execute(); } /** * @param string $text * @param bool $lineStart */ private function __construct( $text, $lineStart ) { $this->text = $text; $this->lineStart = $lineStart; } /** * @return bool */ private function hasOpenParagraph() { return $this->lastParagraph !== ''; } /** * If a pre or p is open, return the corresponding close tag and update * the state. If no tag is open, return an empty string. * @param bool $atTheEnd Omit trailing newline if we've reached the end. * @return string */ private function closeParagraph( $atTheEnd = false ) { $result = ''; if ( $this->hasOpenParagraph() ) { $result = '' . $this->lastParagraph . '>'; if ( !$atTheEnd ) { $result .= "\n"; } } $this->inPre = false; $this->lastParagraph = ''; return $result; } /** * getCommon() returns the length of the longest common substring * of both arguments, starting at the beginning of both. * * @param string $st1 * @param string $st2 * * @return int */ private function getCommon( $st1, $st2 ) { $shorter = min( strlen( $st1 ), strlen( $st2 ) ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $shorter; ++$i ) { if ( $st1[$i] !== $st2[$i] ) { break; } } return $i; } /** * Open the list item element identified by the prefix character. * * @param string $char * * @return string */ private function openList( $char ) { $result = $this->closeParagraph(); if ( $char === '*' ) { $result .= "
element, scan for and figure out what prefixes are there. if ( !$this->inPre ) { # Multiple prefixes may abut each other for nested lists. $prefixLength = strspn( $inputLine, '*#:;' ); $prefix = substr( $inputLine, 0, $prefixLength ); # eh? # ; and : are both from definition-lists, so they're equivalent # for the purposes of determining whether or not we need to open/close # elements. $prefix2 = str_replace( ';', ':', $prefix ); $t = substr( $inputLine, $prefixLength ); $this->inPre = (bool)$preOpenMatch; } else { # Don't interpret any other prefixes in preformatted text $prefixLength = 0; $prefix = $prefix2 = ''; $t = $inputLine; } # List generation if ( $prefixLength && $lastPrefix === $prefix2 ) { # Same as the last item, so no need to deal with nesting or opening stuff $output .= $this->nextItem( substr( $prefix, -1 ) ); $pendingPTag = false; if ( substr( $prefix, -1 ) === ';' ) { # The one nasty exception: definition lists work like this: # ; title : definition text # So we check for : in the remainder text to split up the # title and definition, without b0rking links. $term = $t2 = ''; if ( $this->findColonNoLinks( $t, $term, $t2 ) !== false ) { $t = $t2; // Trim whitespace in list items $output .= trim( $term ) . $this->nextItem( ':' ); } } } elseif ( $prefixLength || $lastPrefixLength ) { # We need to open or close prefixes, or both. # Either open or close a level... $commonPrefixLength = $this->getCommon( $prefix, $lastPrefix ); $pendingPTag = false; # Close all the prefixes which aren't shared. while ( $commonPrefixLength < $lastPrefixLength ) { // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset $output .= $this->closeList( $lastPrefix[$lastPrefixLength - 1] ); --$lastPrefixLength; } # Continue the current prefix if appropriate. if ( $prefixLength <= $commonPrefixLength && $commonPrefixLength > 0 ) { $output .= $this->nextItem( $prefix[$commonPrefixLength - 1] ); } # Close an open
tag, or if // thattag has just been opened if ( !$this->inPre || $preOpenMatch ) { // @todo T7718: paragraph closed $output .= $this->closeParagraph(); } if ( $preOpenMatch && !$preCloseMatch ) { $this->inPre = true; } $bqOffset = 0; while ( preg_match( '/<(\\/?)blockquote[\s>]/i', $t, $bqMatch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $bqOffset ) ) { $inBlockquote = !$bqMatch[1][0]; $bqOffset = $bqMatch[0][1] + strlen( $bqMatch[0][0] ); } $inBlockElem = !$closeMatch; } elseif ( !$inBlockElem && !$this->inPre ) { if ( substr( $t, 0, 1 ) == ' ' && ( $this->lastParagraph === 'pre' || trim( $t ) != '' ) && !$inBlockquote ) { # pre if ( $this->lastParagraph !== 'pre' ) { $pendingPTag = false; $output .= $this->closeParagraph() . ''; $this->lastParagraph = 'pre'; } $t = substr( $t, 1 ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/^(?: