHelper( $mockParams );
$infoboxRenderService = new PortableInfoboxRenderService();
$actualOutput = $infoboxRenderService->renderInfobox( $input, '', '', $accentColor, $accentColorText );
$expectedHtml = $this->normalizeHTML( $expectedOutput );
$actualHtml = $this->normalizeHTML( $actualOutput );
$this->assertEquals( $expectedHtml, $actualHtml, $description );
public function renderInfoboxDataProvider() {
return [
'input' => [ ],
'output' => '',
'description' => 'Empty data should yield no infobox markup',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test Title</h2>
'description' => 'Only title',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title" style="background-color:#FFF;color:#000;">Test Title</h2>
'description' => 'Only title with custom colors',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '#FFF',
'accentColorText' => '#000'
'input' => [
'type' => 'image',
'data' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'name' => 'image',
'key' => 'image',
'caption' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
'isVideo' => false
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<figure class="pi-item pi-image">
<a href="http://image.jpg" class="image image-thumbnail" title="image alt">
<img src="http://thumbnail.jpg" srcset="http://thumbnail.jpg 1x, http://thumbnail2x.jpg 2x" class="pi-image-thumbnail" alt="image alt"
width="400" height="200" data-image-key="image" data-image-name="image"/>
<figcaption class="pi-item-spacing pi-caption">Lorem ipsum dolor</figcaption>
'description' => 'Only image',
'mockParams' => [
'extendImageData' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'caption' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
'name' => 'image',
'key' => 'image',
'width' => '400',
'height' => '200',
'thumbnail' => 'http://thumbnail.jpg',
'thumbnail2x' => 'http://thumbnail2x.jpg',
'media-type' => 'image',
'isVideo' => false
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'image',
'data' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'caption' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
'isVideo' => true,
'duration' => '1:20',
'name' => 'test',
'key' => 'test'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<figure class="pi-item pi-image">
<a href="http://image.jpg"
class="image image-thumbnail video video-thumbnail"
title="image alt">
<img src="http://thumbnail.jpg" srcset="http://thumbnail.jpg 1x, http://thumbnail2x.jpg 2x" class="pi-image-thumbnail"
alt="image alt" width="400" height="200" data-video-key="image"
<span class="thumbnail-play-icon-container">
<svg class="thumbnail-play-icon" viewBox="0 0 180 180" width="100%" height="100%">
<g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g opacity=".9" transform="rotate(90 75 90)">
<g fill="#000" filter="url(#a)"><rect id="b" width="150" height="150" rx="75"></rect></g>
<g fill="#FFF"><rect id="b" width="150" height="150" rx="75"></rect></g>
<path fill="#00D6D6" fill-rule="nonzero" d="M80.87 58.006l34.32 25.523c3.052 2.27 3.722 6.633 1.496 9.746a6.91 6.91 0 0 1-1.497 1.527l-34.32 25.523c-3.053 2.27-7.33 1.586-9.558-1.527A7.07 7.07 0 0 1 70 114.69V63.643c0-3.854 3.063-6.977 6.84-6.977 1.45 0 2.86.47 4.03 1.34z"></path>
<figcaption class="pi-item-spacing pi-caption">Lorem ipsum dolor</figcaption>
'description' => 'Only video',
'mockParams' => [
'extendImageData' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'caption' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor',
'name' => 'image',
'key' => 'image',
'width' => '400',
'height' => '200',
'thumbnail' => 'http://thumbnail.jpg',
'thumbnail2x' => 'http://thumbnail2x.jpg',
'media-type' => 'video',
'isVideo' => true,
'duration' => '1:20'
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'navigation',
'data' => [
'value' => 'navigation value',
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<nav class="pi-navigation pi-item-spacing pi-secondary-background pi-secondary-font">navigation value</nav>
'description' => 'navigation only',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Only pair',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'type' => 'image',
'data' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'name' => 'image',
'key' => 'image',
'isVideo' => false
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test Title</h2>
<figure class="pi-item pi-image">
<a href="http://image.jpg" class="image image-thumbnail" title="image alt">
<img src="http://thumbnail.jpg" srcset="http://thumbnail.jpg 1x, http://thumbnail2x.jpg 2x" class="pi-image-thumbnail" alt="image alt"
width="400" height="200" data-image-key="image" data-image-name="image"/>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Simple infobox with title, image and key-value pair',
'mockParams' => [
'extendImageData' => [
'alt' => 'image alt',
'url' => 'http://image.jpg',
'name' => 'image',
'key' => 'image',
'width' => '400',
'height' => '200',
'thumbnail' => 'http://thumbnail.jpg',
'thumbnail2x' => 'http://thumbnail2x.jpg',
'media-type' => 'image',
'isVideo' => false
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'type' => 'image',
'data' => [ ]
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test Title</h2>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Simple infobox with title, INVALID image and key-value pair',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test Title</h2>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Simple infobox with title, empty image and key-value pair',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'header',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Header'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'layout' => 'default',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">Test Title</h2>
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-header pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing pi-secondary-background">Test Header</h2>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Infobox with title, group with header and two key-value pairs',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Title'
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'header',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test Header'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'layout' => 'default',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title" style="background-color:#FFF;color:#000;">Test Title</h2>
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<h2 class="pi-item pi-header pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing pi-secondary-background" style="background-color:#FFF;color:#000;">Test Header</h2>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">test label</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value</div>
'description' => 'Infobox with title, group with header and two key-value pairs, custom accent color and accent text color',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '#FFF',
'accentColorText' => '#000'
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'header',
'data' => [
'value' => 'Test header'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label',
'value' => 'test value'
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<table class="pi-horizontal-group">
class="pi-header pi-secondary-font pi-secondary-background pi-item-spacing">Test header</caption>
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test label</th>
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test label</th>
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value</td>
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value</td>
'description' => 'Infobox with horizontal group',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => '',
'value' => 'test value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => '',
'value' => 'test value'
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<table class="pi-horizontal-group pi-horizontal-group-no-labels">
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value</td>
class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value</td>
'description' => 'Infobox with horizontal group without header and labels',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'navigation',
'data' => [
'value' => '<p>Links</p>'
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<nav class="pi-navigation pi-item-spacing pi-secondary-background pi-secondary-font">
'description' => 'Infobox with navigation',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
// horizontal group tests
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label 1',
'value' => 'test value 1'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label 2',
'value' => 'test value 2'
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<table class="pi-horizontal-group">
<th class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test label 1</th>
<th class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test label 2</th>
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 1</td>
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 2</td>
'description' => 'Horizontal group data without header',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'header',
'data' => [
'value' => 'test header'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => '',
'value' => 'test value 1'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'test label 2',
'value' => 'test value 2'
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<table class="pi-horizontal-group">
<caption class="pi-header pi-secondary-font pi-secondary-background pi-item-spacing">test header</caption>
<th class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing"/>
<th class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test label 2</th>
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 1</td>
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 2</td>
'description' => 'Horizontal group data with empty label',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => '',
'value' => 'test value 1'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => '',
'value' => 'test value 2'
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => null
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<table class="pi-horizontal-group pi-horizontal-group-no-labels">
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 1</td>
<td class="pi-horizontal-group-item pi-data-value pi-font pi-border-color pi-item-spacing">test value 2</td>
'description' => 'Horizontal group data with empty label',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 4',
'value' => 'test value 4',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 5',
'value' => 'test value 5',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 4</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 5</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 4</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 5</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 5 elements with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 4',
'value' => 'test value 4',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">Test 4</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">test value 4</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 4 elements with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of a single element with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 2,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 3 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 3 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 2 + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 2,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 7
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 3 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 3 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 2 + 1 with row size 7',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 2,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 2,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 2,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(2 / 2 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 2 + 2 + 2 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => null,
'layout' => 'default'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 4',
'value' => 'test value 4',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 5',
'value' => 'test value 5',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 6',
'value' => 'test value 6',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">Test 3</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value 3</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 4</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 5</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 6</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 4</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 5</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 6</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 1 + 1 + default + 1 + 1 + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 4',
'value' => 'test value 4',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 5',
'value' => 'test value 5',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 6',
'value' => 'test value 6',
'span' => null,
'layout' => 'default'
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 3 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 4</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 5</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 4</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 5</div>
<div class="pi-item pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color">
<h3 class="pi-data-label pi-secondary-font">Test 6</h3>
<div class="pi-data-value pi-font">test value 6</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + default with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 40,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(40 / 40 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(40 / 40 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 40 + 1 + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 40,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(40 / 40 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(40 / 40 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 1 + 40 + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 1',
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 2',
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'title value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 3',
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 1</h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 2</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">title value</h2>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">Test 3</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 1 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 1 + 1 + title + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''
'input' => [
'type' => 'group',
'data' => [
'value' => [
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => null,
'value' => 'test value 1',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => null,
'value' => 'test value 2',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'title',
'data' => [
'value' => 'title value'
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => null,
'value' => 'test value 3',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'type' => 'data',
'data' => [
'label' => 'Test 4',
'value' => 'test value 4',
'span' => 1,
'layout' => null
'layout' => null,
'collapse' => null,
'row-items' => 3
'output' => '<aside class="portable-infobox pi-background">
<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 1</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 2</div>
<h2 class="pi-item pi-item-spacing pi-title">title value</h2>
<section class="pi-item pi-smart-group pi-border-color">
<section class="pi-smart-group-head">
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);"></h3>
<h3 class="pi-smart-data-label pi-data-label pi-secondary-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">Test 4</h3>
<section class="pi-smart-group-body">
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 3</div>
<div class="pi-smart-data-value pi-data-value pi-font pi-item-spacing" style="width: calc(1 / 2 * 100%);">test value 4</div>
'description' => 'Flex wrapped group of 1 (no label) + 1 (no label) + title + 1 (no label) + 1 with row size 3',
'mockParams' => [ ],
'accentColor' => '',
'accentColorText' => ''