getGallery( $marker ); return isset( $gallery ) ? array_map( function ( $image ) { return [ 'label' => $image[1], 'title' => $image[0] ]; }, $gallery->getimages() ) : []; } public static function getTabberData( $html ) { $data = []; $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $libXmlErrorSetting = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); // encode for correct load $doc->loadHTML( mb_convert_encoding( $html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8' ) ); libxml_clear_errors(); libxml_use_internal_errors( $libXmlErrorSetting ); $xpath = new \DOMXpath( $doc ); $divs = $xpath->query( '//div[@class=\'tabbertab\']' ); foreach ( $divs as $div ) { if ( preg_match( '/ src="(?:[^"]*\/)?([^"]*?)"/', $doc->saveXml( $div ), $out ) ) { $data[] = [ 'label' => $div->getAttribute( 'title' ), 'title' => $out[1] ]; } } return $data; } public function getData() { if ( !isset( $this->data ) ) { $this->data = []; // value passed to source parameter (or default) $value = $this->getRawValueWithDefault( $this->xmlNode ); $helper = $this->getImageHelper(); if ( $this->containsTabberOrGallery( $value ) ) { $this->data = $this->getImagesData( $value ); } else { $this->data = [ $this->getImageData( $value, $this->getValueWithDefault( $this->xmlNode->{self::ALT_TAG_NAME} ), $this->getValueWithDefault( $this->xmlNode->{self::CAPTION_TAG_NAME} ) ) ]; } } return $this->data; } /** * Checks if parser preprocessed string containg Tabber or Gallery extension * @param string $str String to check * @return bool */ private function containsTabberOrGallery( $str ) { return !empty( self::getMarkers( $str, self::TABBER ) ) || !empty( self::getMarkers( $str, self::GALLERY ) ); } private function getImagesData( $value ) { $helper = $this->getImageHelper(); $data = []; $items = array_merge( $this->getGalleryItems( $value ), $this->getTabberItems( $value ) ); foreach ( $items as $item ) { $mediaItem = $this->getImageData( $item['title'], $item['label'], $item['label'] ); if ( !!$mediaItem ) { $data[] = $mediaItem; } } return count( $data ) > 1 ? $helper->extendImageCollectionData( $data ) : $data; } private function getGalleryItems( $value ) { $galleryItems = []; $galleryMarkers = self::getMarkers( $value, self::GALLERY ); foreach ( $galleryMarkers as $marker ) { $galleryItems = array_merge( $galleryItems, self::getGalleryData( $marker ) ); } return $galleryItems; } private function getTabberItems( $value ) { $tabberItems = []; $tabberMarkers = self::getMarkers( $value, self::TABBER ); foreach ( $tabberMarkers as $marker ) { $tabberHtml = $this->getExternalParser()->parseRecursive( $marker ); $tabberItems = array_merge( $tabberItems, self::getTabberData( $tabberHtml ) ); } return $tabberItems; } /** * Prepare infobox image node data. * * @param $title * @param $alt * @param $caption * @return array */ private function getImageData( $title, $alt, $caption ) { $helper = $this->getImageHelper(); $titleObj = $title instanceof \Title ? $title : $this->getImageAsTitleObject( $title ); $fileObj = $helper->getFile( $titleObj ); if ( !isset( $fileObj ) || !$this->isTypeAllowed( $fileObj->getMediaType() ) ) { return []; } if ( $titleObj instanceof \Title ) { $this->getExternalParser()->addImage( $titleObj->getDBkey() ); } $mediatype = $fileObj->getMediaType(); $image = [ 'url' => $this->resolveImageUrl( $fileObj ), 'name' => $titleObj ? $titleObj->getText() : '', 'alt' => $alt ?? ( $titleObj ? $titleObj->getText() : null ), 'caption' => $caption ?: null, 'isImage' => in_array( $mediatype, [ MEDIATYPE_BITMAP, MEDIATYPE_DRAWING ] ), 'isVideo' => $mediatype === MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, 'isAudio' => $mediatype === MEDIATYPE_AUDIO, 'source' => $this->getXmlAttribute( $this->xmlNode, self::DATA_SRC_ATTR_NAME ) ]; if ( $image['isImage'] ) { $image = array_merge( $image, $helper->extendImageData( $fileObj, \PortableInfoboxRenderService::DEFAULT_DESKTOP_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, \PortableInfoboxRenderService::DEFAULT_DESKTOP_INFOBOX_WIDTH ) ); } return $image; } public function isEmpty() { $data = $this->getData(); foreach ( $data as $dataItem ) { if ( !empty( $dataItem['url'] ) ) { return false; } } return true; } public function getSources() { $sources = $this->extractSourcesFromNode( $this->xmlNode ); if ( $this->xmlNode->{self::ALT_TAG_NAME} ) { $sources = array_merge( $sources, $this->extractSourcesFromNode( $this->xmlNode->{self::ALT_TAG_NAME} ) ); } if ( $this->xmlNode->{self::CAPTION_TAG_NAME} ) { $sources = array_merge( $sources, $this->extractSourcesFromNode( $this->xmlNode->{self::CAPTION_TAG_NAME} ) ); } return array_unique( $sources ); } private function getImageAsTitleObject( $imageName ) { global $wgContLang; $title = \Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, FileNamespaceSanitizeHelper::getInstance()->sanitizeImageFileName( $imageName, $wgContLang ) ); return $title; } protected function getImageHelper() { if ( !isset( $this->helper ) ) { $this->helper = new PortableInfoboxImagesHelper(); } return $this->helper; } /** * Returns image url for given image title * @param File|null $file * @return string url or '' if image doesn't exist */ public function resolveImageUrl( $file ) { return $file ? $file->getUrl() : ''; } /** * Checks if file media type is allowed * @param string $type * @return bool */ private function isTypeAllowed( $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case MEDIATYPE_BITMAP: case MEDIATYPE_DRAWING: return $this->allowImage(); case MEDIATYPE_VIDEO: return $this->allowVideo(); case MEDIATYPE_AUDIO: return $this->allowAudio(); default: return false; } } /** * @return bool */ protected function allowImage() { $attr = $this->getXmlAttribute( $this->xmlNode, self::ALLOWIMAGE_ATTR_NAME ); return !( isset( $attr ) && strtolower( $attr ) === 'false' ); } /** * @return bool */ protected function allowVideo() { $attr = $this->getXmlAttribute( $this->xmlNode, self::ALLOWVIDEO_ATTR_NAME ); return !( isset( $attr ) && strtolower( $attr ) === 'false' ); } /* * @return bool */ protected function allowAudio() { $attr = $this->getXmlAttribute( $this->xmlNode, self::ALLOWAUDIO_ATTR_NAME ); return !( isset( $attr ) && strtolower( $attr ) === 'false' ); } }