'use strict'; define('wikia.infoboxBuilder.ponto', ['wikia.window', 'ponto'], function (window, ponto) { function InfoboxBuilderPonto() { /** * sends wiki context to infobox builder in mercury * @returns {{isWikiaContext: boolean, isLoggedIn: boolean}} */ this.isWikiaContext = function () { return { isWikiaContext: true, isLoggedIn: window.wqUserName !== null ? true : false } }; /** * redirects to template page * @param {String} title * @returns {Boolean} */ this.redirectToTemplatePage = function (title) { window.location = window.location.origin + '/wiki/Template:' + title; return true; } } // PontoBaseHandler extension pattern - check Ponto documentation for details ponto.PontoBaseHandler.derive(InfoboxBuilderPonto); InfoboxBuilderPonto.getInstance = function() { return new InfoboxBuilderPonto(); }; return InfoboxBuilderPonto; });